20230117-002: 2023 Annual Concession Report Presentation — original pdf

Austin Parks and Recreation Department Presented by Denisha Cox and Patricia Rossett PARD Financial Services Division January 17, 2024 AUSTIN CITY CODE Austin City Code § 8-1-73 requires delivery of an annual report to the Parks and Recreation Board and the Environmental Commission providing the following information regarding concessions on Lady Bird Lake Park: • Name and Location • Income and Expenditures • Total Number of Boats Rented • Environmental Concerns 2 Name and Location Austin Rowing Club at Waller Creek Boathouse Butler Pitch and Putt EpicSUP Expedition School Lone Star Riverboat Cruises Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Zilker Café (temporarily closed) Zilker Eagle Railroad (temporarily closed) Zilker Park Boat Rentals 3 3 Contract Terms Concession Contract Begin Contract 0 0 0 End 2 Rowing Dock 2000 2024 2 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 5 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 5 2 0 2 0 3 0 2 5 3 0 2 0 4 0 2 Zilker Park Boat Rentals 2006 2024 5 5 5 1 18 mo. 2 2 5 5 2 5 5 4 3 2 . o m 6 2 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 10 Expedition School 2020 2024 Lone Star Riverboat 2015 2025 Austin Rowing Club 2012 2026 EpicSUP* 2013 2028 Butler Pitch & Putt 2019 2029 Texas Rowing Center 2020 2030 Zilker Eagle 2021 2031 Interim Period Basic Term Option Executed Option Remaining Extension *After May 15, 2021, all EpicSUP revenue share payments go to The Trail Conservancy. 4 FY23 Gross Sales, Expenditures, and Payments to the City s n o i l l i M $3.5 $3.0 $2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 Butler Pitch and Putt (Pecan Grove Golf Partners) Gross Sales Reported Expenditures Payments $2,838,411 $1,315,889 $227,266 EpicSUP $394,144 $292,719 $49,173 Expedition School Lone Star Riverboats Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Zilker Park Boat Rentals $51,404 $39,004 $4,750 $1,081,396 $1,035,469 $99,561 $2,206,240 $1,627,750 $262,403 $2,895,049 $2,688,421 $322,984 Austin Rowing Club at Waller Creek Boathouse $3,010,728 $3,282,341 $247,901 $1,077,564 $615,248 $99,548 5 Annual Gross Sales Since 2015 6 6 Capital Improvements Butler Pitch and Putt – $78,795 • New low-voltage safety lighting • New courtyard fans, misters, and string lighting • New well water pump • New sprayer • Repair/replacement of the roofing and siding on the maintenance shed • Greenside collars expansion and sod replacement • Replacement of tee box mats • Updates to the putting green drainage system 7 Concessions Outside of Lady Bird Lake Permit Type Term Permits Issued Cost / Permit Revenue Commercial Use – Food or Other Specific Park Use Commercial Use – Fitness Trainers Commercial Use – Performing Artists Golf Concessions (4 golf courses) TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED Six month Single day Six month Single day N/A 46 (10,381 attendees total) 31 2 N/A $500-$1500 $50 $50/trainer $20/sound $0.45/attendee $10 N/A $34,700 $6,971 $20 $491,620 $533,312 8 Parks and Recreation Board Recommendations Environmental Impact In new contracts, consider recent studies and how that can impact water quality, the environment, safety, wildlife, and outdoor recreation. Revenue Share In new contracts, reevaluate the revenue sharing of that concession’s contract and weigh it against recent rates and the public’s ability to enjoy the park. 9 9 Environmental Commission Recommendations Marine Waste Disposal Verify that three years of records have been maintained for entities that pump waste on Lady Bird Lake; include these monthly records in the public record. Include waste pump-out data in both the public record and the Annual Report. Lake Safety Continue to review the number of public and private boats typically on the lake and the City’s safety strategies and ability to meet capacity. Provide information on how carrying capacity is being Provide an update on unlicensed vendor activity and the addressed. actions being taken. Other Concession Considerations Continue working on consistent terms and conditions in concessions contracts to the extent practicable. Provide an update on any new concessions. Provide an update on the Zilker Eagle concession. 