20210120-003c: Goodnight Ranch PUD 2nd Amendment Part 2 of 3 — original pdf

Thaxton Road d. s R Bluff g prin S Nuckols Crossing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Undeveloped portions of the PUD served by existing water quality ponds shall comply with 2006 Watershed Protection regulations. Wet ponds may be used as water quality control measures for the PUD. Channel construction shall comply with PUD standards. Native vegetation, including herbaceous and woody species, will be incorporated as part of the channel revegetation design. The trail shall be aligned such that a 1-foot freeboard from the 100-year floodplain is provided. No concrete shall be allowed in the CWQZ (including armoring), except for sidewalks/trails in the outer half of the CWQZ. Owner: Austin Goodnight Ranch, L.P. 610 W. 5th Street, Ste. 601 Austin, TX 78701 512.472.7455 MVE Venture, Ltd. 4504 South Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78745 512.455.1471 Benchmark Land Development, Inc. 610 W. 5th STreet, Ste. 601 Austin, TX 78701 512.472.7455 Agent: Austin Goodnight Ranch, L.P. 610 W. 5th Street, Ste. 601 Austin, TX 78701 512.472.7455 Land Planner: TBG Partners 1705 Guadalupe Street, Ste. 500 Austin, TX 78701 512.327.1011 www.tbgpartners.com Engineer: LandDev Consulting, LLC 4201 W. Parmer Lane, Suite C-100 Austin, Texas 78727 512.872.6696 www.landdevconsulting.com Revised: July 07, 2020 February 28, 2006 Case Number: C814-04-0187.SH e n a Grelle L n nsio xte uture E F d. y R alle nt V asa Ple N u c k ols Crossing O l d L o c k h a Slaughter Lane r t H w y . 10.57 ac CEF-1 11.02 ac 207.71’ CEF-2 and Proposed Setback d n R heryl Lyn C d a o w R a h s d B r a O l d L o c k h a r t H w y . MAP KEY Existing 100 Yr Floodplain Proposed 100 year Atlas 14 Floodplain /CWQZ (11.02 ac) COA CWQZ (10.57 ac) Wetland Wetland Setback 15-25% slope 25-35% slope > 35% slope CEF-4 and Proposed 100’ Setback Onion Creek Metro Park d a o n R axto Th Vertex Blvd. Slaughter Lane 6.90 ac 4.01 ac 109.28’ CEF-3 and Proposed Setback Width e w Driv pitol Vie a C Environmental Summary: Contour Interval: 2 ft Topography Source: LIDAR 100 year floodplain source: LandDev Consulting, LLC 0% - 15% - 15% - 25% - 25% -35% - Over 35% - Total Acreage - 693.73 Acres 1.40 Acres 0.30 Acres 0.10 Acres 695.53 Acres Goodnight Ranch PUD PUD Environmental Background Information (Exhibit D) 0 800’ 1600’ 3200’ OS/CWQZ/ PROP. FLOODPLAIN 11.0 AC V A N B M T V A N B T M B T T B S L A U G H T E R L A N E CEF MITIGATION (FINAL SHAPE TO BE DETERMINED AT SITE PLAN) CEF 1 (TO BE ENHANCED) 1 5 0' M I N . CWQZ A L C O N N D D E V GN N I S U L T 0 200' 400' SCALE: 1" = 200' D. V L X B E T R E V S L A U G H T E R L A N E CEF-2 BUFFER MITIGATION AREA 76,030 SF CEF SETBACK 185,300 SF CEF 3 X X 100' C W Q Z CEF-2 (REMAINS) 50' CEF SETBACK 48,195 SF UNCONSTRAINED CHANNEL DIAGRAM > 100' CWQZ CEF MITIGATION OR DRAINAGE EASEMENT AREA - TYPICAL SECTION Bench Varies (Min. 5') Slope Varies Between 3:1 and 5:1 Pilot Channel Meanders Within the Channel Bottom (Min. Width 20 ft.) Drainage Easement (Width Varies) Meandering Channel Bottom (Width Varies Depending on Side Slopes) Slope Varies Between 3:1 and 20:1 Vegetation Bench (Width Varies), Slopes range from 2-20%, Mowed meadow Trail Varies (Min. 6'-12') 100 YEAR WSE Pilot Channel: Typical 4:1 Slope Pilot channel with river stone. Drop structure 3"-9" tall. Drop structures shall occur randomly with average spacing of 500'. 2% Min. . i n M ' 2 . i n M ' 2 Potential Trail Trail location depends on grading. CONSTRAINED CHANNEL DIAGRAM OF 100' CWQZ CEF MITIGATION OR DRAINAGE EASEMENT AREA - TYPICAL SECTION Bench Varies (Min. 5') Slope Varies Between 3:1 and 5:1 100' Drainage Easement Channel Bottom (Min. Width 20 ft.) Pilot Channel 100 YEAR WSE Trail Varies (Min. 6'-12') Slope Varies Between 3:1 and 5:1 . i n M ' 2 . i n M ' 2 Potential Trail Trail location depends on grading. Pilot Channel: Typical 4:1 Slope Pilot channel with river stone. Drop structure 3"-9" tall. Drop structures shall occur randomly with average spacing of 500'. GOODNIGHT RANCH PUD EXHIBIT D-1 CEF MITIGATION PLAN AUSTIN, TRAVIS, TEXAS 06/10/2020 NOTES: 1. CEF-1 MITIGATION AREA IS CONTAINED WITHIN THE CHANNEL AREA AS SHOWN. 2. CEF-1 MITIGATION AREA SHOWN iS APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY IN SIZE AND LOCATION, BUT SHALL EQUAL TO OR EXCEED THE CEF-1 AREA. 3. CEF-1 AND CEF MITIGATION PONDS WILL INCLUDE PLANT SPECIES BASED ON MOISTURE LEVELS. 4. CEF MITIGATION POND TO CONTAIN SUBMERGED, EMERGENT & SHORELINE SPECIES. 5. CEF-2 BUFFER MITIGATION AREA IS CONTAINED WITHIN THE CHANNEL AREA AS SHOWN. 6. CEF-2 BUFFER MITIGATION AREA SHALL EQUAL OR EXCEED THE CEF-2 AREA. 7. FIRST FLUSH TREATMENT OF STORM WATER TO CEF-2 IS REQUIRED. PRETREATMENT MAY INCLUDE FLOW SPREADERS OR OTHER DISSIPATION DEVICES TO PREVENT CONCENTRATED FLOWS INTO CEF-2. 8. DEVELOPED CATCHMENT AREA TO CEF-2 SHALL BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ITS EXISTING CATCHMENT AREA. 9. ALL CWQZ, CEF SETBACK, AND FLOODPLAIN SHALL BE REVEGETATED/RESTORED/MAINTAINED TO THE DIVERSITEY/DENSITY CRITERIAL OF 609S NATIVE PLAING AND SEEDING,. DEVIATIONS TO THIS CRITERIA MAY BE EVALUATED/MITIGATED AT SITE PLAN PHASE. 10. AREAS WITHIN 100-YEAR WSE, SHALL NOT BE MOWED. 