20200115-008b: Austin Green PUD C814-19-0154 Exhibits B-I - Backup 2 of 3 — original pdf

Exhibit B - Summary Letter Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM 2.3 TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS General REQUIREMENT PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY 2.3.1.A: (MEET) Meet the objectives of the City Code. 2.3.1.B: (MEET) Provide for development standards that achieve equal or greater consistency with the goals in Section 1.1 (General Intent) than development under the regulations in the Land Development Code. • Austin Green will meet the objectives of the City Code. • Austin Green will provide for environmental, community, design and regional goals that meet or exceed Code standards and encourage high-quality mixed-use development. • Austin Green will encourage high-quality development with extensive open space areas. • Austin Green will provide a mixed-use project that adds employment, housing and other activities as described for this Town Center location in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. • At the densities proposed, Austin Green can help • achieve the vision of a Major Town Center in Imagine Austin, significant housing units as expressed in the Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint and transit- supportive densities in the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan. This is possible because the site has great mobility opportunities, few residential neighbors that would push back on such densities, the potential for transit service as CapMetro’s service area expands and proximity to the airport, which will support an employment center. In addition to the rare characteristics of the site that make it perfect for higher densities than in other previously settled parts of the city, it is a site that the city wants restored and put into public use for recreation and a regional trail connecting downtown Austin to downtown Bastrop as described in the Austin Urban Trails Master Plan, Colorado River Corridor Plan, Travis County Parks Master Plan and the Austin- Bastrop River Corridor Plan . This level of reconstruction and dedication is unachievable with lower densities. • Austin Green PUD will provide 761.75 acres of combined parkland and open space (Exhibit F- Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan). To meet Tier 1, 196.58 acres of open space would be required, we have provided 761. 75 acres. That is nearly four times as much open space as needed to achieve this superiority item. In addition, except in the areas where public parks and OS areas are adjacent to rivers, major highways or utility easements, parks and open space must have direct frontage on a road for 20% of its edge and must have a maximum distance of 1,000 feet between open space access/connection points. • Open Space 2.3.1.C: (MEET) Provide a total amount of open space that equals or exceeds 10 percent of the residential tracts, 15 percent of the industrial tracts, and 20 percent of the nonresidential tracts within the PUD. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 1 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit B - 1 Basis for Superiority Table Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM Green Building Program REQUIREMENT 2.3.1.D: (MEET) Comply with the City's Planned Unit Development Green Building Program. PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY • Austin Green will meet 2-Star Green Building or comparable green building standards outside of Austin Energy service area. • All proposed commercial and multi-family buildings greater than 350,000 square feet within the Austin Green PUD will be constructed using a dual distribution pipe system to allow acceptance of an alternate water supply or the reclaimed water supply from the City for non-potable water uses within the building. Additionally, the developer agrees to construct, at no cost to the City, reclaimed water infrastructure concurrently with the phased development of the project to meet the reclaimed water needs for commercial and multifamily irrigation and indoor non-potable uses, public open space and parks, and private parks and recreational facilities for each phase of development within the project. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 2 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM Neighborhood Plans and Historic Compatibility REQUIREMENT 2.3.1.E: (MEET) Be consistent with applicable neighborhood plans, neighborhood conservation combining district regulations, historic area, and landmark regulations, and compatible with adjacent property and land uses. PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY • The Austin Green PUD site is mentioned in multiple city, county, and regional plans. The proposed design meets the requirements of compatibility with current adjacent land uses (single-family, industrial, and open space). The project is looking at innovative and collaborative approaches to land planning options. It is proposing similar land uses, development standards and transportation options that are consistent with the following plans: o Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan o CAMPO 2040 Regional Plan o CAMPO 2045 Regional Plan o Austin Urban Trails Master Plan o Colorado River Corridor Plan o Travis County Parks Master Plan o Austin-Bastrop River Corridor Plan • The Austin Green PUD has increased setbacks between resource extraction and residential and civic uses to 200’ (from 50’). o A 200-foot wide buffer zone shall be established and maintained between a property developed with Residential Uses and Resource Extraction (reclamation is exempted from this 200’ buffer requirement and may proceed as prescribed in Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines and Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas. o The 200-foot buffer zone shall be measured from the property line of property developed with Residential Uses to a resource extraction site. If a portion of the property developed with Residential Uses is in a flood plain, the buffer zone shall be measured from the boundary of the flood plain within that residential lot, or, from the property line for property developed with Residential Uses, whichever is furthest from the resource extraction site. o Improvements permitted within the 200’-wide buffer zone are limited to reclamation and restoration, streets, access easements, driveways, parking facilities, solid fences, pedestrian trails, hike and bike pathways, recreational facilities, detention and water quality re-irrigation facilities, underground utility improvements, overhead electric or communication lines, or those improvements that may be otherwise required by the City of Austin. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 3 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table Water Quality/Environmental 2.3.1.F: (MEET) Provide for environmental preservation and protection relating to air quality, water quality, trees, buffer zones and greenbelt areas, critical environmental features, soils, waterways, topography, and the natural/traditional character of the land. • • • Water quality attenuation will include decentralized The reclamation requirements of the site’s current permits generally fall into two categories. Approximately 603 acres of the site does not require any reclamation. The rest would require significant grading and minimal ground cover. Nowhere are trees required to be saved or planted as a part of the reclamation throughout the entire PUD boundary. The proposed reclamation associated with this PUD is described on Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines and Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas. The reclamation is significantly superior than existing permit requirements. We are focused on creating a sustainable foundation for tree growth, further activating the floodplain and provide significant park and open space – all of which will have positive impacts to air and water quality, all of which would exceed current site development permit requirements and better meet the intent of the current City of Austin Code. BMPs through a series of biofiltration and partial sedimentation / filtration ponds, green streets, rain gardens, and vegetated filter strips. ATLAS 14 is resulting in floodplain impacts to our site as well as adjacent existing neighborhoods and commercial properties. Many adjacent properties appear to now be in the floodplain based on the proposed Atlas 14 City GIS maps. Over an approximate 450-acre area, we are proposing to create environmentally sensitive regional retention ponds along Elm Creek to alleviate flooding conditions in an environmental manner. Due to the proposed retention ponds, 238 acres of neighboring property and 43 acres of Travis County CIP Harold Green project alignment is proposed to be out of the floodplain. Retention ponds are shown on Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan. The project is proposing a range of distance between development and the Colorado River ranging from 100’ to 2100’, and 2400’ to 4350’ along Elm Creek. The median distance between development and the Colorado River is 1210’ and the Elm Creek is 3180’. This significantly exceeds standard distance separation and allows for a greenbelt and buffer to be set up between the development area and two main water courses. • Water Quality controls will be provided for approximately 77 acres (15 acres of impervious cover) of existing residential development offsite along the eastern side of FM 973 that drains onto the site. The stormwater will be treated and drain to the Colorado