Environmental CommissionJan. 19, 2022

20210119-004b: HEB No. 33 SP-2020-0400D Recommendation — original pdf

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ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20210119-004b Date: Jan 19, 2022 Subject: HEB Austin No. 33, SP-2020-0400D Motion by: Jennifer Bristol Seconded by: Perry Bedford RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting the Commission consider the following variance requests: 1. The variance request is to allow cut over 4 feet to 12 feet. 2. The variance request is to allow fill over 4 feet to 21 feet. 3. The variance request is to allow construction of a parking area on a slope with a gradient of more 4. The variance request is to allow construction of a driveway on a slope with a gradient of more than than 15 percent. 15 percent. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes this action concerns land located in the Bear Creek in the Barton Springs Zone; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that City of Austin staff recommends approval of the variance requests with conditions. Therefore, the Environmental Commission recommends approval of the request with the following Staff Conditions: 1. Applicant will restore illegal fill that currently exists on the site to the original grade. 2. Applicant will use native plants appropriate for the Hill Country location for revegetation. 3. The applicant will provide mitigation in the form of payment or on-site plantings for removed trees with a diameter of 19 inches or greater at a rate of 100%. 1 VOTE: 7-0 For: Perry Bedford, Haris Qureshi, Rachel Scott, Pam Thompson, Linda Guerrero, Jennifer Bristol, and Audrey Barrett Bixler Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Kevin Ramberg and Richard Brimer Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 2