20200202-003b: Springdale Green PUD, C814-2020-0104 backup packet 2 of 2 — original pdf

ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 3 CASE: C814-2020-0104 ZONING FROM: GR-MU-CO-NP and RR-NP TO: PUD-NP ADDRESS: 1011 and 1017 Springdale Road SITE AREA: 30.18 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Jay Paul Company CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122, heather.chaffin@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request for rezoning to PUD-NP. In addition to the superiority items outlined in Exhibit C- Tier One and Tier Two Requirements Matrices, Staff recommends that the following land uses be prohibited on the property: Automotive rental, Automotive repair services, Automotive sales, Automotive washing (of any type), Drop-off recycling collection, Equipment repair services, Equipment sales, Exterminating services, Funeral services, Kennels, Community garden, and Service station. AGENT: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael Whellan) For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments on page 2. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION: February 3, 2020: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: To be determined. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: To be determined. ORDINANCE NUMBER: C814-2020-0104 2 ISSUES The subject property is currently undeveloped but is in the area generally known as the former East Austin Tank Farm. The Tank Farm area was used for storage of petrochemicals for decades before the uses were removed and environmental remediation occurred. This site was remediated in the 1990s but not to a level that would allow redevelopment with residential land uses; only office, commercial, and limited industrial land uses are permitted. The property is also significantly constrained by waterways, floodplain, and water quality buffer zones. There are heritage trees on the site. Please see Exhibit C- 1987 Aerial Exhibit. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property owner is proposing to rezone a 30.18-acre parcel from GR-MU-CO-NP and RR-NP to PUD-NP zoning to allow redevelopment of the property with office and commercial land uses. The property is located east of the intersection of Springdale Road and Airport Boulevard. Railroad right-of-way (ROW) forms the southern boundary. The subject property was previously used for religious assembly and automotive sales but is currently vacant. As stated above, the site is significantly constrained by creek buffers and floodplain. Surrounding land uses include Springdale General- a development with a wide mix of office and commercial land uses- to the north. Springdale General is zoned CS-CO-NP. North and to the east of the subject property is a SF-3-NP zoned residential neighborhood. Immediately to the south is GR-MU-CO-NP property with automotive sales land use. Further south, across the railroad ROW are properties zoned GR-MU-CO-NP, and PUD-NP. These are developed primarily with multifamily land uses, but also a few office, commercial and limited industrial uses. Further south is Govalle Neighborhood Park, zoned P-NP. To the southwest is Springdale Station, a PUD-NP zoned development similar to Springdale General. To the west and northwest are properties zoned CS-MU-NP, CS-CO-NP, and SF-3- NP. These are developed with multifamily, limited industrial, and single family land uses, respectively. Please see Exhibits A and B- Zoning Map and Aerial Exhibit. The railroad ROW that forms the southern boundary of the subject property is part of the proposed Capital Metro Green Line, and Capital Metro bus stops are located adjacent to the property along Springdale Road. The Property is located within an Imagine Austin Neighborhood Center and along two Imagine Austin Activity Corridors. The applicant has stated that the project will comply with all Tier One PUD development standards, as well as several Tier Two standards. Tier Two standards proposed include green infrastructure, 3-star Green Building rating, revegetation and restoration of environmentally sensitive areas. The applicant is proposing to reduce the permittable impervious coverage from 90% to 50% and provide tree mitigation at 50% more caliper inches than required by code. The applicant will pay a fee-in-lieu of onsite affordable housing based on increased building square footage since residential land uses are not permitted on the property. A more detailed list of proposed superiority items is attached. Please see Exhibit D- Tier One and Tier Two Requirements Matrices. The applicant proposes the following Code modifications: increase permitted building height from 60 feet to 93 feet, relax Compatibility Standards, and modify Critical Water Quality C814-2020-0104 3 Zone requirements. A more detailed list of proposed code modifications is attached. Please see Exhibit E- Code Modifications. Staff supports the applicant’s