River. An enhanced reclamation process will ensure that OS areas are restored to a much more stable and • • SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 4 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ecologically enhanced condition. In addition, in all other land use areas, mining reclamation will be contained in a more concise area around the areas that were actually used for resource extraction. See Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines and Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas. Upon approval of the PUD we will commit to the protection of healthy stands of trees and other applicable ecological elements as shown on Exhibit I- Proposed Reclamation Guidelines even though the current permits do not require these areas to be protected. The tree stands and ecological elements were determined through our environmental suitability analysis and were shown to the City Arborist team during our site visit in January 2019. The clearing of vegetation for the purposes of reclamation shall occur within the phasing associated with Exhibit U-Proposed Phasing Map or earlier as determined by the owner or developer. However, the revegetation and tree protection in reclamation areas shall occur as should in Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines and Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas. These exhibits are created to show areas where extensive tree planting and ecological restoration will occur in the Bottomland Hardwood Forest and Transitional Savanna (refer to Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan for concept plan examples). In addition, the Urban Development section on Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines, calls for street trees to be planted a minimum on 30’ on center on average on all street types (also shown in Exhibit H-Typical Road Sections). Adherence to the restoration plans of this PUD will be reviewed at preliminary plan and/or site development permit. After reclamation in all land use areas, the project will preserve all heritage trees; preserve 75% of the caliper inches associated with native protected size trees; and preserve 75% of all the native caliper inches. The restored OS areas will include restored Blackland Prairie, Bottomland Hardwoods, and Transitional Savanna as described in Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas and Exhibit I- Proposed Reclamation Guidelines. At the time of submittal of this PUD, CEFs occur in some locations onsite. These areas and all other areas onsite occur under several site development permits that allow for mining and other grading activities. The project will mitigate for any impacts to wetland CEFs at a ratio of 1.5 acres mitigation:1 acre impacted of equal quality based on the information provided in Exhibit W-CEF and Buffers. CEFs to be preserved are • • • • SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 5 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM REQUIREMENT PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY Public Facilities 2.3.1.G: (MEET) Provide for public facilities and services that are adequate to support the proposed development including school, fire protection, emergency service, and police facilities. illustrated on Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines. The PUD will create 150% acre for acre of permanently impacted wetland CEF, 100% for wetland CEF buffer. • The SER is currently under review by Austin Water Utility, as well as a Development Permit by the Hornsby Bend Utility Company for the area east of SH130. • Anticipated utility extensions include: 973, FM 969, and SH 130. o Water Utility extensions to Austin Green along FM o Wastewater extensions under the Colorado River to serve Austin Green along SH 130 and FM 973, including a proposed Wastewater Treatment Facility to serve the area east of SH130. 130. o Reclaimed Water extensions north, next to SH • Austin Green PUD will provide a 1.0-acre site for a Public Library. Site may be located within an open space zoning district. • Austin Green land plan will provide for a 2.5-acre net buildable site for a Fire/EMS Station with good access to major roadways and collector streets. Final site selection must be approved by both AFD and DSD. The public facilities for fire protection shall include all elements that facilitate fire protection: the streets sections and interconnected, water supplies and the placement of fire hydrant locations based on the density, occupancy and construction type of the proposed structures. • Austin Green land plan will provide for a 35-acre middle/elementary school and a 12-acre elementary school. • Austin Green’s vast park and open space network of at least 761.75 acres primarily along the Colorado River will provide unparalleled recreation and ecosystem services in this part of the city. • Our intent is to bring environmental and ecological practices into the overall development, where applicable. We agree to the Grow Green Guide everywhere except the areas of restoration where we have provided a list of acceptable standards in Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines and Exhibit J- Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas. We believe that these meet the intent of the City’s landscaping requirements and exceed it in the Open Space areas. Adherence to the restoration plans of this PUD will be reviewed at preliminary plan and/or site development permit. Grow Green Landscaping 2.3.1.H: (MEET) Exceed the minimum landscaping requirements of the City Code. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 6 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM Connectivity REQUIREMENT 2.3.1.I: (MEET) Provide for appropriate transportation and mass transit connections to areas adjacent to the PUD district and mitigation of adverse cumulative transportation impacts with sidewalks, trails, and roadways. Gated Roadways Architectural, historical, cultural, and archeological areas Tier 1J: (MEET) Prohibit gated roadways. Tier 1K: (MEET) Protect, enhance, and preserve areas that include structures or sites that are of architectural, historical, archaeological, or cultural significance. PUD size and uniqueness 2.3.1.L: (MEET) Include at least 10 acres of land, unless the property is characterized by special circumstances, including unique topographic constraints. PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY • The extension of Harold Green Road through the site will be coordinated with Travis County – a two-lane road with bike lanes and sidewalks on both sides is an approved bond project with funds for construction available in June 2020. In discussions with the County, it is anticipated that there will be a development agreement regarding floodplain mitigation, water quality, right of way and enhanced transportation improvements. • Austin Green will supply protected bike lanes along certain roadways as shown in Exhibit H-Typical Road Sections. • Austin Green will supply a network of trails throughout the development to enhance the overall connectivity as shown in Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan. • Austin Green will contact Cap Metro every five years regarding transit services. • The potential of providing a Cap Metro Park and Ride facility is being explored in a mutually agreed upon location. • Austin Green will prohibit gated roadways on public roadways. • Architectural, historical, cultural, or archaeological areas will be preserved where applicable. • When it is time to transition from mining to the next use, a minimum of five (5) interpretive sign areas regarding history of the former sand and gravel mining will be incorporated into the master art plan and/or key locations within the open space/parkland area. These signs will include historical research and information regarding the historic use of the site, pre- mining agricultural, historic mining, and modern mining and the economic benefit to the area. All signs in the floodplain will be approved by the floodplain officer. • The Austin Green PUD boundary encompasses 2,126.25 acres and has significant topographic constraints. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 7 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM 2.3.2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT 2.3.2.A: (MEET) comply with Chapter 25-2, Subchapter E (Design Standards and Mixed Use). PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY • All development in MU1, MU2 and MR will comply with Chapter 25-2, Subchapter E. • Additionally, what makes this PUD superior is that it will no longer exempt industrial from the standards (as allowed in current code). Instead, industrial uses in MU-2 will be subject to the following standards: 2.2: Relationship of Buildings to Streets and o Walkways 2.4: Building Entryways 2.5: Exterior Lighting 2.6: Screening of Equipment and Utilities o o o • The Austin Green PUD is in the 2-mile ETJ and not within the designated Urban Roadway Boundary. • The Austin Green PUD is in the 2-mile ETJ and not within the designated Urban Roadway Boundary. 2.3.2.B: (Not Applicable) inside the urban roadway boundary depicted in Figure 2, Subchapter E of Chapter 25-2 (Design Standards and Mixed Use), follow the sidewalk standards in Section 2.2.2., Subchapter E, Chapter 25-2 (Core Transit Corridors: Sidewalks and Building Placement); and 2.3.2.C: (Not Applicable) contain pedestrian-oriented uses as defined in Section 25-2-691(C) (Waterfront Overlay District Uses) on the first floor of a multi-story commercial or mixed-use building. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 8 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM 2.4 TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS Open Space REQUIREMENT PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY Provides open space at least 10% above the requirements of Section 2.3.1.A. (Minimum Requirements). Alternatively, within the urban roadway boundary established in Figure 2 of Subchapter E of Chapter 25-2 (Design Standards and Mixed Use), provide for proportional enhancements to existing or planned trails, parks, or other recreational common open space in consultation with the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department. • • Austin Green PUD will provide a combined parkland and open space amount in accordance with Exhibit F- Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan. Where this superiority item would require 216.13 acres of open space, we have provided 761.75 acres. That is over three times as much open space as required to achieve this superiority item. In addition to the provided acreage, the Austin Green PUD will include a combination of publicly dedicated and/or privately maintained but publicly accessible enhanced park areas/amenities, up to two water recreation put-in points along the Colorado River, and a minimum of 6-miles of trails throughout the development. Of the provided trails, 3-miles are anticipated to be along the Colorado River and are dependent upon approval to build within the Colorado River CWQZ and 25-year floodplain. • The MUD will maintain private Open Space 1-5 in accordance with a mutually agreed upon operations and maintenance plan with buy-in from the Environmental Officer and the MUD board and public parks and Open Space 6 and 7 in accordance with a mutually agreed upon operations and maintenance plan with buy-in from the Environmental Officer, Park Director and the MUD board. • The open space and recreational amenities help achieved the following plans: o Austin Urban Trails Master Plan o Colorado River Corridor Plan o Travis County Parks Master Plan o Austin-Bastrop River Corridor Plan • Austin Green will include drainage facilities that meet and/or exceed current code requirements as of 2018, including the pending Atlas 14 rainfall data update. Although not required for the adjacent development along the Colorado River, the project will provide approximately 9.5 Million cubic feet (CF) of additional storage volume for the watershed through a series of on-site retention ponds. Approximately 100 Million CF of additional storage volume will be provided beyond the minimum required for on and off-site flows through three (3) on-site regional retention ponds for the Elm Creek watershed. • Austin Green will utilize additional water quality measures beyond the minimum requirements as of 2018 through treatment of approximately 77 acres (15 acres of impervious cover) of existing, off-site residential development. • Decentralized water quality treatment through a series of green streets, biofiltration ponds, rain gardens, Environment / Drainage Complies with current City of Austin Code instead of asserting entitlement to follow older code provisions by application of law or agreement. Provides water quality controls superior to those otherwise required by code. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 9 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM REQUIREMENT PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY Environment / Drainage Uses green water quality controls as described in the Environmental Criteria Manual to treat at least 50 percent of the water quality volume required by code. Provides water quality treatment for currently untreated, developed off- site areas of at least 10 acres in size. Reduces impervious cover by five percent below the maximum otherwise allowed by code or includes off-site measures that lower overall impervious cover within the same watershed by five percent below that allowed by code. Provides minimum 50-foot setback for at least 50 percent of all unclassified waterways with a drainage area of 32 acres. Provides volumetric flood detention as described in the Drainage Criteria Manual. vegetated filter strips, and partial sedimentation / filtration ponds. • Water quality will be integrated with park and open space, as well as integrated into the proposed school tract as an educational component. • Austin Green will supply approximately 65 percent of the volume required by code through a series of decentralized water quality features, including green streets, biofiltration ponds, rain gardens, and vegetated filter strips. • Water quality will be integrated with parkland, open space, and ecological networks. • Austin Green will provide water quality treatment for current, untreated, developed off-site areas (77 acres with 15 acres of impervious cover) along FM 973, directly adjacent to the development. The Water Quality treatment will be provided within a 100’ wide drainage conveyance channel easement along the shared property line, ultimately draining into the Colorado River after being treated. • Overall impervious cover for the entire site will be based on gross site area and be less than or equal to 65%. The impervious cover gross site area calculations will include floodplain, open space, CWQZ, and park and open space. 1% of the impervious cover will be preserved for OS areas for park improvements as needed. • Austin Green PUD will provide 50-foot setbacks for • unclassified waterways where possible. We will restore “erosion hazard areas” if they exist at the time of improvements. In the Elm Creek watershed, local and regional storm water retention will be provided through multiple environmentally sensitive retention ponds throughout the site. This will assist the Elm Creek watershed by helping to alleviate flooding issues downstream of the development. We are proposing 100 Million cubic feet (CF) of additional storage volume for the watershed through three on-site retention ponds. • Although we are not required to have detention ponds within the Colorado River watershed, since the property drains directly into the River, we are proposing 9.5 Million cubic feet of retention ponds to handle additional stormwater flooding. We understand that this in and of itself does not make the project superior, but in combination with the provision of water quality treatment for current, untreated, developed off-site areas along FM 973, we feel superiority should be considered. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 10 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM Environment / Drainage REQUIREMENT Provides drainage upgrades to off- site drainage infrastructure that does not meet current criteria in the Drainage or Environmental Criteria Manuals, such as storm drains and culverts that provide a public benefit. Environment / Drainage Proposes no modifications to the existing 100-year floodplain. PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY • We are proposing improvements that will further activate the floodplain. Kimley-Horn to provide existing conditions and proposed mitigation analysis with Water District application (Case number: C12M- 2018-0005, submitted concurrently with the Austin Green PUD application in December 2018). Proposed floodplain mitigation measures will include grading improvements upstream of the existing SH130 bridge crossing, as well as downstream, to help alleviate the Elm Creek backwater flooding that occurs due to the construction of SH130 and channelization of the creek under it. All proposed floodplain mitigation will be designed to accommodate fully-vegetated conditions, encourage sound engineering / ecological practices, prevent / reduce degradation of water quality, and encourage the stability and integrity of the adjacent floodplains and waterways as required by the Environmental Criteria Manual. • As the site transitions from industrial to major town center (as stated in Imagine Austin), the land will need to be reshaped to accommodate public use. This will include floodplain modifications to enhance the “public health and safety” (Atlas 14, as well as the construction of SH130, has put many surrounding properties in the floodplain that weren’t previously. Our site can help alleviate that problem.) by addressing the impact to the existing conditions along the Colorado River and Elm Creek, both on site and regionally. In addition, the proposed mitigation will provide a significant environmental benefit, as determined by a functional assessment of floodplain health as prescribed by the Environmental Criteria Manual. • Due to the construction of SH-130, the current floodplain has become disconnected from the Colorado River and Elm Creek. Additionally, the current available floodplain data does not accurately show true flood conditions for these waterways. Our team has studied the true existing conditions along Elm Creek and the Colorado River to understand the true effects of Atlas 14, and the corresponding mitigation required to alleviate those impacts. • After working with various city departments to determine how this development can help further activate an existing floodplain within this region, please see the new exhibits: Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan, Exhibit I- Proposed Reclamation Guidelines, Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas, and Exhibit W-CEF and Buffers. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 11 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM REQUIREMENT Environment / Drainage Uses natural channel design techniques as described in the Drainage Criteria Manual. PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY • Although not required for development draining into the Colorado River, the project proposes to provide approximately 9.5 Million cubic feet (CF) of additional storage volume for the watershed through a series of on-site retention ponds. The project proposes approximately 100 Million CF of additional storage volume will be provided beyond the minimum required for on-site flows through three (3) on-site regional retention ponds for the Elm Creek watershed. In total, the project proposes approximately 240 acres set aside for retention ponds along Elm Creek, with an additional 210 acres within and adjacent to the Colorado River watershed for on-site retention to help alleviate downstream impacts to the floodplain. • Restoration plans include the following exhibits: Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas, Exhibit N-Proposed CWQZ and Exhibit I- Proposed Reclamation Guidelines. Adherence to the restoration plans of this PUD will be reviewed at preliminary plan and/or site development permit. • Water quality attenuation will include decentralized BMPSs, through a series of biofiltration ponds, green streets, rain gardens, and partial sedimentation / filtration ponds for water quality controls. See exhibits: Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan, Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines, Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas, and Exhibit W-CEF and Buffers. • The City’s mapping does not reflect actual conditions on the site. The development team developed new CWQZ boundaries based on the development plan and mining conditions as we get closer to final entitlements. The City’s mapping does not reflect actual conditions on the site. Refer to Exhibit M- Existing CWQZ and Exhibit N-Proposed CWQZ. • Within the open space, ecological and recreational areas, along the Colorado River and Elm Creek, the project will include riparian restoration projects and improvements to the Critical Water Quality Zones where applicable. Refer to Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan, Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines, Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas, and Exhibit W- CEF and Buffers. • Existing Impervious Cover within the proposed Critical Water Quality Zone along the Colorado River and Elm Creek will be removed at the time of Site Development Permit. Restores riparian vegetation in existing, degraded Critical Water Quality Zone areas. Removes existing impervious cover from the Critical Water Quality Zone. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 12 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM Environment / Drainage REQUIREMENT Preserves all heritage trees; preserves 75% of the caliper inches associated with native protected size trees; and preserves 75% of all the native caliper inches. PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY • We are focused on creating a sustainable foundation for tree growth, further activating the floodplain, and providing significant park and open space – all of which will have positive impacts to air and water quality. During Reclamation: • Reclamation required by the existing permits includes grading to a 3:1 slope, 4” of topsoil and a variety of grasses and other plants broadcast over the topsoil. This will have impacts on trees. • Our land suitability and sensitivity analysis identified desired tree stands that we may be willing to protect as part of the Austin Green PUD application. Any commitment to the preservation of key tree stands achieves superiority as tree preservation is not required in the existing site development permits. Refer to Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines. • An enhanced reclamation process will ensure that OS areas are restored to a much more stable and ecologically enhanced condition. In addition, in all other land use areas, mining reclamation will be contained in a more concise area around the areas that were actually used for resource extraction. See Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines, and Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas. • The restored OS areas will include restored Blackland Prairie, Bottomland Hardwoods, and Transitional Savanna as described in Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas, Exhibit I- Proposed Reclamation Guidelines. • After Reclamation: • After reclamation in all land use areas, the project will preserve all heritage trees; preserve 75% of the caliper inches associated with native protected size trees; and preserve 75% of all the native caliper inches. In addition, the Urban Development area on Exhibit I- Proposed Reclamation Guidelines, calls for street trees to be planted at a minimum of 30’ on center average on all street types (as shown in Exhibit H-Typical Road Sections), which is superior to existing City of Austin Code. • Austin Green PUD shall use tree plantings from Central Texas seed stock native to this area and with adequate soil volume for reclamation in the OS land use areas. • Tree planting in riparian restoration areas will use well- suited species in coordination with COA staff recommendations. See Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas and Exhibit I- Proposed Reclamation Guidelines. Tree plantings use Central Texas seed stock native and with adequate soil volume. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 13 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM Environment / Drainage REQUIREMENT Provides at least a 50 percent increase in the minimum waterway and/or critical environmental feature setbacks required by code. PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY • The project is proposing a range of distance between development and the Colorado River ranging from 100’ to 2100’, and 2400’ to 4350’ along Elm Creek. The median distance between development and the Colorado River is 1210’ and the Elm Creek is 3180’. This significantly exceeds standard distance separation and allows for a greenbelt and buffer to be set up between the development area and two main water courses. • The project has used environmentally sensitive areas as a component of the land suitability analysis in determining development, open space, and recreation areas. To the extent practicable, Austin Green is clustering, compacting, and connecting the development away from environmentally sensitive areas and reserving a minimum of 761.75 acres for open space / parkland along the Colorado River and Elm Creek due to their environmental sensitivity. • The project is proposing a range of distance between development and the Colorado River ranging from 100’ to 2100’, and 2400’ to 4350’ along Elm Creek. The median distance between development and the Colorado River is 1210’ and the Elm Creek is 3180’. This significantly exceeds standard distance separation and allows for a greenbelt and buffer to be set up between the development area and two main water courses. • We are not requesting superiority for this area. • We are not requesting superiority for this area. • We are not requesting superiority for this area. This project plans to use the existing COA purple pipe reclaimed water system or retention-reirrigation for landscape irrigation in public parks and open spaces wherever they are located. • We are not requesting superiority for this area. Clusters impervious cover and disturbed areas in a manner that preserves the most environmentally sensitive areas of the site that are not otherwise protected. Provides porous pavement for at least 20 percent or more of all paved areas for non-pedestrian in non- aquifer recharge areas. Provides porous pavement for at least 50 percent or more of all paved areas limited to pedestrian use. Provides rainwater harvesting for landscape irrigation to serve not less than 50% of the landscaped areas. Directs stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces to a landscaped area at least equal to the total required landscape area. Provides a rating under the Austin Green Builder Program of three stars or above. Austin Green Builder Program • We are not requesting superiority for this area and we will comply with the Tier 1 requirement (2-star rating). SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 14 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM Art REQUIREMENT •Provides art approved by the Art in Public Places Program in open spaces, either by providing the art directly or by making a contribution to the City’s Art in Public Places Program or a successor program. Great Streets Community Amenities Complies with City's Great Streets Program, or a successor program. Applicable only to commercial, retail, or mixed-use development that is not subject to the requirements of Chapter 25-2, Subchapter E (Design Standards and Mixed Use). Provides community or public amenities, which may include spaces for community meetings, community gardens or urban farms, day care facilities, non-profit organizations, or other uses that fulfill an identified community need. Community Amenities Provides publicly accessible multi- use trail and greenway along creek or waterway. Transportation Building Design Provides bicycle facilities that connect to existing or planned bicycle routes or provides other multi-modal transportation features not required by code. Exceeds the minimum points required by the Building Design Options of Section 3.3.2. of Chapter 25-2, Subchapter E (Design Standards and Mixed Use). PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY • • • The Austin Green PUD anticipates participating in the Art in Public Places program. This will be done in accordance with Exhibit