20240807-005: 2023-24 Environmental Commission Annual Report — original pdf

Annual Internal Review This report covers the time period of 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024 _Environmental Commission __ The Commission mission statement (per the City Code) is: Per section 2-1-144(F) of the City Code, the Environmental Commission may: 1) review and analyze the policies relating to the environmental quality of the city; (2) act as an advisory board to the city council, the city manager, and the department in their efforts to oversee the protection and integrity of the natural environment; (3) promote growth management and land use planning, minimize degradation of water resources, protect downstream areas, and promote recreation opportunities and environmental awareness; and (4) advise and recommend on any issue which the commission determines necessary or advisable for the enhancement and stewardship of the urban forest both public and private. (G) The commission shall: (1) assist the city council, the city manager, and the department in studying, promoting and enforcing environmental protection policies to assure the health, safety, welfare and quality of life of all citizens within the City's incorporated boundaries as well as those within its extraterritorial jurisdiction where the boundaries apply; and (2) oversee the development and implementation of a comprehensive plan for the planting, maintenance, and replacement of trees in the City's jurisdiction, and revise the plan as necessary. When a portion of the plan has been developed and established, it shall be submitted to the city council for adoption before implementation. (H) The commission shall advise the city council, the city manager, and the department concerning policies, projects, and programs that affect the quality of life or have the potential to affect the environment, including those that relate to or affect: Annual Review and Work Plan 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024 Page 2 (1) water quality: (a) watershed protection; (b) urban runoff; (c) innovative wastewater treatment; (d) regional wastewater treatment; (e) improvement and protection of the Colorado River and the Edwards Aquifer; and (f) wastewater irrigation; (2) growth management and land use planning: (a) municipal utility district review; (b) capital improvement project review; and (c) the comprehensive plan; (3) construction controls for erosion and sedimentation; (4) City environmental policies regarding monitoring and enforcement; (5) solid waste disposal plan alternatives; (6) watershed protection: (a) flood control; (b) erosion control; (c) water quality; and (d) utility management; (7) roadway planning; (8) beautification; (9) recreation resources; (10) public education on environmental matters; (11) hazardous waste materials management; (12) revegetation and landscaping; (13) air quality; (14) noise abatement; (15) all matters pertaining to the City's urban forest, including public and private trees; and (16) avian, aquatic and terrestrial wildlife and habitats. (I) The commission shall: (1) review all variances to requirements for water quality protection; (2) review the monitoring of storm water runoff in developed and undeveloped areas; (3) review the efficiency of existing and proposed structural and nonstructural water quality controls; (4) periodically review the effectiveness of Chapter 25-4 ( Subdivision ); (5) review waste treatment permits within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction; (6) review programs and policies for flood control, erosion control, and water quality; (7) review capital improvement projects; (8) review municipal utility district proposals and amendments; (9) review roadway plan amendments; (10) recommend urban runoff standards; and (11) review the environmental elements of planned unit developments. (J) The commission may recommend and initiate, with the advice and consent of the city council, specific project studies concerning any of the matters described in Subsections (H) and (I), or any other related environmental or urban forestry issue. Annual Review and Work Plan 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024 Page 3 (K) The commission shall make reports and recommendations for standards and criteria concerning any of the matters described in Subsections (H) and (I), or any other related environmental or urban forestry issue. (L) The commission shall promote close cooperation between the City and all private citizens, institutions, and agencies interested in or conducting natural resource, environmental, and urban forestry activities, so that all similar activities within the city may be coordinated to secure the greatest public welfare. (M) A project for which commission review is required: (1) must be submitted to the appropriate staff before the meeting at which it will be considered; and (2) may not be considered by the Planning Commission, the Zoning and Platting Commission, or the city council until the commission has had an opportunity to review the project at a regularly scheduled meeting and to report its findings. 