request of PUD-NP, with conditions. Staff recommends prohibiting land uses that may contribute additional pollutants to the property (automotive uses, etc.) and land uses that are inappropriate for a brownfield site (community garden, etc.). The rezoning will remove the Mixed Use (MU) conditional overlay that exists on GR-MU- CO-NP portion of the site; removing the MU will reflect the fact that the brownfield has not been remediated to residential standards. The proposed height increase from 60 feet to 93 feet requires code modification of some Compatibility Standards, but the environmental constraints of the site dictate that development would be at least 675 feet from the single family neighborhood to the north and 700 feet to the neighborhood to the east. Additionally, Springdale General is located between the subject property and the neighborhood to the north; significant floodplain is located between the developable area of the site and the neighborhood to the east. The location of an office-commercial land use on the site is also appropriate adjacent to the proposed Green Line and the intersection of two arterials. The proposed PUD development is suitable for its location in an Imagine Austin Neighborhood Center and along two Imagine Austin Activity Corridors. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: Site GR-MU-CO-NP, RR-NP North CS-CO-NP, SF-3-NP ZONING South GR-MU-CO-NP, PUD-NP LAND USES Vacant Mixed office/commercial/light industrial, Single family residential Automotive sales, CapMetro ROW, Mixed office/commercial/light industrial, Multifamily Single family residential SF-3-NP East West CS-MU-NP, CS-CO-NP, SF-3-NP Multifamily, Automotive rental, Single family residential NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: Govalle/Johnston Terrace TIA/NTA: A TIA was filed with an associated site plan, SP-2019-0512C and approved. Any development on the property will have to comply with the approved TIA. WATERSHEDS: Boggy Creek and Tannehill Branch NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Homeless Neighborhood Association SELTexas Preservation Austin Del Valle Community Coalition Claim Your Destiny Foundation Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation AISD Austin Innercity Alliance Neighbors United for Progress Sierra Club Bike Austin PODER Friends of Northeast Austin C814-2020-0104 4 Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation Del Valle Community Coalition El Concilio Mexican American Neighborhoods African American Cultural Heritage District Govalle/Johnston Terrace Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Black Improvement Association East Austin Conservancy United East Austin Coalition AREA CASE HISTORIES: NUMBER REQUEST C14-2019-0041 3706 Goodwin CS-MU-NP to CS- MU-V-NP C14-2015-0121 1023 Springdale Road C14-2014-0088 1023 Springdale Not recommended by Staff. CS-CO-NP to CS- CO-NP, to increase to 600 vpd RR-CO-NP, GR- MU-CO-NP to CS- CO-NP Prohibit many land uses; 2,000 vpd PLANNING COMMISSION July 23, 2019: Approved CS-MU-V-NP. Anderson, Kenny 2nd. Vote: 9-0. Llanes-Pulido abstained. Shaw, Thompson and Schneider absent. 11/10/2015: to grant as rec. (11-0) 09/09/2014: To grant as rec. (6-0) CITY COUNCIL August 8, 2020: Approved Ord. No. 20190808-123 for CS- MU-V-NP. (8-1) Harper- Madison- 1st, Pool- 2nd. Casar- Nay; Garza, Alter- Off the dais 12/10/2015: to grant as rec. Ord. 20151210-066 11/06/2014: 1st reading appvd with reduction to 400 vpd and 25’ vegetative buffer to north; 2/3 appvd 11/20/2014, Ord . 20141120-138 EXISTING STREET CHARACTERISTICS: NAME ROW PAVEMENT Springdale Road 66’ WIDTH 37’ CLASS SIDEWALK BUS Arterial Yes, both sides 300- Govalle BILE ROUTE #63 INDEX OF EXHIBITS TO FOLLOW A: Zoning Map B. Aerial Exhibit C. 1987 Aerial Exhibit D. Tier One and Tier Two Requirements Matrices E. Code Modifications ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! E V D A O O W S K O O R B ( ( ( ( ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SF-3-NP SP U R ST P R O C K LN SF-3-NP S A R A D R EXHIBIT A SF-3-NP T N S N N A O D ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( T S R E G R E B ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP SF-3-NP MUNSON ST ( ( NPA-2007-0015.01 C14-2007-0105 SF-6-NP GAS/CONV. STR. APARTMENTS CS-MU-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( APARTMENTS UNDEV OFFICE P CIR A M SF-3-NP S CIR K R A M ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( C14-2019-0041 CS-MU-V-NP APARTMENTS GOODWIN AVE TRUCK TERMINAL CS-MU-NP 82-25 ! ! ! ! ! VACANT PETROLEUM STORAGE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C14-2015-0121 C14-2014-0088 CS-CO-NP VACANT WHSE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 98-0065 ! ! ! ! AUTO INSPEC. ! ! ! ! OUTDOOR STORAGE A I R P O R T B L V D GAS/CONV. Y/ R D N U A L S R E N A E L C GR-MU-CO-NP ! ! ! VACANT ! OFFICE ! ! WHSE ! ! C14P-79-56 C14-98-0065 C14-2013-0055 NPA-2013-0015.01 CS-MU-CO-NP R S T E T N U G CS-CO-NP SF-3-NP KAY ST SF-3-NP CS-1-CO-NP R Z 8 5 - 6 7 CS-CO-NP SP-04-0094CS 1 1 1 - 5 8 P S G. R T S F L E S ! ! ! ! SF-3-NP ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 81-64 SF-3-NP ! ! ! ! ! ! T S A F D O O F CONV. STR. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BUS CO. ! ! BUS COMP. ! ! ! ! CS-CO-NP ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! B U S P A R K I N G ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! H C R U H C SF-3-NP CS-CO-NP P. E O R T U A E V K A KIR THOMPSON ST SF-3-NP ! ! ! ! 98-0065 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! GOVALLE AVE SF-3-NP PUD-NP P-NP D E R L A D G RIN P S P-NP FROZEN FOOD PRODUCTS SF-3-NP PUD-NP C814-87-4RC. ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( T O S D E C U A S ( ( ( ( ALF A V E ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ! ! ( ! ( ( ( ( ! ! ! ! ( ( ! ! ( ( ( ( ! ! ( ( ! ! ! ! ! ( ( ( ( WIL C O ! X A V ! E ! ! ! ( ( ( ( ! ! ! ! ! ( ( ! ! ! ! ! UNDEV ! ! ! ! ( ! ( ! UNDEV RR-CO-NP 98-0065 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ( ( ( ( 87-053 ( SF-3-NP ( ( ! ( ( ! ! ! ! ! 87-53 ! ! P-NP C14-2015-0101 ! ! ! ! ! C14P-84-13 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C14-98-0064 64 0 98-0 PUD-NP C814-2012-0128.01.SH C814-2012-0128.SH NPA-2012-0016.01.SH C814-2012-0128.03.SH JAIN LN STORAGE YARD ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! M A R B L E & T I L E C O M P . SF-3-NP 78-128 C814-2012-0128.02.SH ! ! ! ! ! PUD-NP ! NPA-2012-0016.01.SH C814-2012-0128.01.SH C814-2012-0128.SH 98-0063 VACANT REFINERY TRU CK TERMINAL SP-91-119C GR-MU-CO-NP C14-2017-0156 ! ! ! ! ! N ! Y L D A H S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! MF-4-NP C14-2017-0094 AUTO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! P-NP ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! C14-2011-0083 NPA-2011-0016.02 ( SF-3-NP 8 5 - 2 6 7 SF-3-NP 85-267 ( SF-3-NP ( ( SF-3-NP B O LM R D SF-3-NP P-NP 96-0149 GR-MU-NP E V E A T O H C ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( E V L A L E S N A M ( ( SF-3-NP ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( SUBJECT TRACT ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE ZONING BOUNDARY ± RECYCLERY 98-0063 TRUCK TERMINAL REPAIR GR-MU-NP ( ( ! ! ! ! CS-MU-CO-NP ! C14-2007-0080 NPA-2007-0016.01 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ! ! ZONING CASE#: C814-2020-0104 ! ! ! ! ! This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 400 ' This product has been produced by CTM for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. EXHIBIT B Figure 1. Site Aerial (1987) EXHIBIT C {W0975427.1} SECTION REQUIREMENT DISCUSSION Tier One Requirements Matrix EXHIBIT D 2.3.1.A. Meet the objectives of City Code. 2.3.1.B. Provide for development standards that achieve equal or greater consistency with the goals for PUDs outlined in City Code than development under the regulations in the Land Development Code generally. Yes 2.3.1.C. Provide open space that equals or exceeds 10 percent of the residential tracts, 15 percent of the industrial tracts, and 20 percent of the nonresidential tracts within the PUD.1 Yes MET Yes Springdale Green is an office project that addresses and corrects for Austin’s “tank farm” past by providing an environmentally superior proposal with less than 50 percent impervious cover on a site that is in an Imagine Austin center and along two Imagine Austin corridors. Adopting the Springdale Green PUD will allow the City to deliver on its goals for correcting past environmental mistakes and directing growth in Imagine Austin centers and corridors in a way that would not be possible on this site under the existing Land Development Code. Springdale Green envisions extensive open space across the entire eastern portion of the site that meaningfully exceeds these baseline requirements and integrates environmental efforts. An open space plan has been submitted with the rezoning application and shows that 200 percent more open space is being provided. 2.3.1.D. Provide a two-star Austin Energy Green Building Rating. Yes Springdale Green would provide a three-star Austin Energy Green Building rating for development. 