C-Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table. The implementation of the arts plan will be developed and managed by the owner, developer, and or POA. A visual arts professional will be the lead to realize a fully conceived Master Arts Plan for the developer. The master art plan shall consist of a minimum of two (2) significant art pieces. Austin Green anticipates repurposing gravel/ stone from the previous mining use as part of an interpretive art program. • Austin Green PUD will adhere to the City of Austin Great Streets program as of 2018. • Community gardens are a permitted use by right in all Austin Green PUD land uses areas. • Austin Green PUD will provide a 1.0 acres site for a Public Library. Site may be located within an open space zoning district. • Austin Green land plan will provide for a 2.5-acre net buildable site for a Fire/EMS Station with good access to major roadways and collector streets. Final site selection must be approved by both AFD and DSD. • Austin Green land plan will provide for an approximate 30 to 35-acre middle/elementary school and a 12 to 15-acre elementary school. • The project is proposing a 3-mile trail along the Colorado River, shown in Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan, (dependent upon approval to build the system and associated features within the Colorado River CWQZ and 25-year floodplain). • Austin Green PUD will provide bicycle facilities throughout the development as shown in Exhibit H- Typical Road Sections. • We will require buildings along the main street in the Town Center to comply with Section 3.3.2. Building Design Options and to have 10% more points than required by code, rounded to the nearest number. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 15 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Superiority Table ITEM Parking Structure Frontage PROPOSED PUD SUPERIORITY • Commercial or mixed-use buildings within MU1 areas will comply if parking garages are provided. REQUIREMENT In a commercial or mixed-use development, at least 75 percent of the building frontage of all parking structures is designed for pedestrian-oriented uses as defined in Section 25-2-691(C) (Waterfront Overlay District Uses) in ground floor spaces. Provides for affordable housing or participation in programs to achieve affordable housing. Affordable Housing • This project is unique to other Planned Unit Development applications in that it is not primarily a greenfield site. In order to prepare the land for its next use, the cost of site work will be higher than other PUD projects. If high affordable housing percentages are required, it will likely push the price of market rate units up beyond attainable levels. • The project proposes to provide 15 percent of total rental units affordable to 60 percent MFI for 40 years, and 5 percent of total ownership units sold to households earning no more than 80 percent MFI and restricted with a fixed equity and resale agreement for a period of 99 years. • The project also allows for a development bonus that would result in greater affordable housing numbers. • We are not requesting superiority for this item. • We are not requesting superiority for this area and will comply with all legal requirements. • One retail or restaurant space, not exceeding 2,500 will be affordable for 10 years after receiving building permit. Affordability will be at 80% of median rental rate. Historic Preservation Accessibility Local Small Business Preserves historic structures, landmarks, or other features to a degree exceeding applicable legal requirements. Provides for accessibility for persons with disabilities to a degree exceeding applicable legal requirements. Provides space at affordable rates to one or more independent retail or restaurant small businesses whose principal place of business is within the Austin metropolitan statistical area. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 16 of 16 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table THE ORIGINAL CODE HAS BEEN PROVIDED IN IN THE “PROPOSED PUD REGULATION” COLUMN IN BLACK, WITH MODIFIED OR REMOVED TEXT HIGHLIGHTED IN RED AND UNDERLINED. The existing permits will continue to regulate mining activity (resource extraction and reclamation) on site. These code modifications will apply to a post-reclamation condition. PROPOSED PUD REGULATION JUSTIFICATION CODE SECTION Other 9-2-3 – General Restrictions General 25-1-21 – Definitions 25-1-21 – Definitions. (11) 25-1-21 – Definitions 25-1-21 – Definitions 25-1-21 – Definitions Modify: (A)(3)operate a machine that separates, gathers, grades, loads, or unloads sand, rock, or gravel within 600 200 feet of a residence, church, hospital, hotel, or motel between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., except for the installation of concrete as authorized under Section 9-2-21 ( Permit for Concrete Installation During Non-Peak Hour Periods ); Addition: ACCESS LOT means a lot on a plat that provides street frontage and joint access for lots that are served by only an alley. Modify: BLOCK means one or more lots, tracts, or parcels of land bounded by streets (public or private), 30’ wide or larger pedestrian paseo or courtyard with a minimum 5’ sidewalk or trail, public or private park space/open space, easement, or plaza space, railroads, or subdivision boundary lines. Addition: COMMON COURTYARD means a lot on a plat that provides street frontage and common green area for lots that are served by only an alley. Buildings that face onto a common courtyard shall be addressed off the nearest street that connects to the common courtyard. This type of housing shall be treated like a single-family structure during permitting processes, thus not subject to Site Development Permit. Modify: GROSS FLOOR AREA means the total enclosed area of all floors in a building with a clear height of more than six feet, measured to the outside surface of the exterior walls. The term includes loading docks and excludes atria airspace, parking facilities, parking structures, driveways, and enclosed loading berths and off-street maneuvering areas. Addition: LIVE/WORK UNIT – Defined according to the International Building Codes and any local amendments. The landowner is currently operating a batch plant/aggregate processing facility on-site and will continue to do so until which time development is approved within 200’ of the plant. At that time or before, the mining operator may choose to move the plant to an alternate location on the site that is further than 200’ from existing residential development. The 200’ buffer is aligned with other buffer standards agreed to for the PUD. This is a term not currently found in the City of Austin Land Development Code. A definition is provided to explain our intent of the term when used in the materials associated with the Austin Green PUD. Creative use of open space, parks, plazas, and paseos will be used throughout the development to achieve maximum walkability, connectivity, and value for the development. This is a term not currently found in the City of Austin Land Development Code. A definition is provided to explain our intent of the term when used in the materials associated with the Austin Green PUD. Vehicular facilities were never anticipated to be included in gross floor areas. It is desirable to clarify that parking structures are excluded from gross floor area as originally intended. It is understood that the Building and Fire Code is a life safety code where alternate methods shall be recommended by a competent design professional. Active fire protection systems related to Live/Work buildings shall be evaluated by a fire protection engineer and passive building systems shall be evaluated by either a fire protection engineer or registered architect. Exhibit B - 2 Code Modification Table SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 1 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table CODE SECTION 25-1-21 – Definitions PROPOSED PUD REGULATION Addition: MIXED RESIDENTIAL (MR) means the land use areas identified as MR on Exhibit C-Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table. The Mixed Residential land use allows a wide diversity of uses including the horizontal or vertical mixture of commercial, civic, and residential on a single lot or site. JUSTIFICATION This is a term not currently found in the City of Austin Land Development Code. A definition is provided to explain our intent of the term when used in the materials associated with the Austin Green PUD. 25-1-21 – Definitions 25-1-21 – Definitions 25-1-21 – Definitions 25-1-21 – Definitions 25-1-21 – Definitions. (98) 25-1-21 – Definitions. (105) Addition: OPEN SPACE (OS) means the land use areas identified as OS on Exhibit C-Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table. The designated OS is intended to provide a continuous system along the Colorado River and key spots near Elm Creek. Addition: MIXED-USE (MU) means the land use areas identified as MU on Exhibit C-Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table. The Mixed-Use land use allows a wide diversity of uses including the horizontal or vertical mixture of commercial, civic, and residential on a single lot or site. Addition: MULTI-UNIT HOUSE means a unified structure on one lot designed to appear like a large single-family residence but is divided into three to eight separate units each with an individual entry. This type of housing shall be treated like a single-family structure during permitting processes, thus not subject to Site Development Permit. Addition: PASEO COURT – means a group of two to eight dwelling units that may be