20221102-004: Code Amendment - Residential in Commercial staff briefing — original pdf

Code Amendment: Residential in Commercial Environmental Commission November 2, 2022 Erica Leak– Housing and Planning Content Background Council resolution Proposed draft changes Staff’s recommendation Timeline Background ▪ Residential in commercial is a new concept for the draft LDC ▪ Basic concept is to allow residential in commercially zoned property to add housing capacity ▪ Draft LDC is suspended (March 2020) 3 Council Resolution 12/9/21 ▪ WHEREAS, under the Land Development Code, residential development is not currently allowed in many of the commercial zoning districts in Austin; and ▪ WHEREAS, City Council adopted the Austin Housing Strategic Blueprint (the Blueprint) in 2017 which called for 135,000 housing units by 2028, with 60,000 of those units at or below 80 percent of the median family income (MFI); 4 Council Resolution 12/9/21 ▪ WHEREAS, in the proposed Land Development Code Revision, residential uses were allowed in more zoning districts than in current city code; and ▪ WHEREAS, allowing housing in more places provides the opportunity for increased housing supply in Austin; and ▪ WHEREAS, in its 2018 report, the Planning Commission Mapping Working Group indicated that allowing mixed use in commercial zoning could lead to about 46,324 housing units in new capacity; 5 Council Resolution 12/9/21 ▪ Allow residential development in: ▪ CS, CS-1, GR, LR, GO, LO ▪ Affordable housing required ▪ Right to return for creative spaces: ▪ uses as defined in the Land Development Code, including but not limited to libraries, museums, public art galleries; performance venues/theaters; art, dance, martial arts, and studios for performing art, music and visual art; art workshops; live music venues; and artist live/work spaces. 6 Proposed draft changes ▪ Affordable housing required for residential entitlement: ▪ Rental: 10% @ 60% MFI, 40 years ▪ Owner: 10% @ 80% MFI, 99 years ▪ Fee-in-lieu not allowed 7 Proposed draft changes: Applicability 45 35 360 183 1 130 290 130 71 35 183 71 35 183 71 290 8 Proposed draft changes ▪ Effectively grants MU zoning administratively when affordable housing is provided ▪ No other changes to site development standards: height, impervious cover, floor area ratio, parking 9 Eligible Commercial Parcels by Displacement Risk Area & High Opportunity Area 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Total 8885 Eligible Commercial Parcels 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Total 8885 Within All Displacement Risk Areas 4243 Within 1/2 mile of Project Connect routes 5681 Within High Opportunity Areas 2937 Within 1/2 Mile of Current Transit Service 8326 10 Staff’s recommendation ▪ Recommended with changes: ▪ Modify to exclude properties within 500’ of a level 5 highway ▪ Modify to exclude residential uses near more intense manufacturing and/or noxious uses 11 Staff’s recommendation: 500’ highway buffer 45 35 360 183 1 130 290 130 71 35 183 71 35 183 71 290 12 Eligible Commercial Properties by Distance From Highway Total Eligible Commercial Properties 6811 2074 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Beyond 500 ft of Highways Within 500 ft of Highways Eligible Commercial Properties and Distance From Highway by Displacement Risk & High Opportunity Areas Eligible Commercial Properties in High Opportunity Areas 2350 587 Eligible Commercial Properties in Displacement Risk Areas 3226 1017 Beyond 500 ft of Highway Centers Within 500 ft of Highway 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 13 Staff’s recommendation ▪ Recommended with changes: ▪ Modify to exclude properties within 500’ of a level 5 highway ▪ Modify to exclude residential uses near more intense manufacturing and/or noxious uses: ▪ Adult-oriented businesses ▪ Equipment repair services ▪ Agricultural sales and services ▪ Equipment sales ▪ Automotive repair services ▪ Exterminating services ▪ Building maintenance and ▪ Kennels ▪ Limited warehousing and services ▪ Commercial blood plasma distribution ▪ Construction sales and services ▪ Drop-off recycling collection center facility ▪ Maintenance and service facilities ▪ Monument retail sales ▪ Outdoor entertainment ▪ Vehicle storage ▪ Basic industry ▪ General warehousing and distribution ▪ Limited warehousing and distribution ▪ Recycling center ▪ Resource extraction ▪ Scrap and salvage 14 Timeline ▪ 10/19/22: Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee ▪ 10/25/22: Planning Commission ▪ 11/2/22: Environmental Commission ▪ 11/8/22: Planning Commission ▪ 11/10/22: Council Housing and Planning Committee ▪ 12/1/22: Council 15