Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

3. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, January 15, 2020 The Environmental Commission convened in a public meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 in Council Chambers City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, Texas 78701 Commissioners in Attendance: Andy Creel Peggy Maceo Perry Bedford Curtis Smith Pam Thompson Kevin Ramberg Mary Ann Neely Katie Coyne Linda Guerrero Wendy Gordon Commissioners Absent: Ryan Nill Staff in Attendance: Chris Herrington Atha Phillips Kaela Champlin Wendy Rhoades Kate Clark Scott Hiers Radmon Rice 1. 2. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Guerrero called the meeting to order at 6:03 P.M. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers should sign up to speak prior to the meeting being called to order; you will receive a three-minute allotment to discuss topics not posted on the agenda. None EDUCATION a. Buying and selling ecosystem services, Jim Blackburn, Professor in the Practice of Environmental Law, Rice University (15 minutes) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION a. Approve the minutes of the regular Environmental Commission meeting of December 4, 2019 (5 minutes) 1 5. 6. 7. 8. The minutes of the regular Environmental Commission meeting of December 4, 2019 were approved on Commissioner Ramberg’s motion, Commissioner Thompson’s second on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Nill were absent. ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER’S UPDATE ON PAST COMMISSION ACTIONS AND REPORT ON ITEMS OF INTEREST a. Update on Ventura at Parmer Lane, SP-2018-0564D (5 minutes) b. Discussion on 218 S. Lamar PUD (C814-2018-0121) (5 minutes) Item conducted as posted. No action taken. Item conducted as posted. No action taken. STAFF BRIEFINGS* a. None ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Development Assessment Briefing on 614 South 1st Street Planned Unit Development, CD- 2019-0006—Kate Clark, Senior Planner, Planning and Zoning Department Item conducted as posted. No action taken. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. Name: Lantana PCA Applicant: Michael Whellan, Armbrust & Brown, PLLC Watershed: Williamson Creek Watershed, Barton Springs Zone, Drinking Water Protection Location: 7415 Southwest Parkway (District 8) Staff: Atha Phillips, Environmental Officer’s Office Zone Request: Consider a Project Consent Agreement waiving provisions of City Code Chapters 25-7 (Drainage) and 25-8 (Environment), including Chapter 25-8, Article 13 (Save Our Springs Initiative), to allow construction of a mixed-use residential project at located at 7415 Southwest Parkway in the East Oak Hill Neighborhood Planning Area. This action concerns land located in the Barton Springs zone. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended with conditions (30 minutes) Item 8a was postponed. No action taken. b. Name: Austin Green PUD, C814-2018-0154 Applicant: Steven Spears, Groundwork Location: 11600-12337 Harold Green Road (2-mile ETJ, will be District 2 once PUD is approved) Staff: Atha Phillips, Environmental Officer’s Office Watershed: Colorado River Basin and Elm Creek Watershed, Suburban Watershed Classification, Desired Development Zone Request: To create a new Planned Unit Development (PUD) Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended with conditions (1 hour) Commissioner Ramberg recused on Item 8b. A motion to close the public hearing was approved on Commissioner Guerrero’s motion, Commissioner Coyne’s second on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Ramberg recused. Commissioner Nill was absent. 2 9. A motion for approval with conditions was approved on Commissioner Coyne’s motion, Commissioner Neely’s second on a 8-0 vote. Commissioner Ramberg recused. Commissioners Nill and Gordon were absent. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Urban Growth Policy and Water Quality Protection Committee – Pam Thompson, Kevin Ramberg, Mary Ann Neely, Curtis Smith, and Perry Bedford b. Urban Forestry Committee – Peggy Maceo, Pam Thompson, Linda Guerrero, and Mary Ann Neely Commissioner Maceo gave an update on the Urban Forestry Committee. c. Report on the Joint Sustainability Committee – Katie Coyne Commissioner Coyne gave an update on the Joint Sustainability Committee. d. Report on the Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan Citizen’s Advisory Committee – Mary Ann Neely e. Report on the Joint Committee of the Environmental Commission and Parks and Recreation Board – Mary Ann Neely, Peggy Maceo, Linda Guerrero, and Pam Thompson f. Report on the South Central Waterfront Advisory Board – Linda Guerrero Commissioner Guerrero gave an update on the South Central Waterfront Advisory Board. g. Other reports from Commissioners Commissioner Thompson gave an update regarding an upcoming Austin Youthworks MLK Day of Service event. Commissioner Smith gave an update on the Apple Campus recommendation. 10. 11. NEW BUSINESS – Future agenda items a. Discuss 2020 Environmental Commission Town Hall Meetings Item conducted as posted. No action taken. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Guerrero adjourned the meeting at 8:18 P.M. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. For additional information, please call Kaela Champlin, Watershed Protection Department, at (512) 974- 3443; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Environmental Commission, please contact Kaela Champlin, Watershed Protection Department, at (512) 974-3443. * A member of the public may not address a board or commission at a meeting on an item posted as a briefing, per City Code Section 2-1-144(E). 3