20210202-003a: Travis County WCID #10 presentation — original pdf

Proposed Annexation into Travis County Water Control and Improvement District No. 10 Environmental Commission February 3, 2021 Consider a request for City consent to annexation of 36 properties totaling 115.4 acres into Travis County Water Control and Improvement District No. 10 (District) Overview City Review Process Applicant’s Proposal Staff Recommendation The Environmental Commission is asked to make a recommendation on the request for City consent to the proposed annexation 2 City Review Process City Code requires staff and commission review prior to Council action Evaluation in terms of: Impact on the City’s annexation program Land Use impacts Austin Water’s ability to provide direct water service Terms of City contracts with the District Environmental impacts Whether the annexation would induce development within the Drinking Water Protection Zone (DWPZ) beyond what would occur otherwise 3 Applicant’s Proposal Property owners connected to the Camelot Water Supply System are requesting annexation into District Annexation will allow the District to provide water service and upgrade aging infrastructure The District Board has approved the annexation request contingent upon receiving the City’s approval 4 Subject Tract Approximately 115.4 acres, currently developed or in floodplain Located south of Barton Creek Blvd. approximately 2,000 to 2,500 feet southwest of the intersection of Canyon Rim Drive and FM 2244 in Austin’s ETJ Barton Creek Watershed 5 6 7 Basis for Staff Recommendation Annexation of this tract into the District will not affect Austin’s annexation plans and staff does not anticipate any negative land use impacts on adjacent property Austin Water cannot provide service to these properties Regulations for development will follow the same rules and processes currently in effect if the District annexes the tract 8 Staff and Commission Recommendation Staff recommends consent to the annexation into the Travis County Water Control and Improvement District No. 10 The Environmental Commission is asked to make a recommendation on the request for City consent to the proposed annexation 9