Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

in a REGULAR meeting on ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, May 15, 2024 The ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION convened Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Vice Chair Bedford called the Environmental Commission Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Perry Bedford, Richard Brimer, Hanna Cofer, Peter Einhorn, Mariana Krueger, Haris Qureshi, and David Sullivan Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Colin Nickells, Melinda Schiera, and David Sullivan Commissioners Absent: Jennifer Bristol PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on May 5, 2024. The minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular meeting on May 5, 2024, were approved on Commissioner Brimer’s motion, Commissioner Krueger’s second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Bristol was absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Update on the 2023 State of the Environment Report and 2023 Watershed Protection Annual Report – Liz Johnston, Interim Environmental Officer, and Anupa Gharpurey, Assistant Director, Watershed Protection Department Speakers: Liz Johnston Anupa Gharpurey Jorge Morales Kaela Champlin Ramesh Swaminathan 1 PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. Chair Bedford called for a recess at 6:27. Chair Bedford reconvened the meeting at 6:37. Item conducted as posted. No action was taken. Name: 3 Men Movers, SP-2023-0294C Applicant: Hollis Scheffler – Westwood Professional Services Location: 9989 E US 290 Hwy Service Road EB, Austin, TX 78744 Council District: District 1 Staff: Ryan Soutter, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Department Applicant request: Request to vary from a) LDC 25-8-301 to allow driveway construction on slopes greater than 15%; b) LDC 25-8-302 to allow building and parking construction on slopes over 15%; c) LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut up to 12 feet; and d) LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill up to 15 feet. Staff recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the variances with conditions Speakers: Ryan Soutter Justin Lange Liz Johnston Mike McDougal A motion to close the public hearing passed on Commissioner Einhorn’s motion, Commissioner Brimer’s second on a 9–0 vote. Commissioner Bristol was absent. A motion to approve the requested variances with conditions passed on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Qureshi’s second on an 8–0 vote. Commissioner Brimer abstained. Commissioner Bristol was absent. Name: Sunfield PUD Amendment #1; Case No. C814-2014-0083.01 Applicant: Katherine P. Loayza, Jackson Walker L.L.P. Location: 1901 Turnersville Road Council District: District 5 Staff: Leslie Lilly, Environmental Conservation Program Manager, Watershed Protection Department Applicant request: To amend a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Staff recommendation: Staff recommended with conditions Speakers: Leslie Lilly Chris Bradford Ben Williams Liz Johnston A motion to close the public hearing passed on Commissioner Cofer’s motion, Commissioner Qureshi’s second on a 9–0 vote. Commissioner Bristol was absent. 2 4. A motion to approve the requested Planned Unit Development (PUD) amendment with conditions passed on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Krueger’s second on an 8–1 vote. Commissioner Brimer voted against. Commissioner Bristol was absent. Name: January Drive Flood Reduction, SP-2022-0531D Applicant: Claudia Corsetti – Capital Delivery Service Department Location: Council District: District 1 Staff: Eric Brown, Environmental Scientist, Senior, Watershed Protection Department Applicant request: To allow construction of drainage infrastructure within 50-feet of seep/spring Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) Staff recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the variance with conditions Speakers: Eric Brown Isaac Chavez Claudia Corsetti A motion to close the public hearing passed on Commissioner Qureshi’s motion, Commissioner Einhorn’s second on a 9–0 vote. Commissioner Bristol was absent. A motion to approve the requested variance passed on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Einhorn’s second on an 9–0 vote. Commissioner Bristol was absent. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner Brimer asked for a staff briefing on the recent sewage spill into Bull Creek. Liz Johnston (Interim Environmental Officer) said we could coordinate with the spill team. Commissioner Qureshi seconded. Commissioner Krueger asked about the briefing on environmental impacts from IH35 expansion requested at a previous meeting. Elizabeth Funk and Liz Johnston provided brief context. Commissioner Qureshi asked about how the University of Texas and the City of Austin would share the cap for I35 responsibilities. ADJOURNMENT Vice Chair Bedford adjourned the meeting at 9:01 P.M. The minutes were approved at the June 5, 2024 meeting on Commissioner Einhorn’s motion, Commissioner Qureshi’s second on a 7-0 vote. Commissioner Bristol abstained. Commissioners Cofer and Schiera wereabsent. 3 5.