2.3.1.E. Be consistent with applicable neighborhood plans, neighborhood conservation combining district regulations, historic area and landmark regulations, and compatible with adjacent property and land uses. Yes The East MLK Combined Plan identified the sites at Airport and Springdale as “underused” and a “prime spot” future growth. The plan also values environmental sensitivity and open space. Springdale Green would implement this vision. for 1 Except that (1) a detention or filtration area is excluded unless designed and maintained as an amenity, and (2) open space may be reduced for urban property with characteristics that make open space infeasible if other community benefits are provided. Springdale Green PUD Submittal - Update 12/8/2020 {W1017661.1} 1 SECTION REQUIREMENT DISCUSSION 2.3.1.F. Provide for environmental preservation and protection relating to air quality, water quality, trees, buffer zones and greenbelt areas, critical environmental features, soils, waterways, topography, and the natural and traditional character of the land. Springdale Green addresses Austin’s “tank farm” past by providing an environmentally enhanced project that provides native revegetation, restores woodlands, incorporates green preserves and adds trees, and infrastructure. MET Yes 2.3.1.G. Provide for public facilities and services that are adequate to support the proposed development including school, fire protection, emergency service, and police facilities. Yes 2.3.1.H. Exceed the minimum landscaping requirements of the City Code. Yes As an infill project, the improvements Springdale Green makes will provide increased tax revenue to the City on an ongoing basis without adding any new land into its service area, helping fund public services in this area and across the City. Springdale Green will provide an environmentally enhanced project that, among other things, uses silva cells for tree plantings, and harvests rainwater and condensate to reduce water usage by 50% for irrigation. 2.3.1.I. Provide for appropriate transportation and mass transit connections to areas adjacent to the PUD district and mitigation of adverse cumulative transportation impacts with sidewalks, trails, and roadways. Yes Springdale Green will support a robust public transit system by providing a quality office project that is served by four CapMetro bus lines, including two high-frequency routes and an existing bus stop at the site itself. 2.3.1.J. Prohibit gated roadways. Yes Springdale Green will prohibit gated roadways. Protect, enhance and preserve areas that include structures or sites that are of architectural, historical, archaeological, or cultural significance. N/A There are no identified historic structures or landmarks on this site. 2.3.1.K. Springdale Green PUD Submittal - Update 12/8/2020 {W1017661.1} 2 SECTION REQUIREMENT MET DISCUSSION 2.3.1.L. Include at least 10 acres of land, unless the property is characterized by special circumstances, including unique topographic constraints. Yes Springdale Green will include over 30 acres of land. 2.3.2.A. Comply with Chapter 25-2, Subchapter E. Yes 2.3.2.B. Inside the urban roadway boundary, comply with the sidewalk standards in Section 2.2.2. of Subchapter E. Yes Springdale Green will comply with Subchapter E or will provide Alternative Equivalent Compliance, including large plazas and restaurant space with an outdoor patio facing Springdale. Springdale Green will comply with Subchapter E or will provide Alternative Equivalent Compliance, including large plazas and restaurant space with outdoor patio facing Springdale. 2.3.2.C. Pay the tenant relocation fee if approval of the PUD would allow multi-family redevelopment that may result in tenant displacement. N/A Springdale Green does not contain existing multi-family and in redevelopment would not displacement. result thus 2.3.2.D. in the Contain pedestrian-oriented uses (as defined Waterfront Overlay) on the first floor of a multi-story commercial or mixed-use building. Yes Springdale Green will include ground-floor pedestrian- oriented uses in Building C identified on the Land Use Plan. Springdale Green PUD Submittal - Update 12/8/2020 {W1017661.1} 3 Tier Two Requirements Matrix SECTION REQUIREMENT DISCUSSION Open Space Provides open space at least 10 percent above the minimum requirements. Alternatively, within the urban roadway boundary, provide for proportional enhancements to existing or planned trails, parks, or other recreational common open space. Springdale Green envisions a comprehensive and extensive open space plan featuring more than 200 percent more open space than the minimum requirements and seamlessly integrating key revegetation and environmental efforts. MET Yes Environment/ Drainage Complies with current code instead of asserting entitlement to follow older code provisions by application of law or agreement. Yes Springdale Green is using the current Land Development Code as the baseline for its PUD proposal. Environment/ Drainage Provides water quality controls superior to those otherwise required by code. Yes Environment/ Drainage Uses green water quality controls as described in the Environmental Criteria Manual to treat at least 50 percent of the water quality volume required by code. Yes Environment/ Drainage Provides water quality treatment for currently untreated, developed off-site areas of at least 10 acres in size. No Subject to TCEQ approval, 100 percent of water quality will be provided through Innovative Management Practices per Section 25-8-151 of City Code and the Environmental Criteria Manual. Springdale Green will