Revised draft report section 5 (Collaborating with Env. Commission) — original pdf

5. Collaborating with the City’s Environmental Commission (4/25/2016) The Environmental Commission has oversight of the Watershed Protection Department. On January 13, 2016, a Mmembers of the Flood Mitigation Task Force briefed the Commission on January 13, 2016 about on the progress of the FMTF, with the intent to follow up with the Commission upon completion of the final report. The FMTF recommendation for the Environment Commission are: 1. When considering acquiring properties for green space or environmental protection, consider include the benefits of flood mitigation. 2. Ensure the Watershed Protection Department is funded and staffed at a level that ensures the maintenance and upkeep of the open and closed storm water systems to ensure public safety during massive rain events. 3. Review vegetation and riparian policies along open water drainage systems to ensure the policies are benefiting the public and not causing flooding, stoppage or backups of flood water. 4. Create a public forum whereby citizens can address the oversight body of the Watershed Protection Department to voice grievances, and seek avenues for navigating the bureaucracy. 5. Develop a process for tracking and following up on citizens’ grievances and concerns. Request an annual report on the status of grievances presented to the Environmental Commission. 6. As the oversight committee of the Watershed Protection Department, review the effectiveness and efficiency of the WPD’s performance measures.