accessed by a private driveway. The Court may or may not be subdivided lots per unit. Buildings that face onto a paseo court shall be addressed off the nearest street that connects to the paseo court. This type of housing shall be treated like a single-family structure during permitting processes, thus not subject to Site Development Permit. Modify: ROADWAY means the portion of a street right-of-way, alley, and/or private road, used for vehicular travel. Modify: SITE means a contiguous area intended for development, or the area on which a building has been proposed to be built or has been built. A site may not cross a public street or right-of-way. A site within the Austin Green PUD boundary may cross a public street or right-of-way. This is a term not currently found in the City of Austin Land Development Code. A definition is provided to explain our intent of the term when used in the materials associated with the Austin Green PUD. This is a term not currently found in the City of Austin Land Development Code. A definition is provided to explain our intent of the term when used in the materials associated with the Austin Green PUD. It is understood that if the units per lot exceed 2 dwelling units, then Fire Code requires that fire access and sufficient water supplies be available at the site development phase. Fire access design must be provided by a design from a licensed geotechnical engineer for pavement design and civil engineer for vertical and horizontal geometric design. This is a term not currently found in the City of Austin Land Development Code. A definition is provided to explain our intent of the term when used in the materials associated with the Austin Green PUD. We are expanding upon the given definition in the Land Development Code to include all vehicular paths that may be used within the Austin Green project. The Austin Green PUD boundary is 2,126.25 acres and is split into five tracts by SH 130, FM 973, and Harold Green Road. In order to create a compressive design throughout the entirety of the development, flexibility for a site to cross a public ROW is needed. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 2 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table CODE SECTION 25-1-21 – Definitions. (110) PROPOSED PUD REGULATION Modify: STANDARD LOT means a lot of at least 5,750 1,000 square feet and less than 10,000 square feet. 25-1-21 – Definitions 25-1-602 – Dedication of Parkland (A) 25-1-606 (B) – Parkland Development Fee Zoning Title 25 versus Title 30 25-2-243 – Proposed District Boundaries Must Be Contiguous (A). 25-2, Subchapter B, Article 2, Division 5, Subpart B, Section 2.1 (Compliance Required) Addition: YARD HOUSE is one of several forms of Single-Family Residential uses. This use allows an accessory dwelling unit, but only if it is constructed over the garage. This type of housing shall be treated like a single-family structure during permitting processes, thus not subject to Site Development Permit. Modify: (A) A subdivision or site plan applicant shall provide for the parkland needs of the residents by the dedication of suitable land for park and recreational purposes under the terms of Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan. this article or by payment of a fee in-lieu of dedication under Section 25-l-605 (Fee In-Lieu of Parkland Dedication). Modify: Replaced all of Subsection B with the following: (B) The amount of the development fee is set at $100 per dwelling unit more than the what the fee would be as required by code and as updated annually. Any surplus development funds may be used as a credit for future phases.” Whenever the same site development regulating factor (definition, design standards, etc.) occurs both within Title 25 (City of Austin Land Development Code) and Tile 30 (Austin/Travis County Subdivision Regulations), unless otherwise stated within these code modifications, Title 25 (City of Austin Land Development Code) shall take precedence over Title 30 regulations. Modify: The district zoning boundary for the Austin Green PUD may include noncontiguous tracts of land. Modify: An applicant who seeks to have property designated as a PUD zoning district must demonstrate that the proposed development complies with this division. Additional land area that is located within and/or adjacent to the Austin Green PUD Zoning boundary may be amended into the Austin Green PUD without having to demonstrate additional compliance and superiority with this division. JUSTIFICATION To achieve the qualities of a Town Center as defined in Imagine Austin, and to keep housing prices attainable densities will need to be increased through a variety of housing options. Having a smaller minimum area provides flexibility in the housing/unit configurations without requiring a specific site plan. This is a term not currently found in the City of Austin Land Development Code. We wanted to provide a definition to explain our intent of the use of the term. Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan shows the intent of maintaining a corridor of open space along the Colorado River and key areas near Elm Creek. Some of this area will be officially designated as parkland once an analysis for development feasibility occurs. Outside of this zone, all residential units will be within a quarter mile of either open space or a publicly accessible park within the developed (built) area. The Austin Green wishes to be superior to code in this area, but also wants to limit the expense per unit as the vision is for market-rate housing attainable to the areas working class families. Reclamation work to build parks should be counted towards this number. The Austin Green project is located within the City of Austin’s 2-mile ETJ and is going through the City’s PUD approval process. To reduce confusion and potential conflict between contradictory regulations we would like to state up front on which ordinance we are basing our code modifications. Project site is split into five tracts by SH 130, FM 973, and Harold Green Road. These five tracts, are the same boundaries as the MUD boundaries created by Senator Watson and Representative Rodriguez. Over time, land immediately adjacent to the site may become controlled by the applicant and will help to achieve other mutually shared goals such as better connectivity. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 3 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table PROPOSED PUD REGULATION Remove: (C) for multifamily development, the maximum floor to area ratio; JUSTIFICATION To remain compact and connected, the primary criteria for density shall be based on a contribution to overall impervious coverage, unit count and height maximums. Remove: (B) the maximum floor area ratio, which may not be greater than the maximum floor to area ratio permitted in the most restrictive base zoning district in which proposed use is permitted; To remain compacted and connected, the primary criteria for density shall be based on a contribution to overall impervious coverage, unit count and height maximums. Building locations shall be tied to street types and building types. CODE SECTION 25-2, Subchapter B, Article 2, Subpart C, Section 3.2.2. (C) (Residential Uses) 25-2, Subchapter B, Article 2, Subpart C, Section 3.2.3. (B) (Nonresidential Uses) 25-2, Subchapter B, Article 2, Subpart C, Section 3.2.4 (Industrial Uses) 25-2, Subchapter B, Article 2, Subpart B, Section 2.5.2.B – Requirements for Exceeding Baseline. Modify: (D) the minimum front yard and street side yard setbacks, shall be modified as stated in Exhibit E- Proposed Site Development Regulations. which must be not less than the greater of: 1. 25 feet for a front yard, and 15 feet for a street side yard; or 2. those required by Subchapter C, Article 10 (Compatibility Standards); Modify: The existing and potential future relocation of the batch plant/aggregate processing facility shall meet the performance standards in the existing site development permits for the current batch plant/aggregate processing facility. An All other industrial uses must comply with the performance standards established by Section 25-2-648 (Planned Development Area (PDA) Performance Standards ). Modify: (B). the developer either: 1. for developments with residential units, provides contract commitments and performance guarantees that provide affordable housing meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 2.5.3 (Requirements for Rental Housing) and Section 2.5.4 (Requirements for Ownership Housing); or 2. for developments with no residential units, either provides contract commitments and performance guarantees that provide affordable housing meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 2.5.3 ( Requirements for Rental Housing ) and Section 2.5.4 ( Requirements for Ownership Housing ) OR provides the amount established under Section 2.5.6 ( In Lieu Donation ) for each square foot of bonus square footage above the baseline to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund to be used for producing or financing affordable housing, as determined by the Director of the Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Department. There is an existing batch plant/aggregate processing facility on site that may need to be moved from its current location to somewhere else on sight to facilitate the construction of the Harold Green Roadway project for Travis County, as well as the development of the project. The new batch plant/aggregate processing facility should be held to the standards of the current batch plant/aggregate processing facility. The exact size and density of the future development will be contingent on the market and may benefit from a future development bonus. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 4 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table CODE SECTION 25-2, Subchapter E: Design Standards and Mixed Use; Section 1.2.4 Exemptions. 25-2-491 – Permitted, Conditional, And Prohibited Uses 25-2-492 – Site Development Regulations 25-2-770 – Conservation Single Family Residential Use 25-2-772 – Single- family Attached Residential use PROPOSED PUD REGULATION Modify: The list of exemptions #6 to be modified as such: Development of an industrial use or unmanned communication services, construction sales and service, drop-off recycling collection facility, equipment repair or scrap and salvage services use that is not located on a Core Transit Corridor (industrial uses in MU-2 shall not be exempt from the following Standards 2.2: Relationship of Buildings to Streets and Walkways, 2.4: Building Entryways, 2.5: Exterior Lighting, 2.6: Screening of Equipment and Utilities.). Modify: (A) Exhibit D-Proposed Zoning Use Summary Table The table in Subsection (C) provides the permitted and conditional uses for each base district. "P" means a use is a permitted use, "C" means a use is a conditional use, and "X" “- “means a use is prohibited. Endnotes provide additional information. Modify: (A) The Exhibit E-Proposed Site Development Regulations in Subsection (D) establishes the principal site development regulations for each zoning district. Addition: (a)(3) or within Austin Green PUD. Modify: (A) For a single-family attached residential use, refer to Exhibit E-Proposed Site Development Regulations for site development standards. the base zoning district regulations are superseded by the requirements of this section. Remove: (B-F) 25-2-775 - Townhouses Modify: (B) Refer to Exhibit E-Proposed Site Development Regulations. Remove: (C, E and H) 25-2-779 – Small Lot Single-family Residential Use Modify: (B) Refer to Exhibit E-Proposed Site Development Regulations for site development standards This section supersedes the base zoning district regulations to the extent of conflict. Remove: (C-N) JUSTIFICATION Industrial development will be held to a higher standard than in other areas of the city. Zone districts are planned to be more mixed-use than the base zoning district would allow. The Austin Green PUD is proposing denser and more compact uses to maximize the open space and ecological amenities of the site. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have more flexibility in the minimum lot size and setbacks for the Austin Green PUD land uses. The Austin Green PUD have protected and enhanced environmental features that may benefit from a conservation easement and this section of the code. Amended to limit confusion about lot sizes. The Austin Green PUD is proposing denser and more compact uses to maximize the open space and ecological amenities of the site. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have more flexibility in the minimum lot size and setbacks for the Austin Green PUD land uses. Amended to limit confusion about lot sizes. The Austin Green PUD is proposing denser and more compact uses to maximize the open space and ecological amenities of the site. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have more flexibility in the minimum lot size and setbacks for the Austin Green PUD land uses. The Austin Green PUD is proposing denser and more compact uses to maximize the open space and ecological amenities of the site. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have more flexibility in the minimum lot size and setbacks for the Austin Green PUD land uses. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 5 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table CODE SECTION 25-2-1006 – Visual Screening PROPOSED PUD REGULATION Modify: (A) (1-2) Only green stormwater quality facilities that comply with ECM 1.6.7 criteria, and are designed to serve as amenities, are exempt from screening required by Section 25-2-1006(A). JUSTIFICATION Environmentally sensitive approaches to stormwater management triggers vegetation as a primary surface. Therefore, screening requirements should be focused on structural components. Compatibility from one of the five parcels to another is not required. 25-2-1051 – Applicability (Compatibility Standards) 25-2-1052 – Exceptions (Compatibility Standards) Subdivision 25-4-62 – Expiration of Approved Preliminary Plan 30-2-62 – Expiration of Approved Preliminary Plan 25-4-86 – Effect of Preliminary Plan Expiration 25-4-153 – Block Length Modify: (C) Under this article, residential property in a planned unit development (PUD) zoning district is treated as property in an SF-5 zoning district if the PUD land use plan establishes the density for the residential area at 12.44 units per acre or less. Compatibility is not triggered between tracts within the Austin Green Project Area, but only to tracts outside and adjacent to the Austin Green PUD exterior boundaries. Addition: (4) Areas within the Austin Green Project Area. Modify: An approved preliminary plan expires five Seven years after the date the application for approval of the preliminary plan is submitted. Remove: Unnecessary, if the preliminary plan does not expire. Remove: Unnecessary, if the preliminary plan does not expire. Modify: (A) A block may not exceed 1,200 1,600 feet in length, except as provided in this section. A block may exceed 1,600 feet if future connections will be constructed that will reduce the block to not more than 1,600 feet, and such streets are depicted on plans. Modify: (B) A residential block that is parallel and adjacent to an arterial street may be up to 1,500 2,000 feet in length. A block may exceed 2,000 feet if future connections will be constructed that will reduce the block to not more than 2,000 feet, and such streets are depicted on plans. Compatibility from one of the five parcels to another is not required. This a large project with many phases. Because of the activities still occurring under the site development permit that allows for mining, redevelopment and applicable grading improvements required to prepare the land for the next land use may take more time than a standard PUD. This a large project with many phases. Because of the activities still occurring under the site development permit that allows for mining, redevelopment and applicable grading improvements required to prepare the land for the next land use may take more time than a standard PUD. This a large project with many phases. Because of the activities still occurring the site development permit that allows for mining, redevelopment and applicable grading improvements required to prepare the land for the next land use may take more time than a standard PUD. Given the large amount of floodplain/open space and other encumbrances to connectivity, large blocks may be necessary at times. Given the large amount of floodplain/open space and other encumbrances to connectivity, large blocks may be necessary at times. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 6 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table CODE SECTION PROPOSED PUD REGULATION Addition: A block adjacent to open space, utility easements, mine land or other encumbrances to connectivity are exempt from these requirements. JUSTIFICATION Given the large amount of floodplain/open space and other encumbrances to connectivity, large blocks may be necessary at times. 25-4-171 – Access to Lots 25-4-174 – Lot Size. Modify: (A) Each lot in a subdivision shall abut a dedicated public street. In the case where the home faces common courtyard or private street the alley will be a dedicated public road. Modify/Remove: Remove current section for residential lot standards. Lot sizes are determined within Exhibit E-Site Development Regulations. Austin Green will have a variety of product types, some of which will open on to courtyards and open space. To achieve the qualities of a Town Center as defined in Imagine Austin, development standards will be amended. 25-4-232 (C) (1- 21) – Small Lot Subdivisions. Remove: Remove section (C) requirements. Lot sizes and setbacks are determined within Exhibit E- Proposed Site Development Regulations. To achieve the qualities of a Town Center as defined in Imagine Austin, development standards will be amended. Modify: (22) Maintenance of a common area or access easement is the responsibility of the adjoining property owner, the Municipal Utility District or the homeowners' association, in accordance with the required Declaration of Covenants, Easements, and Restrictions. (5) provisions obligating the adjoining property owner, the Municipal Utility District or the homeowners' association to maintain common areas and access easements. Remove: Remove section (E) requirements. Lot sizes and setbacks are determined within Exhibit E- Proposed Site Development Regulations. Remove: Waive section in its entirety. Remove: Waive section in its entirety. Remove: Waive section in its entirety. 25-4-232 (C) (22) and (D) (5) – Small Lot Subdivisions. 