also include environmentally enhanced elements, such as green infrastructure, cisterns, and low impact design with rain gardens, wet meadows, silva cells, and woodland restoration. Subject to TCEQ approval, Springdale Green’s use of water quality controls (such as rain gardens, biofiltration devices, stormwater capture and reuse, and more) will treat 100 percent of the water quality volume. Springdale Green addresses the site’s “tank farm” history by putting forward a vision of sustainability and environmental stewardship. A key part of this vision is addressing these extensive issues on site rather than requesting off-site alternatives. Springdale Green PUD Submittal - Update 12/8/2020 {W1017661.1} 4 SECTION REQUIREMENT DISCUSSION Environment/ Drainage Reduces impervious cover by five percent below the maximum otherwise allowed by code or includes off-site measures that lower overall impervious cover within the same watershed by five percent below that allowed by code. MET Yes Springdale Green envisions a forward-looking development distinguished by its commitment to sustainability. Along with stormwater reuse and other efforts, Springdale Green will also significantly impervious cover below current entitlements, at less than 50 percent impervious cover overall. reduce Environment/ Drainage Provides minimum 50-foot setback for at least 50 percent of all unclassified waterways with a drainage area of 32 acres. N/A There are no known unclassified waterways on the site. Environment/ Drainage Provides volumetric flood detention as described in the Drainage Criteria Manual. Yes Environment/ Drainage Provides drainage upgrades to off-site drainage infrastructure that does not meet current criteria in the Drainage or Environmental Criteria Manuals, such as storm drains and culverts that provide a public benefit. No Environment/ Drainage Proposes no modifications to the existing 100-year floodplain. Yes Subject to TCEQ approval, Springdale Green will provide extensive on-site stormwater management strategies where none exist today, including significantly limiting impervious cover as well as detaining stormwater across the site through cisterns (for later irrigation use), meadows, rain gardens, and more. Springdale Green envisions a project in which all parts of the site – from the buildings to the open space – work together to provide superior stormwater management and water quality. This will be done on-site, without any applicant requests for alternative off-site measures. Springdale Green is not proposing to amend the 100-year floodplain through the PUD. A Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) has been submitted in order to better define the location of the 100-year floodplain. Springdale Green PUD Submittal - Update 12/8/2020 {W1017661.1} 5 SECTION REQUIREMENT MET DISCUSSION Environment/ Drainage Uses natural channel design techniques as described in the Drainage Criteria Manual. Yes Subject to City staff approval, Springdale Green could provide including removing natural channel design techniques, invasive soil revegetation, species, providing native amendment and habitat enhancement, and implementing an ongoing sustainable management plan. Springdale Green will provide native revegetation within on- site existing Critical Water Quality Zone areas, such as the woodland and riparian woodland areas in the 25-year floodplain. Environment/ Drainage Restores riparian vegetation in existing, degraded Critical Water Quality Zone areas. Yes Environment/ Drainage Removes existing impervious cover from the Critical Water Quality Zone. Yes Springdale Green will remove existing impervious cover from the Critical Water Quality Zone. Environment/ Drainage Preserves all heritage trees; preserves 75% of the caliper inches associated with native protected size trees; and preserves 75% of all of the native caliper inches. Yes Springdale Green will provide superior tree preservation and will restore and manage its existing woodlands, including removing invasive species. It will also meet the listed heritage and native protected tree standards with the exception of a single heritage tree determined to be in poor condition, for which mitigation will be provided. Environment/ Drainage Tree plantings use Central Texas seed stock native and with adequate soil volume. Yes Springdale Green will preserve on-site trees, as well as plant native trees, as part of its broader vision for the project’s native wildflower meadows, and woodland restoration. Environment/ Drainage Provides at least a 50 percent increase in the minimum waterway and/or critical environmental feature setbacks required by code. No the 25-year Springdale Green will extensively restore the meadows and woodlands within floodplain. The only improvements proposed for the 100-year floodplain are elevated trails and elevated open space, which will be designed in a way that is environmentally sensitive and