Environmental CommissionFeb. 5, 2025

20250205-003: Westcreek BSZ Redevelopment Recommendation — original pdf

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ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20250205-003 Second by: Perry Bedford Date: February 5, 2025 Subject: Westcreek Mixed Use, SP-2023-0276C Motion by: Jennifer Bristol WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting a Redevelopment Exception in the Barton Springs Zone [LDC 25-8-26]; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes this project requires approval from City Council because the redevelopment includes more than 25 dwelling units. The project proposes 305 units; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the site is located in the property is located within Barton Creek Watershed, Barton Springs Zone classification, Drinking Water Protection Zone; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes staff recommends this Staff recommends the Redevelopment Exception for this project. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the Redevelopment Exception with the following recommendations: 1. Upgrade the biofiltration ponds to a system that is SOS-compliant. 2. Consider EV charging stations and solar panels. 3. Mitigate run-off to adjacent neighborhoods with green infrastructure, including tiny forest concepts that utilize dense vegetation that also increases biodiversity and reduces heat islands. 4. Consider partnering with AISD to utilize the campuses as parkland with some of the parkland dedication fee going to the school to improve the property as a park setting. 5. Work with the school to offer signage or education materials on the aquifer and watershed. 6. Include pollinator gardens throughout the property. 7. Reduce impervious cover to 40% from 45.29% Vote: 9-0 For: Perry Bedford, Jennifer Bristol, Richard Brimer, Justin Fleury, Mariana Krueger, Collin Nickels, Haris Qureshi, Melinda Schiera, David Sullivan Against: None Abstain: None Absent: Hanna Cofer Recuse: None Attest: 1 of 2 Perry Bedford, Environmental Commission Chair 2 of 2