1. Describe the board’s actions supporting their mission during the previous calendar year. Address all elements of the board’s mission statement as provided in the relevant sections of the City Code. (Reference all reports, recommendations, letters or resolutions presented to the City Council on mission-specific issues. If some of the elements of the mission statement were not acted on by the board in the past year, the report should explain why no action was taken.) Attached to this report is a spreadsheet listing all actions, recommendations, letters, and reports considered and/or taken up by the Environmental Commission during the previous calendar year. 2. Determine if the board’s actions throughout the year comply with the mission statement. (If any of the board’s actions were outside the scope of the mission statement, the report should explain the non-compliance issues.) All actions taken by the Environmental Commission comply with the Commission’s mission statement. A list of all actions taken by the Environmental Commission is attached to this report. 3. List the board’s goals and objectives for the new calendar year. (Make sure the goals and objectives fall within the mission statement of the board/commission.) Below is a list of the Environmental Commission’s goals and objectives for the new calendar year. With many goals on this list, the Environmental Commission will work to reach all of the goals below, but will also prioritize these goals generally in the order listed below. Annual Review and Work Plan 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024 Page 4 • Focus the Environmental Commission’s review and oversight on regional environmental sustainability and resiliency including greenhouse gases, heat island, air quality and other elements. • Ensure the Environmental Commission provides ongoing support for the City’s community resilience efforts including the City’s development of a resilience plan. Provide oversight related to environmental resilience as a component of the overall community resilience work. • Focus Environmental Commission oversight on integration of equity within the Watershed Strategic Plan update and in Capital Improvement Program decision making processes. • Prioritize attention toward remedying historic and ongoing unjust impacts that are related to the mission of the Environmental Commission. • Prioritize attention and advocate toward the City’s goal to increase tree canopy throughout the city and efforts to replant and mitigate canopy loss due to oak wilt, extreme weather events, and climate change. • Oversee and receive a status report from City staff on any anticipated updates to the Heritage Tree Ordinance. Including effectiveness of current Heritage Tree Ordinance. • Receive biannual reports (and check-ins) from the Equity Office to the Environmental Commission. • Receive quarterly reports from Watershed Protection Department’s Capital Improvement Program, the Environmental Commission will review completed, ongoing and proposed capital improvement projects and their delivery in accordance with Environmental Commission mission. • Receive an annual review of the City's wastewater treatment systems, including the age, function, and anticipated improvements to existing wastewater treatment facilities. Included in this review of the number of wastewater lines in critical water quality zones and how these lines are monitored and mitigated (if leak occurs). • Conduct a review of environmental inspection practices, including erosion and sedimentation controls and tree protections, by the Development Services Department to ensure that environmental regulations are being appropriately implemented to be protective of water quality and the urban forest. Annual Review and Work Plan 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024 Page 5 • Receive annual report from Watershed Protection Department (with support from other departments as necessary) of