11. CHANNEL SHALL EMULATE NATURAL CONDITION WITH A SINUOUS MEANDERING PILOT, OCCASIONAL DROP STRUCTURES, RUN/RIFFLE/POOL COMPLEX AND NATIVE/DIVERSE PLANTING AND SEEDING PURSUANT TO 609S. 12. CEF 3 BUFFER AREA SHALL EQUAL OR EXCEED THE STANDARD 150FT SETBACK IN APPROXIMATE LOCATION SHOWN. LEGEND PROPOSED CWQZ / FLOODPLAIN MEANDERING CHANNEL FLOWLINE TRAIL ALIGNMENT (ALIGNMENT MAY VARY) llc consulting, 4201 W. PARMER LANE, SUITE C-100 AUSTIN, TX OFFICE: ∙ 78727 512.872.6696 FIRM NO. 16384 a z r a G T , M P 6 2 : 7 , 0 2 0 2 , 0 1 e n u J , t 1 u o y a L , g w d . I 0 1 6 0 0 2 0 2 - T K R E T R A T S 1 - D T B H X E \ s t i I I i b h x E D 3 \ l i i v C \ r e t s a M - \ D D A C n a P y r a n m l i i l e r P o w T e s a h P t i h g n d o o G _ R G A - 1 0 0 8 1 \ s 0 0 0 8 1 \ : P b t c . l l a b o G v e D d n a L : l e y t S t l . o P T W D 8 1 0 2 D 3 C _ E T A L P M E T _ E L V C I I l : e t a p m e T P = Permitted Use C = Conditional Use Permit NP= Not Permitted GOODNIGHT RANCH PUD PUD ZONING LAND USE SUMMARY TABLE, EXHIBIT "E" MRA NMA NMA-V RESIDENTIAL USES Bed & Breakfast (Group 1) Bed & Breakfast (Group 2) Condominium Residential Duplex Residential Group Residential Live/work Shophouse Mansion Home Mobile Home Residential Multifamily Residential Retirement Housing (Small Site) Retirement Housing (Large Site) Rowhouse Single-Family Attached Residential Single-Family Residential Small Lot Single-Family Residential Townhouse Residential Two-Family Residential Yard House Short-term Rental COMMERCIAL USES Administrative and Business Offices Agricultural Sales and Services Alternative Financial Services Businesses Art Gallery Art Workshop Automotive Rentals Automotive Repair Services Automotive Sales Automotive Washing (of any type) Bail Bond Services Building Maintenance Services Business or Trade School Business Support Services Campground Carriage Stable Cocktail Lounge Commercial Blood Plasma Center P P P P P P P P P P P P P P NP P NP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P MRA NMA P P NP P NP P P NP NP NP NP P NP NP P NP NP NP NP NP P* NP NP P NP P P P P NP P NP P NP NP P P P NP NP C* P NP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P NP P P NMA-V OS NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP OS NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP *Maximum gross floor area for a cocktail lounge is limited to is 5,000 square feet, not inclusive of retail alcohol production. NP Revised: September 20, 2018 Goodnight Ranch PUD February 28, 2006 Page 1 of 5 Pages C814-04-0187.02.SH P = Permitted Use C = Conditional Use Permit NP= Not Permitted COMMERCIAL USES continued Commercial Off-Street Parking Communications Services Construction Sales and Services Consumer Convenience Services Consumer Repair Services Convenience Storage Custom Manufacturing and Printing Drop-Off Recycling Collection Facility Electronic Prototype Assembly Electronic Testing Equipment Repair Services Equipment Sales Exterminating Services Financial Services Food Preparation Food Sales Funeral Services General Retail Sales (Convenience) General Retail Sales (General) Hotel-Motel Indoor Entertainment Indoor Sports and Recreation Kennels Laundry Services Liquor Sales Marina Medical Offices -- exceeding 5000 sq. ft. gross floor area Medical Offices -- not exceeding 5000 sq. ft. gross floor area Monument Retail Sales Off-Site Accessory Parking Outdoor Entertainment Outdoor Sports and Recreation Pedicab Storage and Dispatch Pawn Shop Services Personal Improvement Services Personal Services Pet Services Plant Nursery Revised: September 20, 2018 Goodnight Ranch PUD February 28, 2006 OS NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP * Maximum gross floor area is 10,000 square feet. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP * Maximum gross floor area is 5,000 square feet. NP NP NMA NMA-V MRA NP NP NP P NP NP NP P* NP NP NP NP NP P NP NP NP NP P NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP P P NP P NP P NP NP NP NP NP NP P P NP P P C P P* NP NP NP NP NP P P P NP P NP P NP P NP P P P P P P P P P P P NP P P NP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P NP P P P P P P P NP P P P P NP NP NP NP NP P NP P NP NP NP NP NP NP Page 2 of 5 Pages C814-04-0187.02.SH P = Permitted Use C = Conditional Use Permit NP= Not Permitted COMMERCIAL USES continued Printing and Publishing Professional Office Recreational Equipment Maint. & Stor. Recreational Equipment Sales Research Assembly Services Research Services Research Testing Services Research Warehousing Services Restaurant (General) Restaurant (Limited) Scrap and Salvage Service Station Software Development Special Use Historic Stables Theater Vehicle Storage Veterinary Services MRA NP P NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NMA NP P NP NP P P P NP P P NP P P NP NP P NP P NMA-V P P NP P P P P P P P NP P P P NP P P P OS NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP Revised: September 20, 2018 Goodnight Ranch PUD February 28, 2006 Page 3 of 5 Pages C814-04-0187.02.SH P = Permitted Use C = Conditional Use Permit NP= Not Permitted CIVIC USES Administrative Services Aviation Facilities Camp Cemetery Club or Lodge College and University Facilities Communication Service Facilities