20241204-002: Dredge of Channel Rd. Lagoon Variance Packet — original pdf
ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA December 4, 2024 Dredge of Channel Rd. Lagoon, SP-2023-0376D Stephen Hawkins, Aqua Permits COMMISSION MEETING DATE: NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: LOCATION: 4824 Laguna Ln, Austin, TX, 78746 COUNCIL DISTRICT: District 8 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: WATERSHED: Miranda Reinhard, Environmental Scientist Senior, Watershed Protection Department 512-978-1537, miranda.reinhard@austintexas.gov Lake Austin Watershed Water Supply Rural Classification Desired Development Zone REQUEST: Request to vary from LDC 25-8-261(C)(9)(a) to allow more than 25 cubic yards of dredging in Lake Austin. Page 2 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends this variance, having determined the findings of fact to have been met. STAFF CONDITIONS: Staff recommends the following conditions: 1. Protect the natural shoreline areas and larger wetland Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) W-13 by providing a 3:1 H:V slope from the lake bottom elevation at the shoreline to the final dredge depth. 2. Provide additional wetland mitigation plantings (2,125 plantings comprised of an equal number of 6 different species of FACW and OBL species) within 5 feet of the shoreline to a maximum depth of 1 foot. 3. Provide additional wetland mitigation plantings (1,321 plantings comprised of an equal number of 6 different species of FAC and FACW species) on the other 14 existing wetland CEFs on land. 4. Restore all areas disturbed in the Critical Water Quality Zone (CWQZ) per Standard Specification 609S.) 5. Limit dredging within the 25% and 50% Critical Root Zones (CRZ) of trees along the shoreline to outside of the existing concrete retaining walls. 6. Provide measures to minimize/avoid sediment discharge including: 1) stabilized construction entrance and access road from the Channel Rd entrance to the barge access location and, 2) silt fencing and mulch logs downslope of staging, storage and dewatering areas, and 3) stabilized dewatering area for dredge bags, 4) floating turbidity curtain downstream of the dewatering operation, and 5) floating turbidity curtain surrounding active dredge area. 7. Conduct dredging via hydraulic methods using floating excavator units and bagging of material. Watershed Protection Department Staff Recommendations Concerning Required Findings Dredge of Channel Rd. Lagoon, SP-2023-0367D Project Name: Ordinance Standard: Watershed Protection Ordinance (current code) Variance Request: Request to vary from LDC 25-8-261(C)(9)(a) to allow more than 25 cubic yards of dredging in Lake Austin. A. Land Use Commission variance determinations from Chapter 25-8-41 of the City Code: 1. The requirement will deprive the applicant of a privilege available to owners of other similarly situated property with approximately contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements; b. Yes The project proposes to dredge a lagoon connected to Lake Austin to provide navigation access for the homeowners due to years of sediment build-up in the lagoon. A “similarly situated property with approximate contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements” is 4301 & 4307 Michael’s Cove (SP-2010-0005D). This project was approved in 2010 to dredge down to an elevation of 489’ and removed approximately 5,000 cubic yards (CY) of dredge in a lagoon/cove connected to Lake Austin. Another “similarly situated property with approximately contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements” is Taylor Slough Silt Removal Project (SP-93-0380D). This project was approved in 1993 to dredge down to an elevation of 488.3’ and removed approximately 2,500 CY of dredge in a lagoon/slough connected to Lake Austin. LDC 25-8-261(C)(9)(a) allows up to 25 cubic yards of dredging in the lake for navigation safety for a single site plan permit application. The current variance application proposes to dredge down to an elevation of 488.8’ and remove 11,237 CY of dredge. This project proposes a similar depth of dredge to the previous projects mentioned above and has a larger volume of dredge due to the larger lagoon area with dock access needs. Is not based on a condition caused by the method chosen by the applicant to develop the property, unless the development method provides greater overall environmental protection than is achievable without the variance; The amount of dredge requested is the minimum amount needed to restore navigable depth Yes for the homeowners with shoreline access to the lagoon. Approval of a smaller dredge volume may result in more frequent dredging requests and the risk of harmful environmental impacts. Is the minimum change necessary to avoid the deprivation of a privilege given to other property owners and to allow a reasonable use of the property; and Yes with the construction of a single-slip dock. The amount of dredge requested is the minimum amount The code allows up to 25 CY of dredge for navigation safety. This is typically associated 2. The variance: a. needed to restore navigable depth to provide the homeowners with legally guaranteed access to shoreline frontage via nautical traffic. Approval of a smaller dredge volume may result in more frequent dredging requests and the risk of harmful environmental impacts. The extent of proposed dredging protects the natural shoreline areas and larger wetland CEF W-13 by providing a 3:1 H:V (horizontal to vertical ratio) slope from the lake bottom elevation at the shoreline to the final dredge depth. c. Does not create a significant probability of harmful environmental consequences; and This project does not create a significant probability of harmful environmental Yes consequences. This project will reduce the disturbance of sediment due to nautical traffic which can negatively affect the water quality of the lagoon. Barge access for loading and unloading of equipment and materials will occur at the shoreline. Measures to minimize/avoid sediment discharge include: 1) stabilized construction entrance and access road from the Channel Rd entrance to the barge access location and, 2) silt fencing and mulch logs downslope of staging, storage and dewatering areas, and 3) stabilized dewatering area for dredge bags, and 4) floating turbidity curtain downstream of the dewatering operation, and 5) floating turbidity curtain surrounding active dredge area. This project will conduct dredging via hydraulic methods using floating excavator units and bagging of material. In addition to meeting wetland mitigation requirements, this project will provide additional wetland plantings within the lake (2,125 plantings comprised of an equal number of 6 different species of FACW and OBL species) and along the shoreline (1,321 plantings comprised of an equal number of 6 different species of FAC and FACW species). This project will also restore all areas disturbed in the Critical Water Quality Zone (CWQZ) per Standard Specification 609S. Dredging will be limited within the 25% and 50% Critical Root Zones (CRZ) of trees along the shoreline to outside of the existing concrete retaining walls. The proposed volume of dredge exceeds the minimum amount necessary for navigation. However, given the amount of sediment discharged from the upstream channel it is anticipated that dredging the minimum amount would result in more frequent dredging and higher probability of harmful environmental consequences. This methodology provides less frequent disturbance of sediment, the lake ecosystem, and the shoreline vegetation/wetland Critical Environmental Features (CEFs). 3. Development with the variance will result in water quality that is at least equal to the water quality achievable This project will result in equal to or improved water quality. Dredging the site is necessary without the variance. Yes to protect the water quality of the lake by eliminating the churning of the lakebed by boat traffic which leads to sediment-laden lake water. In addition to meeting wetland mitigation requirements, this project will provide additional wetland plantings within the lake (2,125 plantings comprised of an equal number of 6 different species of FACW and OBL species) and along the shoreline (1,321 plantings comprised of an equal number of 6 different species of FAC and FACW species). The Land Use Commission may grant a variance from a requirement of Article 7, Division 1 (Waterway and B. Floodplain Protection), after determining that: Additional Land Use Commission variance determinations for a requirement of Article 7, Division 1 (Waterway and Floodplain Protection): 1. The criteria for granting a variance in Subsection (A) are met; Yes sufficient shoreline access while minimizing environmental impacts. The criteria for granting the variance are met. The project will allow homeowners to have 2. The requirement for which a variance is requested prevents a reasonable, economic use of the entire property; Yes Due to the nature of the channel’s inaccessibility, the dredging is requested to guarantee the homeowner’s shoreline access. After years of sediment build-up in the lagoon, the amount of dredge requested is the minimum amount needed to restore navigable depth to provide the homeowners with legally guaranteed access to shoreline frontage via nautical traffic. Approval of a smaller dredge volume may result in more frequent dredging requests and the risk of harmful environmental impacts. 3. The variance is the minimum deviation from the code requirement necessary to allow a reasonable, economic use of the entire property. Yes navigable depth for homeowners with shoreline access to the lagoon. Approval of a smaller dredge volume may result in more frequent dredging requests and the risk of harmful environmental impacts. The dredge amount requested is the minimum amount needed to restore the lagoon to a Staff Determination: Staff determines that the findings of fact have been met. Staff recommends the following conditions: 1. Protect the natural shoreline areas and larger wetland Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) W-13 by providing a 3:1 H:V slope from the lake bottom elevation at the shoreline to the final dredge depth. 2. Provide additional wetland mitigation plantings (2,125 plantings comprised of an equal number of 6 different species of FACW and OBL species) within 5 feet of the shoreline to a maximum depth of 1 foot. 3. Provide additional wetland mitigation plantings (1,321 plantings comprised of an equal number of 6 different species of FAC and FACW species) on the other 14 existing wetland CEFs on land. 4. Restore all areas disturbed in the Critical Water Quality Zone (CWQZ) per Standard Specification 609S.) 5. Limit dredging within the 25% and 50% Critical Root Zones (CRZ) of trees along the shoreline to outside of the existing concrete retaining walls. 6. Provide measures to minimize/avoid sediment discharge including: 1) stabilized construction entrance and access road from the Channel Rd entrance to the barge access location and, 2) silt fencing and mulch logs downslope of staging, storage and dewatering areas, and 3) stabilized dewatering area for dredge bags, and 4) floating turbidity curtain downstream of the dewatering operation, and 5) floating turbidity curtain surrounding active dredge area. 7. Conduct dredging via hydraulic methods using floating excavator units and bagging of material. Wetland Biologist (WPD) Environmental Conservation Program Manager (WPD) Interim Environmental Officer (WPD) _____________________________ Miranda Reinhard ____________________________ John Clement Date 11/12/2024 Date 11/12/2024 _____________________________ Liz Johnston Date 11/12/2024 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION VARIANCE APPLICATION FORM PROJECT DESCRIPTION Applicant Contact Information Name of Applicant Street Address City State ZIP Code Work Phone E-Mail Address Case Name Case Number Address or Location Variance Case Information Environmental Reviewer Name Environmental Resource Management Reviewer Name Applicable Ordinance Watershed Name Watershed Classification Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Stephen Hawkins 6504 Betty Cook Drive Austin TX 78723 512-750-1402 comments@aquapermits.com Dredge of Channel Rd. Lagoon SP-2023-0376D 4824 Laguna Ln Pamela Abee-Taulli Miranda Reinhard LDC 25-8-41 Lake Austin ☐Urban ☐ Suburban ☐Water Supply Suburban ☐Water Supply Rural ☐ Barton Springs Zone ☐ Barton Springs Segment ☐ Northern Edwards Segment ☐ Not in Edwards Aquifer Zones Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone ☐ Yes ☐ No Distance to Nearest Classified Waterway Water and Waste Water service to be provided by n/a n/a Request Impervious cover square footage: acreage: percentage: references: Existing ____0____ ____4.25____ ____0____ Provide general description of the property (slope range, elevation range, summary of vegetation / trees, summary of the geology, CWQZ, WQTZ, CEFs, floodplain, heritage trees, any other notable or outstanding characteristics of the property) Natural lagoon off Lake Austin, elevations ranging between 492.8' MSL (Lake Austin Shoreline) and 496-497' elevation in some areas. Multiple heritage trees, observed wetlands surrounding. Soils are BiD(Brackett-Rock), Lu (gaddy), TeF (Eckrant). Exists in CWQZ, 100-year floodplain. The variance request is as follows (Cite code Proposed ____0_____ ____4.25_____ _____0____ Natural lagoon off Lake Austin, elevations ranging between 492.8' MSL (Lake Austin Shoreline) shoreline, to be dredged to a reasonable 4-5 foot depth for boat traffic within the existing shoreline boundary. Clearly indicate in what way the proposed project does not comply with current Code (include maps and exhibits) Proposed Dredge amount is greater than the allowable 25 cubic yards. As required in LDC Section 25-8-41, in order to grant a variance the Land Use Commission must FINDINGS OF FACT make the following findings of fact: Include an explanation with each applicable finding of fact. Project: Dredge of Channel Road lagoon Ordinance: LDC 25-8-41 A. Land Use Commission variance determinations from Chapter 25-8-41 of the City Code: 1. The requirement will deprive the applicant of a privilege available to owners of similarly situated property with approximately contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements. Yes / No Homeowners with shoreline access onto this lagoon have limited or no access to Lake Austin via modern watercraft due to the years of sediment build-up in the channel 2. The variance: a) Is not necessitated by the scale, layout, construction method, or other design decision made by the applicant, unless the design decision provides greater overall environmental protection than is achievable without the variance; Yes / No All areas in the Limits of Construction within the CEF buffer will be revegetated according to City specifications. The design of this project results in a plan that provides greater overall environmental protection than is achievable without the variance. Is the minimum deviation from the code requirement necessary to allow a reasonable use of the property; Yes / No dredging of a designated cubic yardage in order to provide legally guaranteed access to shoreline frontage via nautical traffic The scope of the variance is limited to allowing Does not create a significant probability of harmful environmental consequences. Yes / No environmental consequences. The variance does not create significant harmful b) c) 3. Development with the variance will result in water quality that is at least equal to the water quality achievable without the variance. B. Yes / No All disturbed areas will be revegetated according to City specifications. Additional Land Use Commission variance determinations for a requirement of Section 25-8-422 (Water Quality Transition Zone), Section 25-8-452 (Water Quality Transition Zone), Article 7, Division 1 (Critical Water Quality Zone Restrictions), or Section 25-8-368 (Restrictions on Development Impacting Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, and Lake Walter E. Long): 1. The criteria for granting a variance in Subsection (A) are met; Yes / No Homeowners with lakefront properties are allowed sufficient shoreline access per code, which is a privilage not granted to those who this variance is on behalf of. 2. The requirement for which a variance is requested prevents a reasonable, economic use of the entire property; Yes / No The homeowners are seeking no special privilege to shoreline use not already given to owners of other similar situated property with approximately contemporaneous development. Due to the nature of the channel's inaccessability, the dredging is requested to guarantee the owner's use to access. 3. The variance is the minimum deviation from the code requirement necessary to allow a reasonable, economic use of the entire property. Yes / No Proposed dredging is sufficient only to allow reasonable use of the adjoining properties. **Variance approval requires all above affirmative findings. A Exhibits for Commission Variance Aerial photos of the site Site photos Aerial photos of the vicinity Context Map—A map illustrating the subject property in relation to developments in the vicinity to include nearby major streets and waterways Topographic Map - A topographic map is recommended if a significant grade change on the subject site exists or if there is a significant difference in grade in relation to adjacent properties. For cut/fill variances, a plan sheet showing areas and depth of cut/fill with topographic elevations. Site plan showing existing conditions if development exists currently on the property Proposed Site Plan- full size electronic or at least legible 11x17 showing proposed development, include tree survey if required as part of site or subdivision plan Environmental Map – A map that shows pertinent features including Floodplain, CWQZ, WQTZ, CEFs, Setbacks, Recharge Zone, etc. An Environmental Resource Inventory pursuant to ECM 1.3.0 (if required by 25-8-121) Applicant’s variance request letter REVIEWERS: Planner 1 : Erik Holden City Arborist : Dillon Olsen Environmental : Pamela Abee-Taulli Site Plan : Clarissa E. Davis Wetlands Biologist : Miranda Reinhard ERM : Miranda Reinhard Flood Plain : Sona Singh ) S RIE E N A L A A V N . U W G . O A L . R ( C ( H R A . O N . N W E . L V R A O R A I E D S ) MATCHLINE "A" BATHYMETRIC SURVEY OF LAGOON City of Austin, Travis County, Texas A Limited Liability Company PO Box 90876, Austin Texas 78709 INFO@4WARDLS.COM (512) 537-2384 TBPELS FIRM #10174300 C O L O ( L A R K A E D A O R U S I V E T I N R ) ) S RIE E N A L A A V N . U W G . O A . L R ( C ( H R A . O N . N W E . L V R A O R I A E D S ) MATCHLINE "A" BATHYMETRIC SURVEY OF LAGOON City of Austin, Travis County, Texas A Limited Liability Company PO Box 90876, Austin Texas 78709 INFO@4WARDLS.COM (512) 537-2384 TBPELS FIRM #10174300 APPENDIX P-1 - EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. The contractor shall install erosion/sedimentation controls, tree/natural area protective fencing, and conduct "Pre-Construction" tree fertilization (if applicable) prior to any site preparation work (clearing, grubbing or excavation). 