20200213-002c: Community Tree Preservation Division FY19 Special Revenue Fund Report — original pdf

Community Tree Preservation Division FY19 Special Revenue Fund Report This report summarizes the Community Tree Preservation Division’s special revenue fund activity in Fiscal Year 2019 and provides a five-year forecast. The below information includes the financial activities of both accounts combined. FDU Budgeted Exp. Expenses Revenue End of FY Balance Urban Forest Replenishment Fund 7655-5300-1500 $ 3,166,997 $ 2,419,136 $ 1,258,199 $ 3,798,747 Planting for the Future Fund 7340-5300-2110 $ 500,000 $ 467,891 $ 91,016 $ 225,408 Spending by Category • After an unusual spike in revenue in FY181, the FY19 revenue Informing (Education) Growing (Planting) 66% • was back in line with projections based on previous years. Inversely, project expenditures increased significantly*, reducing the account balance by 26%. • This trend is projected to continue over the next two years2. • Within five years we are planning to achieve a balance of revenue and expenditures. • The Planting for the Future Fund now only receives revenue from utility bill contributions for tree planting in parks. Most of this account is expected to be spent in 2020. s n o i l l i M $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 $0 20% 12% 2% Caring (Maintenance) Inspiring (Arts) 2 Funds Balance FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 * The UFRF contributed $1M to the Austin Mobility Bond to plant more street trees with the upcoming roadway improvements3. An additional $750K will be contributed for street tree plantings over the next two years4. That, along with continued Urban Forest Grant and Urban Forest Funding Portal expenditures, will reduce the running balance to around $1M by 2024.2 4 4 5 Year History 5 Year Projection 1 3 Expenses Revenue $3,000,000 $2,000,000 ____ ____ ____ $1,000,000 $0 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24