Recommendation 20241106-003: Hays ISD ILA — original pdf
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20241106-003 Date: November 6, 2024 Subject: Hays Independent School District Interlocal Agreement Motion by: Jennifer Bristol Seconded by: Perry Bedford WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the City of Austin is requesting approval of an Interlocal Agreement between Hays ISD and the City of Austin; WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes Hays ISD falls within the Suburban Watershed, Rinard Creek, Plum Creek; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that Staff recommends the Agreement with the following conditions: 1. A minimum of (4) educational and interpretive signs will be installed on campus with locations identified in the site plan. Temporary signage will be installed at each location for approval of the site plan. Permanent education signage will be developed with students and installed at a later date. Permanent signs are not a requirement for certificate of occupancy. 2. As shown in the Environmental Enhancements planning Exhibit A, approximately 500,000 square feet of prairie habitat restoration will be provided using native prairie species, native soils and other habitat enhancements as approved by the Director of Watershed Protection. 3. All plant material will be 100% native or adapted species and selected from Exhibit B (Plant List). Alternative plants may be provided as reviewed and approved by the City of Austin Arborist. 4. The project will provide a minimum of (2) vehicle charging stations and (80) bicycle parking spots. 5. Rainwater and AC condensate will be collected and used for landscape irrigation. 6. The project will comply with bird friendly design standards by meeting the minimum requirements of the Austin Energy Green Building criteria for light pollution reduction and bird collision deterrence. 7. The project will provide an Integrated Pest Management Plan. 8. Disturbed topsoil will be stockpiled onsite and utilized in new planting areas for sod, shrub plantings and seeding areas. 1 9. The detention ponds will be designed for fully vegetated conditions and integrated into the landscape which will provide educational opportunities. Additionally, staff recommends cut and fill variance from 4 ft up to 15 ft and is requesting to allow the artificial turf to be considered pervious cover. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the Interlocal Agreement with the following conditions: 1. Installation of an outdoor classroom that offers seating for students and with shade. 2. Utilize best practices for outdoor lighting for the sports field that is dark-sky friendly. For: Perry Bedford, Hanna Cofer, Jennifer Bristol, Richard Brimer, Haris Qureshi, Melinda Schiera, David Sullivan Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Mariana Krueger and Colin Nickells Approved By: Perry Bedford, Environmental Commission Chair VOTE 7-0 2