Community Events Community Recreation (Private) Community Recreation (Public) Congregate Living Convalescent Services Convention Center Counseling Services Cultural Services Day Care Services (Commercial) Day Care Services (General) Day Care Services (Limited) Detention Facilities Employee Recreation Family Home Group Home, Class I (General) Group Home, Class I (Limited) Group Home, Class II Guidance Services Hospital Services (General) Hospital Services (Limited) Local Utility Services Maintenance and Service Facilities Major Public Facilities Major Utility Facilities Military Installations MRA P NP NP P NP NP P NP P P NP NP P NP NP P NPP P P NP NP P P P P NP P NP NP P NP C C NP NMA P NP NP P P P P P P P P P NP P NP P P P* P P NP NP P NP P P P P P P P P NP C C NP NMA-V P NP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P NP P P P P P P P P P P C C NP OS NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP P P NP NP NP NP NP NP * Must be located on a collector or a minor arterial. Not allowed to access on a local street. NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP P NP NP NP NP Revised: September 20, 2018 Goodnight Ranch PUD February 28, 2006 Page 4 of 5 Pages C814-04-0187.02.SH P = Permitted Use C = Conditional Use Permit NP= Not Permitted OS P P NP P NP P P NP P NP P P NP NP NP MRA NMA NMA-V CIVIC USES Park and Recreation Services (General) Park and Recreation Services (Special) Postal Facilities Private Primary Educational Facilities Private Secondary Educational Facilities Public Primary Educational Facilities Public Secondary Educational Facilities Railroad Facilities Religious Assembly Residential Treatment Safety Services Telecommunication tower -- subject to SS 25-2-839 (13-2-235 and 13-2-273) Transitional Housing Transportation Terminal All other Civic Uses INDUSTRIAL USES Basic Industry Custom Manufacturing General Warehousing and Distribution Light Manufacturing Limited Warehousing and Distribution Recycling Center Resource Extraction AGRICULTURAL USES Urban Farm Community Garden All Other Agricultural Uses P NP P P P P P P NP P NP P P NP NP NP MRA NP NP NP NPP* NP NP NP MRA NP P P NP* P P P P P P P NP P NP P P C C NP NMA NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NMA NP P P NP* P P P P P P P NP P P P P P P P NP P P P P P NP NMA-V OS NP NP NP NP *MRA to permit brewery and cocktail lounge NP NP NP NMA-V P P NP* OS P NP NP* * Must be located on a collector or a minor arterial. Not allowed to front on a local street. * A telecommunications tower must be located on top of a building or be an architectural component. * Agriculture, plant and tree nursery and ranching uses are permitted on any portion of the property prior to Final Platting. Revised: September 20, 2018 Goodnight Ranch PUD February 28, 2006 Page 5 of 5 Pages C814-04-0187.02.SH GOODNIGHT RANCH PUD SITE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, EXHIBIT “F” YARD HOUSE MANSION HOUSE COMMERCIAL (2) CIVIC ROWHOUSE LIVE/WORK SHOPHOUSE 1,375 SF, 1,000 SF 1,500 SF on corner lot 16 FT., 25 FT. on corner lot 35 Ft and 3 stories 45 FT 5 FT 2,500 SF, 2,400 SF 3,500 SF on corner lot 30 FT, 27 FT 35 FT 32 FT on corner lot 35 FT 5 FT Mixed Residential Area (MRA) MULTI-FAMILY HOME 7,000 SF 6,000 SF 12,500 SF 70 FT. 50 FT 80 FT 35 FT and 3 stories 35 FT and 3 stories 60 FT 10 FT 5 FT 20 FT 10 FT 3 FT-6 IN. (1) 0 FT Garage (6) 5 FT 55% 65% N/A 20 FT 10 FT 0 FT 5 FT. 80% 95% N/A 10 FT 5 FT 20 FT 10 FT 5 FT. 0 FT Garage (6) 5 FT. 65% 75% N/A 20 FT 10 FT 5 FT 10 FT 15 FT, 5 FT Garages 65% 75% 75% 80% N/A 2,500 SF 25 FT. 35 FT 60 FT 5 FT N/A 10 FT 5 FT. 10 FT. 55% 75% 65% 80% 1:1 F.A.R N/A 2,500 SF 25 FT. 35 FT 60 FT 5 FT N/A 10 FT 5 FT. 10 FT. 60% 75% 70% 80% 1:1 F.A.R N/A AUTO PASEO COURT 1,800 SF 30 FT 50 FT 5 FT 20 FT if facing street 10 FT if facing court 5 FT 5 FT 5 FT 75 % 80 % N/A Minimum Lot Size Minimum Lot Width(4) Maximum Height (3) Minimum Front Yard Setback Minimum Front Garage Setback Minimum Street Side Yard Setback Minimum Interior Side Yard Setback Minimum Rear Yard Setback Maximum Building Coverage Maximum Impervious Cover Maximum F.A.R. Notes 1) A minimum side yard of 3’-6” is permitted (measured from face of building to property line), provided that the adjoining side yard setback is a minimum of 3’-6” to create a face-of-building to face-of- building space of at least 7 feet. 2) Mixed-use multifamily buildings with ground floor commercial use shall follow commercial site development regulations. 3) The development shall comply with the modified Compatibility Standards for Goodnight Ranch PUD as set forth in Exhibit B Part 6, Par. (A)(5) of this ordinance (No. 20061116-053). 