what improvements have been made since the Flood Mitigation Task Force Report was released. The report will also include status and forecasted progress over the coming years. • Continue the ability to meet remotely for all standing Environmental Commission committee meetings. • Receive annual report on City’s progress on strategies that will lower carbon emissions by Austin Energy, Transportation and other pertinent City departments. The report will include how departments are tracking and reporting this information. • Receive annual report from Watershed Protection Department on reservoir- related issues, including but not limited to toxic algae, draw downs, zebra mussels, and other invasive species. • Review biannual reports on the environmental impact to neighborhoods located in close proximity to Industrial Zoning areas. This could include the water, soil, and air quality. • Promote efforts for night sky preservation to reduce wasted electricity and preserve habitat and plant species. Advocate for policy change in the City of Austin’s exterior lighting requirements to address over lighting, street, and sports stadium lighting. • Promote bird-friendly designs in low, mid and high-rise buildings, homes, and • Promote the planting of pollinator-attractor native plants in landscaping and landscaping. revegetation designs. EC Meeting Date Code Amendments Redevelopment Exception in the BSZ Cut & Fill; dredging Constr. Boatdocks Steep Slopes and Roadways Stream Buffers (CWQZ & WQTZ) CEF Setbacks Impervious Cover; Density; Net Site Area Ordinance/ Resolution and Agreements PUDs Variance Heritage Tree SER Staff Briefings Commissioner Led Items Annexation request Restrictive Covenant Amendmen ts ETJ Release SOS Amendm ent Administrative, Nominations & Elections Recommendations/Comments Annual Reports, Special Staff Reports and Work Sessions NAT 8/16/2023 RwC RWC 8/16/2023 R R Item/Requestor/Staff 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 Update on Environmental Commission Annual Report—Kevin Ramberg, Environmental Commission Chair Staff briefing on Austin’s Blackland Prairie ecoregion study recommendations and follow-up actions– Ana Gonzalez, Division Manager, Watershed Protection, and Valerie Tamburri, Ben Bertram, Tree Folks Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a recommendation on the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) Land Management Guide for parkland natural areas – Amanda Ross, Division Manager, and Matt McCaw, Program Manager, PARD 8/2/2023 8/2/2023 8/2/2023 4 Discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to Austin City Council to eliminate parking on the Zilker Park Polo Field and expand the Zilker Park Shuttle – Requested and presented by Commissioner Brimer 8/2/2023 Presentation and discussion on Local Government 101 – Kaela Champlin, Watershed Protection Presentation and discussion on Critical Environmental Features (CEFs) – Miranda Reinhard, Environmental Scientist Senior, and Eric Brown, Environmental Scientist Senior, Watershed Protection Discuss goals and objectives for the Environmental Commission 2023-2024 calendar year Presentation on Climate Ambassadors Overview, Projects, and Lessons Learned – Presented by Sydnee Landry, Office of Sustainability, and requested by Environmental Commissioners Richard Brimer and Haris Qureshi 9 Discussion and action regarding appointments to the Urban Forestry Committee (two vacancies) and the Joint 8/16/2023 Special Called 8/9/23 Special Called 8/9/23 Special Called 8/9/23 8/16/2023 Committee of the Environmental Commission and Parks and Recreation Board (two vacancies). Name: Case No. C814-2008-0136.02 (North Austin Medical Center PUD Amendment #2) Applicant: Michael Whellan, Armbrust & Brown Location: 12221 N Mopac Expressway Service Road NB Austin, Texas 78758 Council District: District 7 Staff: Leslie Lilly, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Department, Leslie.Lilly@austintexas.gov Watershed: Walnut Creek Watershed, Suburban Watershed Request: To amend a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended with conditions Name: 2428 W Ben White Mixed Use Development, SP-2021-0278C Applicant: Justin Cadieux, Quiddity Location: 4215 S Lamar Blvd Service Rd, NB / 2428 W Ben WhiteCouncil District: District 5 Staff: Mike McDougal, Environmental Policy Program Manager, Development Services Department Watershed: Williamson Creek Watershed / Suburban / Desired Development Zone and Barton Creek Watershed /Barton Springs Zone / Drinking Water Protection Zone Request: Redevelopment Exception in the Barton Springs Zone, per 25-8-26 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Redevelopment Exception for this project. Approve a recommendation to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut from 4 to 8 feet on slopes greater than 15% and from LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill from 4 to 8 feet on slopes greater than 15% in the desired development zone at the Estancia Phase 11 Condos (SP2021-0637C) – Mel Fuechec, Environmental Review Specialist Sr., Development Services Department Approve a recommendation to amend the Wildhorse Ranch Planned Unit Development (PUD) (Case No. C814-00- 2063.10) – Leslie Lilly, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Approve the creation of a working group to discuss native landscaping requirements – Requested by Commissioner Schiera Staff briefing regarding the Austin Energy Transportation Electrification Implementation Overview – Cameron Freberg, Austin Energy. Requested by Environmental Commissioner Qureshi Staff briefing on “Eliza Springs Daylighting: Response of Barton Springs Salamanders to Habitat Expansion” – Nathan Bendik, Watershed Protection Discussion and possible action on a recommendation to City Council regarding the allocation of additional funds to preserve the topsoil in exposed parts of Zilker Park and to ban parking on the Polo Field – Presented and requested by Commissioners Sullivan and Brimer. Staff Briefing on Austin Civilian Conservation Corps (ACCC) Overview – Juan Espinoza, Parks and Recreation Department (PARD). R R R 9/6/2023 Created 9/6/2023 9/6/2023 9/20/2023 9/20/2023 10/4/2023 9/20/2023 R 19 Briefing on the “Reaching Austin’s Net Zero Goals via Housing Density” – Presented by Bill McCamley, Transit 10/4/2023 Forward, and Isabella Peterson. Requested by Environmental Commissioners Sullivan and Qureshi 20 Review and approve the draft 2024 Environmental Commission Regular meeting schedule. 10/4/2023 Approve a recommendation to vary from LDC 25-8-302(A)(2) to allow parking areas on slopes in excess of 15 percent; 25-8-342 to allow fill greater than 4 feet, to 8 feet, on a slope greater than 15 percent; and 25-8-341 to allow cut greater than 4 feet, to 13 for the QuikTrip No. 414 (SP-2022-0407D) located at 12500 FM 969 ROAD (Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) – Presented by Pamela Abee Taulli, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Department 10/18/2023 23 22 Review and approve changes to the 2024 Environmental Commission Meeting Schedule Make a recommendation regarding the following requests to vary from the Land Development Code. Name: Blueridge Multifamily at Wildhorse Ranch (SP-2022-0426C.SH) Applicant: Allison Lehman, Kimley-Horn Location: 9825 Wildhorse Ranch Trail, Manor, Texas 78653 Council District: District 1 Staff: Pamela Abee-Taulli, Environmental Program Coordinator, Development Services Department Applicant request: Request to vary from a) LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut to 12 feet; and b) LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill to 10 feet Make a recommendation regarding the following requests to vary from the Land Development Code. Name: Old Lampasas Dam #3 Dam Modernization Project (SP-2022-0558D) Applicant: Kimberley Patak, PE, Freese and Nichols, Inc. Location: 9018 ½ Old Lampasas Trail, Austin, Texas 78750 Council District: District 6 and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Staff: Mike McDougal, Environmental Policy Program Manager, Development Services Department Applicant Request: Request to vary from a) LDC 25-8-261 to allow construction in the Critical Water Quality Zone; b) Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut up to 10 feet; c) Request to vary from LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill up to 9 feet; and d) Request to vary from LDC 25-8-301 to allow driveway construction on slopes over 15% Staff recommendation: Recommended with conditions 24 10/18/2023 R R 11/1/2023 RwC RWC 11/1/2023 RwC RWC NAT NAT NAT NAT NAT NAT NAT R R NAT NAT R R R R R EC Meeting Date Code Amendments Redevelopment Exception in the BSZ Cut & Fill; dredging Constr. Boatdocks Steep Slopes and Roadways Stream Buffers (CWQZ & WQTZ) CEF Setbacks Impervious Cover; Density; Net Site Area Ordinance/ Resolution and Agreements PUDs Variance Heritage Tree SER Staff Briefings Commissioner Led Items Annexation request Restrictive Covenant Amendmen ts ETJ Release SOS Amendm ent Administrative, Nominations & Elections Recommendations/Comments