Economic Prosperity CommissionJune 15, 2022

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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Economic Prosperity Commission REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, June 15, 2022 The Economic Prosperity Commission convened in a REGULAR CALLED meeting on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 301 W 2nd St., Austin, Texas. Chair Nathan Ryan called the Economic Prosperity Commission Meeting to order at 6:39p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Nathan Ryan, Vice Chair Kirsha Haverlah Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Larry Anazia, Alexis Taylor, Preston Tom, Will Townsend, Amy Noel, Kelsey Hitchingham. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No speakers registered to speak. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. 5. 6. Approve the minutes of the Economic Prosperity Commission Regular Meeting on May 18, 2022. The minutes from the meeting of 5/8/2022 were approved on Preston Tom’s motion, Kirsha Haverlah second vote. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Discussion of agenda topics for the remainder of the 2022 year. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Creation of the Budget working group. The motion to approve of creative of Budget Working Group was approved on Kirsha Haverlah motion, Preston Tom second on a vote. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES 4. Update from by Commissioner Amy Noel, recommendation for the Joint Cultural Committee Update from Commissioner Alexis Taylor for the Joint Sustainability Committee Update from Commissioner Kelsey Hitchingham on the reproductive health working group. 1 WORKING GROUP RECOMMENDATIONS 7. Commission working on Joint Cultural Committee recommendation. recommendation was given by Amy Noel Chair Nathan Ryan adjourned the meeting at 8:01 p.m. without objection. 2