Agenda — original pdf

Versión en español a continuación. Regular Meeting of the Ethics Review Commission Wednesday, September 9, 2020, 6:00 PM Ethics Review Commission to be held September 9, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance no later than Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 by Noon. All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the September 9, 2020 ETHICS REVIEW COMMISSION Meeting, residents must: •Call or email the board liaison at 512.974.2915 and no later than noon, (the day before the meeting). The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. •Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. •Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak, late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. •Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. •Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. •If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting here: Reunión del Ethics Review Commission FECHA de la reunion (September 9, 2020) La junta se llevará con modificaciones de distanciamiento social Se permitirán comentarios públicos por teléfono; no se permitirá ninguna entrada en persona. Todos los oradores deben registrarse con anticipación (September 8, 2020 antes del mediodía). Todos los comentarios públicos se producirán al comienzo de la reunión. 1 Para hablar de forma remota en la reunión, los residentes deben: • Llame o envíe un correo electrónico al enlace de la junta en Sue Palmer 512-974-2915 a más tardar al mediodía (el día antes de la reunión). La información requerida es el nombre del orador, los números de artículo sobre los que desean hablar, si están a favor / en contra / neutrales, y un número de teléfono o dirección de correo electrónico. • Una vez que se haya llamado o enviado por correo electrónico una solicitud para hablar al enlace de la junta, los residentes recibirán un correo electrónico o una llamada telefónica con el número de teléfono para llamar el día de la reunión programada. • Los oradores deben llamar al menos 15 minutos antes del inicio de la reunión para poder hablar, no se aceptarán personas que llamen tarde y no podrán hablar. • Los oradores se colocarán en una fila hasta que llegue el momento de hablar. • Los información pueden enviarse por correo electrónico a antes del mediodía del día anterior a la reunión programada. Esta información se proporcionará a los miembros de la Junta y la Comisión antes de la reunión. • Si esta reunión se transmite en vivo, los residentes pueden ver la reunión aquí: folletos u otra 2 ETHICS REVIEW COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 AT 6:00 P.M. VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING CURRENT COMMISSION MEMBERS: Chair Luis Soberon Debra Danburg Raafia Lari Nathan Ryan Pedro A. Villalobos AGENDA Vice-Chair J. Michael Ohueri Secretary Kenneth “Tray” Gober Betsy Greenberg Robin Lerner Mary Kahle Donna Beth McCormick CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, all citizen communications will occur at the beginning of the meeting. Speakers are limited to a maximum time limit of three minutes per speaker only on items listed below. 1. NEW BUSINESS Discussion and possible action regarding the following: Potential amendments to City Code Chapter 2-3 (City Auditor) related to the City Auditor’s investigative and referral authority. 2. OLD BUSINESS – PART ONE Discussion and possible action regarding the following: a. Transparency in the open meeting process, including the process for public speakers and the Commission’s jurisdiction and role. 3. STAFF BRIEFINGS Equity Office presentation on the creation and purpose of the City of Austin’s Equity Office – Brion Oaks, Chief Equity Officer. 3 4. OLD BUSINESS – PART TWO Discussion and possible action regarding the following: b. Equity Working Group (Commissioners Kahle, Lari and Ryan) status report and/or recommendations on: addressing issues of race, identity, and equity including: (i) planning for presentations or trainings by the Equity Office; (ii) helping focus the Commission’s evaluation of racial injustice and how the Commission can operate more fairly and effectively in light of racial injustice. c. Candidate forums update and potential rules for the live-stream virtual candidate forums moderated by the League of Women Voters, to include considerations such as the potential for a candidate’s loss of connectivity during the moderated candidate forum. d. Other Working group status reports and/or recommendations on the following. i. Working group one (Vice-Chair Ohueri and Commissioners Greenberg and Lerner) on the following subjects: - Commission sanctions including effectiveness, past cases, and recommendations. - Potential amendments to City Code, Chapter 2-7 (Ethics and Financial Disclosure). ii. Working group two (Chair Soberon, Secretary Gober, and Commissioner Lari) on the following subjects: - Commission procedures including effectiveness, past cases, and recommendations. - Scope of work of the Commission (powers, duties, and obligations), including effectiveness, past cases, and recommendations. - Potential amendments to the Rules of the Ethics Review Commission. - Best practices for city attorney opinions including effectiveness, past cases, and recommendations. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: AUGUST 12, 2020 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING. Discussion and possible action regarding the minutes for the August 12, 2020 regular commission meeting. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least two (2) days (48 hours) before the meeting date. 4 Please call Sue Palmer at the Law Department, at (512) 974-2915 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Ethics Review Commission, please contact Sue Palmer at (512) 974-2915 or Lynn Carter at (512) 974-2171. 5