4) 5) 6) Lots less than 40’ wide will be rear-loaded and lots that are front-loaded must be wider than 40’. For parks, see site development regulations under Open Space. The minimum distance between garages on adjoining lots is 10 feet, except that the garage side yard setback may be reduced to zero feet provided that applicable fire rating and building codes are met. The wall of a garage built adjacent to a zero lot line or within three feet of a common side lot line must be solid and opaque and may not contain an opening. A site plan is not required for Auto Paseo Court use. as modified in section 25-5-2(B1). If not covered by this PUD, site development regulations for all other uses permitted in Exhibit E shall be governed by current code. 7) 8) Goodnight Ranch PUD C814-04-0187.02.SH January 13, 2006 Revised July 1, 2020 Minimum Lot Size Minimum Lot Width(5) Maximum Height (2) Minimum Front Yard Setback Minimum Front Garage Setback Minimum Street Side Yard Setback Minimum Interior Side Yard Setback Minimum Rear Yard Setback Maximum Building Coverage Maximum Impervious Cover Maximum F.A.R. Notes 1) GOODNIGHT RANCH PUD SITE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, EXHIBIT “F” NEIGHBORHOOD MIXED USE AREA (NMA) YARD HOUSE MANSION HOUSE COMMERCIAL (2) CIVIC MULTI-FAMILY HOME 7,000 SF 6,000 SF 12,500 SF 2,500 SF 70 FT 50 FT 80 FT 40 FT and 3 stories 40 FT and 3 stories 40 FT and 3 stories 60 FT 5 FT ROWHOUSE LIVE/WORK SHOPHOUSE 1,375 SF, 1,500 SF on corner lot 16 FT 21 FT on corner lot 2,500 SF, 2,400 SF 3,500 SF on corner lot 30 FT, 27 FT 35 FT 32 FT on corner lot 35 FT 5 FT 20 FT 10 FT 55% 65% N/A 3 FT. 6 IN (4) 0 FT Garage (6) 5 FT 5 FT 20 FT 10 FT 0 FT 5 FT 80 % 95% N/A 10 FT 20 FT 10 FT 65 % 75% N/A 5 FT 0 FT Garage (6) 5 FT 20 FT 10 FT 10 FT 10 FT 5 FT Garage 65% 75% 80% N/A 25 FT 65 FT 5 FT N/A 10 FT 5 FT 10 FT 2,500 SF 25 FT 40 FT 65 FT 5 FT N/A 10 FT 5 FT 10 FT 70 % 75% 80% 90% 70 % 75% 80% 2:1 F.A.R. N/A 2:1 F.A.R. N/A AUTO PASEO COURT 1,800 SF 30 FT 50 FT 5 FT 20 FT if facing street 10 FT if facing court 5 FT 5 FT 5 FT 75 % 80 % N/A Parking facilities in the NMA may be retained in common for reciprocal use by NMA commercial and office/civic tenants, and may be included as part of the building lot. Example: a lot containing retail uses on ground floor, with residential and/or office use above, designed to accommodate common parking facilities. Such shared parking facilities are limited to the NMA. 2) The development shall comply with the modified Compatibility Standards for Goodnight Ranch PUD as set forth in Exhibit B Part 6, Par. (A)(5) of this ordinance (No. 20061116-053). 3) Mixed use multifamily buildings with ground floor commercial use shall follow commercial site development regulations. 4) A minimum side yard of 3’-6” is permitted (measured from face of building to property line), provided that the adjoining side yard and set back is a minimum of 3’-6” to create a face-of-building to face-of-building space of at least 7 feet. Lots less than 40’ wide will be rear-loaded and lots that are front-loaded must be wider than 40’. The minimum distance between garages on adjoining lots is 10 feet, except that the garage side yard setback may be reduced to zero feet provided that applicable fire rating and building codes are met. The wall of a garage built adjacent to a zero lot line or within three feet of a common side lot line must be solid and opaque and may not contain an opening. A site plan is not required for Auto Paseo Court use. as modified in section 25-5-2(B1). If not covered by this PUD, site development regulations for all other uses permitted in Exhibit E shall be governed by current code. 5) 6) 7) 8) Goodnight Ranch PUD C814-04-0187.02.SH January 13, 2006 Revised July 1, 2020 Minimum Lot Size Minimum Lot Width(5) Maximum Height (2) Minimum Front Yard Setback Minimum Front Garage Setback Minimum Street Side Yard Setback Minimum Interior Side Yard Setback Minimum Rear Yard Setback Maximum Building Coverage Maximum Impervious Cover Maximum F.A.R. Notes 1) GOODNIGHT RANCH PUD SITE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, EXHIBIT “F” NEIGHBORHOOD MIXED USE AREA - VERTICAL (NMA-V) MANSION HOUSE MULTI-FAMILY HOME COMMERCIAL (2) CIVIC AUTO PASEO COURT YARD HOUSE 2,500 SF, 2,400 SF 3,500 SF on corner lot 30 FT, 27 FT 35 FT 32 FT on corner lot 35 FT ROWHOUSE LIVE/WORK SHOPHOUSE 1,375 SF, 1,500 SF on corner lot 16 FT 21 FT on corner lot 5 FT 20 FT 10 FT 55% 65% N/A 3 FT. 1 IN (4) 0 FT Garage (6) 5 FT 40 FT 5 FT 20 FT 10 FT 0 FT 5 FT 80 % 95% N/A 10 FT 20 FT 10 FT 65 % 75% N/A 5 FT 0 FT Garage (6) 5 FT 6,000 SF 5,000 SF 12,500 SF 2,500 SF 50-FT 40 FT 80 FT 25 FT 40 FT 60 FT 60 FT 75 FT 65 FT 90 FT 65 FT 90 FT 5 FT 5 FT 0 FT 5 FT 0 FT 20 FT 0 FT N/A 2,500 SF 25 FT N/A 10 FT 5 FT 10 FT 75% 90% 80% 90% 20 FT if facing street 10 FT if facing court 5 FT 1,800 SF 30 FT 50 FT 5 FT 5 FT 5 FT 75 % 80 % N/A 10 FT 10 FT 10 FT 5 FT Garage 65% 90% 75% 90% N/A 10 FT 5 FT 5 FT 10 FT 75% 90% 80% 90% 2:1 F.A.R. N/A 2:1 F.A.R. N/A Parking facilities in the NMA-V may be retained in common for reciprocal use by NMA-V commercial and office/civic tenants, and may be included as part of the building lot. Example: a lot containing retail uses on ground floor, with residential and/or office use above, designed to accommodate common parking facilities. Such shared parking facilities are limited to the NMA-V. 2) The development shall comply with the modified Compatibility Standards for Goodnight Ranch PUD as set forth in Part 6, Par. (A)(5) of this ordinance (No. 20061116-053). 3) Mixed use multifamily buildings with ground floor commercial use shall follow commercial site development regulations. 