minimizes disturbance. Springdale Green PUD Submittal - Update 12/8/2020 {W1017661.1} 6 SECTION REQUIREMENT DISCUSSION Environment/ Drainage Clusters impervious cover and disturbed areas in a manner that preserves the most environmentally sensitive areas of the site that are not otherwise protected. MET Yes Environment/ Drainage Provides porous pavement for at least 20 percent or more of all paved areas for non-pedestrian in non-aquifer recharge areas. No Environment/ Drainage Provides porous pavement for at least 50 percent or more of all paved areas limited to pedestrian use. No Springdale Green will live up to its name by both restoring the natural beauty of the site’s green spaces (to the east) and clustering the impervious cover – featuring integrated green infrastructure – along Springdale Road (to the west). Springdale Green plans to use porous pavement strategies where feasible, such as using an approved grass-reinforced paving system is contained in a single parking structure and no surface parking is provided on the property. in fire-lane construction. All parking Springdale Green plans to use porous pavement strategies where feasible, and will use silva cells (with porous paving or gravel) more extensively than almost any other project in the City to date. It will also dedicate a large amount of site area to landscape planters featuring native shrubs, trees, and grasses. Environment/ Drainage Provides rainwater harvesting for landscape irrigation to serve not less than 50% of the landscaped areas. Yes Springdale Green will primarily use rainwater harvesting and condensate recovery for irrigation, ultimately achieving at least 50 percent reduction of irrigation water. Environment/ Drainage Directs stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces to a landscaped area at least equal to the total required landscape area. Yes Environment/ Drainage Employs other creative or innovative measures to provide environmental protection. Yes Springdale Green will be designed to capture stormwater and reuse it on site for landscape irrigation. As noted above, we project this will help achieve a 50 percent reduction of irrigation water. Springdale Green will address this site’s “tank farm” past by not only restoring its natural spaces and sustaining them through an ongoing management plan, but also through integrating green infrastructure (including silva cells, rain gardens, and more) into the more developed areas of the project. Springdale Green PUD Submittal - Update 12/8/2020 {W1017661.1} 7 SECTION REQUIREMENT MET DISCUSSION Austin Energy Green Building Provides an Austin Energy Green Building Rating of three stars or above. Yes Springdale Green will provide a three-star Austin Energy Green Building rating for development. Art Provides art approved by the Art in Public Places Program in open spaces, either by providing the art directly or by making a contribution to the City's Art in Public Places Program or a successor program. No While Springdale Green envisions incorporating private art into its overall plan at some point, the landowner is not participating in the Art in Public Places Program. Great Streets N/A Springdale Green is subject to Subchapter E. Complies with City's Great Streets Program, or a successor program. Applicable only to commercial, retail, or mixed-use development that is not subject to the requirements of Subchapter E. Community Amenities Provides community or public amenities, which may include spaces for community meetings, community gardens or urban farms, day care facilities, non-profit organizations, or other uses that fulfill an identified community need. No Springdale Green will contribute towards the City’s Urban Trail system along Airport Blvd, specifically for that portion that connects Bolm Road with the trail along the railroad tracks. Community Amenities Provides publicly accessible multi-use trail and greenway along creek or waterway. No Springdale Green will contribute towards the City’s Urban Trail Master Plan system along Airport Blvd, specifically for that portion that connects Bolm Road with the trail along the railroad tracks. Transportation Provides bicycle facilities that connect to existing or planned bicycle routes or provides other multi-modal transportation features not required by code. Yes Springdale Green will provide a unique, separated bicycle lane along Springdale Road, which is safer than what is otherwise required. In addition, Springdale Green will contribute towards the Urban Trails Master Plan. Springdale Green PUD Submittal - Update 12/8/2020 {W1017661.1} 8 SECTION REQUIREMENT MET DISCUSSION Building Design Exceeds the minimum points required by the Building Design Options of Section 3.3.2. of Subchapter E. Yes Parking Structure Frontage In a commercial or mixed-use development, at least 75 percent of the building frontage of all parking structures is designed for pedestrian-oriented