Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 2, November, 2022 The Environmental Commission convened in a regular meeting on 2, November, 2022 at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Commissioners in Attendance: Ana Aguirre, Audrey Barrett Bixler, Perry Bedford, Rick Brimer, Jennifer Bristol, Kevin Ramberg, and Rachel Scott. Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Melinda Schiera, Pam Thompson, and Haris Qureshi. Commissioners absent: Colin Nickells CALL TO ORDER Chair Ramberg called the Environmental Commission Meeting to order at 6:04 P.M. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION 1. Approval the minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on October 5, 2022 and October 19, 2022 (5 minutes) The minutes of the October 5, 2022 and October 19, 2022 were approved on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Bristol’s second on a 8-0 vote. Commissioner Schiera abstained. Commissioner Scott was off the dais. Commissioner Nickells was absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Name: Brodie Oaks Redevelopment PUD C814-2021-0099 Applicant: Armbrust & Brown (David Armbrust) Location: 4107 S Capital of Texas Highway Council District: District 5 Staff: Leslie Lilly, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed: Barton Creek Watershed, Barton Springs Zone Request: PUD zoning for the property Staff Recommendation: Recommended with conditions (1 hour) Items 2 and 3 were presented and voted on together. 1 3. Speakers Abby Gilfillan Joseph Longaro David Armbrust Milo Burdette Michael Embesi Bobak Tehrany Jean Wilkins Ingrid Morton Roy Waley Bill Bunch A motion to close the public hearing for items 2 and 3 was approved on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Ramberg’s second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Nickells was absent. A motion to recommend the Brodie Oaks Redevelopment PUD and the Site Specific SOS Amendment (agenda items 2 and 3) was approved with conditions on Commissioner Bristol’s motion, Commissioner Ramberg’s second on a 9-1 vote. Those voting aye were Commissioners Aguirre, Barrett Bixler, Bedford, Brimer, Bristol, Qureshi, Ramberg, Schiera, and Scott. Commissioner Thompson voted nay. Commissioner Nickells was absent. Name: Brodie Oaks Redevelopment Site Specific SOS Amendment C814-2021-0099 Applicant: Armbrust & Brown (David Armbrust) Location: 4107 S Capital of Texas Highway Council District: District 5 Staff: Leslie Lilly, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed: Barton Creek Watershed, Barton Springs Zone Request: In response to Council Resolution 20221011-076, consider a site-specific amendment to City Code Chapter 25-8, Subchapter A, Article 13 (Save Our Springs Initiative), as minimally required to allow for limits to impervious cover as proposed in application C814-2021-0099 for the Brodie Oaks PUD development. The proposed site- specific amendment should be included as part of the discussion and consideration of the Brodie Oaks PUD development. Staff Recommendation: Recommended with conditions (1 hour) Items 2 and 3 were presented and voted on together. Speakers Abby Gilfillan Joseph Longaro David Armbrust Milo Burdette Michael Embesi Bobak Tehrany Jean Wilkins Ingrid Morton 2 6. 7. Roy Waley Bill Bunch A motion to close the public hearing for items 2 and 3 was approved on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Ramberg’s second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Nickells was absent. A motion to recommend the Brodie Oaks Redevelopment PUD and the Site Specific SOS Amendment (agenda items 2 and 3) was approved with conditions on Commissioner Bristol’s motion, Commissioner Ramberg’s second on a 9-1 vote. Those voting aye were Commissioners Aguirre, Barrett Bixler, Bedford, Brimer, Bristol, Qureshi, Ramberg, Schiera, and Scott. Commissioner Thompson voted nay. Commissioner Nickells was absent. Chair Ramberg recessed the meeting at 9:45 P.M. Chair Ramberg reconvened the meeting at 9:52 P.M. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 4. Briefing and potential action regarding code amendments to Title 25 of the City Code to create an affordable housing bonus program to allow residential development on commercially-zoned properties—Erica Leak, Development Officer, Housing and Planning Department (1 hour) A motion to extend the meeting until 10:15 P.M. was approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Bedford’s second on a 8-0 vote. Commissioners Barrett Bixler and Scott were off the dais. Commissioner Nickells was absent. A motion to extend the meeting until 10:25 P.M. was approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Bedford’s second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioners Barrett Bixler and Nickells were absent. A motion to extend the meeting until 10:35 P.M. was approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Bristol’s second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioners Barrett Bixler and Nickells were absent. A motion to support the proposed code amendments with conditions was approved on Commissioner Bristol’s motion, Commissioner Ramberg’s second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioners Barrett Bixler and Nickells were absent. COMMITTEE REPORTS 5. Urban Forestry Committee – Richard Brimer (Committee Chair), Pam Thompson, Rachel Scott, and Colin Nickells Report on the Joint Sustainability Committee – Haris Qureshi (member) and Richard Brimer (alternate member) Report on the Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan Citizen’s Advisory Committee – Jennifer Bristol 3 8. Report on the Joint Committee of the Environmental Commission and Parks and Recreation Board – Pam Thompson, Rachel Scott, Perry Bedford, and Haris Qureshi Report on the South Central Waterfront Advisory Board – Ana Aguirre 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None ADJOURNMENT Chair Ramberg adjourned the meeting at 10:30 P.M. The minutes of the November 2, 2022 Environmental Commission Regular Meeting were approved at the November 16, 2022 Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Ramberg’s second on a 8-0 vote. Commissioners Thompson and Scott were off the dais. Commissioner Barrett Bixler was absent. 4