4) A minimum side yard of 3’-6” is permitted (measured from face of building to property line), provided that the adjoining side yard and set back is a minimum of 3’-6” to create a face-of-building to face-of-building space of at least 7 feet. Lots less than 40’ wide will be rear-loaded and lots that are front-loaded must be wider than 40’. The minimum distance between garages on adjoining lots is 10 feet, except that the garage side yard setback may be reduced to zero feet provided that applicable fire rating and building codes are met. The wall of a garage built adjacent to a zero lot line or within three feet of a common side lot line must be solid and opaque and may not contain an opening. A site plan is not required for Auto Paseo Court use. as modified in section 25-5-2(B1). If not covered by this PUD, site development regulations for all other uses permitted in Exhibit E shall be governed by current code. 5) 6) 7) 8) Goodnight Ranch PUD C814-04-0187.02.SH January 13, 2006 Revised July 1, 2020 GOODNIGHT RANCH PUD SITE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, EXHIBIT “F” SAFETY SERVICES & EDUCATIONAL OTHER CIVIC USES 1 COMMERCIAL FACILITIES OPEN SPACE Maximum Height (2) 35 FT 40 FT 35 FT 50 FT 35 FT 50 FT Minimum Lot Size Minimum Lot Width Minimum Front Yard Setback Minimum Street Side Yard Setback Minimum Interior Side Yard Setback Minimum Rear Yard Setback Maximum Impervious Cover Maximum F.A.R. 1 Acre 50 FT. 25 FT 10 FT 10 FT 25 FT 75% 5,000 SF 20 FT. 10 FT 5 FT 10 FT 5 FT 15 FT 5 FT 10 FT 5 FT 75% 5,000 SF 20 FT. 10 FT 10 FT 15 FT 10 FT 75% 0.250:1 F.A.R. N/A 0.250:1 F.A.R. N/A 0.250:1 F.A.R. N/A Includes all park sites except safety services and educational facilities such as fire station or elementary school. Notes 1) 2) The development shall comply with the modified Compatibility Standards for Goodnight Ranch PUD as set forth in Exhibit B Part 6, Par. (A)(5) of this ordinance (No. 20061116-053). 3) 4) Setbacks are not applicable to trails and associated amenities. Setbacks are applicable to public restrooms. Site development plans for OCMPD facilities within the PUD may be a part of subdivision construction plans that include Open Space, or approved as separate site development plans. OCMPD facilities are not required to be submitted, approved, or completed in order to obtain certificates of occupancy for any building within the PUD. Goodnight Ranch PUD C814-04-0187.02.SH January 13, 2006 Revised July 1, 2020 Maximum Building Height See Exhibit F See Exhibit F for Maximum Building Height 35’ Maximum Building Height y t r e p o r P e n L i Area A Area B Area C ’ 5 2 m o r f y t r e p o r P e n L i ’ 0 5 m o r f y t r e p o r P e n L i Vertical Building Development is Prohibited Development Uses which require Compatibility Setbacks from Multifamily Home, multiuse buildings, commercial, retail and civic uses: - Yard House - Row House Live/Work Shophouse - Mansion House - Paseo Court - All other single family housing (attached or detached) Area A: Allowable uses within 0’-25’ from property line: Area B: Allowable uses within 25’-50’ Area C: Allowable uses beyond 50’ from property line: from property line: - Vertical building development is prohibited - Roads (public or private) - Sidewalks, trails, and bike lanes - Landscape and irrigation - Stormwater management - Utilities - Supporting parks or open space (public or private) - Directional and regulatory signage - Parking - 35’ maximum building height - Multifamily Home - Multiuse buildings - Commercial and retail - Civic - See Exhibit F: Development Regulation Charts for maximum PUD building height requirements. - All other uses permitted in Exhibit E: Land Use Summary for PUD requirements. - All uses listed in Area A and Area B of this chart. NOTES: This section applies to compatibility standards within the PUD. Specifically, the area of the Austin Goodnight Ranch PUD, north of Slaughter Lane shall comply with the following compatibility standards: (a) Except as provided in this subsection, Chapter 25-2, Article 10 (Compatibility Standards) does not apply within the PUD. (b) Notwithstanding Subsection 5, development outside of the PUD triggers the compatibility standards of Chapter 25-2, Article 10 (Compatibility Standards) for development within the PUD. Therefore, the perimeter of this PUD boundary shall be in compliance to Chapter 25-2, Article 10 (Compatibility Standards). (c) Except for lighting in a public right of way, all exterior lighting must be hooded or shielded so that the light source is not directly visible from adjacent properties. Exterior lighting may not exceed 0.4-foot candles across the source property line. (d) The noise level of mechanical equipment may not exceed 70 decibels at the property line. (e) The use of highly reflective surfaces, including reflective glass and reflective metal roofs with a pitch of more than a run of seven to a rise of 12, is prohibited. This prohibition does not apply to solar panels and copper or painted metal roofs. (f) Dumpsters and permanently placed refuse receptacles must be located at least 20 feet from adjacent residential uses. The location of and access to dumpsters or any other refuse receptacles must comply with the Transportation Criteria Manual. (g) Regarding horizontal and vertical compatibility between single family residential use and adjacent development use, see diagram on left. (h) As infomation, compatibility Setbacks for