20240821-005: Memo to Mayor and Council on Climate Equity Reslience Kunming Montreal 2023 — original pdf

M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor and Council Members THROUGH: Robert Goode, P.E., Assistant City Manager FROM: Jorge L. Morales, P.E., CFM, Director Watershed Protection Department DATE: February 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Analysis of Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (Resolution Number 20230126-054) Background Resolution Number 20230126-054 directs the City Manager to analyze elements of the Kunming- Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework’s 23 Targets with the goal of aligning Strategic Direction 28 (SD28) and relevant existing and proposed plans with applicable elements of the 23 targets. Analysis was conducted by the Watershed Protection Department (WPD) with coordination support from the Office of Sustainability. A list of the 23 Global Biodiversity Targets is available at Press Release: Nations Adopt Four Goals, 23 Targets for 2030 In Landmark UN Biodiversity Agreement - United Nations Sustainable Development. City of Austin Plans and Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Analysis Summary and Recommendations The resolution specified five City of Austin plans to include in the study. Staff also identified eight additional plans to include in this study. o Identified in Resolution ▪ ▪ Austin Climate Equity Plan Rain to River Strategic Plan (currently being developed) Page 1 of 3 ▪ ▪ ▪ Austin Urban Forest Plan Climate Resilience Action Plan for City Assets and Operations Imagine Austin o Additional plans identified by staff ▪ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Habitat Conservation Plan ▪ Invasive Species Management Plan ▪ Balcones Canyonlands Preserve Land Management Plan ▪ Water Quality Protection Lands Land Management Plan ▪ Water Forward ▪ Our Parks, Our Future ▪ Watershed Protection Strategic Plan (this plan was used in place of the Rain to River Strategic Plan which is currently being developed) ▪ Urban Trails Plan ▪ Austin/Travis County Community Wildfire Protection Plan - Findings: o All of the Biodiversity Targets were referenced in at least one of the City plans evaluated. Some of the references were more directly related to the intent of the Biodiversity Targets while some were only partially reflected. o Of the 23 UN Biodiversity Targets: seven were reflected in more than one City Plan, ten were reflected in at least one City plan, and six were only partially reflected in plans. o Biodiversity Targets with the least correlation with existing City Plans either have elements that may be beyond the zone of control for City government or have a stronger focus on equity centered representation in decision-making than existing City plans. - Recommendations o The City of Austin’s Environmental Officer, Katie Coyne, will share the results of this analysis with the Environmental Commission. o WPD and the Office of Sustainability will share the cross comparison of existing plans to the UN Biodiversity Targets with departments whose plans were studied and will recommend that the plans incorporate applicable biodiversity targets as they are updated. o Relevant departments should invite the Equity Office to participate in the review process of plan updates to lead with racial equity and to determine the ability to incorporate targets from the UN Biodiversity Targets that include a focus on indigenous peoples, local communities, gender-responsive practices, persons with disabilities, and people in vulnerable situations. o The Environmental Officer and Sustainability Officer will establish a cross- departmental Biodiversity work group. o City scientists should explore options like statistical modeling, remote sensing and eDNA methods to develop a citywide biodiversity monitoring method. Page 2 of 3 cc: Jesús Garza, Interim City Manager Zach Baumer, Interim Chief Sustainability Officer Joel Baker, Fire Chief, Austin Fire Department Shay Roalson, Director, Austin Water Department José Roig, Director, Development Services Department Kimberly Mcneeley, Director, Parks and Recreation Department Richard Mendoza, Director, Transportation and Public Works Department Katie Coyne, Environmental Officer, Assistant Director, Watershed Protection Department Page 3 of 3