20240821-005: Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Resolution 20230126-054 — original pdf

RESOLUTION NO. 20230126-054 WHEREAS, the City of Austin has long been at the forefront of combating climate change by creating policies that reduce carbon emissions, improve the environment and quality of life for residents, and protect our natural resources, biodiversity, and ecosystems; and WHEREAS, the origins ofthese policies include Resolution No. 20070215- 023, which initiated critical efforts over the past fifteen years to develop goals and procedures that position Austin as the leading city in the nation in the effort to reduce and reverse the negative impacts of global warming; and WHEREAS, subsequent existing and current draft policy plans include, but are not limited to, the Austin Climate Equity Plan, Strategic Direction 28 (SD28), the Rain to River Strategic Plan, the Austin Urban Forest Plan, and the Climate Resilience Action Plan for City Assets and Operations; and WHEREAS, in December of 2022, the United Nations' Convention on Biological Diversity met in Montreal, Canada for the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) and invited individual nations across the globe to collaborate on an agreement to address the root causes of climate change, including nature and biodiversity loss, as well as pollution and waste; and WHEREAS, since 1972, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has acted as the international authority for the global environment, setting protective standards and promoting the implementation of sustainable development within the United Nations system; and Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, municipalities across continents play an increasingly important role in tackling the climate crisis by collaborating with organizations like the UNEP to increase community resilience and protect natural resources and native ecosystems through shared goals and standards; and WHEREAS, at COP15, roughly 190 countries agreed on environmental goals and targets called the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: 23 Targets, which include, among other targets, increased preservation and restoration of natural habitats to help prevent a mass extinction event; and WHEREAS, the United States o f America is one o f two invited countries that did not sign on to the COP 15 agreement, and yet, the Council acknowledges the important and critical work of the UNEP and COP 15 and strives to adopt goals that align with our policies that support the community's values; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: The City Manager is directed to analyze elements from the Kunming- Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: 23 Targets produced at COP 15 with the goal of aligning Strategic Direction 28 with applicable elements o f the 23 targets and report back to Council as part of the SD28 adoption schedule already in progress. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The City Manager is directed to analyze elements from the Kunming- Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: 23 Targets with the goal of aligning the City's relevant existing and proposed plans, including, but not limited to, the Austin Climate Equity Plan, the Rain to River Strategic Plan, the Austin Urban Page 2 of 3 Forest Plan, the Climate Resilience Action Plan for City Assets and Operations, and Imagine Austin, with applicable elements of the 23 targets and report back to Council with the analysis and recommendations necessary for alignment no later than September 15,2023. ADOPTED: January 26 , 2023 ATTEST: Bf?¥'41(14-Lf Myrna Rios City Clerk Page 3 of 3