Property North of Slaughter Lane is outlined in Part 6. A. Subpart 5. of this ordinance. Goodnight Ranch PUD Site Development Regulations Compatibility Setbacks for Propety South of Slaughter Lane Exhibit G Austin, Texas July 25, 2019 TBG – [512] 327 1011 – tbgpartners.com 1705 Guadalupe St, Suite 500, Austin, Texas 78701 (cid:42)(cid:50)(cid:50)(cid:39)(cid:49)(cid:44)(cid:42)(cid:43)(cid:55)(cid:3)(cid:53)(cid:36)(cid:49)(cid:38)(cid:43)(cid:3)(cid:51)(cid:56)(cid:39)(cid:3) (cid:39)(cid:40)(cid:49)(cid:54)(cid:44)(cid:55)(cid:60)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:36)(cid:37)(cid:47)(cid:40)(cid:3)(cid:40)(cid:59)(cid:43)(cid:44)(cid:37)(cid:44)(cid:55)(cid:3)(cid:179)(cid:42)(cid:180)(cid:3)(cid:40)(cid:59)(cid:43)(cid:44)(cid:37)(cid:44)(cid:55)(cid:3)(cid:179)(cid:43)(cid:180)(cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:48)(cid:36)(cid:59)(cid:44)(cid:48)(cid:56)(cid:48)(cid:3)(cid:36)(cid:47)(cid:47)(cid:50)(cid:58)(cid:36)(cid:37)(cid:47)(cid:40)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:49)(cid:55)(cid:40)(cid:49)(cid:54)(cid:44)(cid:55)(cid:44)(cid:40)(cid:54)(cid:3)(cid:3) (cid:3) 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Shared use paths shall have a minimum 8' width. hould a te § e approva street des H9~ mporary cul-de-sac be required for construction purposes, the design requirements contained in the City 01 id be followed 1 of both Watershed Protection and Development Review and TPSD igns shall comply with the street standards set forth in the Traditional Neighborhood Development Services and ATD. u t C J 0 0 4o• 4 0o• 0 r - ~ t n f f i • " c • — 31 O 4. Street cross sections are for public and private streets. ^oso OOO( N Iai aoS uG V H i Oi > £ > & 0 0 j - > V n . < V . i < • t f >u " 0 01ooO Wb "3S^( ( N& O O r * GOODNIGHT RANCH PUD PARKING ReGUlATIONs AND RATIOs “exHIbIT I” “exHIbIT J” Following are the proposed Goodnight Ranch PUD parking requirements, adapted from the City of Austin Code for Traditional Neighborhood Developments (TND), section 25-3-83 PARKING (A) The following parking regulations apply within the Goodnight Ranch PUD: (1) There is no off-street loading requirement for a building with less than 10,000 square feet of gross building area. The Director shall determine the location, number, and dimensions of the off-street loading for a larger building. (2) except as approval by the Director, parking in alleys in prohibited. (3) A parking lot located at the rear or side of a building is preferred and allowed. If a parking lot is located at the front of the building, buffering, in the form of landscaping, berming, decorative walls or fences, is required to buffer pedestrian activity along the street where adjacent to the parking lot. If located at the side of a building, screening shall be provided at, or near, the lot line by landscaping or decorative walls or fences. (4) Compact parking spaces are prohibited. (5) Minimum parking requirements are as follows: (a) except as otherwise provided in these parking requirements, a commercial use, other than restaurant, must provide a minimum of one parking space for every 300 square feet of gross building area. A restaurant use must provide a minimum of one parking space for every 100 square feet of gross building area. (b) General offices, professional offices and other commercial office uses must provide a minimum of one parking space for every 500 square feet of gross building area. (c) Medical offices must provide a minimum of one parking space for every 500 square feet of gross building area. (d) For condominium, multi-family, group residential, and retirement housing, one parking space for the first bedroom and 0.5 spaces for each additional bedroom. For row house, yard house, and mansion home, two parking spaces for each dwelling unit [see 25-3-83(6)(d)]. (e) A townhouse, single-family residential, duplex, group home, or family home use, yard house, row house and mansion home must provide two parking spaces for each dwelling unit. (f) A daycare services, primary educational facilities, or secondary educational facilities use must provide one parking space for each employee. (g) Hospitals must provide one visitor parking space for every 4 beds and one parking space for every two employees (largest work shift). (h) The Director shall determine the parking requirement for an amphitheater and/or auditoriums based on similar uses, location and characteristics of the use, and the appropriate traffic engineering and planning data. (i) The Director shall determine the parking requirement for community centers based on similar uses, location and characteristics of the use, and the appropriate traffic engineering and planning data. (j) The Director shall determine the parking requirement for playing fields based on similar uses, location and characteristics of the use, and the appropriate traffic engineering and planning data. (k) The Director shall determine the parking requirement for neighborhood parks, pavilions, picnic shelters or tables, playgrounds, swimming pools, boat rental facilities, basketball/sports courts, or bike rental facilities based on similar uses, location and characteristics of the use, and the appropriate traffic engineering and planning