Agenda Item 1: Draft Minutes November 15, 2023 Mtg — original pdf

1. 2. ECONOMIC PROSPERITY COMMISSION REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, November 15, 2023 The Economic Prosperity Commission convened in a Regular Called meeting on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, at 301 W. 2nd Street, Room 1101, Austin, TX. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Nahas called the Economic Prosperity Commission to order at 6:59pm. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance in Person: Vice Chair Michael Nahas (4), Luis Osta Lugo (8) Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Laura Dixon (Mayor), Benjamin Salazar (2), Amy Noel (7), Tina Cannon (9) Absent: Christiana Ponder (1), Isaiah Smith (3) Absent Excused: Chair Kelsey Hitchingham (10) Vacancy: District 5, District 6 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve minutes of the Economic Prosperity Commission September and October meetings Motions to approve the September 20 meeting minutes and the October 18 meeting minutes were approved, both on Commissioner Cannon’s motion and Commissioner Osta Lugo’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioners Ponder, Smith, and Hitchingham were absent. DISCUSSION Presentation by Economic Development staff on Project Connect and its impact on city’s efforts to promote construction, procurement, workforce development, and small business. Donald E. Jackson and Katherine Sobel, staff at the City of Austin’s Economic Development Department, presented an overview of the Project Connect transit plan and discussed local impacts and related resources of information. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES Presentations from working groups (Jobs, Procurement and Infrastructure) on established focus for each group and initial findings specific to the working group The Jobs, Procurement, and Infrastructure working groups did not have updates. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Discussed the possibility of changing the December 20 meeting from a Regular Called meeting to a social event, but commission unable to take action due to loss of quorum. Vice Chair Nahas adjourned the meeting at 8:10pm without objection. *********** These minutes were approved at the ________ meeting on Commissioner ____ motion and Commissioner ____ second on a ___ vote. 3.