Environmental CommissionMay 1, 2024

Recommendation 20240501-003: Infill Plat and Site Lite Part 2 Amendments — original pdf

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ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20240501-003 Date: May 1, 2024 Subject: Infill Plat and Site Lite Part 2 Amendments Motion by: Jennifer Bristol Seconded by: Mariana Kruger WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the Code Amendments related to Home-2 known as Infill Plats and Site Lite Part 2 are a compilation of directives from City Council; WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission has been given a presentation from Staff on Infill Plats and Site Plan Lite; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that Staff recommends these amendments. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the code amendments with the following Environmental Commission recommendations and comments: 1. Request that the City Council recognize that the Environmental Commission was not involved in the review and recommendation of the Code changes. 2. The Environmental Commission was not provided a copy of the Code to review before or 3. The Environmental Commission is concerned that these Code changes inequitably may at the meeting. impact low-income neighborhoods. 4. The Environmental Commission was only presented watershed and drainage information and not how this impacts tree protections, tree canopy reduction, light pollution, or increase to utilities, including wastewater. 5. The Environmental Commission is concerned about how this impacts homes in the local flooding areas or homes that are on the edge of the floodplains. 6. The Environmental Commission is concerned about neighbor-to-neighbor flooding due to poor drainage, including “ghost drainage” that is done without permits. 7. The Environmental Commission was not presented the study that surveyed the size of lots in the neighborhoods and what areas would be impacted the most. 8. How was the community involved in the Code changes? 9. Request that the public is well informed in multiple ways about the new changes, how that will impact them, and how they can utilize the Code legally. 10. Request that the public is made aware of the process for adjacent homeowners to protest or improve changes to a neighbor’s lot. 11. The Environmental Commission is concerned about the increase of administrative approval rather than citizen-driven boards and commissions. 12. The Environmental Commission is in favor of increasing access to affordable homes and increasing density where possible. 1 For: Perry Bedford, Jennifer Bristol, Richard Brimer, Peter Einhorn, Mariana Krueger, Colin Nickells, Haris Qureshi, Melinda Schiera Against: None Abstain: David Sullivan Recuse: None Absent: Hanna Coffer VOTE: 8-0 Approved By: Perry Bedford, Environmental Commission Chair 2