data. (l) The Director shall determine the parking requirement for any use not listed in this subsection. (m) A 25-foot turning radius shall be provided for parking accessed from the alley. (n) Parking spaces are not required for Accessory Dwelling Units. Goodnight Ranch PUD February 28, 2006 Revised April 08, 2019 C814.04.0187 sH C814.04.0187.02 sH (4) bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 25-6, Appendix A of the City Code, except as follows: (a) A commercial use parking lot or garage must provide not less than one bicycle parking space for every 10 motor vehicle parking spaces. (b) The following regulations apply in the Goodnight Ranch Neighborhood Mixed Use Area (NMA) and NMA-V: (1) A commercial or a multi-family use may apply adjacent on-street parking toward the minimum parking requirements in the Neighborhood Mixed Use Area (NMA). A commercial or multi-family use and specific development with these usese may apply adjacent on-street parking (public or private street) toward the minimum parking requirements of that given specific development within the Neighborhood Mixed Used Area (NMA) and the Neighborhood Mixed Use-Vertical Area (NMA-V) Goodnight Ranch PUD February 28, 2006 Revised April 08, 2019 C814.04.0187 sH C814.04.0187.02 sH MEMORAN DUM Date: To: CC: Reference: Goodnight Ranch PUD 2nd Amendment – TIA Final Memo January 4, 2021 Kathy Smith, P.E., PTOE (HDR) Curtis Beaty, P.E. (ATD); Joan Minyard EIT (ATD) C814-04-0187.02.SH Summary of the Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA): The Austin Transportation Department (ATD) has reviewed the March 15, 2019 (received March 18, 2019) “Goodnight Ranch” Transportation Impact Study (TIA), prepared by HDR, Inc. and discussed with the applicant the 06-21-19 City of Austin TIA Memorandum. This PUD proposed land uses consist of 1,157 dwelling units of Single-Family Detached Housing (includes 104 dwelling units existing on site), 1,015 dwelling units of Multifamily (low-rise), 3,861 dwelling units of Multifamily (mid-rise), 15,000 square feet of Recreational Community Center, Elementary School of 560 students (existing on site), Middle School of 1,100 students (305 students are existing on site at Elementary School), High School of 1,200 students, 15,000 square feet of Day Care Center, 310,000 square feet of General Office Building, and 160,000 square feet of Shopping Center. The Goodnight Ranch development is located along East Slaughter Lane, between Nuckols Crossing Road and Capitol View Drive, northeast of Old Lockhart Highway, in southeast Austin. The development is anticipated to be fully constructed by 2027. The following is a summary of the review findings and recommendations: 1. The applicant shall design and construct the improvements identified in Table 3, below, including any utility relocation and transportation infrastructure replacement such as sidewalks, transit stops, etc. which may be impacted by these improvements. Improvements to be built by the applicant should be included with the first site plan of the associated phase. No temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) or certificate of occupancy (CO) shall be issued until the construction of the identified improvements is complete. Note: Cost estimates should not be assumed to represent the maximum dollar value of improvements the applicant may be required to construct. See Exhibit B for phasing information. 2. Fee-in-lieu contribution to the City of Austin shall be made for the improvements identified in Table 3 totaling $300,000 before the first site development permit for the associated phase is issued. See Exhibit B for phasing information. 3. Development of this property should not vary from the approved uses or deviate from the approved intensities and estimated traffic generation assumptions within Attachment A Page 1 of 7 the finalized PUD TIA memo, including land uses, trip generation, trip distribution, and other identified conditions. Applicant should consult with ATD and other responsible authority (TxDOT and/or Travis County) for driveway locations and traffic controls based on the Transportation Criteria Manual and Land Development Code in future site plan submittals. Any change in the assumptions made in the PUD TIA document shall be reviewed by ATD and may require a new or updated TIA. 4. One electronic copy of the final TIA shall be provided to ATD prior to the issuance of any site development permit. At time of submittal, one physical copy and one electronic copy of the final TIA shall also be provided to Travis County. Site Location and Existing Conditions: The proposed development is intending to use eleven driveways for site access. The driveway details are as mentioned below: Driveway A – Full access at Pleasant Valley Drive. Driveway B – Full purpose at Nuckols Crossing Road. Driveway C – Right-in/right-out at Slaughter Lane. Driveway D – Full purpose at Slaughter Lane. Driveway E – Full purpose at Slaughter Lane. Driveway F – Full purpose at Slaughter Lane. Driveway G – Right-in/right-out at Slaughter Lane. Driveway I – Full purpose at Old Lockhart Highway. Driveway J – Full purpose at Old Lockhart Highway. Driveway K - Full purpose at Old Lockhart Highway. Assumptions: 1. A 34% reduction for pass-by was assumed for PM peak trip retail land uses only. 2. Based on TxDOT AADT volume data, a two (2) percent annual growth rate was assumed to account for the increase in background traffic. 