20210203-003b: Springdale Green PUD, C814-2020-0104 Recommendation — original pdf

ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20210203 003b Subject: Springdale Green Planned Unit Development (PUD), C814-2020-0104 Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Katie Coyne Date: February 3, 2021 RATIONALE: code modifications: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting rezoning to PUD-NP; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the proposed PUD would require two environmental 1. from 25-8-261(B)(3)(C) is modified to allow a trail wider than 12 feet as shown on the Creek Plan; and 2. from 25-8-261 is modified to allow temporary construction staging within the CWQZ buffer per the Construction Laydown and Staging Limits exhibit; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission also recognizes that Staff recommends the rezoning to PUD-NP (with conditions). THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the requested rezoning to PUD-NP with the following Staff Conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Street yard trees will be a minimum of 2 caliper inches. Street yard landscape area shall be increased to a minimum of 30% of street yard area. Code required tree mitigation will be increased by 50%. A minimum of 15 trees will utilize silva cell technology and provide 1000 cubic feet of soil volume, which can be shared between a maximum of two trees. Adjacent landscape areas can also count towards the requirement. 15 acres of creek and floodplain will be restored per exhibits. 100% Green Stormwater Infrastructure for water quality. (a) Modify watershed boundaries and neighboring property pond to redirect flow of storm water away from the single-family homes located on Saucedo Street (b) If solution in (a) is not feasible due to impasse with neighbor, PUD will donate $400,000 towards a stormwater infrastructure solution that will benefit the houses on Saucedo Street. Cap impervious cover at 50% gross site area. Provide 19.82 acres of Open Space. Remove existing impervious cover not associated with Boggy Creek armoring from the critical water quality zone and restore with native vegetation. Capture rainwater and condensate to reduce landscape potable water usage by 50%. 12. Meet 3-Star green building rating for all buildings on-site. 13. Staff recommends that the following land uses be prohibited on the property: Automotive rental, Automotive repair services, Automotive sales, Automotive washing (of any type), Drop-off recycling collection, Equipment repair services, Equipment sales, Exterminating services, Funeral services, Kennels, Community garden, and Service station. and the following Environmental Commission Conditions: 1. 2. Staff work with the applicant to meet LEED and Sustainable Site Certification for the project. Street yard trees will be a minimum of 3 caliper inches (in lieu of the staff recommendation of 2 caliper inches) For: Creel, Thompson, Ramberg, Guerrero, Bedford, Coyne, Gordon, and Barrett Bixler Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: Maceo VOTE 8-0 Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 1