Environmental CommissionMay 19, 2021

20210519-003b: Briefing on Zilker Park Vision Plan Site Analysis and Existing Conditions Report — original pdf

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M E T R O P O L I TA N V I S I O N P L A N ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING MAY 19, 2021 AGENDA 1. Introduction 2. Site Analysis and Needs Assessment Report Overview 3. Discussion 4. Goals and Guiding Principals | 1 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment INTRODUCTION TEAM OVERVIEW City of Austin Design Workshop Prime Consultant Landscape Architecture/Urban Planning Community & Key Stakeholders Engagement & Equity Economics Environmental, Ecology & Land Use Historical Preservation & Cultural Resources Infrastructure CD&P Buie & Co. Kardia Advisory Group HR&A Charlie McCabe Consulting Majestic Services, Inc Siglo Group Drenner Group MuseWork Limbacher & Godfrey Nelson/Nygaard GarzaEMC Encotech Altura Solutions | 3 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment CLIENT/TAG OVERVIEW Client Group Technical Advisory Group Parks and Recreation Department City of Austin Ricardo Soliz Gregory Montes Megan Eckard Justin Schneider Kasey Corpus PARD ATD Public Works Watershed Protection Office of Real Estate Services Marketing and Communications Office Austin Water Austin Energy Management Services Austin Resource Recovery Cap Metro TXDOT | 4 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment SCHEDULE SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS PROJECT KICK-OFF FEB 1ST COMMUNITY MEETING #1 INTRO TO THE PROJECT COMMUNITY MEETING #3 ALTERNATIVES COMMUNITY MEETING #5 (IF NEEDED) FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR TAG KICK-OFF MEETING COMMUNITY MEETING #2 PROGRAMMING COMMUNITY MEETING #4 DRAFT PLAN FINAL VISION PLAN Strategic Kick-Off and Project Initiation Site and Contextural Analysis and Data Project Meetings Stakeholder/Community Participation City Staff, Public Review/Boards, Commissions, Council Review Vision Plan Report Preparation Project Work Plan Kick-Off Meeting Site Analysis and Needs Assessment Report Project Meetings Materials Community Outreach and Draft Vision Plan Presentation of the Site Analysis and Stakeholder Contract Engagement Plan Final Draft Vision Plan Document Technical Advisory Group Meetings Needs Assessment Report List Meeting Minutes and Summaries Community Engagement and Outreach Presentation of Final Draft Vision Plan Document to City Commission, Progress Reports Presentation of the Site Analysis and Needs Boards, City Manager and City Council Provide a Needs Assessment Report Preliminary Vision Plan Concepts Final Vision Plan Document Assessment Report to City Commission, Boards, City Manager and City Council Community Wide Survey | 5 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment SITE ANALYSIS AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT REPORT REGIONAL CONTEXT RED BUD ISLE C O L O R A D O R I V E R UT AUSTIN K E E R C L A O H S S E 4 M I L ZILKER PARK B A RTO N C R E E K 3 MILES DOWNTOWN BUTLER METRO PARK 5 I-3 L A D Y B I R D L A K E S O U T H L A M A R BARTON CREEK GREENBELT BARTON CREEK WILDERNESS PARK C A P O M City Limit Roadway Buildings Bus Routes CAMPO Bikeway Creek Line Lake Park 100yr Floodplain 0 2,000 4,000 Ft 8,000 | 7 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment BOUNDARY OF ZILKER PARK | 8 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment AUSTIN POPULATION PROJECTION ZILKER METROPOLITAN PARK 0 1 2 Miles 4 Higher Population Density Lower Population Density 1,281,915 (2040) 967,629 (2018) 553 (1840) POPULATION INCREASE FROM 1840 TO 2040 | 9 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ZILKER VISITOR DEMOGRAPHICS 81,011 Responses (2,952 Participants) | 10 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT | 11 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT | 12 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT | 13 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT ZILKER PARK | 14 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT | 15 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT | 16 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT | 17 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT ZILKER PARK’S HABITATS WERE GROUPED IN 16 PLANT COMMUNITIES (FIGURE 3.8). THE PLANT COMMUNITIES ARE INFLUENCED BY THE SOIL AND GEOLOGY DESCRIBED ABOVE, AS WELL AS THE HISTORY OF HUMAN INFLUENCE. THESE PLANT COMMUNITIES INCLUDE OVER 380 PLANT SPECIES (TABLE 3.1). | 18 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT 262 WILDLIFE SPECIES, INCLUDING SIX AMPHIBIANS, TWO FISH, ONE MOLLUSK, 224 BIRDS, NINE MAMMALS, AND 20 REPTILES | 19 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT | 20 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT THE BONE YARD, 2021, SIGLO GROUP. DENSE WOODL AND HABITAT SURROUNDS THE PISTOL AND SKEET RANGE, 2021, SIGLO GROUP. AUSTIN’S SK YLINE IS THE BACKDROP AT THE HISTORIC BUTLER L ANDFILL, 2021, SIGLO GROUP. | 21 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT | 22 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment ENVIRONMENT | 23 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment COMMON THEMES Circulation 1. Parking 2. Carrying capacity 3. Safe circulation 4. Clear wayfinding | 24 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment COMMON THEMES Environmental 1. Erosion/compaction 2. Water quality impacts 3. Balance of park use with environmental protections 4. Environmental education 5. Re-wilding 6. Addressing urban heat island effect | 25 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment COMMON THEMES Programming 1. Events 2. Park identification | 26 Site Analysis and Needs Assessment DISCUSSION GUIDING PRINCIPLES AND GOALS We need your input! 1. Economics 2. Environment 3. Community 4. Character/Placemaking/Art 5. Accessibility 6. Equity and Inclusion | 28 EXAMPLE OF GUIDING PRINCIPLES • E XCEED CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS. • LIVE THE GOLDEN RULE. : TREAT OTHERS WITH COURTESY AND RESPECT • BE A LEADER. • PARTICIPATE AND CONTRIBUTE. • PURSUE EXCELLENCE. • WORK AS A TEAM. • SHARE KNOWLEDGE. • KEEP IT SIMPLE. : MAKE IT EASY FOR CUSTOMERS TO DO BUSINESS WITH US AND FOR US TO WORK TOGETHER EXAMPLE OF GOALS I WILL OBTAIN A JOB AS A HIGH SCHOOL MATH TEACHER WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER GRADUATING WITH MY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION. • SP ECIFIC • ME ASURABLE • ACHIEVABLE • RELEVANT • T IME-BASED : THE GOAL OF BECOMING A HIGH SCHOOL MATH TEACHER IS WELL-DEFINED : SUCCESS CAN BE MEASURED BY THE NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS, INTERVIE WS AND JOB OFFERS. : THE GOAL SET TER WILL HAVE THE APPROPRIATE DEGREE FOR THE JOB. : THE GOAL SET TER IS PL ANNING TO GET A JOB IN THE EDUCATION INDUSTRY AF TER GET TING AN EDUCATION DEGREE. : THE GOAL SET TER HAS SET A DEADLINE TO ACHIEVE THEIR OBJECTIVE WITHIN THE THREE MONTHS FOLLOWING GRADUATION. Site Analysis and Needs Assessment CONTACT GREGORY MONTES gregory.montes@austintexas.gov