20200617-002a: WPD FY21 Operating Budget & CIP Plan Recommendation — original pdf

1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20200617 002a Date: June 17, 2020 Program Program Subject: Watershed Protection Department FY21 Operating Budget and Five-Year Capital Improvement Seconded by: Mary Ann Neely Motion by: Kevin Ramberg RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission is charged with the review and recommendation of the Watershed Protection Department’s (WPD) annual operating budget and five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget includes no rate increase for FY21 and does not anticipate a rate increase for FY 22; and WHEREAS, the proposed FY21 operating budget is estimated to be $107.1M; and WHEREAS, the FY21-FY25 Capital Improvement Program outlines WPD’s projected major improvements during the next five years based on existing funds and anticipated revenues; and WHEREAS, the FY21-FY25 Capital Improvement Program is estimated to total approximately $337 MM; and WHEREAS, the Watershed Protection Department has provided a power point presentation detailing the totals and breakdown of the FY21 operating budget and FY21-25 CIP which is included in the backup for this agenda item; and WHEREAS, the WPD has made significant strides to address their primary objectives and have critical goals and initiatives for future improvements. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends approval of the Watershed Protection Department’s FY 2021 Operating Budget and Five-Year CIP program with the following Environmental Commission conditions: For future annual budgets, the Environmental Commission is provided detailed budget documentation including tracking anticipated future rate increases in FY23 or FY24 and current and future projects broken out by district prior to the request for Environmental Commission action on the budget. VOTE 7-0 For: Creel, Thompson, Nill, Ramberg, Guerrero, Neely, Gordon Against: None Abstain: Bedford, Smith Recuse: None Absent: Coyne, Maceo Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair 2