uses (as defined in the Waterfront Overlay) in ground floor spaces. Yes Affordable Housing Provides for affordable housing or participation in programs to achieve affordable housing. Yes Springdale Green will provide a building design that exceeds that required in Section 3.3.2. of Subchapter E, featuring a three-star AEGB rating and quality building materials, among other things. Parking will be built to meet current and future project needs, with vine screens for visual buffering. Parking structures will be separate from other buildings to allow that space to be reutilized in the future if parking needs change. In the interim, at least 75 percent of the parking structure’s Springdale frontage will include pedestrian-oriented uses. Springdale Green is a commercial project. Although residential uses are prohibited on the property by deed restriction due to its environmentally challenged past, the applicant will make a contribution to the City of Austin’s Housing Trust Fund in order to help produce affordable units. Historic Preservation Preserves historic structures, landmarks, or other features to a degree exceeding applicable legal requirements. N/A There are no identified historic structures or landmarks on this site. Accessibility Provides for accessibility for persons with disabilities to a degree exceeding applicable legal requirements. Yes In addition to complying with the ADA and all other legal requirements, Springdale Green will add electric assist doors to all main building entrances. Local Small Business Provides space at affordable rates to one or more independent retail or restaurant small businesses whose principal place of business is within the Austin metropolitan statistical area. Yes Springdale Green will strive to provide space to an Austin-area restaurant or small business in the pedestrian-oriented space fronting Springdale Road in Building C. Springdale Green PUD Submittal - Update 12/8/2020 {W1017661.1} 9 Springdale Green Code Modifications EXHIBIT E In accordance with City Code Chapter 25-2, Subchapter B, Article 2, Division 5 (Planned Unit Development), the following site development regulations apply to the Springdale Green Property instead of otherwise applicable City regulations: A. Zoning. 1. Chapter 25-2, Subchapter E (Design Standards and Mixed Use) is modified as follows: a. b. c. d. Because only approximately 20 feet of the property fronts Airport Boulevard and to avoid any future confusion, Subsections 2.2.2.B.- E. (Core Transit Corridors: Sidewalks and Building Placement) of Article 2 (Site Development Standards), Section 2.2 (Relationship of Buildings to Streets and Walkways) are modified so that regulations for the construction of sidewalks, the supplemental zone, building placement, and off-street parking do not apply within the Springdale Green Property. Subsection 2.2.3.C. (Urban Roadways: Supplemental Zone) of Article 2 (Site Development Standards), Section 2.2 (Relationship of Buildings to Streets and Walkways) is modified so that regulations related to the supplemental zone do not apply within the Springdale Green Property, and the Landowner may provide a supplemental zone of any width and with any elements. Subsection 2.2.5.E.1 (Internal Circulation Routes: Sidewalks) of Article 2 (Site Development Standards), Section 2.2 (Relationship of Buildings to Streets and Walkways) is modified so that regulations for the construction of sidewalks on Internal Circulation Routes do not apply within the Springdale Green Property, because a sidewalk and larger supplemental zone area are being provided on one side of the Internal Circulation Route. Subsection 2.3.1.B.1 (Improvements to Encourage Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Vehicular Connectivity: Vehicular and Pedestrian Connections Between Sites) of Article 2 (Site Development Standards), Section 2.3 (Connectivity Between Sites) is modified so that regulations for the connection to an existing public street do not apply within the Springdale Green Property. {W1017519.1} Springdale Green – Code Modifications – Update 12/8/2020 1 e. f. Subsection 3.2.2.E of Article 3 (Building Design Standards), Section 3.2.2 (Glazing and Façade Relief on Building Facades) is modified so that at least one-half of the total area of all glazing on facades that face the principal street shall have a Visible Transmittance (VT) of 0.3 or higher. Subsection 3.3.2 (Building Design Options) of Article 3 (Building Design Standards), Section 3.3 (Options to Improve Building Design) is modified to require a minimum total of four base points in the aggregate for all buildings within the Springdale Green Property. Section 25-2-531 (Height Limit Exceptions) is modified to add light poles to subsection (B)(1), and a new subsection (B)(3) that includes an elevator lobby and restrooms appurtenant to outdoor amenities; and to further allow a structure described in Subsection (B) to