3. Below are the background projects that were assumed to contribute trips to surrounding roadway network in addition to forecasted traffic for 2027: Onion Creek Metro Park Legends Way Bella Fortuna Page 2 of 7 Proposed Conditions: Trip Generation and Land Use Based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition), the development would generate approximately 56,633 average daily trips (ADT) upon final build-out. Table 1, below, shows the trip generation by land uses for the proposed development which has been split into two tracts, north and south. Table 1: Trip Generation Tract Proposed Land Use (ITE Code) Size Two Way Volume 24-Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Enter Exit Enter Exit North 177 DU 1,297 63 62 36 Single- Family Detached Housing (210) Multifamily Low- Rise (220) Multifamily Mid- Rise (221) Middle School (522) Day Care Center (565) General Office Building (710) Shopping Center (820) Single- Family Detached Housing (210) Multifamily Low- Rise (220) Multifamily Mid- Rise (221) High School (530) General Office Building (710) Shopping Center (820) 353 DU 3,318 64 191 215 126 19 56 87 71 653 DU 3,557 159 163 105 795 students 1,693 249 212 15,000 SF 714 60,000 SF 646 60,000 SF 4,248 113 Total 15,473 659 784 66 78 11 69 89 59 178 773 194 678 700 DU 6,229 125 377 414 244 838 DU 6,294 83 276 247 145 3,208 DU 17,482 266 758 755 482 1,200 Students 250,000 100,000 SF SF 2,562 418 206 2,581 224 81 44 87 228 6,012 125 260 283 78 12 69 37 77 Total 41,160 1,241 1,731 1,801 1,469 Sum Total 56,633 1,900 2,515 2,574 2,147 South Page 3 of 7 Summary of Recommended Improvements Table 2: Recommended Improvements and Developer’s Share Old Lockhart Highway and Bradshaw Road Construct dual NB left-turn lanes Install traffic signal $183,000 $ 300,000 Construct SB right-turn lane $ 107,000 Intersection Bluff Springs Road and Nuckols Crossing Road Bluff Spring Road and Slaughter Lane Pleasant Valley Road/ Old Lockhart Highway and Slaughter Lane Vertex Boulevard/ Driveway F and Slaughter Lane Pleasant Valley Road and Nuckols Crossing Road/ Driveway A Driveway D and Slaughter Lane Driveway E and Slaughter Lane Driveway H and Slaughter Lane Improvement Cost Pro-Rata Share % Pro-Rata Share $ Install traffic signal $300,000 65.8% $197,400 Install traffic signal $300,000 69.6% $208,800 Install traffic signal $300,000 Construct SB right-turn lane $110,000 Construct WB right-turn lane $104,000 89.1% 89.1% 66.8% Construct EB left-turn lane $108,000 69.6% Construct EB right-turn lane $120,000 64.2% Construct WB left-turn lane $111,000 48.5% 24.8% 33.9% 32.4% 100% Construct EB right-turn lane $ 117,000 74.5% $ 87,165 Install traffic signal $ 300,000 Construct SB left-turn lane $ 101,000 Install all-way stop control $ 15,000 100% $ 15,000 Install traffic signal $ 300,000 Install traffic signal $ 300,000 100% 100% $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Install traffic signal $ 300,000 100% $ 300,000 Total $2,631,942 $267,300 $98,010 $69,472 $75,168 $77,040 $53,835 $45,384 $ 101,700 $ 34,668 $ 300,000 $ 101,000 Page 4 of 7 As part of the site development, the developer shall pay the required fee-in-lieu and build the following improvements including any utility relocation and transportation infrastructure replacement such as sidewalks, transit stops, etc. which may be impacted by these improvements. See Exhibit B for phasing information. Table 3 – Summary of Improvements Phase Location Improvement Developer Requirement Improvement Trigger Slaughter Lane from Bluff Springs Road to Old Lockhart Highway / Pleasant Valley Road Slaughter Lane & Old Lockhart Highway / Pleasant Valley Road Pleasant Valley Road & Nuckols Crossing Road / Driveway A Slaughter Lane & Vertex Boulevard / Driveway F Slaughter Lane & Driveway D Slaughter Lane & Driveway E Slaughter Lane & Driveway H Slaughter Lane & Old Lockhart Highway / Pleasant Valley Road Construct sidewalk on north side Install traffic signal and construct eastbound left- turn lane and westbound left-turn lane Install all-way stop control Install traffic signal and construct southbound left-turn lane Install traffic signal Install traffic signal Install traffic signal Intersection capacity improvements 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construct as part First site plan of site plan in Phase 1 Construct as part First site plan of site plan in Phase 2 Construct as part First site plan of site plan in Phase 3 Construct as part First site plan of site plan in Phase 4 Construct as part First site plan of site plan Fee-in-lieu payment of of Austin in Phase 5 First site plan $300,000 to City in Phase 6 If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at 974-1449. Justin Good, P.E. Austin Transportation Department Page 5 of 7 EXHIBIT A SITE LOCATION MAP Page 6 of 7 EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT PHASING MAP Page 7 of 7 PHASE 2PHASE 1PHASE 3PHASE 4PHASE 5PHASE 6DEFHAPPROVEDPRELIMINARY PLANC8-2018 -0171.SHNOTE: THE LAND PLAN SOUTH IS FOR CONCEPTUALPURPOSES ONLY.AUSTIN GOODNIGHT RANCH MITIGATION MAPDECMEBER 23,2020