2. The placement of erosion/sedimentation controls shall be in accordance with the Environmental Criteria Manual and the approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. T he COA ESC Plan shall be consulted and used as the basis for a TPDES required SWPPP. If a SWPPP is required, it shall be available for review by the City of Austin Environmental Inspector at all times during construction, including at the Pre-Construction meeting. The checklist below contains the basic elements that shall be reviewed for permit approval by COA EV Plan Reviewers as well as COA EV Inspectors. — Plan sheets submitted to the City of Austin MUST show the following: Direction of flow during grading operations. Location, description, and calculations for off-site flow diversion structures. Areas that will not be disturbed; natural features to be preserved. Delineation of contributing drainage area to each proposed BMP (e.g., silt fence, sediment basin, etc.). Location and type of E&S BMPs for each phase of disturbance. Calculations for BMPs as required. Location and description of temporary stabilization measures. Location of on-site spoils, description of handling and disposal of borrow materials, and description of on-site permanent spoils disposal areas, including size, depth of fill and revegetation procedures. Describe sequence of construction as it pertains to ESC including the following elements: 1. Installation sequence of controls (e.g. perimeter controls, then sediment basins, then temporary stabilization, then permanent, etc.) 2. Project phasing if required (LOC greater than 25 acres) 3. Sequence of grading operations and notation of temporary stabilization measures to be used 4. Schedule for converting temporary basins to permanent WQ controls 5. Schedule for removal of temporary controls 6. Anticipated maintenance schedule for temporary controls — Categorize each BMP under one of the following areas of BMP activity as described below: 3.1 Minimize disturbed area and protect natural features and soil 3.2 Control Stormwater flowing onto and through the project 3.3 Stabilize Soils 3.4 Protect Slopes 3.5 Protect Storm Drain Inlets 3.6 Establish Perimeter Controls and Sediment Barriers 3.7 Retain Sediment On-Site and Control Dewatering Practices 3.8 Establish Stabilized Construction Exits 3.9 Any Additional BMPs — Note the location of each BMP on your site map(s). — For any structural BMPs, you should provide design specifications and details and refer t othem. — For more information, see City of Austin Environmental Criteria Manual 1.4. 3. The Placement of tree/natural area protective fencing shall be in accordance with the City of Austin standard Notes for Tree and Natural Area Protection and the approved Grading/Tree and Natural Area Plan. 4. A pre-construction conference shall be held on-site with the contractor, design Engineer/ permit applicant and Environmental Inspector after installation of the erosion/sedimentation controls, tree/natural area protection measures and "Pre-Construction" tree fertilization (if applicable) prior to beginning any site preparation work. The owner or owner's representative shall notify the Development Services Department, 512-974-2278 or by email at environmental.inspections@austintexas. gov, at least three days prior to the meeting date. COA approved ESC Plan and TPDES SWPPP (if required) should be reviewed by COA EV Inspector at this time. 5. Any major variation in materials or locations of controls or fences from those shown on the approved plans will require a revision and must be approved by the reviewing Engineer, Environmental Specialist or City Arborist as appropriate. Major revisions must be approved by authorized COA staff. Minor changes to be made as field revisions to the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan may be required by the Environmental Inspector during the course of construction to correct control inadequacies. 6. The contractor is required to provide a certified inspector that is either a licensed engineer (or person directly supervised by the licensed engineer) or Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC or CPESC - IT), Certified Erosion, Sediment and Stormwater - Inspector (CESSWI or CESSWI - IT) or Certified Inspector of Sedimentation and Erosion Controls (CISEC or CISEC - IT) certification to inspect the controls and fences at weekly or bi-weekly intervals and after one-half (1⁄2) inch or greater rainfall events to insure that they are functioning properly. The person(s) responsible for maintenance of controls and fences shall immediately make any necessary repairs to damaged areas. Silt accumulation at controls must be removed when the depth reaches six (6) inches or one-third (1⁄3) of the installed height of the control whichever is less. 7. Prior to final acceptance by the City, haul roads and waterway crossings constructed for temporary contractor access must be removed, accumulated sediment removed from the waterway and the area restored to the original grade and revegetated. All land clearing debris shall be disposed of in approved spoil disposal sites. 8. All work must stop if a void in the rock substrate is discovered which is; one square foot in total area; blows air from within the substrate and/or consistently receives water during any rain event. At this time it is the responsibility of the Project Manager to immediately contact a City of Austin Environmental Inspector for further investigation. In addition, if the project site is located within the Edwards Aquifer, the Project Manager must notify the Travis County Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Preserve (BCCP) by email at bccp@traviscountytx.gov. Construction activities within 50 feet of the void must stop. 9. Temporary and Permanent Erosion Control: All disturbed areas shall be restored as noted below: A. All disturbed areas to be revegetated are required to place a minimum of six (6) inches of topsoil [see Standard Specification Item No. 601S.3(A)]. Do not add topsoil within the critical root zone of existing trees. • Topsoil salvaged from the existing site is encouraged for use, but it should meet the standards set forth in 601S. An owner/engineer may propose use of onsite salvaged topsoil which does not meet the criteria of Standard Specification 601S by providing a soil analysis and a written statement from a qualified professional in soils, landscape architecture, or agronomy indicating the onsite topsoil will provide an equivalent growth media and specifying what, if any, soil amendments are required. • Soil amendments shall be worked into the existing onsite topsoil with a disc or tiller to create a well-blended material. The vegetative stabilization of areas disturbed by construction shall be as follows: : TEMPORARY VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION: 1. From September 15 to March 1, seeding shall be with or include a cool season cover crop: (Western Wheatgrass ( Pascopyrum smithii ) at 5.6 pounds per acre, Oats ( Avena sativa ) at 4.0 pounds per acre, Cereal Rye Grain ( Secale cereale ) at 45 pounds per acre. Contractor must ensure that any seed application requiring a cool season cover crop does not utilize annual ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum ) or perennial ryegra ss ( Lolium perenne ). Cool season cover crops are not permanent erosion control. 2. From March 2 to September 14, seeding shall be with hulled Bermuda at a rate of 45 pounds per acre or a native plant seed mix conforming to Item 604S or 609S. A. Fertilizer shall be applied only if warranted by a soil test and shall conform to Item No. 606S, Fertilizer. Fertilization should not occur when rainfall is expected or during slow plant growth or dormancy. Chemical fertilizer may not be applied in the Critical Water Quality Zone. B. Hydromulch shall comply with Table 1, below. C. Temporary erosion control shall be acceptable when the grass has grown at least 11⁄2 inches high with a minimum of 95% total coverage so that all areas of a site that rely on vegetation for temporary stabilization are uniformly vegetated, and provided there are no bare spots larger than 10 square feet. D. When required, native plant seeding shall comply with requirements of the City of Austin Environmental Criteria Manual, and Standard Specification 604S or 609S Table 1: Hydromulching for Temporary Vegetative Stabilization Material Description Longevity Typical Applications Application Rates 0—3 months Moderate slopes; from flat to 3:1 1,500 to 2,000 lbs per acre 70% or greater Wood/Straw 30% or less Paper or Natural Fibers 100% or any blend of wood, cellulose, straw, and/or cotton plant material (except no mulch shall exceed 30% paper) PERMANENT VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION: 1. From September 15 to March 1, seeding is considered to be temporary stabilization only. If cool season cover crops exist where permanent vegetative stabilization is desired, the grasses shall be mowed to a height of less than one-half (1⁄2) inch and the area shall be re-seeded in accordance with Table 2 below. Alternatively, the cool season cover crop can be mixed with Bermuda grass or native seed and installed together, understanding that germination of warm- season seed typically requires soil temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees. 2. From March 2 to September 14, seeding shall be with hulled Bermuda at a rate of 45 pounds per acre with a purity of 95% and a minimum pure live seed (PLS) of 0.83. Bermuda grass is a warm season grass and is considered permanent erosion control. Permanent vegetative stabilization can also be accomplished with a native plant seed mix conforming to Item 604S or 609S. A. Fertilizer use shall follow the recommendation of a soil test. See Item 606S, Fertilizer. Applications of fertilizer (and pesticide) on City-owned and managed property requires the yearly submittal of a Pesticide and Fertilizer Application Record, along with a current copy of the applicator's license. For current copy of the record template contact the City of Austin's IPM Coordinator. B. Hydromulch shall comply with Table 2, below. C. Water the seeded areas immediately after installation to achieve germination and a healthy stand of plants that can ultimately survive without supplemental water. Apply the water uniformly to the planted areas without causing displacement or erosion of the materials or soil. Maintain the seedbed in a moist condition favorable for plant growth. All watering shall comply with City Code Chapter 6-4 (Water Conservation), at rates and frequencies determined by a licensed irrigator or other qualified professional, and as allowed by the Austin Water Utility and current water restrictions and water conservation initiatives. D. Permanent erosion control shall be acceptable when the grass has grown at least 11⁄2 inches high with a minimum of 95 percent for the non-native mix, and 95 percent coverage for the native mix so that all areas of a site that rely on vegetation for stability must be uniformly vegetated, and provided there are no bare spots larger than 10 square feet. E. When required, native plant seeding shall comply with requirements of the City of Austin Environmental Criteria Manual, Items 604S and 609S. Table 2: Hydromulching for Permanent Vegetative Stabilization Material Description Longevity Typical Applications Application Rates Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM) 80% Organic defibrated fibers 10% Tackifier 6 months On slopes up to 2:1 and erosive soil conditions 2,500 to 4,000 lbs per acre (see manufacturers recommendations) Fiber Reinforced Matrix (FRM) Up to 12 months On slopes up to 1:1 and erosive 65% Organic defibrated fibers 25% Reinforcing Fibers or less 10% Tackifier Soil conditions 3,000 to 4,500 lbs per acre (see manufacturers recommendations) 10. The contractor shall not dispose of surplus excavated material from the site without notifying the Development Services Department at 512-974-2278 at least 48 hours prior with the location and a copy of the permit issued to receive the material. REVISIONS / CORRECTIONS Number Description Revise (R) Add (A) Void (V) Sheet No.'s Total # of Sheets in Plan Set Net Change Imp. Cover (Sq-Ft) Date Imaged City of Austin Approval Date APPENDIX P-2: - CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARD NOTES FOR TREE AND NATURAL AREA PROTECTION 1. All trees and natural areas shown on plan to be preserved shall be protected during construction with temporary fencing. 2. Protective fences shall be erected according to City of Austin Standards for Tree Protection. 3. Protective fences shall be installed prior to the start of any site preparation work (clearing, grubbing or grading), and shall be maintained throughout all phases of the construction project. 4. Erosion and sedimentation control barriers shall be installed or maintained in a manner which does not result in soil build-up within tree drip lines. 5. Protective fences shall surround the trees or group of trees, and will be located at the outermost limit of branches (drip line) , for natural areas, protective fences shall follow the Limit of Construction line, in order to prevent the following: A. Soil compaction in the root zone area resulting from vehicular traffic or storage of equipment or materials; B. Root zone disturbances due to grade changes (greater than 6 inches cut or fill), or trenching not reviewed and authorized by the City Arborist; C. Wounds to exposed roots, trunk or limbs by mechanical equipment; D. Other activities detrimental to trees such as chemical storage, cement truck cleaning, and fires. 6. Exceptions to installing fences at tree drip lines may be permitted in the following cases: A. Where there is to be an approved grade change, impermeable paving surface, tree well, or other such site development, erect the fence approximately 2 to 4 feet beyond the area disturbed; B. Where permeable paving is to be installed within a tree's drip line, erect the fence at the outer limits of the permeable paving area (prior to site grading so that this area is graded separately prior to paving installation to minimized root damage); NOTE: IF AT ANY TIME DURING C ONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK (UST) IS FOUND, CONSTRUCTION IN THAT AREA MUST STOP UNTIL A CITY OF AUSTIN UST CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IS APPLIED FOR AND APPROVED. ANY UST REMOVAL WORK MUST BE CONDUCTED BY A UST CONTRACTOR THAT IS REGISTERED WITH THE TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ). CONTACT ELIZABETH SIMMONS AT ELIZABETH.SIMMONS@AUSTINTEXAS.GOV IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. [COA TITLE 6] C. Where trees are close to proposed buildings, erect the fence to allow 6 to 10 feet of work space between the fence and the building; D. Where there are severe space constraints due to tract size, or other special requirements, contact the City Arborist at 974-1876 to discuss alternatives. Special Note: For the protection of natural areas, no exceptions to installing fences at the Limit of Construction line will be permitted. 7. Where any of the above exceptions result in a fence being closer than 4 feet to a tree trunk, protect the trunk with strapped-on planking to a height of 8 ft (or to the limits of lower branching) in addition to the reduced fencing provided. 8. Trees approved for removal shall be removed in a manner which does not impact trees to be preserved. 9. Any roots exposed by construction activity shall be pruned flush with the soil. Backfill root areas with good quality top soil as soon as possible. If exposed root areas are not backfilled within 2 days, cover them with organic material in a manner which reduces soil temperature and minimizes water loss due to evaporation. 10. Any trenching required for the installation of landscape irrigation shall be placed as far from existing tree trunks as possible. 11. No landscape topsoil dressing greater than 4 inches shall be permitted within the drip line of trees. No soil is permitted on the root flare of any tree. 12. Pruning to provide clearance for structures, vehicular traffic and equipment shall take place before damage occurs (ripping of branches, etc.). 13. All finished pruning shall be done according to recognized, approved standards of the industry (Reference the National Arborist Association Pruning Standards for Shade Trees available on request from the City Arborist). 14. Deviations from the above notes may be considered ordinance violations if there is substantial non-compliance or if a tree sustains damage as a result. APPENDIX P-4: - STANDARD SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION The following sequence of construction shall be used for all development. The applicant is encouraged to provide any additional details appropriate for the particular development. 1. Temporary erosion and sedimentation controls are to be installed as indicated on the approved site plan or subdivision construction plan and in accordance with the Erosion Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that is required to be posted on the site. Install tree protection, initiate tree mitigation measures and conduct "Pre - Construction" tree fertilization (if applicable). 2. The Environmental Project Manager or Site Supervisor must contact the Development Services Department, Environmental Inspection, at 512-974-2278, 72 hours prior to the scheduled date of the required on-site preconstruction meeting. 3. The Environmental Project Manager, and/or Site Supervisor, and/or Designated Responsible Party, and the General Contractor will follow the Erosion Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) posted on the site. Temporary erosion and sedimentation controls will be revised, if needed, to comply with City Inspectors' directives, and revised construction schedule relative to the water quality plan requirements and the erosion plan. 4. Rough grade the pond(s) at 100% proposed capacity. Either the permanent outlet structure or a temporary outlet must be constructed prior to development of embankment or excavation that leads to ponding conditions. The outlet system must consist of a sump pit outlet and an emergency spillway meeting the requirements of the Drainage Criteria Manual and/or the Environmental Criteria Manual, as required. The outlet system shall be protected from erosion and shall be maintained throughout the course of construction until installation of the permanent water quality pond(s). 5. Temporary erosion and sedimentation controls will be inspected and maintained in accordance with the Erosion Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) posted on the site. 6. Begin site clearing/construction (or demolition) activities. 7. In the Barton Springs Zone, the Environmental Project Manager or Site Supervisor will schedule a mid-construction conference to coordinate changes in the construction schedule and evaluate effectiveness of the erosion control plan after possible construction alterations to the site. Participants shall include the City Inspector, Project Engineer, General Contractor and Environmental Project Manager or Site Supervisor. The anticipated completion date and final construction sequence and inspection schedule will be coordinated with the appropriate City Inspector. 8. Permanent water quality ponds or controls will be cleaned out and filter media will be installed prior to/concurrently with revegetation of site. 9. Complete construction and start revegetation of the site and installation of landscaping. 10. Upon completion of the site construction and revegetation of a project site, the design engineer shall submit an engineer's letter of concurrence bearing the engineer's seal, signature, and date to the Development Services Department indicating that construction, including revegetation, is complete and in substantial compliance with the approved plans. After receiving this letter, a final inspection will be scheduled by the appropriate City inspector. 11. Upon completion of landscape installation of a project site, the Landscape Architect shall submit a letter of concurrence to the Development Services Department indicating that the required landscaping is complete and in substantial conformity with the approved plans. After receiving this letter, a final inspection will be scheduled by the appropriate City inspector. 