Environmental CommissionDec. 7, 2022

20221207-003: SP-2021-0091C Oltorf Site Plan Recommendation — original pdf

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4. 1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20221207-003 Seconded by: Perry Bedford To vary from LDC 25-8-301 to allow driveways on slopes over 15% To vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut over 4 feet up to 8 feet To vary from LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill over 4 feet up to 20.5 feet Date: December 7, 2022 Subject: Oltorf Site Plan, SP-2021-0091C Motion by: Jennifer L. Bristol RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting 1. 2. 3. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the site is located in the Country Club West Watershed, Suburban, Desired Development Zone; and WHEREAS, Environmental Commission understands there is an additional overlay that establishes business hours; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that Staff recommends this variance with conditions, with staff conditions having determined the required findings of fact have been met. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the variance request with the following: Staff Conditions 1. 2. Environmental Commission Conditions 1. Recommend use dark skies lighting that casts down to reduce light emitting into the adjacent properties, including the lighting for business signage. Minimize lighting during non-business hours while still meeting safety needs. Provide 8 additional trees at 3 caliper inches. Provide structural containment of fill with retaining walls. 2. Review site with staff to see if there is space to add additional trees. 3. Consider installing electric vehicle charging spaces for employees or as a business opportunity for the convince store proprietor. Install recycling stations for patrons and businesses on the property. Follow all commercial recycling requirements. Prohibit gasoline sales or gas station business on the property. 5. Consider adding native pollinator-friendly plants. 6. VOTE: 7-2 For: Bedford, Brimer, Bristol, Qureshi, Ramberg, Schiera, and Scott Against: Aguirre and Thompson Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Barrett Bixler and Nickells Approved By: Kevin Ramberg, Environmental Commission Chair 2