Environmental CommissionDec. 4, 2024

Recommendation 20241204-003: Loyola Flats — original pdf

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ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20241204-003 Seconded by: Perry Bedford Date: December 4, 2024 Subject: Loyola Flats, SP-2024-0147C.SH Motion by: Jennifer Bristol WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting to vary from LDC 25-8-261(G) to allow floodplain modification in the Critical Water Quality Zone (CWQZ); and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes this project is proposing modification of the City of Austin 100-year floodplain within the Critical Water Quality Zone (CWQZ) to construct a biofiltration and detention pond and provide compensatory flood storage within the existing engineered drainage channel for a Smart Housing/Affordability Unlocked multifamily residential development. There are two wetland Critical Environmental Features (CEFs) on the site, located within existing drainage channels; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the site is located in Elm Creek Watershed Suburban Classification, Desired Development Zone; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that Staff recommends the variance with the following conditions: 1. Provide ~44,000 square feet of additional wetland mitigation including: 1) native plantings in sedimentation and filtration basins of the biofiltration pond, 2) low-grow native seeding in the detention pond, 3) an enhanced nonerosive pond outfall, 4) planting of native trees, shrubs and bunchgrasses in CEF setbacks and mitigation areas. 2. Provide native pollinator species for wetland CEF mitigation and floodplain restoration plantings. 3. Provide an edge barrier of limestone blocks around the perimeter of the modified CEF setbacks/restoration areas to prevent mowing and/or encroachment in these areas. 4. Provide wetland CEF educational signage next to the CEF setbacks/restoration areas. 5. Provide floodplain restoration plantings of native trees and shrubs for the remaining open area (26,349 square feet/0.61 acres) maximizing restoration within the CWQZ and enhancing the floodplain from an existing condition of Fair to Excellent. 6. Pay $382,157.63 into the Riparian Zone Mitigation Fund for the remaining required floodplain mitigation (376,326 square feet/8.63 acres) using the appropriate ratios per ECM 1.7.6. 1 THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the variance request with the following conditions: 1. Recommend finding a space for a community garden and provide education programing and signage to community members. 2. Partner with local non-profits on community gardening. 3. Recommend planting native pecan trees. VOTE 7-0 For: Haris Qureshi, Mariana Krueger, Hanna Cofer, Perry Bedford, Jennifer Bristol, Melinda Schiera, David Sullivan Against: None Recuse: None Absent: Richard Brimer and Colin Nickells Approved By: Perry Bedford, Environmental Commission Chair 2