12. After a final inspection has been conducted by the City inspector and with approval from the City inspector, remove the temporary erosion and sedimentation controls and complete any necessary final revegetation resulting from removal of the controls. Conduct any maintenance and rehabilitation of the water quality ponds or controls. *NO WORK WILL COMMENCE UNTIL THE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR HAS APPROVED A PLAN FOR DEWATERING AND HANDLING OF DREDGE MATERIAL. *NO OFFSITE IMPACTS FROM VEHICULAR TRANSPORT WILL OCCUR FROM MATERIAL LEAVING THE SITE. SUCH IMPACTS CAN RESULT IN A CITATION FOR DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANT PER § 6-5-12 OF THE COA DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL. APPENDIX P-6 - REMEDIAL TREE CARE NOTES AERATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS FOR TREES WITHIN CONSTRUCTION AREAS As a component of an effective remedial tree care program per Environmental Criteria Manual section 3.5.4, preserved trees within the limits of construction may require soil aeration and supplemental nutrients. Soil and/or foliar analysis should be used to determine the need for supplemental nutrients. The City Arborist may require these analyses as part of a comprehensive tree care plan. Soil pH shall be considered when determining the fertilization composition as soil pH influences the tree's ability to uptake nutrients from the soil. If analyses indicate the need for supplemental nutrients, then humate/nutrient solutions with mycorrh izae components are highly recommended. In addition, soil analysis may be needed to determine if organic material or beneficial microorganisms are needed to improve soil health. Materials and methods are to be approved by the City Arborist (512-974-1876) prior to application. The owner or general contractor shall select a fertilization contractor and ensure coordination with the City Arborist. Pre-construction treatment should be applied in the appropriate season, ideally the season preceding the proposed construction. Minimally, areas to be treated include the entire critical root zone of trees as depicted on the City approved plans. Treatment should include, but not limited to, fertilization, soil treatment, mulching, and proper pruning. Post-construction treatment should occur during final revegetation or as determined by a qualified arborist after construction. Construction activities often result in a reduction in soil macro and micro pores and an increase in soil bulk density. To ameliorate the degraded soil conditions, aeration via water and/or air injected into the soil is needed or by other methods as approved by the City Arborist. The proposed nutrient mix specifications and soil and/or foliar analysis results need to be provided to and approved by the City Arborist prior to application (Fax # 512-974-3010). Construction which will be completed in less than 90 days may use materials at 1⁄2 recommended rates. Alternative organic fertilizer materials are acceptable when approved by the City Arborist. Within 7 days after fertilization is performed, the contractor shall provide documentation of the work performed to the City Arborist, Planning and Development Review Department. P.O. Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767. This note should be referenced as item #1 in the Sequence of Construction. Site Plan Release Notes: The following site plan release notes are included in accordance with the City of Austin’s request. Applicant will comply with all applicable City of Austin requirements. 1. All improvements shall be made in accordance with the released site plan. Any additional improvements will require site plan amendment and approval of the Planning and Development Review Department. 2. All signs must comply with requirements of the Land Development Code. (Section 1 3-2, Article VII) 3. Additional electric easements may be required at a later date. 4. All existing structures shown to be removed will require a demolition permit from the City of Austin Planning and Development Review Department. 5. A development Permit must be issued prior to an application for building permit for non-consolidated or Planning Commission approved site plans. SITE SPECIFIC NOTES SEE PROPERTY LIST SHEET OWNER: OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: SEE PROPERTY LIST SHEET PROPERTY ADDRESS: SEE PROPERTY LIST SHEET LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N/A DOCK CONTRACTOR: WATERSHED: WATERSHED CLASSIFICATION: WATER SUPPLY RURAL USE: N/A LAKE SERVICES INC LAKE AUSTIN RELATED PERMIT NUMBERS: SP-2022-0244D, SP-2022-0037D, SP-2022-0386D, SP-2022-0246D, SP-2021-0106D, SP-2021-0186D, SP-2022-0215D, SP-2017-0176D, SP-2013-0436D ZONING: SMART GROWTH ZONE: DRINKING WATER QUALITY ZONE FLOOD PLAIN INFORMATION: The project is within the 100-yr flood plain as shown on F.E.M.A Firm number 48453C0435K, EFFECTIVE ON 1/22/2020 LA, SF-2 EXISTING SHORELINE LENGTH: ALLOWABLE DOCK WIDTH: PROPOSED DOCK WIDTH: PROPOSED DOCK LENGTH: PROPOSED DOCK FOOTPRINT: N/A N/A N/A N/A 5807' Development Information: AQUA PERMITS LLC Owner: STEPHEN HAWKINS Address: 6504 BETTY COOK DR, AUSTIN TX 78723 Owner’s representative responsible for plan alternate: Stephen Hawkins Person or firm responsible for erosion/sedimentation control maintenance: Person or firm responsible for tree/natural area protection maintenance: SUBMITTAL DATE: 9/20/2023 All activities within the Critical Environmental Features (CEFs) and associated setbacks must comply with the City of Austin Land Development Code. The natural vegetative cover must be retained to the maximum extent practicable; construction is prohibited except as identified in this site plan; and wastewater disposal or irrigation is prohibited. for driveway construction: the owner is responsible for all costs for relocation of, for construction within the right-of-way, a concrete permit is required. for the building permit, a signed and sealed letter shall be submitted to the city of Austin, 6. or damage to utilities. 7. 8. per the land development code, 25-12-3 1612.4, certifying that the structure is in accordance with asce 24, flood resistant design and construction. 9. materials or equipment will be delivered to the site from the landward side of this project. 10. approval of this site plan does not include building and fire code approval nor building permit approval. all work will occur within the limits of construction as shown on the plan, and that no General Notes: 1. This project is not located over the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone. 2. Deed restrictions or restrictive covenants are not applicable to this property. 3. A business or living quarter may not be constructed on a pier or similar structure extending into or above Lake Austin, except under a license agreement approved by the City Council (Section 25-2-1 176 (H)). 4. Contractor to verity utility locations and ground and flow line elevations before construction. 5. Environmental Inspector has the authority to add/or modify erosion/sedimentation controls on site to keep project in compliance with the City of Austin Rules and Regulations. 6. Approval of these plans by the City of Austin indicates compliance with applicable City regulations only. 7. Approval by other government entities may be required prior to the start of construction. The applicant is responsible for determining what additional approvals may be necessary. 8. Dredging to be performed via barge and dredge material to be removed via land. See Erosion and Sedimentation sheet for details. THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF THE OWNER/DEVELOPER OF THIS SUBDIVISION/LOT SHALL PROVIDE ● AUSTIN ENERGY HAS THE RIGHT TO PRUNE AND/OR REMOVE TREES, SHRUBBERY AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS TO THE EXTENT NECESSARY TO KEEP THE EASEMENTS CLEAR. AUSTIN ENERGY WILL PERFORM ALL TREE WORK IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 25-8, SUBCHAPTER B OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. ● AUSTIN ENERGY WITH ANY EASEMENT AND/OR ACCESS REQUIRED, IN ADDITION TO THOSE INDICATED, FOR THE INSTALLATION AND ONGOING MAINTENANCE OF OVERHEAD AND UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC FACILITIES. THESE EASEMENTS AND/OR ACCESS ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC SERVICE TO THE BUILDING AND WILL NOT BE LOCATED SO AS TO CAUSE THE SITE TO BE OUT OF COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 25-8 OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. ● TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL, REVEGETATION AND TREE PROTECTION. IN ADDITION, THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INITIAL TREE PRUNING AND TREE REMOVAL THAT IS WITHIN TEN FEET OF THE CENTER LINE OF THE PROPOSED OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL FACILITIES DESIGNED TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC SERVICE TO THIS PROJECT. THE OWNER SHALL INCLUDE AUSTIN ENERGY'S WORK WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR THIS PROJECT. ● REQUIRED BY THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, OSHA REGULATIONS, CITY OF AUSTIN RULES AND REGULATIONS AND TEXAS STATE LAWS PERTAINING TO CLEARANCES WHEN WORKING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO OVERHEAD POWER LINES AND EQUIPMENT. AUSTIN ENERGY WILL NOT RENDER ELECTRIC SERVICE UNLESS REQUIRED CLEARANCES ARE MAINTAINED. ALL COSTS INCURRED BY AE AS A RESULT OF AN OWNER’S FAILURE TO MAINTAIN REQUIRED CLEARANCES WILL BE CHARGED TO AND SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNER. ● LANDOWNER'S/DEVELOPER’S EXPENSE. THE PROPERTY OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING CLEARANCES ANY RELOCATION OF ELECTRIC FACILITIES SHALL BE AT NOTE: PORTIONS OF THIS PROJECT ARE LOCATED IN THE FEMA 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN AS DEFINED FLOOD INSURANCE MAY BE REQUIRED. THE FEDERAL REGULATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT IN A FLOODPLAIN CAN BE FOUND IN CHAPTER 44 OF THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS (44 CFR). SHEET INDEX: 1 COVER SHEET 2 PLAT 3 ADDRESSES 4 EXISTING SITE 5 PROPOSED DREDGE PLAN 6 EROSION/SEDIMENTATION PLAN 7 X-SECS/DREDGE CALC'S 8 LANDSCAPE PLAN N SITE PLAN APPROVAL SHEET____OF____ FILE NUMBER_______________ ___________ APPLICATION DATE__________ APPROVED BY COMMISSION ON ___________ UNDER SECTION ____ OF CHAPTER ______OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN CODE DATE (LDC 25-5-81) ___________ CASE MANAGER____________ PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE (ORD.#970905-A) ________ DWPZ ____ DDZ ____ _________________________________________________ DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT RELEASED FOR GENERAL COMPLIANCE______________ ZONING____________ REVISION 1______________________ CORRECTION 1_____________________ REVISION 2______________________ CORRECTION 2_____________________ REVISION 3______________________ CORRECTION 3_____________________ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SIGNATURE_______________________ Final plat must be recorded by the project expiration date, if applicable. Subsequent site plans which do not comply with the Code current at the time of filing, and all required building permits and/or a notice of construction (if a building permit is not required) must also be approved prior to the project expiration date. Engineer signature and seal per City code Section 25-2-1173 Signature and Seal___________________________________ Address____________________________________________ Phone_____________________________________________ 6 4 7 8 7 S D N A O O R O L E G N A N L A H E C H F F T O A X E T , N I T S U A AQUA PERMITS LLC AUSTIN TEXAS DESIGN, PERMITTING, CONSULTING, Y MAS ON THE SHORE OF LAKE AUSTIN IN THE BEAUTIFUL STATE OF TEXAS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PLANS PRODUCED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TEXAS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING FIRM: DANIEL P. HAMM F-23857 305 MARLY WAY, AUSTIN TX 78733 DATE SCALE 11/22/2024 ENGINEER STAMP: DRAFTER AQUA PERMITS FILE SP-2023-0376D SHEET COVER SHEET 1 OF 8 D N A O O R O L E G N A N L A H E C H F F T O 6 4 7 8 7 S A X E T , N I T S U A AQUA PERMITS LLC AUSTIN TEXAS DESIGN, PERMITTING, CONSULTING, Y MAS ON THE SHORE OF LAKE AUSTIN IN THE BEAUTIFUL STATE OF TEXAS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PLANS PRODUCED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TEXAS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING FIRM: DANIEL P. HAMM F-23857 305 MARLY WAY, AUSTIN TX 78733 DATE 11/22/2024 SCALE ENGINEER STAMP: DRAFTER AQUA PERMITS FILE SP-2023-0376D SHEET PLAT 2 OF 8 1. ARMSTRONG REED ALLAN & LAURA ANN ARMSTRONG 4807 LAGUNA LN AUSTIN TX 78746-1230 DEED #: 2008122681 2. DUNBAR ROBERT 4813 LAGUNA LN AUSTIN TX 78746-1230 DEED #: 2006001353 3. HAMM JOHN E & FRANCES B 4801 LAGUNA LN AUSTIN TX 78746-1230 DEED #: 11322/01378 4. BESTERVELD PAUL Z 4817 LAGUNA LN AUSTIN TX 78746-1230 DEED #: 2016065688 5. HUNTER BRENT AND KATHERINE 4711 LAGUNA LN AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2019143280 6. ESTATES AT LAKE AUSTIN LP 4825 LAGUNA LN, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2021175842 7. OSBORN DAVID R. 4703 LAGUNA LN, TX 78746 DEED #: 2020226094 8. TOLES THOMAS D & KANDY B TOLES 4701 LAGUNA LN, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 11318 00680 9. RICHARD DAVID R & ETHEL A 4625 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2000017983TR 10. 4646 ROCKCLIFF ROAD LAND TRUST 1810 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2022078605 11. MILLAN RICHARD K 1808 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2018150566 12. HUDSON HEATHER VICTORIA 1806 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2020084666 13. KAPSNER FAMILY TRUST 1804 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2013015586TR 14. VASQUEZ ZACHARY & CHERYL L CASPER 1802 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2021249321 15. MCKAY GREGORY D & MICHELE 4202 SANDY ACRES RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2020028913 16. MATHIAS MARK & KATHY 4200 SANDY ACRES RD B, TX 78746 DEED #: 11796 00125 17. ELY EDWARD M 4106 SANDY ACRE LN, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2021259937 18. MCGANNON JOHN 4104 SANDY ACRES RD, TX 78746 DEED #: 2008077788TR 19. BIGGART BRET 4100 SANDY ACRES RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2020096662 20. SANDY PISTACHIOS LLC 4004 SANDY ACRES RD, TX 78746 DEED #: 2022117610 21. OKENA LODGE LLC 1705 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2017167392 22. ELLIS CHRIS & AMY GRIFFIN ELLIS 1702 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2021249670 23. LEDBETTER BRADFORD LUKE & SHARI ANN LEDBETTER 1707 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2014128017TR 24. BRADY BRIDGET 1709 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2021135523 25. QUATRO FRANK PAUL & STEPHANY 1711 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2011028021TR 26. UPSHAW JIM & CAREN 14. VASQUEZ ZACHARY & CHERYL L CASPER 4202 SANDY ACRES RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 15. MCKAY GREGORY D & MICHELE 1810 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 10. 4646 ROCKCLIFF ROAD LAND TRUST 4813 LAGUNA LN AUSTIN TX 78746-1230 2.DUNBAR ROBERT 4807 LAGUNA LN AUSTIN TX 78746-1230 4801 LAGUNA LN AUSTIN TX 78746-1230 3.HAMM JOHN E & FRANCES B DEED #: 2016065688 4817 LAGUNA LN AUSTIN TX 78746-1230 1808 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 11. MILLAN RICHARD K DEED #: 2000017983TR 4625 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2020084666 1806 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2013015586TR 1804 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 1802 ROCKCLIFF RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 8.TOLES THOMAS D & KANDY B TOLES 4200 SANDY ACRES RD B, TX 78746 16. MATHIAS MARK & KATHY DEED #: 1131800680 4701 LAGUNA LN, AUSTIN TX 78746 4825 LAGUNA LN, AUSTIN TX 78746 6.ESTATES AT LAKE AUSTIN LP DEED #: 2019143280 4711 LAGUNA LN AUSTIN TX 78746 12. HUDSON HEATHER VICTORIA 5.HUNTER BRENT AND KATHERINE 9.RICHARD DAVID R & ETHEL A 13. KAPSNER FAMILY TRUST LAURA ANN ARMSTRONG 1.ARMSTRONG REED ALLAN & 4703 LAGUNA LN, TX 78746 7.OSBORN DAVID R. DEED #: 11796 00125 4.BESTERVELD PAUL Z DEED #: 11322/01378 DEED #: 2018150566 DEED #: 2022078605 DEED #: 2021249321 DEED #: 2020028913 DEED #: 2021175842 DEED #: 2006001353 DEED #: 2008122681 DEED #: 2020226094 17. ELY EDWARD M DEED #: 2021259937 4106 SANDY ACRE LN, AUSTIN TX 78746 18. MCGANNON JOHN DEED #: 2008077788TR 4104 SANDY ACRES RD, TX 78746 4100 SANDY ACRES RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 19. BIGGART BRET DEED #: 2020096662 4004 SANDY ACRES RD, TX 78746 20. SANDY PISTACHIOS LLC DEED #: 2022117610 21. OKENA LODGE LLC DEED #: 2017167392 1705 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 22. ELLIS CHRIS & AMY GRIFFIN ELLIS DEED #: 2021249670 1702 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 LEDBETTER 23. LEDBETTER BRADFORD LUKE & SHARI ANN DEED #: 2014128017TR 1707 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 24. BRADY BRIDGET DEED #: 2021135523 1709 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 1711 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 25. QUATRO FRANK PAUL & STEPHANY DEED #: 2011028021TR 1715 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 26. UPSHAW JIM & CAREN DEED #: 08540 00680 27. ESTATES AT LAKE AUSTIN LP DEED #: 2021175842 1719 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 1715 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 08540 00680 27. ESTATES AT LAKE AUSTIN LP 1719 CHANNEL RD, AUSTIN TX 78746 DEED #: 2021175842 ADDRESS/OWNER LIST N 1 2 3 5 150' CEF WETLAND SETBACK 4 6 27 OBSERVED CEF WETLAND 26 25 24 23 22 7 OBSERVED CEF WETLAND 8 17 20 21 19 18 16 13 14 15 COA AND FEMA FULLY DEVELOPED FLOODPLAIN LINE 75' CWQZ SETBACK 9 10 11 LAKE AUSTIN SHORELINE 492.8' MSL 12 All activities within the Critical Environmental Features (CEFs) and associated setbacks must comply with the City of Austin Land Development Code. The natural vegetative cover must be retained to the maximum extent practicable; construction is prohibited except as identified in this site plan; and wastewater disposal or irrigation is prohibited. 6 4 7 8 7 S A X E T , N I T S D N A O O R O L E G N A N L A H E C H F F T O U A AQUA PERMITS AUSTIN TEXAS LLC DESIGN, PERMITTING, CONSULTING, Y MAS ON THE SHORE OF LAKE AUSTIN IN THE BEAUTIFUL STATE OF TEXAS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PLANS PRODUCED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TEXAS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING FIRM: DANIEL P. HAMM F-23857 305 MARLY WAY, AUSTIN TX 78733 DATE SCALE 11/22/2024 ENGINEER STAMP: 1"=75' DRAFTER AQUA PERMITS FILE SP-2023-0376D SHEET ADDRESS/ OWNER LIST 3 OF 8 0 25' 50' SCALE: 1"=50' EXISTING PLAN 3 .52 50% CRZ .53 150' CEF WETLAND SETBACK 1 .43.42 .44 25% CRZ 25% CRZ 50% CRZ 50% CRZ .45 .46 50% CRZ 25% CRZ 50% CRZ 50% CRZ .47 .48 50% CRZ 50% CRZ .49 50 . 25% CRZ 50% CRZ 2 .51 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .54 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .56 .55 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .57 50% CRZ 25% CRZ 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .58 .41 .40 50% CRZ .39 50% CRZ .38 .37 .36 .35 .34 1. 1 495.25 CP. 4WARD .3 50% CRZ .4 .2 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .6 .7 .8 50% CRZ .182 2 494.86 CP. 4WARD .17 50% CRZ .18 50% CRZ .12 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .9 .11 .10 50% CRZ 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .14 50% CRZ .15 25% CRZ .13 50% CRZ 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .16 50% CRZ .183 50% CRZ OBSERVED CEF WETLAND .22 .21 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .19 .20 50% CRZ .64.63 .65 .66 .59 .60 .61 50% CRZ .62 .33 50% CRZ .32 .31 .30 .29 .28 .26 .27 .25 .24 50% CRZ .23 .67 50% CRZ .68 .69 50% CRZ .70 50% CRZ .71 .184 .185 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .72 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .73 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .74 50% CRZ .75 50% CRZ .76 25% CRZ .77 50% CRZ 50% CRZ .78 25% CRZ .79 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .5 OBSERVED CEF WETLAND TREE LIST (SURVEY PERFORMED 10/31/2023) N L L L L A A Z Z A A O O K K N N I I N N G G E E A A U U S S T T I I N N LEGEND LOC LOC LOC FTC FTC FTC SF SF SF TP TP TP LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN SILT FENCING TREE PROTECTION LAKE AUSTIN SHORELINE 492.8' 491.0'-492.0' 490.1'=491.0' 489.0'-490.0' 488.0'-489.0' 487.0'-488.0' 486.0'-487.0' 50% CRZ (past shoreline) 25% CRZ (past shoreline) OBSERVED CEF WETLAND AQUA PERMITS AUSTIN TEXAS LLC DESIGN, PERMITTING, CONSULTING, Y MAS ON THE SHORE OF LAKE AUSTIN IN THE BEAUTIFUL STATE OF TEXAS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PLANS PRODUCED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TEXAS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING FIRM: DANIEL P. HAMM F-23857 305 MARLY WAY, AUSTIN TX 78733 7 7 8 6 4 D N A O O R O L E G N A N L A H E C H F F T O S A X E T , N I T S U A .170 .169 50% CRZ .163 50% CRZ .162 .161 50% CRZ 50% CRZ .165 50% CRZ .164 50% CRZ .166 .167 .168 50% CRZ .171 .172 .160 .159 .158 .173 .174 .156 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .157 .155 50% CRZ .154 50% CRZ .181 .180 .179 .153 50% CRZ .152 50% CRZ .175 .176 .151 .150 .149 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .178 .177 .148 25% CRZ 50% CRZ 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .147 .146 .140 50% CRZ .141 .138 50% CRZ .137 .139 .136 .142 50% CRZ .143 .145 .135 50% CRZ .144 .122 .121 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .120 .109 .110 50% CRZ .111 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .119 50% CRZ .118 .117 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .112 .113 50% CRZ .114 50% CRZ .115 50% CRZ 8414 491.15 DOCK. .116 50% CRZ 25% CRZ All responsibility for the adequacy of these plans remain with the engineer who prepared them. In approving these plans, the City of Austin must rely on the adequacy of the work of the design engineer. 