Recommendation 20240821-002: Umlauf Historic Preservation Expansion Unification Plan — original pdf

ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20240821-002 Date: August 21, 2024 Subject: Umlauf Historic Preservation, Expansion, and Unification Plan Motion by: Perry Bedford Seconded by: David Sullivan WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission was presented the Umlauf Historic Preservation, Expansion, and Unification Plan; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the mission of the Umlauf Historic Preservation, Expansion, and Unification Plan is to cultivate community, curiosity, and connection through nature, contemporary artists, and the work of Charles Umlauf.; and WHEREAS, the vision plan includes environmental site analysis of general ecology of the park, environmental contamination from historic land use, and review of the Edwards aquifer, plant communities and environmental regulations.; and WHEREAS, the vision plan includes: 1) the history of Umlauf Sculpture Garden & Museum, 2) the purpose, guiding principles, vision and goals of the plan, 3) site analysis and need assessment, 4) community engagement, 5) the plan, 6) implementation and 7) appendices; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that the Arts Commission unanimously recommended adoption of the Umlauf Historic Preservation, Expansion, and Unification Plan; and WHEREAS, the vision plan includes environmental improvements including: 1) utilizing 25 percent impervious cover of allowable 45 percent impervious cover, 2) replenishing of mid-level planting and removal of invasive species and replacing with native species, 3) replenish middle layer of ecology with regenerative species to create plant diversity, 4) preservation of the site through a 500 year flood and regular rain events through drainage enhancement infrastructure and other permanent stormwater attenuation improvements), 5) tree canopy enhancement, 6) and climate change mitigation measures.; and THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission supports the Umlauf Historic Preservation, Expansion, and Unification Plan as presented to the Commission with the following recommendations: ● Continue to conduct public hearings/outreach, incorporate public comments, and seek City Council approval and present to the Environmental Commission during the design and implementation of various elements of the draft vision plan as these become more detailed and finalized ● Include art space within the museum or shared display art spaces to display art from local artists ● Prewire parking spots for addition of electric vehicle charging ● Use stormwater for irrigation ● Utilization of dark sky initiatives and bird friendly lighting and glass reflectivity VOTE 6-0 For: Peter Einhorn, Mariana Krueger, Melinda Schiera, Perry Bedford, Colin Nickells, David Sullivan Against: None Recuse: None Abstain: Hanna Cofer, Rick Brimer Absent: Jennifer Bristol, Haris Qureshi Approved By: Perry Bedford, Commission Chair