Annual Reports, Special Staff Reports and Work Sessions NAT Postponed 11/15/2023 RwC RWC RWC Item/Requestor/Staff 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Make a recommendation regarding the request for 311-315 South Congress Planned Unit Development (PUD) (C814-2023-0027) located at 311, 313, 315 South Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78704 (District 9). Presented by Leslie Lilly, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Department and Liz Johnston, Deputy Environmental Officer, Watershed Protection Department. Staff briefing regarding equity efforts within the City of Austin—Kye Tavernier, Equity and Inclusion Program Manager, Watershed Protection Department Make a recommendation regarding the following requests to vary from the Land Development Code. Name: Northwind Apartments (SP-2021-0384C.SH) Applicant: Jeff Kittle, Kittle Property Group Location: 11216 Cameron Rd, Austin, Texas 78754 Council District: District 1 Staff: Pamela Abee-Taulli, Environmental Program Coordinator, Development Services Department Applicant request: Request to vary from a) LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut to 12 feet; b) LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill to 17 feet; and c) LDC 25-8-261 to allow a driveway in a Critical Water Quality Zone Staff recommendation: Recommended with conditions Make a recommendation regarding the request for Champion Commercial Development (Tract 4) Rezoning (C14-2023-0005) located at 6025 N Capital of Texas Highway, Austin, Texas 78737 (District 10). Presented by Leslie Lilly, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Department . Consider a recommendation regarding the “HOME” Land Development Code Amendments— Dave Sullivan, Environmental Commission member Name: HCA Behavior Health Hospital, SP-2022-0516C Applicant: Tim Wallace, Pacheco Koch a Westwood Company Location: 2411 Park Bend Dr., Austin, Texas 78758 Council District: District 7 Staff: Pamela Abee-Taulli, Environmental Program Coordinator, Development Services Department Applicant request: Request to vary from LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill to 14 feet Staff recommendation: Recommended with conditions Consider a site-specific amendment to City Code Chapter 25-8, Subchapter A, Article 13 (Save Our Springs Initiative), as minimally required to address development related to the proposed resubdivision and development at 1905 and 1908 Airole Way. This action concerns land located in the Barton Springs Zone. Presented by Leslie Lilly, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Department. Consider a recommendation regarding the “HOME” Land Development Code Amendments. Presented by Dave Sullivan, Environmental Commission member. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a recommendation to Austin City Council regarding the creation, continuation, termination, and status of a concession including issuance of a Request for Proposal for a concession in Town Lake Metropolitan Park for inclusion in the joint report between the Parks and Recreation Board and the Environmental Commission that is provided to City Council annually. Presenter(s): Denisha Cox, Contract Management Supervisor II and Pat Rossett, Business Process Consultant, Parks and Recreation Department Name: Sunset Ridge 290 C14-85-288.166(RCA) Applicant: Armbrust & Brown (Richard Suttle) Location: 8401 Southwest Pkwy, Austin, Texas, 78735 Council District: District 8 Staff: Leslie Lilly, Environmental Conservation Program Manager, (512)535-8914, Leslie.lilly@austintexas.gov Applicant request: Restrictive Covenant Amendment Staff recommendation: Recommended with conditions Consider a recommendation requesting that the City of Austin work with a qualified research partner to study the environmental impacts of different vehicle parking options to determine if there are certain levels of parking at which one option might be more environmentally friendly than another. Presenter: Hanna Cofer, Environmental Commission Member . Consider a recommendation requesting funds to restore the Polo Field at Zilker Park. Presenter: Richard Brimer, Environmental Commission Member . Consider a recommendation concerning updates to the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, Climate Equity Plan, and Austin Equity Plan related to City Council’s resolution 20231109-029 regarding telework policies and resolution 20231102-002 regarding disposal rate goals. Presenter: Haris Qureshi, Environmental Commission Member Presentation of Development Assessment Report for 500 South Congress, located at 500 South Congress Avenue, CD-2023-0001 (District 9). Applicant: Richard T. Suttle, Armbrust & Brown, PLLC. Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, Planning Department, and Leslie Lilly, Environmental Program Manager, Watershed Protection Department Presentation on the status of Austin Light Rail. Presenters: Jen Pyne, Executive Vice President Planning, Community & Federal Programs, Lisa Storer, Sustainable Design Program Manager, and Yannis Banks, Public Involvement Manager (Austin Transit Partnership) Recognition of Kevin Ramberg for his service on the Environmental Commission – Katie Coyne, Environmental Officer, Watershed Protection Department Make a recommendation regarding the request for 311-315 South Congress Planned Unit Development (PUD) (C814-2023-0027) located at 311, 313, 315 South Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78704 (District 9). Presenter: Leslie Lilly, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Department. Name: Ledgestone Revised Wastewater Service Extension Request #4622R Applicant: Danny Miller, P.E. LJA Engineering, Inc. Location: 9209 Ledgestone Terrace, Austin, Texas 78737 Council District: Austin 2-Mile Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Staff: Kaela Champlin, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Department Applicant request: Wastewater Service Extension Revision Staff recommendation: Recommended 11/1/2023 Postponed 11/15/2023 11/15/2023 RwC 11/15/2023 Working group 12/6/2023 RwC R R R R R 12/6/2023 RwC 12/6/2023 1/16/2024 2/7/2024 RwC 2/7/2024 2/7/2024 2/7/2024 2/21//24 Nat 2/21//24 NAT 3/6/2024 NAT 3/6/2024 RwC 3/6/2024 R EC Meeting Date Code Amendments Redevelopment Exception in the BSZ Cut & Fill; dredging Constr. Boatdocks Steep Slopes and Roadways Stream Buffers (CWQZ & WQTZ) CEF Setbacks Impervious Cover; Density; Net Site Area Ordinance/ Resolution and Agreements PUDs Variance Heritage Tree SER Staff Briefings Commissioner Led Items Annexation request Restrictive Covenant Amendmen ts ETJ Release SOS Amendm ent Administrative, Nominations & Elections Recommendations/Comments Annual Reports, Special Staff Reports and Work Sessions Item/Requestor/Staff Name: Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements Great Hills Lift Station No.53 (SP-2022 0537C) Applicant: Sharon Hamilton, Civil Team Engineers LLC on behalf of the Austin Water Utility Department Location: 9009 ½ Spicebrush Drive, Austin, TX 78759 Council District: District 6 Staff: Brad Jackson, Environmental Compliance Specialist Senior, Development Services Department Applicant request: A Land Use Commission variance is requested to a) allow development in the CWQZ for a lift station per LDC 25-8-261; b) allow construction of a building on a slope with a gradient of more than 25% per LDC 25-8-302(A)(1); and c) allow fill up to 14 feet for construction of a lift station exceeding the 4-foot limitation per LDC 25-8-342 Staff recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the variances with a condition Presentation on the South Central Waterfront Combining District with a Density Bonus – April Geruso of the City of Austin Planning Department. Consider a recommendation on the budget recommendations from the Joint Sustainability Committee – Presented by Haris Qureshi and David Sullivan, Environmental Commission Members Presentation on Watershed Protection Department's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget, Programs, and Projects Overview and approve recommendations for their FY25 budget — Anupa Gharpurey, Financial Manager, and Pam Kearfott, Managing Engineer, Watershed Protection Department Name: Bridle Ridge at Wildhorse Ranch, C8-2023-0259 Applicant: Kimley Horn (Kevin Burks) Location: 10501 ½ Blue Bluff Rd, Austin, TX 78653 Council District: District 1 Staff: Pamela Abee-Taulli, Environmental Program Coordinator, Development Services Department Applicant request: Request to vary from a) 25-8-341 to allow cut over four (4) feet, to 15 feet and b) 25-8-342 to allow fill over four (4) feet, to 15 feet. Staff recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the variances with conditions Approve a recommendation on an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 related to development regulations applicable to residential re-subdivisions and multi-family residential site development of five to sixteen units – Brent Lloyd, Development Officer, Development Services Department Election of Environmental Commission Officers