1. Bald Cypress M 4+ (4+4)/2= 8 2. Black Willow 25" (H) 3. Pecan 12" 4. Japanese Ligustrum M 11@4=24 (H) 5. Pecan 19 6. Pecan 12 (15' back) 7. Pecan 9 (12' back) 8. Pecan 9 (3' back) 9. Tallow 12 10. Pecan 10 11. Pecan 12 12. Pecan 13 (12' back) 13. Pecan 16 14. Pecan 12 15. Pecan 16 16. Pecan 15 17. Pecan 15 (6' back) 18. White Mulberry 15 19. Cypress 32 (H) 20. Magnolia 20 21. Pecan 18 22. Pecan 18 23. Pecan 17 24. Pecan 14 25. Pecan 8 26. Pecan M 31+30/2= 46 (22' back) (H) 27. Japanese Ligustrum 18 28. Pecan 11 29. Pecan 11 30. Pecan 9 31. Pecan 22 (24' back) 32. Pecan 17 (5' back) 33. Juniper 10 34. Pecan 12 35. Ligustrum M 10 (5+5)/2= 15 36. Pecan 10 37. Tallow 11 38. Tallow 19 39. Pecan 13 40. Tallow 13 41. Pecan 8 42. Cypress 14 43. Cypress 13 44. Cypress 15 45. Cypress 18 46. Sugarberry 9 47. Sugarberry 8 48. Cypress 21 49. Cypress 21 50. Pecan 13 51. Black Willow M 25+11=30.5(H) 52. Pecan 13 53. Pecan M 26+15=33.5 (H) 54. Pecan 13 55. Tallow 18 56. Tallow 15 57. Cypress 20 58. Cypress 36 (H) 59. Tallow 12 60. Tallow 9 61. Pecan 19 62. Tallow 13 63. White Mulberry 16 64. Pecan 16 65. Pecan 22 66. Pecan 17 67. Pecan 17 68. American Elm 24 (H) 69. Pecan 19 70. Pecan 20 71. Pecan 22 72. Cypress 36 (H) 73. Cypress 32 (H) 74. Cypress 46 (H) 75. Cypress 21 76. Pecan 17 (6' back) 77. Live Oak 12 (10' back) 78. Cedar Elm M 15+6=18 79. Pecan 18 80. Sycamore M 15+5=17.5 81. Cypress 15 82. Sycamore M 12+10+8=21 83. Cypress 17 84. Sycamore 12 85. Sycamore 10 86. White Mulberry 9 87. Sycamore 10 88. White Mulberry 10 89. Pecan 14 90. Pecan 28 (H) 91. Pecan 17 92. Pecan 17 93. Sycamore 38 (H) 94. American Elm 15 95. Live Oak 23 96. Tallow 17 97. Tallow 17 98. Pecan 20 99. Pecan 30 (H) 100. Magnolia 13 101. Cypress 32 (H) 102. Pecan 14 103. Cypress 26 (H) 104. Cypress 33 (H) 105. Cypress 31 (H) 106. Black Willow 22 (5' back) 107. Pecan 17 (24) 108. Pecan 24 (H) 109. Pecan 13 (4) 110. Sycamore 18 (0) 111. Ligustrum 13 (8) 112.Black Willow 12 (7) 113. Cypress 15 (0) 114. Tallow 12 (0) 115. Mimosa 10 (0) 116. Cypress 38 (0) H 117. Cypress 21 (0) 118. Cypress 30 (0) (H) 119. Pecan M 14+11=19.5 120. Pecan 12 (6) 121. Pecan 15 (12) 122. Pecan 18 (14) 123. Pecan 32 (25) (H) 124. Pecan 20 (22) 125. Cypress 14 (0) 126. Pecan 35 (30) (H) 127. Cypress 25 (0) 128. Tallow 9 (0) 129. Pecan 33 (22) 130. Cypress 33 (8) (H) 131. American Elm 17 (16) 132. Pecan 16 (20) 133. Pecan 22 (3) 134. Pecan 35 (10) (H) 135. Pecan 31 (24) (H) 136. Pecan 22 (20) 137. Pecan 21 (11) 138. Cypress 33 (4) (H) 139. Pecan 20 (20) 140. Cypress 25 (4) (H) 141. Cypress 20 (12) 142. Pecan 21 (10) 143. Pecan 18 (10) 144. Cottonwood 38 (24) (H) 145. Pecan 35 (5) (H) 146. Cottonwood 36 (10) (H) 147. Catalpa M 11+8= 15 (0) 148. Cypress 20 (1) 149. Cypress 12 (1) 150. Cypress 17 (1) 151. Arizona Ash 15 (8) 152. Tallow 10 (0) 153. Tallow 12 (0) 154. Sugarberry 17 (10) 155. Sugarberry 11 (3) 156. Cypress 34 (0) (H) 157. Arizona Ash 15 (8) 158. Mexican Sycamore 10 (8) 159. Mexican Sycamore 10 (8) 160. Mexican Sycamore 10 (8) 161. Cypress 21 ( 162. American Sycamore 33 (6') (H) 163. Cypress 20 (3') 164. Cypress 22 (3) 165. Cypress 24 (3') (H) 166. Cypress 24 (H) 167. Cypress 20 168. Cypress 18 169. Pecan 34 (10) (H) 170. Pecan 22 (10) 171. Pecan 34 (10) (H) 172. Pecan 18 (12) 173. Pecan 32 (20) (H) 174. Pecan 24 (H) 175. Arizona Ash M 20+17+5=31.5 (H) 176. Tallow 10 177. Tallow 18 (18) 178. Cypress 19 (3) 179. ? 12 (10) 180. Cypress 26 (8) (H) 181. Tallow 16 (15) 182. Pecan M 26+20 (40) (H) 183. Pecan 14 (0) 184. Pecan 51 (50) (H) 185. Pecan 40 (40) (H) DATE 11/22/2024 SCALE 1"=50' ENGINEER STAMP: DRAFTER AQUA PERMITS FILE SP-2023-0376D SHEET EXISTING PLAN 4 OF 8 50% CRZ .88 .89 .84 50% CRZ .86 .85 .87 .92 .94 50% CRZ .91 .90 .93 .80 50% CRZ .82 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .81 .83 .95 .96 .97 50% CRZ LAKE AUSTIN SHORELINE 492.8' MSL .105 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .104 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .103 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .131 50% CRZ .132 .130 50% CRZ .133 50% CRZ 50% CRZ .134 .101 .102 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .100 .106 50% CRZ .129 .126 .99 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .98 .128 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .127 .124 .123 .107 50% CRZ .125 .108 COA AND FEMA FULLY DEVELOPED FLOODPLAIN LINE 75' CWQZ SETBACK LEGEND 491.0'-492.0' LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 490.1'=491.0' 489.0'-490.0' LAKE AUSTIN SHORELINE 492.8' FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN 486.0'-487.0' 488.0'-489.0' 487.0'-488.0' All activities within the Critical Environmental Features (CEFs) and associated setbacks must comply with the City of Austin Land Development Code. The natural vegetative cover must be retained to the maximum extent practicable; construction is prohibited except as identified in this site plan; and wastewater disposal or irrigation is prohibited. N L L L L A A Z Z A A O O K K N N N N I I G G E E A A U U S S T T I I N N LEGEND LAKE AUSTIN SHORELINE 492.8' CRITICAL WATER QUALITY ZONE LOC LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AQUA PERMITS LLC AUSTIN TEXAS DESIGN, PERMITTING, CONSULTING, Y MAS ON THE SHORE OF LAKE AUSTIN IN THE BEAUTIFUL STATE OF TEXAS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AREA OF DREDGE 3:1 SLOPE OBSERVED CEF WETLAND 150' CEF WETLAND BUFFER PLANS PRODUCED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TEXAS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING FIRM: DANIEL P. HAMM F-23857 305 MARLY WAY, AUSTIN TX 78733 C L O L O C C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O 150' CEF WETLAND SETBACK SITE PLAN NOTES: ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR HAS THE AUTHORITY TO ADD AND/OR MODIFY EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS ON SITE TO KEEP PROJECT IN COMPLIANCE NO WATER OR WASTEWATER UTILITIES ARE PROPOSED WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT. ALL AREAS DISTURBED IN THE CRITICAL WATER QUALITY ZONE SHOULD BE WITH THE CITY OF AUSTIN RULES AND REGULATIONS. [LDC 25-2-183] - - RESTORED AS PER STANDARD SPECIFICATION 609.S. - ALL WORK SHALL OCCUR WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. MATERIALS WILL BE TRANSPORTED FROM THE SITE FROM WATER AND LAND. DREDGING TO BE PERFORMED VIA BARGE AND REMOVED VIA LAND USING HYDRAULIC METHODS PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROHIBITED WITHIN THE SHORELINE SETBACK AREA [LDC-25-2-551 (8)(3)] DREDGE MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED DRY IN A LEGALLY PERMITTED LANDFILL SITE. PRIOR TO OFFSITE DISPOSAL, THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE THE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR WITH THE ADDRESS AND CONTACT NUMBER FOR THE DISPOSAL SITE. DISPOSAL OF DREDGE SPOIL IN THE LAKE IS SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED. NO DREDGING PROPOSED WITHIN THE 50% CRZ ZONES (WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE SHORELINE) OF DENOTED TREES 11, 13, 42, 43, 119, 125, 127, 147, AND 156 NO SPOILS ARE ALLOWED IN THE 100-YR FLOODPLAIN - - - - - - All responsibility for the adequacy of these plans remain with the engineer who prepared them. In approving these plans, the City of Austin must rely on the adequacy of the work of the design engineer. 0 25 50 75 FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN Floatation Water Surface Filter Cloth Skirt (Variable Depth) Ballast Chain Channel Bottom 1 50% CRZ LO C FTC .45 25% CRZ 25% CRZ .43.42 LOC FTC 50% CRZ 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .44 C O L C T F 50% CRZ .46 LO C .47 C T F 50% CRZ C O L C T F L O C F T C LOC FTC .48 50% CRZ 50% CRZ .49 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .50 C LO C T F L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C C O L C T F LOC FTC C T F C O L C T F C O L .51 25% CRZ 50% CRZ F T C C O L 2 3 .52 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F 50% CRZ .53 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC L O C F T C .41 LO C .40 50% CRZ FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC L O C FT C .54 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .56 L O C F T C .55 25% CRZ 50% CRZ L O C .57 50% CRZ 25% CRZ F T C C O L C T F C O L C T F FTC LO C .39 LO C FTC 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .58 L O F T C C C O L C T F FTC LO C 50% CRZ .38 LO C FTC .37 C O L C T F C LO FTC .36 C O L C T F C LO .35 FTC .34 .59 C O L C T F .60 C O L C T F C LO C T F C O L C T F C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C O L LOC F T C LOC FTC LOC FTC F T L C O C C L O C L O C L O LOC C T F 1. C T F 1 495.25 CP. 4WARD C T F F T C F T L C O C C FTC LO F T L O C C FTC C LO .2 25% CRZ 50% CRZ FTC FTC FTC FTC FTC C FTC LO C C T LO F .3 FTC 50% CRZ .4 FTC FTC FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO C C T LO F .182 C C T LO F FTC C LO .5 FTC FTC C T F C T F .6 C T F FTC C LO C T F C O L C T F C O L .7 C T F .8 50% CRZ FTC LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION C O L C O L C O L C O L C O L C O L C O L C O L C O L C O L C O L C O L C O L C O L 50% CRZ .68 .69 OBSERVED CEF WETLAND .184 .185 .12 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .9 FTC .10 50% CRZ 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .14 50% CRZ .15 25% CRZ C T F 50% CRZ .11 C T F F T C 50% CRZ .13 25% CRZ C O L C O L 50% CRZ .16 T F C .17 50% CRZ C T F C C T O F L C T F L O C L O C T C F L O C T C F .183 LOC FTC 50% CRZ LOC F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C LOC FTC C LO FTC FTC LOC LOC FTC F T L O C C LOC FTC LOC F T C C T F C O L L O C F T C C O L .18 50% CRZ C T F C O C T F .19 L 50% CRZ 25% CRZ FT C C T F C T F C O L L O C FTC LOC FTC .22 .21 LOC FTC L O C C O C L T F LOC FTC F T C LOC FTC L O C F T C .20 L O C F T C L O C F T C C LO C T F .61 C LO .62 C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .33 50% CRZ C LO C T F C O L 50% CRZ C T F .32 C O L C T F .31 C O L C T F C O L C T F .30 .29 .28 50% CRZ .64.63 C O L C T F .65 C O L C T F C O L C T F .66 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .27 C O L C T F .25 .24 50% CRZ L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C .23 L O C F T C LOC FTC .67 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F 50% CRZ .70 C O L C T F C O L C T F 50% CRZ .71 C O L C T F .26 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .72 C O L C T F 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .73 C O L F T C C T F L O C F T C C O L C T F L O C F T C C O L L O C F T C L O C C T F C C O T L F 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .74 50% CRZ .75 C C O T L F L O C F T C C O L C T F 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .76 L F O T C C 50% CRZ .77 C O L F T C COA AND FEMA FULLY DEVELOPED FLOODPLAIN LINE C O T C L F C O C T L F C O T C L F 50% CRZ .78 25% CRZ C O C T L F .79 50% CRZ 25% CRZ C O C L T F L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC .80 50% CRZ .82 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .81 .83 C C T O F L C C T O F L FTC C O L C T F C O L FTC LO C FTC LOC FTC LO C .84 50% CRZ 50% CRZ .88 .89 .86 .85 .87 F T C L O C FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC F T C L O C C C T O F L F T C L O C F T C L O C C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F LOC FTC C O L FTC C O L .104 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .103 25% CRZ 50% CRZ C T F C O L FTC LOC .105 25% CRZ 50% CRZ C F O L T C C T F L O C C T F C O L L O F T C C C C O T L F C C O T L F .106 50% CRZ L O F T C C FTC LO C C T F L O C F T C L O F T C C F T C F T C LO C FTC L O F T C C L O C F T C L O C L O C T F C C T F C O L .101 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .102 L O C .100 F T C L O C F T C F T C .131 L O C 50% CRZ FTC LOC C T F LOC F T C L O C LO C .130 50% CRZ .132 .129 .126 .92 .94 50% CRZ .91 .90 .93 FTC LOC FTC LOC F T C L O C .99 25% CRZ 50% CRZ C T F C O L .98 FTC LOC F T C LOC F T C L O C .95 .96 .97 50% CRZ LAKE AUSTIN SHORELINE 492.8' MSL .124 .123 L O C F T C L O C .128 FT C L O F T C C L O F T C C L O F T C C L O F T C C .107 LO C FT C 50% CRZ 25% CRZ L O .127 C F T C L O C F T C L O F T C C .108 L O F T C C L O F T C C 50% CRZ L O C .125 F T C L O C F T C L O F T C C L O F T C C L O C F T C L O C F T C 3:1 SLOPE MAINTAINED FROM SHORELINE TO TARGET 488.8' MSL LAKE BED LEVEL AREA OF DREDGE PROPOSED DEPTH: 488.8' MSL 75' CWQZ SETBACK All activities within the Critical Environmental Features (CEFs) and associated setbacks must comply with the City of Austin Land Development Code. The natural vegetative cover must be retained to the maximum extent practicable; construction is prohibited except as identified in this site plan; and wastewater disposal or irrigation is prohibited. OBSERVED CEF WETLAND .181 F T L O C C .180 F T L O C C F T L O C C .179 F T L O C C F T L O C C 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .178 F T L O C C .177 F T L O C C F T L O C C C LO F T C C T F L O C C T F LOC FTC L O C F T C C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F F T L O C C C L O F T C C T F C O L C T F .138 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .137 C C O L O L 50% CRZ .139 C O L C T F C O L C T F .175 .176 C O L C T F C O L C T F L O C .140 F T C 50% CRZ L O C F T C .141 L O C F T C L O C F T C C O C L T F L O C F T C L .142 O C F T C 50% CRZ C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .153 C O L .152 50% CRZ C F T 50% CRZ C L O C F T C L O C F T .150 .151 C T F C L O .149 C O L C T F .174 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .148 25% CRZ 50% CRZ C O L F T C .147 25% L CRZ O 50% CRZ C F T C L O C F T C .146 L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C C L O F T C L O C F T C C T F L O C F T L O C F C T C C O L C T F L O C .144 50% CRZ .136 L O C F T C LOC FTC .143 C O L .145 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .135 C O L F T C C L O F T C C L O C T F C O L C T F L O C F T C F T C L O C L O F T C C L O C FTC LO C 50% CRZ .134 F T C L O C F T C .133 50% CRZ L O C F T C C O L L O C F T C .122 L O C F T C L O C F T C L O F T C C L O F T C C .121 50% CRZ .120 L 25% CRZ O C F T C L O C F T C L O F T C C .109 L O F T C C .110 50% CRZ L O F T C C .111 L O F T C C .112 L O F T C C L O C F T C 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .119 L O C 50% CRZ F T C .118 .117 25% CRZ 50% CRZ L O C F T C C L O 8414 491.15 DOCK. F T C C L O .116 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .113 O L 50% CRZ C FTC .114 50% CRZ FTC LOC .115 50% CRZ L O C L O C F T C F T C .169 50% CRZ LO C FTC L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C C L O F T C C L O .165 F T C 50% CRZ F T C C L O .164 C L O F T C 50% CRZ .166 .167 .168 LO C FTC LO C FTC F T C LOC .163 50% CRZ .162 C L O F T C .161 50% CRZ 50% CRZ .170 L O C FT C L O C F T C C L O C T F C O L C T F L O C F T C C L O F T C 50% CRZ .171 C L O C T F C L O F T C FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN L O C C T F C O L C T F .172 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .160 C O L C T F C O L C T F .159 .158 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O F L C T .156 T C F .155 L O C 50% CRZ L O C 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .157 C O L C T F C O L C T F .173 C O L C T F T C F L O C F T C .154 50% CRZ L O C C T F C O L C T F N O O G A D A O R 6 4 L 7 8 E 7 S N A X N E T A N H T S C U A F F O , I L E H T DATE SCALE 11/22/2024 ENGINEER STAMP: 1"=50' DRAFTER AQUA PERMITS FILE SP-2023-0376D SHEET PROPOSED DREDGE PLAN 5 OF 8 DREDGING PLAN LEGEND LOC FTC SF TP LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN SILT FENCING TREE PROTECTION MULCH LOG LAKE AUSTIN SHORELINE 492.8' AREA OF DREDGE 3:1 SLOPE OBSERVED CEF WETLAND 150' CEF WETLAND BUFFER AREA OF DRY DREDGE STORAGE DEWATERING ZONE 10' AREA BETWEEN DEWATERING ZONE AND VEGETATIVE BUFFER 15' VEGETATIVE BUFFER ZONE All responsibility for the adequacy of these plans remain with the engineer who prepared them. In approving these plans, the City of Austin must rely on the adequacy of the work of the design engineer. 0 25' 50' SCALE: 1"=50' EXPLANATION OF DREDGING PROCESS (STEP BY STEP): DREDGING OPERATION DEWATERING PROCESS SETUP AND MOBILIZATION PREPARATION AND PLANNING PREPARATION FOR LANDFILL DISPOSAL TRANSPORTING SEDIMENT TO DEWATERING BAGS 1. SITE SURVEY: CONDUCT SURVEYS OF THE DREDGING AREA AND THE DISPOSAL SITE TO PLAN LOGISTICS. EQUIPMENT AND CREW: ASSEMBLE THE REQUIRED EQUIPMENT (DREDGE, BARGE, DEWATERING BAGS, ETC.). 2. BARGE PREPARATION: ENSURE THE BARGE IS EQUIPPED WITH THE HYDRAULIC OR SUCTION DREDGE AND IS READY FOR OPERATION. A TURBIDITY CURTAIN IS REQUIRED AROUND THE ACTIVE DREDGING AREA. DEWATERING BAGS SETUP: POSITION DEWATERING BAGS (GEOTEXTILE BAGS) AT A DESIGNATED AREA NEAR THE DISPOSAL SITE. ENSURE THEY ARE SET UP ON A STABLE SURFACE AND READY TO RECEIVE SLURRY. PIPELINE INSTALLATION: CONNECT THE DREDGE TO A PIPELINE THAT WILL TRANSPORT THE SEDIMENT SLURRY FROM THE BARGE TO THE DEWATERING BAGS. 3. POSITION THE BARGE: ANCHOR THE BARGE SECURELY AT THE DREDGING SITE. BEGIN DREDGING: OPERATE THE HYDRAULIC DREDGE TO SUCTION OR HYDRAULICALLY REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM THE WATER BODY. MONITOR DREDGING: OVERSEE THE DREDGING PROCESS TO ENSURE IT OPERATES EFFICIENTLY AND SAFELY. 4. SLURRY CONVEYANCE: TRANSPORT THE SEDIMENT SLURRY FROM THE DREDGE TO THE DEWATERING BAGS. DISCHARGE INTO BAGS: DISCHARGE THE SEDIMENT SLURRY INTO THE DEWATERING BAGS. THE BAGS ARE DESIGNED TO ALLOW WATER TO DRAIN WHILE RETAINING THE SOLID SEDIMENT. 5. ALLOW DRAINAGE: LET THE DEWATERING BAGS SIT AND ALLOW EXCESS WATER TO DRAIN OUT. THIS PROCESS CAN TAKE SEVERAL DAYS OR WEEKS DEPENDING ON SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS AND BAG CAPACITY. (NOTE: STANDARD PORE SIZE OF BAGS IS .177 MM) MONITOR: REGULARLY CHECK THE BAGS TO ENSURE PROPER DRAINAGE AND TO PREVENT OVERFILLING. REPLACE OR ADJUST BAGS AS NECESSARY. 6. BAG MANAGEMENT: ONCE THE SEDIMENT IS SUFFICIENTLY DEWATERED AND SOLIDIFIED, CAREFULLY MANAGE AND PREPARE THE BAGS FOR TRANSPORT. ENSURE THAT THE BAGS ARE NOT OVERFILLED AND THAT THEY ARE SECURELY SEALED. LOADING: LOAD THE DEWATERED SEDIMENT FROM THE BAGS ONTO TRUCKS OR OTHER TRANSPORTATION VEHICLES. 7. TRANSPORT: TRANSPORT THE DEWATERED SEDIMENT TO THE DESIGNATED LANDFILL SITE USING APPROPRIATE VEHICLES. ENSURE SAFETY: ENSURE THAT THE TRANSPORT PROCESS DOES NOT RESULT IN SPILLAGE OR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. 8. LANDFILL PREPARATION: PREPARE THE LANDFILL AREA TO RECEIVE THE DEWATERED SEDIMENT. THIS MAY INCLUDE CLEARING AND LEVELING THE AREA. UNLOAD AND PLACE: UNLOAD THE SEDIMENT FROM THE TRUCKS AND PLACE IT IN THE DESIGNATED LANDFILL AREA. COMPACTION: USE COMPACTION EQUIPMENT TO COMPRESS THE SEDIMENT AND ENSURE STABILITY. COVERING: APPLY A COVER MATERIAL, SUCH AS SOIL, TO MANAGE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND AESTHETICS. 9. SITE CLEANUP: CLEAN UP THE DREDGING, DEWATERING, AND DISPOSAL SITES, REMOVING ANY REMAINING EQUIPMENT OR DEBRIS. INSPECTION AND DOCUMENTATION: INSPECT ALL SITES AND DOCUMENT THE DREDGING, DEWATERING, AND DISPOSAL PROCESSES FOR REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND REPORTING. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING: CONDUCT FOLLOW-UP ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING TO ASSESS AND MITIGATE ANY POTENTIAL IMPACTS RESULTING FROM THE DREDGING AND DISPOSAL ACTIVITIES. 