Environmental CommissionFeb. 19, 2020

20200219-001a: Texas Children in Nature Presentation — original pdf

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Texas Children in Nature ENCOURAGING CHILDREN AND FAMILIES TO SPEND TIME OUTSIDE, BECAUSE CHILDREN WHO SPEND TIME IN NATURE ARE HEALTHIER, HAPPIER AND SMARTER. Vision We envision that Texas children and their fa m ilie s , fro m a ll w a lks o f life , w ill s p e n d m o re tim e o u td o o rs , e n g a g in g w ith n a tu re fo r a h e a lth ie r, h a p p ie r a n d s m a rte r Te xa s . Ou r Mis s io n is to s tre n g th e n a n d le ve ra g e th e n e tw o rk a n d re g io n a l c o lla b o ra tive s to im p ro ve th e c o n n e c tio n b e tw e e n n a tu re a n d a ll c h ild re n a n d th e ir fa m ilie s in Te xa s . History In 2009 SB 205 resolved to address the problem of Nature De fic it Dis o rd e r th ro u g h th e c re a tio n o f a w o rkin g g ro u p b e tw e e n TPWD a n d TEA. Ou t o f th is a g ro u p o f le a d e rs fro m a c ro s s th e s ta te g a th e re d a n d fo rm e d TCiN in 20 10 . Sin c e th a t tim e TCiN h a s b e e n p a rt o f TPWD. In 2010 TCiN released its first strategic plan, la yin g o u t five p illa rs o f w o rk to b e d o n e . • He a lth • Co m m u n ity • Ac c e s s • Ed u c a tio n • Ma rke tin g Th e TCiN c o lla b o ra tive is a ls o a rra n g e d in e ig h t re g io n s a c ro s s th e s ta te . • Ca p ro c k • No rth Te xa s • Au s tin • Sa n An to n io • Pin e yw o o d s • Ho u s to n • Co a s ta l Be n d • Rio Gra n d e Va lle y TCiN Projects NATURE ROCKS TEXAS Website housing green spaces and activities from across the state CITIES CONNECTING CHILDREN TO NATURE Partnership to incorporate nature into cities OLE! TEXAS Statewide initiative to integrate outdoor learning environments into Early Childcare Centers CITIES CONNECTING CHILDREN TO NATURE Melody Alcazar Program Coordinator – CCCN Austin Parks & Recreation The Cities Connecting Children to Nature (CCCN) initiative helps city leaders and their partners ensure that all children have the opportunity to play, learn and grow in nature, from urban parks and community gardens to the great outdoors. Equity POLICY ACTIVATION FUNDING GREEN SCHOOL PARKS Create a network of school parks that provide schools and the surrounding community the opportunity to learn from, steward and play in nature EARLY (OLE) NATURE PLAY CHILDHOOD Activate city parks, natural areas and recreation centers through the installation of nature- based play elements Improve outdoor spaces at childcare centers to enable 0-5 year olds to be active, learn in nature and develop motor skills YOUTH LEADERSHIP Elevate the youth voice in nature-based professions through training, networking and mentoring GREEN SCHOOL PARKS NATURE PLAY YOUTH LEADERSHIP OLE! AUSTIN How To Get Involved JOIN CINCA Austin Region meets quarterly for socials around the city 2020 SUMMIT Join leaders at the statewide Summit, December 3 - 4 in Fort Worth PILLAR CALLS Once a month TCiN hosts a call for each of the 5 working pillars to work together as a state to make progress towards the goal NATURE ROCKS Put events and green spaces on Naturerocksaustin.org Thank You SARAH COLES scoles@texaschildreninnature.org MELODY ALCAZAR Melody.Alcazar@austintexas.gov