for the May 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025 term. Approve a recommendation supporting the City Council’s code resolutions for Home 2 (allowing 2,000 sg ft lots sizes for single-family), reduced compatibility standards (from 540 ft to 75 ft) to allow more housing along major roads, and higher density housing near future light rail lines (ETODs), plus site development standards for EV charging – Presented by David Sullivan, Environmental Commission member A motion to withdraw this item failed on Commissioner Sullivan’ Update on the 2023 State of the Environment Report and 2023 Watershed Protection Annual Report – Liz Johnston, Interim Environmental Officer, and Anupa Gharpurey, Assistant Director, Watershed Protection Department Name: 3 Men Movers, SP-2023-0294C Applicant: Hollis Scheffler – Westwood Professional Services Location: 9989 E US 290 Hwy Service Road EB, Austin, TX 78744 Council District: District 1 Staff: Ryan Soutter, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Name: Sunfield PUD Amendment #1; Case No. C814-2014-0083.01 Applicant: Katherine P. Loayza, Jackson Walker L.L.P. Location: 1901 Turnersville Road Council District: District 5 Staff: Leslie Lilly, Environmental Conservation Program Manager, Watershed Protection Department Applicant request: To amend a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Staff recommendation: Staff recommended with conditions Name: January Drive Flood Reduction, SP-2022-0531D Applicant: Claudia Corsetti – Capital Delivery Service Department Location: Council District: District 1 Staff: Eric Brown, Environmental Scientist, Senior, Watershed Protection Department Applicant request: To allow construction of drainage infrastructure within 50-feet of seep/spring Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) Staff recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the variance with conditions 3. Presentation, discussion, and recommendation on bird-friendly design and building solutions from Travis Audubon – Heidi Trudell, requested by Commissioner Bristol Name: 290 Parmer Industrial – 2, SP-2023-0401C Applicant: Ryan Taylor, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Location: 10095 E US 290 Hwy Service Road EB Austin, Texas Council District: District 1 Staff: David Michael, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Department Applicant request: Variance request is to A) vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut up to 15 feet and B) vary from LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill up to 16 feet. Staff recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the variances with conditions Name: Stassney Park, SPC-2023-0110C Applicant: Nick Brown / Kimley-Horn Location: 6200 E Stassney Lane, Austin, TX, 78744 Council District: District 2 Staff: Mike McDougal, Environmental Policy Program Manager, Development Services Department, Applicant request: Variance request is as follows: A) To allow fill up to 23 feet within the Desired Development Zone (LDC 25-8-342), B) To allow cut up to 24 feet within the Desired Development Zone (LDC 25-8-341), and C) To allow driveway construction on a gradient in excess of 15% (LDC 25-8-301) Staff recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the variances with conditions 6. Staff briefing on Environmental Inspection Practices – Elaine Garrett, Assistant Director, and Brian Eagan, Division Manager, Development Services Department 3/6/2024 RwC 3/20/2024 NAT 3/20/2024 SC 3/28/2024 R 5/1/2024 RWC 5/1/2024 RwC 5/1/2024 5/1/2024 R 5/15/2024 NaT 5/15/2024 RwC 5/15/2024 RwC 5/15/2024 RwC 6/5/2024 R 6/5/2024 NR 6/5/2024 NR 6/5/2024 NaT 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 55 Discussion and recommendation of Austin Water Capital Improvement Projects located in the Drinking Water Prote 6/5/2024 R EC Meeting Date Code Amendments Redevelopment Exception in the BSZ Cut & Fill; dredging Constr. Boatdocks Steep Slopes and Roadways Stream Buffers (CWQZ & WQTZ) CEF Setbacks Impervious Cover; Density; Net Site Area Ordinance/ Resolution and Agreements PUDs Variance Heritage Tree SER Staff Briefings Commissioner Led Items Annexation request Restrictive Covenant Amendmen ts ETJ Release SOS Amendm ent Administrative, Nominations & Elections Recommendations/Comments Annual Reports, Special Staff Reports and Work Sessions Item/Requestor/Staff 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 R RwC NR NAT Totals R = Recommended RwC = Recommended with Conditions RD = Recommended denial NAT = No Action Taken