10. EVALUATE THE PROCESS: REVIEW THE DREDGING, DEWATERING, AND DISPOSAL PROCESS TO EVALUATE EFFICIENCY AND ADDRESS ANY ISSUES ENCOUNTERED. PREPARE REPORTS: COMPILE AND SUBMIT DETAILED REPORTS ON DREDGING VOLUMES, DEWATERING EFFECTIVENESS, DISPOSAL METHODS, AND ANY ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS. POST-OPERATION ACTIVITIES TRANSPORT TO LANDFILL REVIEW AND REPORTING LANDFILL DISPOSAL 75' CWQZ SETBACK SITE PLAN NOTES: ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR HAS THE AUTHORITY TO ADD AND/OR MODIFY EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS ON SITE TO KEEP PROJECT IN COMPLIANCE NO WATER OR WASTEWATER UTILITIES ARE PROPOSED WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT. ALL AREAS DISTURBED IN THE CRITICAL WATER QUALITY ZONE SHOULD BE WITH THE CITY OF AUSTIN RULES AND REGULATIONS. [LDC 25-2-183] - - RESTORED AS PER STANDARD SPECIFICATION 609.S. - ALL WORK SHALL OCCUR WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. MATERIALS WILL BE TRANSPORTED FROM THE SITE FROM WATER AND LAND. DREDGING TO BE PERFORMED VIA BARGE AND REMOVED VIA LAND USING HYDRAULIC METHODS PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROHIBITED WITHIN THE SHORELINE SETBACK AREA [LDC-25-2-551 (8)(3)] DREDGE MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED DRY IN A LEGALLY PERMITTED LANDFILL SITE. PRIOR TO OFFSITE DISPOSAL, THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE THE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR WITH THE ADDRESS AND CONTACT NUMBER FOR THE DISPOSAL SITE. DISPOSAL OF DREDGE SPOIL IN THE LAKE IS SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED. NO DREDGING PROPOSED WITHIN THE 25% CRZ ZONES (WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE SHORELINE) OF DENOTED TREES 11, 13, 42, 43, 119, 125, 127, 147, AND 156 NO SPOILS ARE ALLOWED IN THE 100-YR FLOODPLAIN - - - - - - N AQUA PERMITS LLC AUSTIN TEXAS DESIGN, PERMITTING, CONSULTING, Y MAS ON THE SHORE OF LAKE AUSTIN IN THE BEAUTIFUL STATE OF TEXAS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PLANS PRODUCED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TEXAS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING FIRM: DANIEL P. HAMM F-23857 305 MARLY WAY, AUSTIN TX 78733 L O C F T C L O C F T C LO C .169 50% CRZ LO C FTC L O F C T C L O F C T C L O F C T C L O F C T C C L O F T C C L O .165 F T C 50% CRZ F T C C L O .164 C L O F T C 50% CRZ .166 .167 .168 FTC LO C FTC L O C .170 FT C L O C F T C LOC .163 50% CRZ .162 C L O F T C .161 50% CRZ 50% CRZ C L O C T F FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN 50% CRZ .171 F T C C L O F T C C L O C T F L O C F T C L O C F T C C L O C O L C T F C O L C T F .159 .158 .172 C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C O L C T F C O L C T F .160 C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F L O C C O L C T F C O F C L T .156 L O C T C F .155 50% CRZ 25% CRZ 50% CRZ T C F L O C F L O C T C .154 50% CRZ C O L C T F C O L C T F .157 EROSION/SEDIMENTATION PLAN 2 C LO .50 C T F .47 C T F C C O T L F C C O T L F .51 .48 .49 C LO C O L C O L C O L C O L L O C C T F C T F C T F F T C LOC LOC FTC FTC L C T F O C 50% CRZ 50% CRZ 50% CRZ 50% CRZ 25% CRZ 50% CRZ 50% CRZ 25% CRZ L L T F T F F T C C C C C O O 3 1 LO C .44 25% CRZ .43.42 LOC FTC 50% CRZ 25% CRZ 50% CRZ 50% CRZ 25% CRZ FTC .45 LO C .46 C C O T L F C C O T L F C C O T L F C C O T L F .52 C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C C O T L F C FTC LO 50% CRZ .53 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C FTC LO C FTC LO L O F T C C .41 LO C FTC .40 50% CRZ INSTALL TEMP. SEDIMENT REMOVAL MAT HERE INSTALL RIP RAP DRIVING LANE TO ASSIST WITH EROSION CONTROL FROM POINT OF ENTRY TO BARGE TO CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ON CHANNEL RD. C L O S F 12'-7" L O C C L O S F C L O C L O S F C L O C L O S F C L O C L O S F C L O C L O S F C L O C L O C L O S F C L O C L O C L O S F C L O L O C LOC FTC C O L FTC FT C 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .54 L O C .56 F T C .55 L O C 25% CRZ 50% CRZ 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .57 F T C C O L C T F C O L C T F 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .58 C O L F T C C O L C T F LO C FTC .39 LO C FTC FTC LO C 50% CRZ .38 .37 C O L C T F C O L C T F LO C FTC .36 C LO C T F C LO C T F .35 .34 .59 C O L C T F .60 C O L C T F C LO FTC C C O T L F C L O S F C L O C L O S F C L O C L O S F C L O C L O S F C L O C L O S F C L O C L O S F C L O C L O S F C L O C L O S F C L O LOC C T F C L O S F C L O S F 1. C T F 1 495.25 CP. 4WARD C T F C L O S F C L O S F C L O F S C O L F S C O L C O L F S LOC F T C FTC LOC FTC LOC F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C .2 25% CRZ 50% CRZ FTC LO C FTC C LO FTC LO C 18'-2" F T C FTC FTC FTC SF FTC FTC SF FTC FTC SF S F S F SF 10' S F F S F S SF SF SF T P P T T P SF T P .3 P T T P SF FTC FTC F T C FTC C T F SF FTC FTC SF FTC C LO FTC C LO F S P T 50% CRZ T P T P T P .4 P T F S T P FTC C T F F S FTC FTC F S FTC C T C F LO FTC C LO CRITICAL WATER QUALITY ZONE RIPRAP DRIVING LANE FROM BARGE LAUNCH TO CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO CHANNEL ROAD EXISTING UNIMPROVED DIRT ROAD TO CHANNEL RD. USE FOR REMOVAL/ACCESS BETWEEN DREDGE MATERIAL AND OFFSITE DISPOSAL C O L F S C O L F S C O L F S C O L F S C O L F S 240'-2" C O L F S C O L F S C O L F S C O L F S F S F S SF 10'-3" DRIVING LANE/ACCESS ROAD MUST BE AT LEAST 12' WIDE INSTALL ROW OF MULCH LOG DOWNSLOPE TO STORAGE AREA LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION HATCHED AREA INDICATES MINIMUM 10' SPACING BETWEEN FILTER BAG DRAINAGE LOCATION AND VEGETATIVE BUFFER ZONE (SEE DETAIL) AREA INDICATES LOCATION OF STAGING MATERIALS/DRY DREDGE MATERIAL STORAGE. PILES WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CWQZ AND COA 100-YEAR FULLY DEVELOPED FLOODPLAIN DAILY AT EOD. AT NO TIME WILL STORED DREDGE MATERIAL EXCEED 4 FEET IN DEPTH THE STAGING AREA SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT FLOWING OF SEDIMENT INTO THE LAKE. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC REFRESHING OR TOPDRESSING OF THE STAGING AREA, AS CONDITIONS DEMAND, AS WELL AS REPAIR AND CLEAN OUT OF ANY DEVICES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. STAGING AREA FOR DREDGE REMOVAL ADDRESS: 1719 CHANNEL RD *DREDGE PROCESS TO BE HYDRAULIC ONLY, USING FLOATING EXCAVATOR UNITS AND BAGGING OF MATERIAL *NO WORK WILL COMMENCE UNTIL THE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR HAS APPROVED A PLAN FOR DEWATERING AND HANDLING OF DREDGE MATERIAL AVERAGE SIZE OF DREDGE MATERIAL REMOVAL BAGS: 15' X 15' WITH 225 CU FT CAPACITY, TOTAL BAGS REQUIRED ~50 AREA OF DEWATERING FOR DREDGE BAGS (MINIMUM 15' WIDTH TO ACCOMODATE SIZE OF PROPOSED DREDGING BAGS, SEE DETAIL) TURNOUT AREA C O L F S C O L F S C O L F S C O L F S C O L F S T P T P .16 S T F T P P T F C P T 50% CRZ T P F S T P T P .17 F T P P T S P T 50% CRZ T P C T F T P T P .18 P T T P P T 50% CRZ T P C T F C T F OBSERVED CEF WETLAND LOC F T C L O C F T C C O L C T F C O L C T F C C O T L F FTC 50% CRZ P T 25% CRZ T P T P T P .19 P T T P LOC FTC LOC FTC 21'-1" SF SF 15'-5" T P T P T P .12 P T TP T P 50% CRZ T P .14 P T P T T P 50% CRZ T P P T .15 S P T T P F 25% CRZ T P C T F T P T P FTC .10 50% CRZ 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .11 C T F F T C 50% CRZ .13 25% CRZ LAKE AUSTIN SHORELINE 492.8' MSL FTC C LO FTC C LO T P T P F S .5 P T T P P T T P F S FTC F S C T F F S F S F S F S P T T P T P .6 P T T P T P F S C T F FTC F S FTC C T F F S FTC C T F F S C T F C T F C T C F O L C T C F O L F S SF .7 F S C T F C T F C F T SF 15'-5" .9 25% CRZ 50% CRZ SF .8 50% CRZ S F FTC FTC C LO FTC C LO HATCHED AREA INDICATES 15' MINIMUM VEGETATIVE BUFFER ZONE (SEE DETAIL) .182 COA AND FEMA FULLY DEVELOPED FLOODPLAIN FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN TO BE ADJUSTED AS NEEDED TO PREVENT DISCHARGE OF FUGITIVE SEDIMENT FROM THE DEWATERING OPERATION TO THE LAKE. .181 C T C F O L C T F L O C SILT FENCING L O C F T C L O C T C F L O C F T C L O C LOC FTC LOC FTC FTC LOC .183 LOC FTC 50% CRZ FTC L O C T C F LOC FTC FTC LO C F T C L O C F T C L O C .180 F T C L O C C LO F T C .179 F T C L O C .22 .21 LOC FTC LOC FTC C O L C T F L O C F T C LOC FTC .20 L O C F T C L O C F T C LOC FTC L O C F T C 2 X 12 PLANKS LAID DOWN AS SUPPORT FOR LAND VEHICLES. POINT OF ENTRY FOR BARGE TO LAUNCH FROM 1719 CHANNEL SHORELINE *PUMPING IS TO CEASE IMMEDIATELY IF SEDIMENT IS OBSERVED DISCHARGING TO THE LAKE INCLUDING FROM THE DEWATERING AREA AND WILL NOT RESUME UNTIL THE CAUSE OF THE DISCHARGE HAS BEEN ADDRESSED. C C O T L F C C O T L F .33 C O L C T F 50% CRZ .32 .31 C LO C T F .61 C LO 50% CRZ .62 C T F C LO C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .30 .29 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .28 .26 50% CRZ .64.63 .65 C LO C T F C O L C T F .66 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .27 .25 C O L C T F L O C F T C L O C F T C .24 50% CRZ .23 L O C F T C L F O T C C .67 C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F 50% CRZ .68 .69 C O L C T F C O L C T F 50% CRZ .70 50% CRZ .71 C O L C T F C O L C T F .184 .185 C O L C T F C O L C T F 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .72 C O L C T F 50% CRZ 25% CRZ C O .73 L F T C L O C F C O T L C F T C L O C F C O T L C F T C L O C F T C L O C C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .74 L O C F T C C O L C T F 50% CRZ .75 C O L 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .76 F T C .77 O L C 50% CRZ C T F C O L C T F F T C L O C 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .178 F T C L O C .177 F T C L O C C LO F T C L O C C F T C O L F T C F T C L O C C T F .175 .176 C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O C T F LOC FTC L O C .140 F T C 50% CRZ .146 C O C L T F .148 25% CRZ 50% CRZ C O L F T C .147 25% CRZ L 50% CRZ O F C T C L O F C T C L O F C T C C T F L O C L O C F T C C O L C T F C O L C T F C C L O F T C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .137 L C C T F C O L O L C T F .138 50% CRZ .139 .173 C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C O L C T F .153 C L O .152 50% CRZ C F T 50% CRZ C L O C F T C L O C F T .150 .151 .174 C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C L O .149 C O L C T F L O C F T C .141 L O C F T C L O C F T C C O L C T F C O L F T C L O C .142 F T C 50% CRZ L O F C T C L O F C T C L O F C T C C L O F T C C L O F T C .145 L O C F T C LOC .143 FTC C O L L O F C T C C T F L O C F T C L O F C T C C O L C T F L O C .144 50% CRZ C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F .136 .135 C O L C T F C O L C T F C L O F T C C L O C T F C O L C T F L O C F T C F T C F T C L O C L O F C T C L O C FTC LO C 50% CRZ .134 F T C L O C .133 50% CRZ L O C F T C C O L L O C F T C L O C F T C .122 L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C .109 L O C F T C .110 50% CRZ .121 50% CRZ .120 25% CRZ L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C .111 L O F C T C .112 L O C F T C L .113 O C 50% CRZ L O C F T C 50% CRZ 25% CRZ .119 L O C 50% CRZ F T C .118 L O C F T C L O C 8414 491.15 DOCK. .117 25% CRZ 50% CRZ FTC .114 50% CRZ LOC FTC .115 50% CRZ C L O .116 50% CRZ F T C 25% CRZ C O L C T F C O L C T F 50% CRZ .78 25% CRZ C O L C T F 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .79 C O L C T F L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C C T F C T F F T C FTC FTC FTC FTC F T C F T C FTC C O L C T F L O C C F T C O L L O C FTC L O C L O C C T F C T F C T F FTC C O L C T F FTC C O L .104 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .103 25% CRZ 50% CRZ LOC .105 FTC 25% CRZ 50% CRZ C O F L T C C T F C O L L O C F T C C O C L T F L O C C T F C O C L T F .106 50% CRZ L O C F T C LO C C T F L O C F T C F T C C O L F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C LO C FTC L O C F T C L O C C O L C T F .102 L O C C T F C O L .101 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .100 F T C F T C .131 L O C 50% CRZ LOC FTC C T F LOC F T C L O C .130 50% CRZ LO C FTC .132 .129 .126 FTC FTC .84 50% CRZ L O C 50% CRZ C LO .88 FTC LOC FTC LOC LOC LOC .86 LOC .85 .87 .89 FTC LOC .80 50% CRZ FTC LOC .82 25% CRZ 50% CRZ .83 .81 LOC LOC LOC LOC .92 .91 .90 .93 L O C .94 50% CRZ .95 L O C LO C LOC L O C .96 .97 50% CRZ F T C L O C .99 25% CRZ 50% CRZ C T F C O L .98 FTC L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C FTC FTC L O C L O C .124 .123 L O C F T C .128 LO C FT C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C .107 LO C FT C 50% CRZ 25% CRZ LO .127 C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C .108 L O C F T C L O C F T C 50% CRZ L O .125 C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C COA AND FEMA FULLY DEVELOPED FLOODPLAIN LINE (SEE SILT FENCE DETAIL) (SEE SILT FENCE DETAIL) (SEE SILT FENCE DETAIL) All activities within the Critical Environmental Features (CEFs) and associated setbacks must comply with the City of Austin Land Development Code. The natural vegetative cover must be retained to the maximum extent practicable; construction is prohibited except as identified in this site plan; and wastewater disposal or irrigation is prohibited. 6 4 7 D N A O O R O L E G N A N L A H E C H F F T O 8 7 S A X E T , N I T S U A FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN Floatation Water Surface Filter Cloth Skirt (Variable Depth) Ballast Chain Channel Bottom BOARDS FENCE LOCATION PRIOR TO CLEARING, GRADING AND PAVING PERMEABLE PAVING AREA CURB FENCE LOCATION DURING PERMEABLE PAVING INSTALLATION CRZ BOARDS TEMPORARY ACCESS ROAD, EXISTING ROADWAY OR EASEMENT AS APPROVED CRZ WOOD CHIP MULCH AREA 100 mm - 150 mm (4"-6") DEPTH LINEAR CONSTRUCTION THROUGH TREES TREES IN PAVING AREA MINIMUM NECESSARY WORK AREA (WOOD CHIP MULCH 100 TO 150 mm 4" TO 6" DEPTH) BLDG. ADD BOARDS STRAPPED TO TRUNK DUE TO CLOSENESS OF FENCE LESS THAN 1.5 m (5') FROM TRUNK TREES NEAR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY LIMIT OF CONTRUCTION LINE AS SHOWN ON PLAN NATURAL AREAS CRITICAL ROOT ZONE (C.R.Z) RADIUS = 12mm PER mm (1 FT. PER INCH) OF TRUNK DIAMETER INDIVIDUAL TREE GROUP OF TREES CITY OF AUSTIN WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT TREE PROTECTION FENCE LOCATIONS RECORD COPY SIGNED BY J. PATRICK MURPHY 11/16/99 ADOPTED THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR APPROPRIATE USE OF THE STANDARD STANDARD NO. 610S-1 DATE SCALE 11/22/2024 ENGINEER STAMP: 1"=50' DRAFTER AQUA PERMITS FILE SP-2023-0376D SHEET EROSION/ SEDIMENTATION PLAN 6 OF 8 All activities within the Critical Environmental Features (CEFs) and associated setbacks must comply with the City of Austin Land Development Code. The natural vegetative cover must be retained to the maximum extent practicable; construction is prohibited except as identified in this site plan; and wastewater disposal or irrigation is prohibited. DREDGE X-SECS 0 50 100 150 SCALE: 1"=150' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 3:1 SLOPE EXISTING PROFILE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 327.1 SQ FT EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 3:1 SLOPE EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 3:1 SLOPE EXISTING PROFILE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' PROPOSED PROFILE 487.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 458.1 SQ FT 4:1 SLOPE TO ALLOW FOR PRESERVATION OF WETLANDS EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE 75' 100' 125' 150' 175' 200' 225' 250' 275' N EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 3:1 SLOPE PROPOSED PROFILE 487.8' 75' LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' EXISTING PROFILE DREDGE AMOUNT 593.2 SQ FT 100' 125' 150' 175' 200' 225' 250' 275' 4:1 SLOPE TO ALLOW FOR PRESERVATION OF WETLANDS EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE w/ 3:1 SLOPE PROPOSED PROFILE 487.8' 75' LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' EXISTING PROFILE DREDGE AMOUNT 433.6 SQ FT EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 3:1 SLOPE 100' 125' 150' 175' 200' 225' 250' 275' A B C D E F G K O R V 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 25' 25' 25' 25' 25' 25' 50' 50' 50' 50' 50' 50' 50' 50' 50' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 3:1 SLOPE EXISTING PROFILE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' PROPOSED PROFILE 487.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 485.2 SQ FT EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE w/ 3:1 SLOPE 75' 100' 125' 150' 175' 200' 225' 250' 275' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 3:1 SLOPE EXISTING PROFILE PROPOSED PROFILE 487.8' 75' LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 484 SQ FT EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 3:1 SLOPE 100' 125' 150' 175' 200' 225' 250' 275' 75' 100' 125' 175' 200' 225' 250' 275' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE EXISTING PROFILE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE DREDGE AMOUNT 18.75 SQ FT PROPOSED PROFILE 487.8' H 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 150' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 1:1 SLOPE EXISTING PROFILE DREDGE AMOUNT 7.69 SQ FT LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE I 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 3:1 SLOPE EXISTING PROFILE DREDGE AMOUNT 47.4 SQ FT LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 3:1 SLOPE J 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' 25' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' 25' 50' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' 25' 50' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' 25' 50' 25' 50' 75' 25' 50' 75' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE EXISTING PROFILE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE DREDGE AMOUNT 9.4 SQ FT EXISTING PROFILE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W/ 3:1 SLOPE DREDGE AMOUNT 19 SQ FT L 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' DREDGE AMOUNT 4.8 SQ FT 25' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' M 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE N 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 25' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W 3:1 SLOPE EXISTING PROFILE DREDGE AMOUNT 43.5 SQ FT LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W 3:1 SLOPE EXISTING PROFILE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 112.2 SQ FT PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W 3:1 SLOPE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 200 SQ FT EXISTING PROFILE EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 11 SQ FT P 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W 3:1 SLOPE 25' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' Q 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W 3:1 SLOPE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 64.3 SQ FT 25' 50' 75' 100' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' 25' 50' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' 25' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' 25' 50' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' 25' 50' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' 25' 50' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE w 3:1 SLOPE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 10.6SQ FT EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W 3:1 SLOPE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 34 SQ FT EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W 3:1 SLOPE DREDGE AMOUNT 26.1 SQ FT LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W 3:1 SLOPE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 115.1 SQ FT EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W 3:1 SLOPE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 29.5 SQ FT EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W 3:1 SLOPE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' DREDGE AMOUNT 11.2 SQ FT S W 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' T 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' U 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' DREDGE AMOUNT 122.5 SQ FT EXISTING/PROPOSED SHORELINE W 3:1 SLOPE LAKE AUSTIN ELEVATION 492.8' x 495' 494' 493' 492' 491' 490' 489' 488' 487' 486' 485' 0' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' 25' PROPOSED PROFILE 488.8' 25' 50' 75' 100' 25' 50' EXISTING PROFILE 487.0' AQUA PERMITS LLC AUSTIN TEXAS DESIGN, PERMITTING, CONSULTING, Y MAS ON THE SHORE OF LAKE AUSTIN IN THE BEAUTIFUL STATE OF TEXAS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PLANS PRODUCED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TEXAS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING FIRM: DANIEL P. HAMM F-23857 305 MARLY WAY, AUSTIN TX 78733 D N A O O R O L E G N A 6 4 7 8 7 S A X E T N L A , H E C N T S U A H F F T O I X SECS SCALE: 1"=20' AVERAGE END AREA CALCULATIONS: (A+B) 327.1 SQ FT + 458.1 SQ FT= 785.2 SQ FT 785.2/2 = 392.6 AVG. 392.6 X 74’ (DISTANCE BTW A & B) = 29052.4 CU FT 29052.4/27 = 1076.015 CU YDS (B+C) 458.1 SQ FT + 593.2 SQ FT = 1051.3 SQ FT 1051.3/2 = 525.65 AVG. 525.65 X 103’ (DISTANCE BTW B & C) = 54141.95 CU FT 54141.95/27 = 2005.26 CU YDS (C+D) 593.2 SQ FT + 433.6 SQ FT = 1026.8 SQ FT 1026.8/2= 513.4 AVG. 513.4 X 140’ (DISTANCE BTW C & D) = 71876 CU FT 71876/27 = 2662.074 CU YDS (D+E) 433.6 SQ FT + 485.2 SQ FT = 918.8 SQ FT 918.8/2=.459.4 AVG. 459.4 X 95’ (DISTANCE BTW D & E) = 43643 CU FT 43643/27 = 1616.407 CU YDS (E+F) 485.2 SQ FT + 484 SQ FT = 969.2 SQ FT 969.2/2=484.6 AVG. 484.6 X 86’ (DISTANCE BTW E & F) = 41675.6 CU FT 41675.6/27= 1543.541 CU YDS (F+K) 484 SQ FT + 112.2 SQ FT = 596.2 SQ FT 596.2/2=298.1 AVG 298.1 X 53’ (DISTANCE BTW F & K) = 15799.3 CU FT 15799.3/27= 585.16 CU YDS (K+L) 112.2 SQ FT + 4.8 SQ FT = 117 SQ FT 117/2=58.5 AVG 58.5 X 65.1’ (DISTANCE BTW K & L) = 3808.35 CU FT 3808.35/27= 141.05 CU YDS (L+M) 4.8 SQ FT + 9.4 SQ FT = 14.2 SQ FT 14.2/2=7.1 AVG 7.1 X 142’ (DISTANCE BTW L & M) = 1008.2 CU FT 1008.2/27= 37.341 CU YDS (M+I) 9.4 SQ FT + 7.69 SQ FT= 17.09 SQ FT 17.09/2=8.545 AVG. 8.545 X 247’ (DISTANCE BTW M & I) = 2110.615 CU FT 2110.615/27= 78.17 CU YDS (H+X) 18.75 SQ FT + 122.5 SQ FT = 141.25 SQ FT 141.25/2=70.625 AVG 70.625 X 84’ (DISTANCE BTW H & J) = 5932.5 CU FT 5932.5/27= 219.722 CU YDS (H+S) 18.75 SQ FT + 34 SQ FT = 52.75 SQ FT 52.75/2=26.375 AVG 26.375 X 121’ (DISTANCE BTW H & S) = 3191.375 CU FT 3191.375/27= 118.2 CU YDS (P+G) 11 SQ FT + 43.5 SQ FT = 54.5 SQ FT 54.5/2=27.25 AVG. 27.25 X 181.5’ (DISTANCE BTW P & G) = 4945.875 CU FT 4945.875/27= 183.18 CU YDS (G+Q) 43.5 SQ FT + 64.3 SQ FT = 107.8 SQ FT 107.8/2=53.9 AVG. 53.9 X 176.5’ (DISTANCE BTW G & Q) = 9513.35 CU FT 9513.35/27= 352.35 CU YDS (P+R) 11 SQ FT + 10.6 SQ FT = 21.6 SQ FT 21.6/2=10.8 AVG 10.8 X 156’ (DISTANCE BTW P & R) = 1684.8 CU FT 1684.8/27= 62.4 CU YDS DATE SCALE 11/22/2024 ENGINEER STAMP: (T+J) 26.1 SQ FT + 47.4 SQ FT = 73.5 SQ FT 73.5/2=36.75 AVG. 36.75 X 176’ (DISTANCE BETWEEN T & J) = 6468 CU FT 6468/27= 239.55 CU YDS DRAFTER (J+U) 47.4 SQ FT + 115.1 SQ FT = 162.5 SQ FT 162.5/2=81.25 AVG. 81.25 X 69’ (DISTANCE BETWEEN J & W) = 5606.25 CU FT 5605.25/27= 207.64 CU YDS (N+V) 19 SQ FT + 29.5 SQ FT = 48.5 SQ FT 48.5/2=24.25 AVG. 24.25 X 96’ (DISTANCE BTW N & X) = 2328 CU FT 2328/27= 86.22 CU YDS (I&W) 7.69 SQ FT + 11.2 SQ FT = 18.89 SQ FT 18.89/2=9.445 AVG 9.445 X 65’ (DISTANCE BETWEEN I & W) = 613.925 CU FT 613.925/27= 22.74 CU YDS TOTAL CUBIC YDS (AVG.) = 11237.02 CU YDS AQUA PERMITS FILE SP-2023-0376D SHEET DREDGE CUT/FILL LOCATIONS SHEET 7 OF 8 L O C F T C LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC C O L C T F C LO C T F C LO C T F C O L C T F C O L F T C L O C C T F C O L LOC FTC LO C LOC FTC FTC LO C FTC C O L LOC FTC C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L L O C F T C C T F C O L C T F C T F C LO C T F C LO C T F C O L F T L O C C F T L O C C F T C L O C C T F C O L C T F C O L F T C L O C F T C L O C C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L Q C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO C O L C T F C O L C T F C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F FTC C LO L O C FTC L O C F T C FTC C LO FTC L O C FTC C LO L O C LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC FT C L O C FT C L O C L O C FT C F T C L O C F T C L O C C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L G FTC C LO FTC LO C FTC LO C FTC LO C FTC LO C FTC LO C FTC LO C C L O F T C C L O F T C C T F C LO C T F C O L C T F FTC LO C FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO C T F C LO C T F C LO C O L C T F C O L C T F FTC C LO FTC C LO C T F C O L C LO C T F C O L C T F C T F C LO C T F C LO C O L C T F C O L C T F C T F C LO C T F C O L C T F C O L C O L FTC C LO FTC C LO C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L 150' CEF WETLAND SETBACK F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO L O C F T C L O C LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC F T C L O C F T C L O C x C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F L O C F T C LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC F T C LOC L O C F T C C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO H C LO FTC C LO FTC FTC C LO FTC C LO C T F C LO FTC C LO C O L FTC C LO FTC C O L FTC C LO C T F C LO C T F C T F C LO FTC C LO C T F C LO FTC C LO C T F C O L C T F C LO C T F C LO FTC C LO C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L P C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C T F C O L C O L C T F C T F C O L C O L C T F C T F C O L C O L C T F C T F C T F C O L C O L C T F C O L C O L C T F F T C F T C C O L L O C L O C F T C L O C L O C F T C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F R C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L F T L O C C C T F F T L O C C C T F C O L C T F C O L F T L C O C F T L O C C C T F C O L F T L C O C C O L F T L O C C F T L O C C F T C L O C C O L C T F C O L C T F C L O C T F C O L C T F A C T F L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C LO FTC C LO C T F C LO C T F C LO C T F C T F C LO C T F C LO C T F C LO C T F C LO C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO FTC C LO C T F C T F C LO C T F C LO C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L L F O T C C C LO C T F C LO FTC LO C FTC C LO FTC LO C FTC S L O C C O L C T F C O L T C F C LO FTC F T L C O C L O C C T F F T C C O L T C F L O C C T F L O C T C F L O C F T C L O C T C F LOC FTC LOC LOC FTC F T C F T C L O C T C F L O C L O C F T C LOC LOC LOC F T C FTC FTC LOC LOC FTC FTC L O C F T C L O C F T C LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC L O C LOC FTC C LO FTC FT C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C F T C L O C LOC LOC FTC C O L C T F L O C F T C F T C L O C F T C L O C C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F L O C C T F L O C C O L C T F F T C L O C C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F LOC LOC FTC FTC FTC C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F LO C FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC C O L C T F L O C LOC FTC LOC FTC C O L C T F LOC FTC F T C L O C LOC FTC LOC FTC FTC L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C C T F L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F V O L C T F C O L C T F C C C O L C T F C O L C T F C T F C O L C T F C O L C O L C T F L O C F T C FTC FTC LOC C T F O L LOC F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C C LO FTC L O C F T C L O C F T C C T F K C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L L O C F T C C O L F T C C L O C F T C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L L C O L C T F L O C F T C C O L C F T C L O C T F L O C F T C F T C C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F T F C L O C F T C L O C T F C L O C T F C L O C F T C L O C T F C L C O T F C L C O T F C L C O M T F C L C O T F C L C O C T F L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C C LO C T F C LO C T F C O L C T F L O C F T C L O C F T C N F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C C L O C F T L O C F T C C L O F T C L O C C T F C O L L O C F T C L O C F T C C O L L O C F T C L O C F T C C F T C L O F T C L O C C O L C T F LOC FTC F T C C T F C O L F T C L O C LOC C T F C O L L O C F T C F T C L O C B C D E C L O C T F C O L C F T C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C O F T C C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F L O C C T F C O L L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C C T F C O L L O C C T F FTC C T F C O L L O C FTC FTC FTC FTC FTC L O C C LO L O C C LO F T C L O C FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC F T C LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC L O C FTC L O C LOC LOC LOC L O C LOC L O C F T C F T C F T C FTC F T C FTC FTC FTC FTC FTC FTC FTC F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C C T F C T F C T F C T F L O C LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC L O C L O C L O C LO C LO C LOC LOC LOC LOC L O C FTC FTC FTC FTC FTC FTC L O C L O C L O C L O C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C C O L C T F C O L FTC L O C FTC L O C L O C T C F T C F L O C L O C T C F LAKE AUSTIN SHORELINE 492.8' MSL F T C C L O F T C C L O F F T C C L O FTC C LO C T F C O L C T F C O L F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C F T C L O C L O C F T C F T L O C C FTC LO C L O C F T C FTC LO C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F L T O C C F T C L O C F T C C T F L O C L O C F T C F T C L O C C T F C O L C T F C O L F T C L O C L O F T C C F T C L O C L F O T C C C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C O L F T C L O C F T C L O C FT C LO C LO C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C FTC C T F LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC C T F C O L FTC LOC C O L C T F F T C L O C FTC C T F C O L F T C LOC C T F C O L F T C L O C L O C L F O T C C C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F L F O T C C FTC LO C FTC LO C C O L C T F L F O T C C L F O T C C L F O T C C L F O T C C L O C F T C T F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C FTC LOC F T C L O C FTC LOC FTC LOC C O L F L T O C C F L T O C C C T F C O L L F O T C C L F O T C C L F O T C C L F O T C C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C FT C L O C F T C LO C FTC L O C F T C L O C FTC L O C FT C L O C F T C L O C F T C F T C L O C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C F T C L O C F T C L O C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O F T C C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C 75' CWQZ SETBACK COA AND FEMA FULLY DEVELOPED FLOODPLAIN LINE L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C J L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L F O T C C L F O T C C L O C F T C L O F T C C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C F T C C L O F T C L O C F T C C L O FTC LOC FTC LOC FTC LOC C L O L O C F T C L O F T C C L O F T C C L F O T C C L O F T C C U L O C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C LO C FTC LO C FTC L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C C LO FTC C LO FTC LO C FTC LO C FTC L O C F T C L O C F T C F T C C L O L O C F T C L O C F T C C L O F T C C L O F T C C L O W L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C FT C L O C F T C F T C L O C F T C C L O F T C L O C F T C C L O F T C C L O F T C LOC F T C C L O F T C C L O F T C L O C F T C L O C T F C L C O I L O C FT C C L O F T C L O C F T C C L O C F T T F C L C O T F C L C O T F C L C O T F C L C O T F C L C O C T F C O L T F C L C O C L O C F T C L O F T C C L O C F T L O C C T F L O C C T F C O L C T F T F C L C O T F C L C O T F C L C O T F C L C O C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F T F C L C O T F C L C O T F C L C O F T C L O C F T C L O C C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C F T C L O C C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F F T C L O C T F C L C O T F C L C O C O L C T F C O L C T F C O L C T F T F C L C O T F C L C O T F C L C O C F T C L O T F C L O C LEGEND LOC LOC LOC LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION CWQZ AND LA SETBACK SHORELINE OBSERVED CEF WETLAND 150' CEF WETLAND BUFFER AREA OF DREDGE AREA OF 3:1 SLOPE 0 25' 50' SCALE: 1"=50' AREA OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE AREA OF WETLAND MITIGATION >5 ft from shoreline in water AREA OF WETLAND MITIGATION >3 ft from shoreline on land WETLAND MITIGATION: ALL ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE CEF AND CEF BUFFER MUST COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF AUSTIN CODE AND CRITERIA. THE NATURAL VEGETATIVE COVER MUST BE RETAINED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE; CONSTRUCTION IS PROHIBITED; AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL OR IRRIGATION IS PROHIBITED -WETLAND MITIGATION PLANTINGS TO BE EVENLY SPACED AT LEAST 36" IN A TRIANGULAR PATTERN. -NATURAL SHORELINE AREAS SHOULD BE PROTECTED BY PROVIDING A 3:1 H:V SLOPE FROM THE LAKE BOTTOM ELEVATION AT THE SHORELINE TO THE FINAL DREDGE DEPTH. -WETLAND MITIGATION (OBL, FACW) TO CONSIST OF AN EQUAL NUMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PLANTINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA MANUAL: AMERICAN WATER WILLOW (JUSTICIA AMERICANA) THREE SQUARE BULRUSH (SCIRPUS AMERICANUS) 1. 2. DELTA ARROWHEAD (SAGITTARIA PLATYPHYLLA) 3. 4. PICKERELWEED (PONTEDERIA CORDATA) 5. CALIFORNIA BULRUSH (SCHOENOPLECTUS CALIFORNICUS) 6. HORSETAIL (EQUISETUM LAEVIGATUM) -WETLAND MITIGATION ON LAND (FAC, FACW) TO CONSIST OF AN EQUAL NUMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PLANTINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA MANUAL: 1. BEAKED SPIKERUSH (ELEOCHARIS ROSTELLATA) 2. EMORY SEDGE (CAREX EMORYII) 3. BUSHY BLUESTEM (ANDROPOGON GLOMERATUS) 4. BIG MUHLY (MUHLENBERGIA LINDHEIMERI) 5. BUTTONBUSH (CEPHALANTHUS OCCIDENTALIS) 6. EASTERN GAMA GRASS (TRIPSACUM DACTYLOIDES) ALL OBL SPECIES TO BE PLACED IN 0-1/2' BELOW NORMAL POOL LEVEL, PER ECM CRITERIA. ALL FACW PLANTINGS TO BE INSTALLED UP TO A DEPTH OF 1', UP TO 5 FT FROM THE NATURAL SHORELINE, AREA OF PLANTING IN WATER SHOWN AS "AREA OF WETLAND MITIGATION <5FT FROM SHORELINE" IN LEGEND. ALL FAC PLANTINGS TO BE INSTALLED 1-4 FT ABOVE NORMAL POOL LEVEL, PER ECM CRITERIA. AREA OF PLANTING ON LAND SHOWN AS "AREA OF WETLAND MITIGATION ON LAND" IN LEGEND. IF A SPECIES IS NOT COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE , SUBSTITUTION SPECIES CAN BE REVIEW AND APPROVED BY THE WETLAND BIOLOGIST REVIEWERS. AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #3: 699 SQ FT C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F F T C F T C F T C FTC C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F F T C C T F F T C C T F F T C F T C C T F C T F F T C C T F DISTURBED AREA #4 AREA OF DISTURBANCE: 35 SQ FT AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #2: 1709 SQ FT COA AND FEMA FULLY DEVELOPED FLOODPLAIN LINE 75' CWQZ SETBACK AREA OF DISTURBANCE WITHIN THE150' CEF BUFFER: 146570 SQ FT All activities within the Critical Environmental Features (CEFs) and associated setbacks must comply with the City of Austin Land Development Code. The natural vegetative cover must be retained to the maximum extent practicable; construction is prohibited except as identified in this site plan; and wastewater disposal or irrigation is prohibited. FTC FTC FTC F T C C T F F T C C T F C T F F T C FTC C T F C T F C T F F T C C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F FTC All responsibility for the adequacy of these plans remain with the engineer who prepared them. In approving these plans, the City of Austin must rely on the adequacy of the work of the design engineer. N 12'-7" 150' CEF WETLAND SETBACK FT C FTC C T F FTC FTC F T C FTC FTC FTC F T C FT C C T F C T F C T F C T F FTC F T C FTC AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #6: 40 SQ FT DISTURBED AREA #1 AREA OF DISTURBANCE: 267 SQ FT AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #5: 83 SQ FT C T F C T F C T F C T F FTC C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F FTC C T F C T F C T F 14 ROUGHLEAF DOGWOOD 82 BUSHY BLUESTEM 29 LIVE OAK AREA CONSISTS OF LOC ON THE SHORE IN THE CWQZ AND REQUIRES NATIVE GRASSLAND SEEDING/PLANTINGS PER THE COA STANDARD SPECIFICATION 609.S.6. NATIVE TOPSOIL AND SEED BED PREPARATION REQUIRED AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #4: 763 SQ FT 15 ROUGHLEAF DOGWOOD AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #10: 521 SQ FT 2 494.86 CP. 4WARD OBSERVED CEF WETLAND C T F F T C C T F C T F C T F FTC C T F C T F C T F FTC FTC AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #12: 286 SQ FT F T C FTC FTC FTC C T F 1 495.25 CP. 4WARD C T F C T F FTC FTC FTC F T C FTC F T C FTC F T C FTC FTC FTC C T F FTC FTC FTC FTC FTC C T F FTC FTC OBSERVED CEF WETLAND DISTURBED AREA #10 AREA OF DISTURBANCE: 40 SQ FT FTC FTC FTC FTC C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F FTC FTC F T C FTC C T F C T F C T F FTC FTC T C F F T C FTC FTC FTC T C F T C F FTC FTC FTC F T C F T C FTC F T C FTC C T F FTC F T C F T C F T C 60 EMORY'S SEDGE AREA OF REVEGETATION OF WETLANDS IN WATER: 16,559 SQ FT F T C F T C F T C FTC F T C L L A A L L A A Z Z O O K K N N I I N N G G E E A A U U S S T T I I N N C T F T C F C T F C T F T C F T C F C T F C T F T C F T C F C T F C T F C T F C T F C F T C T F C T F AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #13: 674 SQ FT DISTURBED AREA #8 AREA OF DISTURBANCE: 417.2 SQ FT AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #14: 354 SQ FT CWQZ MITIGATION LEGEND 29 Live oak (Quercus virginiana) CWQZ 82 Bushy Bluestem (Andropgon glomeratus) CWQZ 60 Emory’s Sedge (Carex emoryi) CWQZ 29 Roughleaf dogwood (Cornus drummondii) CWQZ 200 TOTAL PLANTINGS *ALL PLANTS WILL BE IN 1 GALLON CONTAINERS *ALL TREES WILL BE AT LEAST 1.5 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND AT LEAST 6' TALL. AQUA PERMITS LLC AUSTIN TEXAS DESIGN, PERMITTING, CONSULTING, Y MAS ON THE SHORE OF LAKE AUSTIN IN THE BEAUTIFUL STATE OF TEXAS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WETLAND REVEGETATION TABLE REVEGETATED AREA: SQ FT. OF REVEGETATION PLANS PRODUCED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TEXAS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING FIRM: DANIEL P. HAMM F-23857 305 MARLY WAY, AUSTIN TX 78733 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3197 1709 699 763 83 40 70 293 124 521 59 286 674 354 101 998 107 219 267 11 105 35 18 479 184 417.2 62 40 WETLAND DISTURBANCE CHART DISTURBANCE AREA: WETLAND DISTURBANCE SQ FT. FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN DISTURBED AREA #9 AREA OF DISTURBANCE: 62 SQ FT F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C FTC F T C F T C F T C FTC FTC FTC F T C F T C F T C F T C C T F FT C F T C C T F F T C C T F C T F C F T C T F C T F C T F C T F C F T C F T C T F C T F C F T C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C C T F C T F F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C FTC C T F F T F C T C F T C F T C F T C F C F T T C F T C F T C F T C C T F C T F C T F F T C C T F F T C FTC F T C C T F C T F F T C C T F C T F C F T C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F F T C F T C C T F F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #15: 101 SQ FT 6 4 7 D N A O O R O L E G N A N L A H E C H F F T O 8 7 S A X E T , N I T S U A AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #11: 59 SQ FT AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #9: 124 SQ FT AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #8: 293 SQ FT DISTURBED AREA #2 AREA OF DISTURBANCE: 11 SQ FT AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #7: 70 SQ FT C T F C T F DISTURBED AREA #3: AREA OF DISTURBANCE: 105 SQ FT DISTURBED AREA #5 AREA OF DISTURBANCE: 18 SQ FT C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F C T F F T C F T C F T C F T C C T F FTC FTC FTC FTC FTC FTC FTC F T C F T C F T C FTC FTC FTC FTC C T F C T F C T F C T F F T C F T C C T F C T F FTC C T F F T C F T C F T C FTC F T C F T C C T F F T C F T C FTC FTC C T F FTC T C F FTC FTC C T F C T F C T F FTC C T F F T C F T C F T C FTC F T C FTC FTC C T F C T F F T C FTC F T C F T C F T C AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #16: 998 SQ FT DISTURBED AREA #6 AREA OF DISTURBANCE: 479 SQ FT FT C FT C F T C F T C FT C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #18: 219 SQ FT F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C F T C 8414 491.15 DOCK. FTC F T C AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #17: 107 SQ FT DISTURBED AREA #7 AREA OF DISTURBANCE: 184 SQ FT LAKE AUSTIN SHORELINE 492.8' MSL AREA OF REVEGETATION ON LAND #1: 3197 SQ FT AMERICAN WATER WILLOW (JUSTICIA AMERICANA) DELTA ARROWHEAD (SAGITTARIA PLATYPHYLLA) THREE SQUARE BULRUSH (SCIRPUS AMERICANUS) PICKERELWEED (PONTEDERIA CORDATA) CALIFORNIA BULRUSH (SCHOENOPLECTUS CALIFORNICUS) HORSETAIL (EQUISETUM LAEVIGATUM) WETLAND CEF W-13 IS NOT TO BE DREDGED. INSTALL 207 OF THE FOLLOWING PLANTINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. IN W-13 FOR WETLAND MITIGATION. DREDGE AROUND WETLANDS' EDGE TO BE A 3:1 H:V SLOPE FROM EDGE OF WETLAND TO FINAL DREDGE DEPTH PLANTING MITIGATION CALCULATIONS 609S RESTORATION • All disturbed areas within the shoreline setback shall be revegetated pursuant to 609s specifications, using 609s seeding or planting • Area of impact is approximately 14129 sf • Planting criteria recommends 1 native shade tree and 1 native understory tree/500 sq/ft of disturbed area. 1 sf = 29 shade tree, 29 understory tree and one native shrub per 100 sq/ft = 142 shrubs WETLAND MITIGATION • • • • • 1618.2 sq ft of disturbance to wetland CEF. 14129 sq ft of disturbance to wetland CEF buffer on land. 15747.2 sq ft total disturbance. Assuming 36" spacing between plantings: Total plant revegetation for 1618.2 sq ft of disturbance: 207 plantings (see OBL/FACW chart) 16559 sq ft of revegetation along the shoreline up unto 1' of depth: 2125 plantings (see OBL/FACW chart) 10297 sq ft of revegetation on land up to 3' from existing shoreline: 1321 plantings (see FACW/FAC chart) PLANTING MITIGATION RULES • • • All plants to be sourced within a 200 mile radius of austin. Follow all guidelines found in the city of austin environmental criteria manual, Reference code sections ecm 1, 13.0, 1.10.4 (d), & item no. 609s as applicable TOTAL MITIGATION PLANTS REQUIRED = 3853 DATE 11/22/2024 SCALE 1"=50' ENGINEER STAMP: DRAFTER AQUA PERMITS FILE SP-2023-0376D SHEET LANDSCAPE SHEET 8 OF 8 LANDSCAPE PLAN September 15, 2023 City of Austin Environmental Resource Inventory (ERI) Site Location: 1717 Channel Rd, Austin, Texas 78746 Prepared by: Aqua Permits 6504 Betty Cook Dr. Austin, Texas 78723 List of Figures and Attachments for Environmental Resource Inventory Figure 1: Site Map with 2ft Contours Figure 2: Historical Aerial Photo Figure 3: Site Soil Map Figure 4: CEF Map on Current Aerial with 2ft Topo Figure 5: Creek Buffers (WQTZ/CWQZ) Figure 6: Fully-Developed Floodplain Attachment I: Site Photos Attachment II: Proposed Mitigation Plan Attachment III: Site Soil Report Case No.: (City use only) Environmental Resource Inventory For the City of Austin Related to LDC 25-8-121, City Code 30-5-121, ECM 1.3.0 & 1.10.0 The ERI is required for projects that meet one or more of the criteria listed in LDC 25-8-121(A), City Code 30-5-121(A). 