exceed the zoning district height limit set forth in this PUD Ordinance by the greater of: (a) 18 percent; (b) the amount necessary to comply with a federal or state regulation; (c) for a stack or vent, the amount necessary to comply with generally accepted engineering standards; (d) for a light pole, 35 feet, or (e) for a spire, light pole, or an elevator penthouse with enclosed equipment, 30 percent. Section 25-2-1063 (Height Limitations and Setbacks for Large Sites) is modified to waive compatibility standards to allow for increased heights as shown on the Land Use Plan. Section 25-2-1065 (Scale and Clustering Requirements) is modified to allow massing, clustering, and building placement within the Springdale Green Property as shown on the Land Use Plan. Community commercial (GR) district shall serve as the base zoning district, subject to the modifications set forth in the PUD and the PUD exhibits, including the following: All uses in effect on the date of this ordinance specified as permitted uses and conditional uses in the community commercial (GR) district, and Electronic Prototype Assembly, Electronic Testing, Research Assembly Services, ad Research Testing Services uses, as provided in the City Code are permitted uses in the Springdale Green PUD. a. 2. 3. 4. 5. {W1017519.1} Springdale Green – Code Modifications – Update 12/8/2020 2 b. c. The site development regulations of City Code Section 25-2-492 are modified to reduce the Maximum Impervious Cover to 50% and reduce the Maximum Floor Area Ratio to 0.8:1. Section 25-1-21 (46) (Definition) is modified so “Gross Floor Area” does not include balconies and outdoor terraces. B. Environmental 1. 2. 3. Sections 25-8-261 (Critical Water Quality Zone Development) and 25-8- 262 (Critical Water Quality Zone Crossings) are modified to allow for the construction in the Critical Water Quality Zone of elevated boardwalks with shaded areas and support piers (that are larger than 12 feet wide in some places); however, the areas augmented by expanded decks (open space) that are greater than 12 feet wide shall not exceed 25% of the total linear feet of the boardwalk within the Critical Water Quality Zone. During construction at the Springdale Green Property, the requirements under Sections 25-8-261 (Critical Water Quality Zone Development) and 25-8-262 (Critical Water Quality Zone Crossings) are modified to allow the following: a. Construction staging areas, including laydown areas for building materials, temporary construction offices, storage of building construction equipment and vehicles, and daytime parking of personal vehicles, shall be permitted within the Critical Water Quality Zone outside the 25-year floodplain. b. Within the 25-yr floodplain, construction activities associated with permitted structures, temporary access roads, and no more than three bridges (no greater than 16' wide) to provide crossings of the Boggy Creek Tributary 1. Sections 25-8-621 (Permit Required for Removal of Protected Trees: Exceptions) and 25-8-641(B) (Removal Prohibited) are modified to allow the removal of the following trees identified in the Tree Survey dated April 21, 2020 prepared by 4Ward Land Surveying and filed in connection with site plan application No. SP-2019-0512C: 5214, 5241, 5245, 5246, 5247, 5268, 5293, 5303, 5305, and 5309. {W1017519.1} Springdale Green – Code Modifications – Update 12/8/2020 3 Sign Regulations C. a. b. c. Section 25-10-101(B)(1) (General On-Premise Signs) is modified to provide that freestanding or wall signs, such as those typically used to direct the movement or placement of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic that are within 20 feet of the public right-of-way are allowed, provided that: no more than five signs are allowed for each building; sign area may not exceed 18 square feet; and sign height may not exceed six feet, for a freestanding sign; or the height of the building façade, for a wall sign. The Landowner may otherwise provide freestanding or wall signs, such as those typically used to direct the movement or placement of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic, with as much frequency, height, and sign area as the Landowner deems necessary within Springdale Green Property. The provisions of Section 25-10-130 (Commercial Sign District Regulations) apply to the Springdale Green Property. 1. 2. 3. Section 25-10-191(B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) (Sign Setback Requirements) are replaced to provide that any sign may be located within twelve feet of a street right-of-way, so long as the sign is not located within 10 feet of a driveway entrance or exit. During construction of any phase of the Springdale Green Property, a construction office and a sales and leasing office may be located in the commercial or garage portions of the building within such phase. D. {W1017519.1} Springdale Green – Code Modifications – Update 12/8/2020 4