Recommendation 20221102-004: Residential in Commercial Code Amendments — original pdf

1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20221102-004 Date: November 2, 2022 Subject: Title 25 Code Amendment, C20-2021-012 Residential in Commercial Motion by: Jennifer Bristol Seconded by: Kevin Ramberg WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission has considered the amendment to Title 25 of the City Code to create an affordable housing bonus program and allow residential development on commercially zoned properties and; WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that this amendment was initiated by City Council Resolution 20211209-056. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the amendment with the following conditions: Staff recommended changes: 1. Modify to exclude properties within 500’ of “Level 5” Regional Highways 2. Modify to exclude residential uses near more intense manufacturing and/or noxious uses Environmental Commissions: 1. Council should direct staff to draft guidance for residential development within commercially zoned properties to avoid and minimize the environmental exposure of residents living on commercially zoned properties. These may include, but not be limited to air quality concerns adjacent to commercial development and noise exposure adjacent to commercial development (such as airport and other loud activities). Limit height to three stories where unlocked housing space is located near creeks, parks, green infrastructure, and existing neighborhoods Eliminate spaces for consideration near airports, where air quality and noise are the highest 3. 4. Create adequate setbacks from fast-food or restaurant facilities to reduce the interface of living spaces 2. 5. 6. with waste and air pollution created from food establishments. Soils must be tested for contaminates when installing natural spaces or play areas for children Ensure that affordable housing within the commercial zones still have walking access to parks per the City’s goal of all residents being within 1/4-mile in the urban core and a 1/2-mile for all other parts of the city 7. Require bird-friendly glass and bird-friendly building best practices on all projects in all zones 8. Require dark skies lighting 9. Require natural buffers such as bio-swales or tree and shrub features to separate affordable housing parking from commercial use parking 10. Increase natural spaces that use native plants and trees that can assist with slowing and filtering run-off, reduce heat island effects, reduce noise, and air pollution 11. The Environmental Commission recommends taking this Code Amendment before Public Health Commission 12. Add funeral services to the noxious use list 13. For the purposes of our motion, adult oriented businesses should include any business that requires an adult to enter or make a purchase within 14. The Environmental Commission recommends that staff conduct a study of non-Level 5 Regional Highways that may warrant buffering for air quality. VOTE 8-1 For: Aguirre, Bedford, Bristol, Qureshi, Ramberg, Schiera, Scott, and Thompson Against: Brimer Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Barrett Bixler and Nickells 2 Approved By: Kevin Ramberg, Environmental Commission Chair