Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, August 7, 2024 The ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION convened Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Chair Bedford called the Environmental Commission Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Perry Bedford, Jennifer Bristol, Hanna Cofer, Colin Nickells, Melinda Schiera, David Sullivan Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Richard Brimer, Mariana Krueger Commissioners Absent: Peter Einhorn, Haris Qureshi PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Phil Thomas, Speaking against the Expedition School Dock Project Cedar Stevens, Speaking against the Expedition School Dock Project Tanya Payne, Speaking against the Expedition School Dock Project Elisa Rendon Montoya, Speaking against the Expedition School Dock Project Bertha Rendon Delgado, Speaking against the Expedition School Dock Project in a REGULAR meeting on APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on July 17, 2024. The minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular meeting on July 17, 2024, were approved on Commissioner Bristol’s motion, Commissioner Sullivan’s second on an 8-0 vote. Commissioner Nickells abstained. Commissioners Einhorn and Qureshi were absent. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. Presentation, discussion, and recommendation on the Austin-Travis County Food Plan – Angela Baucom, Business Process Consultant, Office of Sustainability A motion in support of the Austin Travis County Plan passed on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Sullivan’s second on a 9–0 vote. Commissioners Einhorn and Qureshi were absent. 1 3. Presentation, discussion, and recommendation on the Cities Connecting Children to Nature program – Melody Alcazar, Program Manager, Parks and Recreation A motion in support of the Cities Connecting Children to Nature passed on Commissioner Bristol’s motion, Commissioner Bedford’s second on a 9–0 vote. Commissioners Einhorn and Qureshi were absent. Chair Bedford called a recess at 8:12. Chair Bedford reconvened the meeting at 8:20. STAFF BRIEFINGS 4. Staff briefing on the Environmental Integrity Index: WPD’s Water Quality Monitoring Methods – Andrew Clamann, Conservation Program Manager, Watershed Protection Department Item conducted as posted. No action taken. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Update on Environmental Commission Annual Report— Perry Bedford, Environmental Commission Chair Item conducted as posted. No action taken. COMMITTEE UPDATES Update from the South Central Waterfront Board on the postponement of the Combining District/Density Bonus Plan at City Council – David Sullivan Item conducted as posted. No action taken. Update from the Bird-Friendly Design working group on the meeting on July 23rd and plans for the next meeting – Jennifer Bristol Item conducted as posted. No action taken. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None ADJOURNMENT Chair Bedford adjourned the meeting at 9:43 P.M. The minutes were approved at the August 21, 2024 meeting on Commissioner Sullivan’s motion, Commissioner Krueger’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioner Bristol and Qureshi were absent. Commissioners Einhorn and Nickells were off the dais. 2 6. 7.