20240117-002: Townlake Concessions Report Recommendation — original pdf

ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20240117-002 Date: January 17, 2024 Subject: 2023 Annual Report of City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department Managed Concessions on Lady Bird (Town) Lake Motion by: Jennifer Bristol Seconded by: Peter Einhorn WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission has received a staff briefing of the 2023 Annual Report of City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) Managed Concessions on Lady Bird (Town) Lake. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board regarding the concessions for Lady Bird Lake. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends continuation of the concession contracts on Lady Bird Lake with the following conditions: Environmental Commission Conditions: 1. Study and report the impact on watercraft rentals and use due to toxic algae and extreme heat. 2. Report back to commission about shuttles or transportation for underserved populations or people with limited abilities to the concessions and park. 3. Continue reporting on the public benefit concessions provide. 4. PARD staff should continue to review the number of public and private watercraft that are typically on Lady Bird Lake, what the safety strategies of City of Austin, and their ability to meet capacity. 5. Provide an update on any new concessions. 6. Provide information on how carrying capacity is being addressed. 7. Report on the Zilker Eagle reconstruction, track realignment, and environmental impacts be included in the final 2024 report. VOTE: 10-0 For: Ramberg, Bedford, Bristol, Brimer, Einhorn, Kruger, Nickells, Qureshi, Schiera, Sullivan Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: Cofer Absent: None Approved By: 1 Kevin Ramberg, Environmental Commission Chair 2