10 Marine Waste Disposal State Law Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Requires permits for boats with an on-board toilet. Permits must be renewed every two years. City Code Lake Water Protection Program (Austin Water) PARD Staff may inspect any boat or boat pump-out facility at any time to determine compliance with state law. Program staff inspects Lady Bird Lake excursion boats annually during permit application process. Contract requires Lone Star Riverboat Cruises to include manifests of pump-out activity in monthly reporting. 11 Lake Safety Lake Capacity PARD’s Park Rangers have been patrolling these areas to identify and to warn unpermitted vendors of code violations. Unlicensed Vendors PARD staff, along with the Austin Police Department and the City’s Legal Department, are exploring options for more stringent enforcement. Both statistics and anecdotal evidence show that lake activity during summer 2023 was down compared to the two previous years, which could be an indication that the density situation may not be as great. 12 12 Annual Rentals Type of Boat/ Concession EpicSUP Expedition School Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Club Austin Rowing Club Zilker Park Boat Rentals Totals Canoes 0 110 4,229 3,745 0 4,430 12,514 Kayaks 6,004 1,566 32,971 30,533 20,775 17,916 109,765 SUPs 10,827 767 17,936 48,187 5,855 11,997 95,569 Electric Boats 0 0 0 0 4,269 0 4,269 Totals 16,831 2,443 55,136 82,465 30,899 34,343 222,117 13 Watercraft Rentals at Peak Times Holiday Week Rentals Spring Break Memorial Day Fourth of July Labor Day Austin Rowing Club 972 1,913 1,644 1,002 EpicSUP Expedition School Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Zilker Park Boat Rentals 471 1,089 1,099 618 86 257 412 154 2,283 3,435 4,159 1,992 2,347 6,695 6,436 3,103 1,644 2,429 2,316 1,194 Totals 7,131 15,818 15,394 8,063 14 Boat Inventory Austin Rowing Club EpicSUP Expedition School Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Zilker Park Boat Rentals Stand-up Paddle Boards (SUPs) Type of Boat Kayaks Canoes Rowing Shells Electric Boats 166 145 0 67 15 214 365 22 0 0 58 39 8 0 0 33 150 0 0 0 225 473 19 162 0 70 86 57 0 0 Coaching Boats/ Launches 11 0 0 0 11 0 Total (not including launches) 393 183 105 601 917 213 Total Boat Inventory by Fiscal Year FY19 | 1597 FY20 | 1640 FY21 |1924 FY22 | 2316 FY23 | 2412 15 Other Concession Considerations New Solicitations PARD considers the physical, social, and environmental capacity of the lake by including environmental requirements in concessionaire Requests for Proposals. Consistent Terms & Conditions for Contracts In collaboration with Corporate Purchasing, PARD will use a standard contract template for all concession contracts. Contract components include: Standard contract Solicitation Vendor proposal Standard purchase terms and conditions Supplemental provisions 16 16 Public Benefit • • • • • Austin Rowing Club – provided free rowing and paddling programming to community organizations, including PARD summer camps, AISD middle schools, and veterans; partnered with Keep Austin Beautiful to host monthly lake cleanups. Value Butler Pitch and Putt – donated free rounds of golf, cash donations, and venue rentals for local fundraisers • Austin Rowing Club EpicSUP – hosted monthly lake cleanups and fundraising events; donated gift cards to local charities Expedition School – provided kayak rentals and support staff to clients of Down Home Ranch and Breakthrough Central Texas Lone Star Riverboat – donated passes to local charities and discounts for Education in Action summer program Rowing Dock – donated free rentals to local schools and non-profits; hosted fundraising and lake cleanup events Lone Star Riverboat • Texas Rowing Center – provided scholarships for rowing, summer camps, and adaptive programs; hosted lake cleanups and other charitable events; supported elite athletes training for the Olympics • Texas Rowing Club Zilker Park Boat Rentals – donated free watercraft rentals for youth camps, including Keep Austin Beautiful and Austin Nature and Science Center; provided gift cards to local elementary schools and nonprofits, including Austin Youth River Watch and Frothing Fest 17 Staff Recommendations Per Austin City Code, § 8-1-73 Not later than the 30th day after receipt of a report by the director of the Parks Department, the Board and the Environmental Commission shall make a recommendation to Council regarding: • Creation, continuation or termination of a concession • The status of each existing concession • The issuance of request for proposal for a concession under this division 18