20210120-003c: Goodnight Ranch PUD 2nd Amendment recommendation — original pdf

1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20210120 003c Date: January 20, 2021 Subject: Goodnight Ranch Planned Unit Development (PUD) – 2nd Amendment, C814-04-0187.02.SH Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Katie Coyne RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting to amend an existing PUD. WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the amendment includes environmental code modification to: 1) LDC 25-8-92: critical water quality zones, 2) LDC 25-8-281: Critical Environmental Features and 3) LDC 25-8-392: Impervious cover in uplands; and, WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that staff recommends the PUD amendment (with conditions). Therefore, the Environmental Commission recommends the requested PUD amendment with the following Staff Conditions: 1. The PUD will provide a minimum of 129 acres of Open Space; 2. Impervious cover on the portion of the PUD south of Slaughter Lane will be capped at 67% gross 3. The critical water quality zone will be reconstructed per Exhibit D and D-1; and 4. The project will restore the creek and wetland buffers per Exhibit D and D-1. site area; and the following Environmental Commission Conditions: 1. The Environmental Commission directs staff to work with the applicant to consider additional dark skies standards above Subchapter E. VOTE 9-0 For: Thompson, Coyne, Maceo, Guerrero, Gordon, Bedford, Creel, Barrett Bixler Against: None Abstain: None Recuse: None Absent: None Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 2