1. SITE/PROJECT NAME: CHANNEL LAGOON DREDGE 2. COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT PROPERTY I ): 128956 3. ADDRESS/LOCATION OF PROJECT: 1717 Channel Rd, Austin, Texas 78746 4. WATERSHED: Lake Austin 5. THIS SITE IS WITHIN THE (Check all that apply) Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone* (See note below) .................. YES Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone*.................................. YES Edwards Aquifer 1500 ft Verification Zone* ....................... YES Barton Spring Zone* .......................................................... YES *(as defined by the City of Austin LDC 25-8-2 or City Code 30-5-2) No No No No Note: If the property is over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge zone, the Hydrogeologic Report and karst surveys must be completed and signed by a Professional Geoscientist Licensed in the State of Texas. 6. DOES THIS PROJECT PROPOSE FLOODPLAIN MODIFICATION?....... YES** NO If yes, then check all that apply: (1) The floodplain modifications proposed are necessary to protect the public health and safety; (2) The floodplain modifications proposed would provide a significant, demonstrable environmental benefit, as determined by a functional assessment of floodplain health as prescribed by the Environmental Criteria Manual (ECM), or (3) The floodplain modifications proposed are necessary for development allowed in the critical water quality zone under LDC 25-8-261 or 25-8-262, City Code 30-5-261 or 30-5-262. (4) The floodplain modifications proposed are outside of the Critical Water Quality Zone in an area determined to be in poor or fair condition by a functional assessment of floodplain health. ** If yes, then a functional assessment must be completed and attached to the ERI (see ECM 1.7 and Appendix X for forms and guidance) unless conditions 1 or 3 above apply. 7. IF THE SITE IS WITHIN AN URBAN OR SUBURBAN WATERSHED, DOES THIS PROJECT PROPOSE A UTILITY LINE PARALLEL TO AND WITHIN THE CRITICAL WATER QUALITY ZONE? ......................................................... YES*** NO ***If yes, then riparian restoration is required by LDC 25-8-261(E) or City Code 30-5-261(E) and a functional assessment must be completed and attached to the ERI (see ECM1.5 and Appendix X for forms and guidance). 15 8. There is a total of ( ) Critical Environmental Feature(s)(CEFs) on or within150 feet of the project site. If CEF(s) are present, attach a detailed DESCRIPTION of the CEF(s), color PHOTOGRAPHS, the CEF WORKSHEET and provide DESCRIPTIONS of the proposed CEF buffer(s) and/or wetland mitigation. Provide the number of each type of CEFs on or within 150 feet of the site (Please provide the number of CEFs ): ) Spring(s)/Seep(s) (# ) Point Recharge Feature(s) 12 (# s) Bluff(s) 0 0 ( ( ) Canyon Rimrock(s) (# s) Wetland(s) 0 15 Note: Standard buffers for CEFs are 150 feet, with a maximum of 300 feet for point recharge features. Except for wetlands, if the standard buffer is not provided, you must provide a written request for an administrative variance from LDC 25-8-281(C)(1) and provide written findings of fact to support your request. Request forms for administrative variances from requirements stated in LDC 25-8-281 are available from Watershed Protection Department. 9. The following site maps are attached at the end of this report (Check all that apply and provide): All ERI reports must include: Site Specific Geologic Map with 2-ft Topography Historic Aerial Photo of the Site Site Soil Map Critical Environmental Features and Well Location Map on current Aerial Photo with 2-ft Topography Only if present on site (Maps can be combined): Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone with the 1500-ft Verification Zone (Only if site is over or within 1500 feet the recharge zone) Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone Water Quality Transition Zone (WQTZ) Critical Water Quality Zone (CWQZ) City of Austin Fully Developed Floodplains for all water courses with up to 64-acres of drainage x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 10. HYDROGEOLOGIC REPORT Provide a description of site soils, topography, and site specific geology below (Attach additional sheets if needed): Surface Soils on the project site is summarized in the table below and uses the SCS Hydrologic Soil Groups*. If there is more than one soil unit on the project site, show each soil unit on the site soils map. Soil Series Unit Names, Infiltration Characteristics & Thickness *Soil Hydrologic Groups Definitions (Abbreviated) Soil Series Unit Name & Subgroup** Group* Thickness (feet) BlD—Brackett-Rock outcrop complex 1 to 12 percent slopes Lu—Gaddy soils and Urban land, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded TeF—Eckrant soils and Urban land, 18 to 40 percent slopes D A D 10-20 inches >6.67 feet 6-14 inches A. Soils having a high infiltration rate when thoroughly wetted. B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wetted. C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wetted. D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wetted. See **Subgroup Classification Classification of Soil Series Table in County Soil Survey. WPD ERM ERI-2014-01 Page 2 of 6 Description of Site Topography and Drainage (Attach additional sheets if needed): Drainage follow topography to Lake Austin. S List surface geologic units below: Group Formation Member Geologic Units Exposed at Surface Brief description of site geology (Attach additional sheets if needed): Wells Identify all recorded and unrecorded wells on site (test holes, monitoring, water, oil, unplugged, capped and/or abandoned wells, etc.): There are (#) wells present on the project site and the locations are shown and labeled 0 0 0 0 (# )The wells are not in use and have been properly abandoned. (# )The wells are not in use and will be properly abandoned. (# )The wells are in use and comply with 16 TAC Chapter 76. There are 0 (# s) wells that are off-site and within 150 feet of this site. WPD ERM ERI-2014-01 Page 3 of 6 11. THE VEGETATION REPORT Provide the information requested below: Brief description of site plant communities (Attach additional sheets if needed): Shoreline plant communities are a mix of natural shore fringe wetland and bulkhead with turfgrass, Dominant plants include Bald Cypress, Pecan, Chinese tallow, American Elm, Hackberry,Roughleaf Dogwood, Wild Taro, Frostweed, Inland Sea Oats, Yaupon, Poison Ivy, Turk's Cap, False nettle, Giant Cutgrass, Southern Wood Fern, Western Giant Ragweed, St. Augustine turfgrass There is woodland community on site If yes, list the dominant species below: xx . YES NO (Check one). Woodland species Common Name Scientific Name Bald Cypress Pecan Taxodium distichum Carya illinoinensis There is grassland/prairie/savanna on site If yes, list the dominant species below: .. YES NO (Check one). x Grassland/prairie/savanna species Common Name Scientific Name There is hydrophytic vegetation on site If yes, list the dominant species in table below (next page): .. YES NO (Check one). WPD ERM ERI-2014-01 Page 4 of 6 Hydrophytic plant species Common Name Scientific Name Bald Cypress False Nettle Black Willow Taxodium distichum Boehmeria cylindrica Salix negra Wetland Indicator Status OBL OBL FACW A tree survey of all trees with a diameter of at least eight inches measured four and one- half feet above natural grade level has been completed on the site. YES NO (Check one). x x 12. WASTEWATER REPORT Provide the information requested below. Wastewater for the site will be treated by (Check of that Apply): x x On-site system(s) City of Austin Centralized sewage collection system Other Centralized collection system Note: All sites that receive water or wastewater service from the Austin Water Utility must comply with City Code Chapter 15-12 and wells must be registered with the City of Austin The site sewage collection system is designed and will be constructed to in accordance to all State, County and City standard specifications. x x YES NO (Check one). Calculations of the size of the drainfield or wastewater irrigation area(s) are attached at the end of this report or shown on the site plan. YES NO x x Not Applicable (Check one). Wastewater lines are proposed within the Critical Water Quality Zone? YES NO (Check one). If yes, then provide justification below: x x WPD ERM ERI-2014-01 Page 5 of 6 Is the project site is over the Edwards Aquifer? YES NO (Check one). If yes, then describe the wastewater disposal systems proposed for the site, its treatment level and effects on receiving watercourses or the Edwards Aquifer. 13. One (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy of the completed assessment have been provided. Date(s) ERI Field Assessment was performed: September 12, 2023 Date(s) My signature certifies that to the best of my knowledge, the responses on this form accurately reflect all information requested. Stephen Hawkins Print Name Signature Aqua Permits LLC Name of Company 512-750-1402 Telephone comments@aquapermits.com Email Address September 17, 2023 Date For project sites within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, my signature and seal also certifies that I am a licensed Professional Geoscientist in the State of Texas as defined by ECM 1.12.3(A). P.G. Seal WPD ERM ERI-2014-01 Page 6 of 6 Channel Lagoon Dredge 1717 Channel Rd, Austin TX 78746 September 5, 2023 September 18, 2023 Stephen Hawkins 512-750-1402 Aqua Permits comments@aquapermits.com Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 -97.789506 -97.789602 -97.789933 -97.790853 -97.790861 -97.791257 -97.791337 -97.791678 -97.791868 -97.792194 -97.792194 -97.791054 -97.790190 -97.790257 30.342026 30.341848 30.341819 30.342376 30.342098 30.341896 30.341859 30.341806 30.341922 30.341292 30.341173 30.341265 30.340954 30.341085 3 2.5 4 5 2.5 5 11 4 5 4 5 10 18 98 150 35 145 30 11 8 100 120 103 320 700 90 97.78959830.3415305-1005-1025010Property Profile Site Map with 2ft Topography Legend Property Jurisdictions (No Fill) FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE Jurisdictions Fill Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE Planimetrics Survey 2 Contours Year 2021 2 Ft Contours 10 Ft Contours 10 Ft Contours 0 350 700 ft 9/17/2023 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Notes Property Profile 2003 Aerial Photo Legend Property Jurisdictions (No Fill) FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE Jurisdictions Fill Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE 0 350 700 ft 9/17/2023 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Notes 615940 615990 616040 616090 616140 616190 616240 616290 616340 616390 616440 Custom Soil Resource Report Soil Map W ' ' 7 3 ' 7 4 ° 7 9 30° 20' 36'' N 0 7 4 7 5 3 3 0 2 4 7 5 3 3 0 7 3 7 5 3 3 0 2 3 7 5 3 3 0 7 2 7 5 3 3 0 2 2 7 5 3 3 0 7 1 7 5 3 3 0 2 1 7 5 3 3 615990 616040 616090 616140 616190 616240 616290 616340 616390 616440 Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. 30° 20' 25'' N 615940 W ' ' 7 3 ' 7 4 ° 7 9 Map Scale: 1:2,520 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. N 0 35 70 140 0 Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 14N WGS84 600 400 100 200 Meters 210 Feet 9 W ' ' 7 1 ' 7 4 ° 7 9 30° 20' 36'' N 0 7 4 7 5 3 3 0 2 4 7 5 3 3 0 7 3 7 5 3 3 0 2 3 7 5 3 3 0 7 2 7 5 3 3 0 2 2 7 5 3 3 0 7 1 7 5 3 3 30° 20' 25'' N 616490 W ' ' 7 1 ' 7 4 ° 7 9 Property Profile Legend Property Addresses Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE Jurisdictions Fill Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE Planimetrics Survey 2 Contours Year 2021 2 Ft Contours 10 Ft Contours 10 Ft Contours Environmental 1 Wetland Notes 0 350 700 ft 2/20/2024 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. orW1W3W3W4W5W6W7W8W14W15W9W10W12W11W13Property Profile Creek Buffers (CWQZ/WQTZ) Legend Property Jurisdictions (No Fill) FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE Jurisdictions Fill Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE Environmental 3 Creek Buffers (CWQZ/WQTZ) Critical Water Quality Zone Water Quality Transition Zone 0 350 700 ft 9/17/2023 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Notes Property Profile Fully Developed Floodplain Legend Property Jurisdictions (No Fill) FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE Jurisdictions Fill Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE Environmental 2 Fully Developed Floodplain COA Fully Developed 25-Year COA Fully Developed 100-Year 100-Year (Approx-A) 0 350 700 ft 9/17/2023 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Notes Property Profile Site Photo Location Legend 5 6 14 9 10 11 19 7 8 18 13 12 15 4 17 16 1 2 3 Legend Property Jurisdictions (No Fill) FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE Jurisdictions Fill Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE Location of Photo by Number 0 350 700 ft 9/17/2023 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Notes Photo 1. View of shoreline facing Southwest. Photo 2. View of shoreline facing Southwest. fringe wetland; Cicuta maculata, Colocasia esculenta, Boehmeria cylindrica, Ambrosia trifida, Carya illinoinensis, Celtis laevigata, Thelypteris kunthii, Triadica sebifera, Zizaniopsis miliacea, Hydrocotyle verticillata, Rumex sp., Carex sp., Canna sp. Phtot 3. View of shoreline facing Southeast. Photo 4. View of shoreline facing Northwest. Stenotaphrum secundatum (St Augustine), Morus alba Photo 5. View of shoreline facing East. fringe wetland;Taxodium distichum, Hydrocotyle verticillata, Salix negra Photo 6. View of shoreline facing Southwest. fringe wetland; Taxodium distichum, Colocasia esculenta, Boehmeria cylindrica, Iva annua, Rumex pulcher, Carya illinoinensis, Teucrium canadense, Allium canadense Photo 7. View of shoreline facing North. fringe wetland; Taxodium distichum, Colocasia esculenta, Allium canadense, Solidago sp., Canna sp. Photo 8. View of shoreline facing Northwest. Magnolia grandiflora, Carya illinoinensis Photo 9. View of shoreline facing North.Wetland fringe; aquatic and terrestrial;Carya illinoinensis, Lactuca floridana, Bidens frondosa, Cicuta maculata, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Boehmeria cylindrica, Colocaisa esculenta, Elymus virginicus, Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii Photo 10. View of shoreline facing West. Wetland fringe; Carya illinoinensis, Taxodium distichum, Cicuta maculata, Bidens frondosa, Boehmeria cylindrica Photo 11. View of shoreline facing Southwest. Wetland with Taxodium distichum Photo 12. View of shoreline facing Southwest. Wetland with Taxodium distichum, Dryopteris sp., Triadica sebifera, Salix negra Photo 13. View of shoreline facing Southwest. Wetland with Taxodium distichum, Carya illinoinensis, , Dryopteris sp., Triadica sebifera, Colocasia esculenta Photo 14. View of shoreline facing South. Photo 15. View of shoreline facing South. Photo 16. View of shoreline facing Northwest. Wetland with Taxodium distichum, , Dryopteris sp., Triadica sebifera, Carya illinoinensis, Celtis laevigata Photo 17. View of shoreline facing Northeast. Photo 18. View of shoreline facing Southeast. Wetland with Carya illionensis, Taxodium distichum, Triadica sebifera, Colocasia esculenta Photo 19. View facing South. Wetland with Zizaniopsis miliacea, Colocasia escuelenta Mitigation Recommendations All disturbed areas within the shoreline setback will be revegetated pursuant to 609s specifications as shown on site plan using 609s seeding or planting. United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service A product of the National Cooperative Soil Survey, a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local participants Custom Soil Resource Report for Travis County, Texas September 18, 2023 Preface Soil surveys contain information that affects land use planning in survey areas. They highlight soil limitations that affect various land uses and provide information about the properties of the soils in the survey areas. Soil surveys are designed for many different users, including farmers, ranchers, foresters, agronomists, urban planners, community officials, engineers, developers, builders, and home buyers. Also, conservationists, teachers, students, and specialists in recreation, waste disposal, and pollution control can use the surveys to help them understand, protect, or enhance the environment. Various land use regulations of Federal, State, and local governments may impose special restrictions on land use or land treatment. Soil surveys identify soil properties that are used in making various land use or land treatment decisions. The information is intended to help the land users identify and reduce the effects of soil limitations on various land uses. The landowner or user is responsible for identifying and complying with existing laws and regulations. Although soil survey information can be used for general farm, local, and wider area planning, onsite investigation is needed to supplement this information in some cases. Examples include soil quality assessments (http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/ portal/nrcs/main/soils/health/) and certain conservation and engineering applications. For more detailed information, contact your local USDA Service Center (https://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app?agency=nrcs) or your NRCS State Soil Scientist (http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/soils/contactus/? cid=nrcs142p2_053951). Great differences in soil properties can occur within short distances. Some soils are seasonally wet or subject to flooding. Some are too unstable to be used as a foundation for buildings or roads. Clayey or wet soils are poorly suited to use as septic tank absorption fields. A high water table makes a soil poorly suited to basements or underground installations. The National Cooperative Soil Survey is a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local agencies. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has leadership for the Federal part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Information about soils is updated periodically. Updated information is available through the NRCS Web Soil Survey, the site for official soil survey information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require 2 alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 3 Contents Preface.................................................................................................................... 2 How Soil Surveys Are Made..................................................................................5 Soil Map.................................................................................................................. 8 Soil Map................................................................................................................9 Legend................................................................................................................10 Map Unit Legend................................................................................................ 11 Map Unit Descriptions.........................................................................................11 Travis County, Texas.......................................................................................13 BlD—Brackett-Rock outcrop complex, 1 to 12 percent slopes....................13 Lu—Gaddy soils and Urban land, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded.................................................................................................. 15 TeF—Eckrant soils and Urban land, 18 to 40 percent slopes..................... 16 References............................................................................................................18 4 How Soil Surveys Are Made Soil surveys are made to provide information about the soils and miscellaneous areas in a specific area. They include a description of the soils and miscellaneous areas and their location on the landscape and tables that show soil properties and limitations affecting various uses. Soil scientists observed the steepness, length, and shape of the slopes; the general pattern of drainage; the kinds of crops and native plants; and the kinds of bedrock. They observed and described many soil profiles. A soil profile is the sequence of natural layers, or horizons, in a soil. The profile extends from the surface down into the unconsolidated material in which the soil formed or from the surface down to bedrock. The unconsolidated material is devoid of roots and other living organisms and has not been changed by other biological activity. Currently, soils are mapped according to the boundaries of major land resource areas (MLRAs). MLRAs are geographically associated land resource units that share common characteristics related to physiography, geology, climate, water resources, soils, biological resources, and land uses (USDA, 2006). Soil survey areas typically consist of parts of one or more MLRA. The soils and miscellaneous areas in a survey area occur in an orderly pattern that is related to the geology, landforms, relief, climate, and natural vegetation of the area. Each kind of soil and miscellaneous area is associated with a particular kind of landform or with a segment of the landform. By observing the soils and miscellaneous areas in the survey area and relating their position to specific segments of the landform, a soil scientist develops a concept, or model, of how they were formed. Thus, during mapping, this model enables the soil scientist to predict with a considerable degree of accuracy the kind of soil or miscellaneous area at a specific location on the landscape. Commonly, individual soils on the landscape merge into one another as their characteristics gradually change. To construct an accurate soil map, however, soil scientists must determine the boundaries between the soils. They can observe only a limited number of soil profiles. Nevertheless, these observations, supplemented by an understanding of the soil-vegetation-landscape relationship, are sufficient to verify predictions of the kinds of soil in an area and to determine the boundaries. Soil scientists recorded the characteristics of the soil profiles that they studied. They noted soil color, texture, size and shape of soil aggregates, kind and amount of rock fragments, distribution of plant roots, reaction, and other features that enable them to identify soils. After describing the soils in the survey area and determining their properties, the soil scientists assigned the soils to taxonomic classes (units). Taxonomic classes are concepts. Each taxonomic class has a set of soil characteristics with precisely defined limits. The classes are used as a basis for comparison to classify soils systematically. Soil taxonomy, the system of taxonomic classification used in the United States, is based mainly on the kind and character of soil properties and the arrangement of horizons within the profile. After the soil 5 Custom Soil Resource Report scientists classified and named the soils in the survey area, they compared the individual soils with similar soils in the same taxonomic class in other areas so that they could confirm data and assemble additional data based on experience and research. The objective of soil mapping is not to delineate pure map unit components; the objective is to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. Each map unit is defined by a unique combination of soil components and/or miscellaneous areas in predictable proportions. Some components may be highly contrasting to the other components of the map unit. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The delineation of such landforms and landform segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. Soil scientists make many field observations in the process of producing a soil map. The frequency of observation is dependent upon several factors, including scale of mapping, intensity of mapping, design of map units, complexity of the landscape, and experience of the soil scientist. Observations are made to test and refine the soil-landscape model and predictions and to verify the classification of the soils at specific locations. Once the soil-landscape model is refined, a significantly smaller number of measurements of individual soil properties are made and recorded. These measurements may include field measurements, such as those for color, depth to bedrock, and texture, and laboratory measurements, such as those for content of sand, silt, clay, salt, and other components. Properties of each soil typically vary from one point to another across the landscape. Observations for map unit components are aggregated to develop ranges of characteristics for the components. The aggregated values are presented. Direct measurements do not exist for every property presented for every map unit component. Values for some properties are estimated from combinations of other properties. While a soil survey is in progress, samples of some of the soils in the area generally are collected for laboratory analyses and for engineering tests. Soil scientists interpret the data from these analyses and tests as well as the field-observed characteristics and the soil properties to determine the expected behavior of the soils under different uses. Interpretations for all of the soils are field tested through observation of the soils in different uses and under different levels of management. Some interpretations are modified to fit local conditions, and some new interpretations are developed to meet local needs. Data are assembled from other sources, such as research information, production records, and field experience of specialists. For example, data on crop yields under defined levels of management are assembled from farm records and from field or plot experiments on the same kinds of soil. Predictions about soil behavior are based not only on soil properties but also on such variables as climate and biological activity. Soil conditions are predictable over long periods of time, but they are not predictable from year to year. For example, soil scientists can predict with a fairly high degree of accuracy that a given soil will have a high water table within certain depths in most years, but they cannot predict that a high water table will always be at a specific level in the soil on a specific date. After soil scientists located and identified the significant natural bodies of soil in the survey area, they drew the boundaries of these bodies on aerial photographs and 6 Custom Soil Resource Report identified each as a specific map unit. Aerial photographs show trees, buildings, fields, roads, and rivers, all of which help in locating boundaries accurately. 7 Soil Map The soil map section includes the soil map for the defined area of interest, a list of soil map units on the map and extent of each map unit, and cartographic symbols displayed on the map. Also presented are various metadata about data used to produce the map, and a description of each soil map unit. 8 615940 615990 616040 616090 616140 616190 616240 616290 616340 616390 616440 Custom Soil Resource Report Soil Map W ' ' 7 3 ' 7 4 ° 7 9 30° 20' 36'' N 0 7 4 7 5 3 3 0 2 4 7 5 3 3 0 7 3 7 5 3 3 0 2 3 7 5 3 3 0 7 2 7 5 3 3 0 2 2 7 5 3 3 0 7 1 7 5 3 3 0 2 1 7 5 3 3 615990 616040 616090 616140 616190 616240 616290 616340 616390 616440 Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. 30° 20' 25'' N 615940 W ' ' 7 3 ' 7 4 ° 7 9 Map Scale: 1:2,520 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. N 0 35 70 140 0 Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 14N WGS84 100 600 400 200 Meters 210 Feet 9 W ' ' 7 1 ' 7 4 ° 7 9 30° 20' 36'' N 0 7 4 7 5 3 3 0 2 4 7 5 3 3 0 7 3 7 5 3 3 0 2 3 7 5 3 3 0 7 2 7 5 3 3 0 2 2 7 5 3 3 0 7 1 7 5 3 3 30° 20' 25'' N 616490 W ' ' 7 1 ' 7 4 ° 7 9 Custom Soil Resource Report MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography Closed Depression Interstate Highways Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot 10 The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Travis County, Texas Survey Area Data: Version 24, Aug 24, 2022 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Data not available. The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI Custom Soil Resource Report Map Unit Legend BlD Lu TeF Totals for Area of Interest Brackett-Rock outcrop complex, 1 to 12 percent slopes Gaddy soils and Urban land, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded Eckrant soils and Urban land, 18 to 40 percent slopes Map Unit Descriptions 0.9 10.4 5.6 16.8 5.4% 61.6% 33.0% 100.0% The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They generally are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used. Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with some characteristics of each. A few areas of minor components may not have been observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic classes but rather to separate the landscape into landforms or 11 Custom Soil Resource Report landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties and qualities. Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soil series. Except for differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement. Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity, degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series. Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas. These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups. A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all areas. Alpha-Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example. An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar. Alpha-Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform. An area can be made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up of all of them. Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example. 12 Custom Soil Resource Report Travis County, Texas BlD—Brackett-Rock outcrop complex, 1 to 12 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2yltz Elevation: 820 to 1,330 feet Mean annual precipitation: 33 to 37 inches Mean annual air temperature: 65 to 69 degrees F Frost-free period: 220 to 260 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Brackett and similar soils: 68 percent Rock outcrop: 20 percent Minor components: 12 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Brackett Setting Landform: Ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder, backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Residuum weathered from limestone Typical profile A - 0 to 6 inches: gravelly clay loam Bw - 6 to 18 inches: clay loam Cr - 18 to 60 inches: bedrock Properties and qualities Slope: 1 to 12 percent Depth to restrictive feature: 10 to 20 inches to paralithic bedrock Drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately low to high (0.06 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Calcium carbonate, maximum content: 90 percent Gypsum, maximum content: 5 percent Maximum salinity: Nonsaline to very slightly saline (0.0 to 2.0 mmhos/cm) Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Very low (about 2.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 6e Hydrologic Soil Group: D Ecological site: R081CY355TX - Adobe 29-35 PZ Hydric soil rating: No 13 Slope: 3 to 12 percent Depth to restrictive feature: 0 to 2 inches to lithic bedrock Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately low to high Custom Soil Resource Report Description of Rock Outcrop Setting Landform: Ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Limestone Typical profile R - 0 to 48 inches: bedrock Properties and qualities (0.06 to 1.98 in/hr) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 8 Hydrologic Soil Group: D Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Eckrant Percent of map unit: 4 percent Landform: Ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder, backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Ecological site: R081CY363TX - Steep Rocky 29-35 PZ Hydric soil rating: No San saba Percent of map unit: 4 percent Landform: Ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Footslope, toeslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Base slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Concave Ecological site: R081CY356TX - Blackland 29-35 PZ Hydric soil rating: No Volente Percent of map unit: 4 percent Landform: Ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Footslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Base slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Concave Ecological site: R081CY357TX - Clay Loam 29-35 PZ Hydric soil rating: No 14 Custom Soil Resource Report Lu—Gaddy soils and Urban land, 0 to 1 percent slopes, occasionally flooded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: f65l Elevation: 0 to 4,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 8 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 54 to 73 degrees F Frost-free period: 180 to 310 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Gaddy and similar soils: 84 percent Urban land: 11 percent Minor components: 5 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Gaddy Setting Landform: Flood plains Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Sandy alluvium of holocene age derived from mixed sources Typical profile H1 - 0 to 17 inches: loamy fine sand H2 - 17 to 99 inches: loamy fine sand Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 1 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Somewhat excessively drained Runoff class: Negligible Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): High to very high (5.95 to 19.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: OccasionalNone Frequency of ponding: None Calcium carbonate, maximum content: 5 percent Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Low (about 5.0 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3s Hydrologic Soil Group: A Ecological site: R087AY010TX - Sandy Bottomland Hydric soil rating: No 15 Custom Soil Resource Report Description of Urban Land Typical profile H1 - 0 to 40 inches: variable Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 8 Hydrologic Soil Group: D Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Unnamed Percent of map unit: 5 percent Hydric soil rating: No TeF—Eckrant soils and Urban land, 18 to 40 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2ylv2 Elevation: 500 to 800 feet Mean annual precipitation: 33 to 36 inches Mean annual air temperature: 67 to 69 degrees F Frost-free period: 220 to 270 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Eckrant and similar soils: 80 percent Urban land: 15 percent Minor components: 5 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Eckrant Setting Landform: Ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material: Residuum weathered from limestone Typical profile A1 - 0 to 5 inches: very stony clay A2 - 5 to 8 inches: extremely flaggy clay R - 8 to 30 inches: bedrock Properties and qualities Slope: 18 to 40 percent 16 Custom Soil Resource Report Surface area covered with cobbles, stones or boulders: 0.0 percent Depth to restrictive feature: 6 to 14 inches to lithic bedrock Drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Very high Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Calcium carbonate, maximum content: 40 percent Maximum salinity: Nonsaline to very slightly saline (0.0 to 2.0 mmhos/cm) Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Very low (about 0.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 7e Hydrologic Soil Group: D Ecological site: R081CY363TX - Steep Rocky 29-35 PZ Hydric soil rating: No Description of Urban Land Typical profile M - 0 to 10 inches: material Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 8 Hydrologic Soil Group: D Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Brackett Percent of map unit: 5 percent Landform: Ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Linear Ecological site: R081CY362TX - Steep Adobe 29-35 PZ Hydric soil rating: No 17 References American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2004. Standard specifications for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing. 24th edition. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2005. Standard classification of soils for engineering purposes. ASTM Standard D2487-00. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deep-water habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS-79/31. Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal Register. September 18, 2002. Hydric soils of the United States. Hurt, G.W., and L.M. Vasilas, editors. Version 6.0, 2006. Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States. National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteristics and boundaries. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/ nrcs/detail/national/soils/?cid=nrcs142p2_054262 Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. http:// www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/national/soils/?cid=nrcs142p2_053577 Soil Survey Staff. 2010. Keys to soil taxonomy. 11th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. http:// www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/national/soils/?cid=nrcs142p2_053580 Tiner, R.W., Jr. 1985. Wetlands of Delaware. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Wetlands Section. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report Y-87-1. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National forestry manual. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/soils/ home/?cid=nrcs142p2_053374 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National range and pasture handbook. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/ detail/national/landuse/rangepasture/?cid=stelprdb1043084 18 Custom Soil Resource Report United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National soil survey handbook, title 430-VI. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/ nrcs/detail/soils/scientists/?cid=nrcs142p2_054242 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2006. Land resource regions and major land resource areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 296. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/national/soils/? cid=nrcs142p2_053624 United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1961. Land capability classification. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 210. http:// www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs142p2_052290.pdf 19