20240821-003: Resolution 20230504-023 Infill Lots — original pdf

RESOLUTION NO. 20230504-023 WHEREAS, the cost of housing and residential property in the City of Austin is too high for too many people; and WHEREAS, the high cost of property and large lot sizes incentivizes the construction of larger, more expensive housing units; and WHEREAS, creating more lots is a key opportunity to help address Austin's housing needs; and WHEREAS, the process of subdividing lots in the City of Austin is expensive, time consuming, and greatly impacts the cost and difficulty of building smaller housing; and WHEREAS, reviewing the subdivision process and applicable regulations may incentivize and make it more economically viable to build smaller, more affordable housing units; and WHEREAS, creating an easier, cheaper process for subdividing smalllots will make the process more accessible for more Austinites; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: The City Council initiates amendments to the Land Development Code (Title 25) related to the plat process and directs the City Manager to develop a proposal to facilitate the creation of infilllots within existing residential subdivisions. The proposal should: Page 1 of 3 1. 2. Include a process for utilizing the amended plat process to create no more than six lots within "residential improvement areas," consistent with applicable requirements of state law. Include a plan for designating residential improvement areas to the greatest extent possible throughout the City. The City Manager may consider the following criteria in determining where such a designation would be appropriate while balancing the need to create more housing opportunities throughout the City: • Existence of infrastructure sufficient to support the creation of six or fewer new residential lots; Impacts on water quality and drainage; • • Wildfire risk; • Access to public streets; and • Availability of utility services within the area and whether extension of municipal facilities would be required. 3. 4. Include subdivision related waivers and variances that currently require approval by the Land Use Commission that the City Manager recommends should be approved administratively. Include other subdivision related changes necessary to facilitate creation of more infill lots. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The City Manager is directed to explore opportunities to provide income-based financial assistance to applicants on a sliding scale for costs associated with the amended plat process. Page 2 of 3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: When developing the proposal described in this Resolution, the City Manager is directed to ensure any proposed subdivision related changes would promote a streamlined subdivision process for infill lots and are consistent with the framework in Chapter 25-4 (Subdivision). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The City Manager is directed to process the Code amendments necessary to accomplish the goals in this resolution and return with a draft ordinance for City Council consideration by November 9,2023. ADOPTED: May 4 , 2023 ATTEST: » 14 4 ?1[yrna Rios City Clerk Page 3 of 3