Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

2. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, June 17, 2020 The Environmental Commission convened in a public meeting on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications via remote video conferencing. Commissioners in Attendance: Andrew Creel Ryan Nill Curtis Smith Pam Thompson Mary Ann Neely Kevin Ramberg Linda Guerrero Wendy Gordon Perry Bedford Commissioners Absent: Katie Coyne Peggy Maceo Staff in Attendance: Kaela Champlin Kelly Gagnon Anupa Gharpurey Chris Herrington Erin Wood CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Guerrero called the meeting to order at 3:04 P.M. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION a. Approval of the June 3, 2020 Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes (5 minutes) The minutes of the June 3, 2020 Environmental Commission regular meeting were approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Thompson’s second on a 7-0 vote. Commissioners Creel and Neely were off the dais. Commissioners Coyne and Maceo were absent. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Consider Watershed Protection Department’s FY 21 Operating Budget and Five-Year Capital Improvement Program Plan—Anupa Gharpurey, Financial Manager III, Erin Wood, Principle Planner, and Kelly Gagnon, Environmental Program Coordinator, Watershed Protection Department (1 hour) 1 3. A motion to approve the Watershed Protection Department’s FY 21 Operating Budget and Five-Year Capital Improvement Program Plan with conditions was approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Neely’s second on a 7-0 vote. Commissioners Smith and Bedford abstained. Commissioners Coyne and Maceo were absent. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Urban Growth Policy and Water Quality Protection Committee – Pam Thompson, Kevin Ramberg, Mary Ann Neely, Curtis Smith, and Perry Bedford b. Urban Forestry Committee – Peggy Maceo, Pam Thompson, Linda Guerrero, and Mary Ann Neely c. Report on the Joint Sustainability Committee – Katie Coyne d. Report on the Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan Citizen’s Advisory Committee – Mary Ann Neely e. Report on the Joint Committee of the Environmental Commission and Parks and Recreation Board – Mary Ann Neely, Peggy Maceo, Linda Guerrero, and Pam Thompson f. Report on the South Central Waterfront Advisory Board – Linda Guerrero ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Guerrero adjourned the meeting at 3:50 P.M. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. For additional information, please call Kaela Champlin, Watershed Protection Department, at (512) 974-3443; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Environmental Commission, please contact Kaela Champlin, Watershed Protection Department, at (512) 974-3443. * A member of the public may not address a board or commission at a meeting on an item posted as a briefing, per City Code Section 2-1-144(E). 2