20200617-002a: Watershed Protection Department FY 21 Operating Budget and Five-Year Capital Improvement Program Plan Presentation — original pdf

Watershed Protection Department FY21 Budget 1 FY21 Operating Budget Significant Items • No rate increase in FY21 and FY22 • 15 new FTEs to support the operations • Capital investment of $35M per year for 5 years • Increased investment in Homeless Encampment Cleanup services • Increased investment in equity training for department staff • No reduction in programmatic services 2 FY21 Staffing Details Activity Data Management Local Flood Floodplain Office Downtown Operations Pond Maintenance Pond Maintenance Stream Restoration Human Resources Finance PIO Administration Water Quality Total Position Type Sr. GIS Analyst CAD engineer Supervising Engineer Supervisor Supervisor Crew CAD Analyst Performance Consultant Procurement Specialist Community Engagement Consultant Business Process Consultant Env. Scientists - Development Review # of Positions 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 15 3 Stream Restoration & Watershed Education Env. Information Specialist Five-Year Revenue Projection 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 FY20 Budget FY20 Est FY21 Prop. FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 DUF Revenue Other Revenue In $ Millions DUF Revenue Other Revnue Total Revenue Median Rate FY20 Bgt 95.7 4.6 100.3 $11.80 FY20 Est 96.5 3.9 100.4 $11.80 FY21 97.1 4.1 101.2 $11.80 FY22 97.4 4.1 101.5 $11.80 FY23 104.6 4.1 108.7 $12.62 FY24 107.9 4.1 112.0 $12.98 FY25 108.4 4.1 112.5 $13.00 4 FY21 Fund Summary FY19 Actual FY20 Budget FY20 FY21 Estimated Proposed Beginning Balance Revenue Expenditures Excess/(Deficit) Ending Balance FTEs Budget $ 18.8 100.5 98.0 2.5 21.3 347 $ 15.2 100.3 103.8 (3.5) 11.7 362 $ 21.3 100.4 101.7 (1.3) 20.0 362 $20.0 101.2 107.1 (5.9) 14.1 377 5 FY21 Operating Budget by Category $107.1M Other Transfers 16% Personnel 36% Transfer to CIP 33% Other Program Exp. 15% 6 FY21 Operating Budget by Programs $55M Capital program Stream Restoration 2% 2% Flood Risk Reduction 12% Watershed Policy 4% Support Services 17% Data Mgmt 5% Water Quality Protection 13% Infrastructure & Waterway Maint. 45% 7 Capital Improvement Program Stream Restoration Project on Tannehill Branch 8 Five-Year CIP Plan: Overview • Outlines WPD’s projected major capital improvements during the next five years based on existing funds and anticipated revenues (e.g., DUF, bonds, development fees, TIF) ➢ $337 million of total project funding for FY21-25 • Projects are identified using Watershed Master Plan problem scoring and prioritization • Appropriations for the upcoming fiscal year are adopted in the annual budget • Allows the department to plan ahead for funding and implementation of current and future capital needs 9 Five-Year CIP Plan: Summary • 93 total projects − 8 Creek Flood Risk Reduction − 14 Localized Flood Risk Reduction − 15 Erosion Control − 24 Water Quality − 32 Multi-Objective (e.g., studies, small projects, partnerships) • 54 new projects / 39 ongoing projects • 19 bond projects − 18 stormwater/drainage projects − Open space acquisition program 10 FY21 Appropriations by Funding Source $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $- $35M $69 Million in Total Appropriations $18M $10M $3M $2M $1M DUF Bonds RSMP USCF TIF Other 11 FY21 CIP Appropriations by Category $16M Flood Risk Reduction $1M $3M $2M Erosion Control Water Quality Vehicles and Equipment Multi-Objective 12 $47M FY21 Spending Plan by Category 17,050,000 14,749,354 $64.8M in Total Spending Plan 8,611,740 7,313,370 7,520,225 3,281,440 3,760,532 2,500,000 Erosion Facility Equipment Software Vehicles Flood Buyouts Flood Risk Reduction District O&M Waller Creek Waller Creek Water Quality Multi-objective 13 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 - FY21 CIP Projects by Phase Post-Construction Phase 12 Preliminary Phase 17 Construction Phase 9 Bid/Award/Execution Phase 21 Design Phase 27 14 FY21 CIP Project Phases by Category 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Erosion Flood Risk Reduction Water Quality Multi-objective Preliminary Phase Design Phase Bid/Award/Execution Phase Construction Phase Post-Construction Phase 15 Map of CIP Projects with FY21 Funding 16 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights 2018 Bond Project Onion Creek – Upper Onion Creek Flood Risk Reduction Buyouts 17 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights 2018 Bond Project Barton Creek – Oak Acres Creek Flood Risk Reduction Project 18 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights Little Walnut Creek – Flood Risk Reduction from Metric to Rutland 19 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights 2018 Bond Project W. Bouldin Creek – Del Curto Storm Drain Improvements 20 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights 2018 Bond Project Waller Creek – Guadalupe Street Storm Drain Improvements 21 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights Williamson Creek – Bitter Creek Tributary Channel Rehabilitation 22 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights 2018 Bond Project Little Walnut Creek – Jamestown Tributary Erosion and Drainage Improvements 23 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights Williamson Creek – Battle Bend Water Quality Retrofit 24 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights Waller Creek – Small-Scale Green Stormwater Infrastructure 25 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights Atlas 14 Floodplain Studies 26 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights Citywide –Stormwater Infrastructure Maintenance Projects – Open/Closed Systems 27 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights 2018 Bond Project Open Space Acquisition (Photo: Rodgers Tract) 28 Five-Year CIP Plan: Highlights 29 WPD Contacts Anupa Gharpurey Chief Financial Manager Anupa.Gharpurey@austintexas.gov Erin Wood Principle Planner, Watershed Policy and Planning Erin.wood@austintexas.gov Thank you! 30