25-4-233 – Single- Family Attached Residential Subdivision. Transportation 25-6-113 – Traffic Impact Analysis Required 25-6-114 – Neighborhood Traffic Analysis Required 25-6-116 – Desirable Operating Levels for Certain Streets It is understood that small lot subdivisions shall provide relief for the minimum unobstructed fire apparatus access and operational area defined in the Fire Code or requirements for fire separation distance as defined in the Building Code. The Municipal Utility District can use funds for maintenance. To achieve the qualities of a Town Center as defined in Imagine Austin, development standards will be amended. A TIA will be reviewed and approved with the rezoning to PUD. Therefore, a TIA will not need to be updated if development proceeds as approved in the Austin Green PUD. A TIA will be reviewed and approved with the rezoning to PUD. Therefore, an NTA will not need to be updated if development proceeds as approved in the Austin Green PUD. A TIA will be reviewed and approved with the rezoning to PUD. The TIA will focus on intersection operations and will recommend street c/s based primarily on the anticipated function of the roadway. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 7 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table PROPOSED PUD REGULATION Modify: (A) Except as provided in Subsections (B) and (C), a roadway, street, or alley must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Transportation Criteria Manual and City of Austin Standards and Standard Specifications and Exhibit H-Typical Road Sections. Travis County and The City of Austin Transportation Departments may also administratively approve the use of innovative and/or alternative roadway designs not listed in the Transportation Criteria Manual, City of Austin Standards and Standard Specifications, or Exhibit H-Typical Road Sections. Modify: (C) Access to a lot from an alley is permitted must be approved by the city manager. Modify: (A) Except as provided in Section 25-6-473 ( Modification Of Parking Requirement), a parking facility for a use must comply with 60 percent of that prescribed by the LDC Section 25-6 Appendix A (Tables of Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements) in MU-1 and 100% of the requirements in Appendix A (Tables Of Off-Street Parking And Loading Requirements) in all other zones. A. Local Streets. Local streets are intended primarily to serve traffic within a neighborhood or within a limited district. Local streets are not continuous through several districts. A design speed of 25 mph is permitted on local streets within the Mixed Residential (MR) land use. A design speed of less than 30 mph may be allowed for local streets if supported by an engineering study satisfactory to the entity that will adopt speed limits for the road. Modify: (B) In the suburban watersheds, a critical water quality zone is established along each waterway classified under Section 25-8-91 (Waterway Classifications). (B) Within the boundaries of the Austin Green PUD, in the Colorado River and Elm Creek waterways, a critical water quality zone will be established at the time of Preliminary Plan in accordance with Exhibit N-Proposed CWQZ. CODE SECTION 25-6-171 – Standards for Design and Construction. 25-6-292 – Design and Construction Standards 25-6-472 – Parking Facility Standards Transportation Criteria Manual 1.3.0 – Geometric Design Criteria Environmental 25-8-92 – Critical Water Quality Zones Established 30-5-92 – Critical Water Quality Zones Established 25-8-213 – Water Quality Control Standards JUSTIFICATION In order to provide a compact and connected community, we would like to provide a few alternative street sections that allow for additional pedestrian and bike connections. With a compacted and connected development, along with the desired densities to help ensure attainability, alley access will be necessary, as applicable. With a compacted and connected development, shared parking is desirable. Many of the City’s recent regulating plans allow for this level of shared parking. In order to create a compact neighborhood, the flexibility of adding in a minimum radius for 25 mph by right for only local streets within a MR zone is necessary. The assumed Critical Water Quality Zones do not represent existing conditions. Exhibit N-Proposed CWQZ illustrates our proposed CWQZ. Addition: (E) Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing shall be construed in this section as prohibiting the Owner/Developer from modifying the existing mined areas for the purposes of stormwater management including, but not limited to, construction of water quality structures and slope stabilization. This is a mining site, with site development permit that allows for mining. Those permits also allow the owner to prepare the land for the next use. To do that, grading of existing mined areas may be necessary to create water quality structures and stabilize the existing slopes. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 8 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN JUSTIFICATION PARD has indicated a strong desire to implement the Austin Urban Trails Master Plan, Colorado River Corridor Plan, and the Austin-Bastrop River Corridor Plan, which all require trails and amenities that engage with the Colorado River and its tributaries. Once the PUD is approved by Council, Exhibit F- Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan becomes the approved master plan for Austin Green. Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table CODE SECTION 25-8-261 – Critical Water Quality Zone Development PROPOSED PUD REGULATION Modified: (B2) A master planned park that is approved by the council may include recreational development other than that described in Subsection (B)(1). The following parks and open space amenities as shown on Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan are allowed in the Critical Water Quality Zone and within 100 feet from the ordinary high- water mark of the Colorado River and Elm Creek if they are designed in a manner that is consistent with other City of Austin parkland in the CWQZ: retention basins, floodplain enhancements, non-motorized watercraft launches in the ponds, picnic areas, bathrooms, trails, trail and pedestrian amenities, fishing areas, interpretive signs and seating and other applicable items determined at the time of site plan. The following parks and open space amenities as shown on Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan are allowed in the Critical Water Quality Zone but not within 100 feet from the ordinary high-water mark of the Colorado River and Elm Creek if they are designed in a manner that is consistent with other City of Austin parkland in the CWQZ: retention basins, floodplain enhancements, non- motorized watercraft launches in the ponds, picnic areas, bathrooms, shade pavilions, bird viewing blinds, trails, trail and pedestrian amenities, fishing areas, docks and decks, interpretive signs, seating and other applicable items determined at the time of site plan. Modify: (C) In all watersheds, multi-use trails may cross be located in a critical water quality zone of any waterway. 25-8-262 – Critical Water Quality Zone Street Crossing PARD has indicated a strong desire to implement the Austin Urban Trails Master Plan, Colorado River Corridor Plan, and the Austin-Bastrop River Corridor Plan, which all require trails and amenities that engage with the Colorado River and its tributaries. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 9 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN JUSTIFICATION Exhibit W-CEF and Buffers includes the total amount of CEF fringe acreage within the Austin Green PUD boundary and indicates which we will preserve, disturb, and mitigate for CEFs. The project will mitigate for any impacts to areas identified on Exhibit W-CEF and Buffers at a ratio of 1.5:1 (1.5-unit area of mitigation for 1-unit area of CEF impact) of equal quality based on the information provided in the ERI. Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table CODE SECTION 25-8-281 – Critical Environmental Features PROPOSED PUD REGULATION Modify: (A) Drainage patterns for proposed development must be designed to protect critical environmental features as shown on Exhibit W-CEF and Buffers from the effects of runoff from developed areas, and to maintain the catchment areas of recharge features in a natural state. Special controls must be used where necessary to avoid the effects of erosion, or sedimentation, or high rates of flow. (B) A residential lot may not include a critical environmental feature or be located within 50 feet of a critical environmental feature as shown on Exhibit W-CEF and Buffers. (C) This subsection prescribes the requirements for critical environmental feature buffer zones as shown on Exhibit W-CEF and Buffers. (C)(2) Within a buffer zone described in this subsection: (a) the natural vegetative cover must be retained to the maximum extent practicable; (b) construction is prohibited; and (c) wastewater disposal or irrigation is prohibited. No Grading will be allowed within the 150-foot setback for the five (5) CEF springs along the Colorado River within 580 feet west (upstream) of the TxDOT SH 130 ROW. Grading may occur within the outermost 50 feet of the standard 150-foot setback for all other CEF springs along the Colorado River as long as grading does not encroach within 10 vertical feet of the elevation of the respective CEF spring. If grading is anticipated in the outermost 50 feet of CEF spring setback, then the elevation of that spring will be field verified during detailed grading design. Any impacts to Wetland CEFs and Wetland CEF buffers will follow the terms of Exhibit W-CEF and Buffers. Remove: Waive section in its entirety. 25-8-301 – Construction of a Roadway or Driveway 25-8-302 – Construction of a Building or Parking Area 25-8-321 – Clearing of Vegetation For reclamation and grading purposes, we ask that this section be waived for the project. Remove: Waive section in its entirety. For reclamation and grading purposes, we ask that this section be waived for the project. Addition: (D) Clearing of vegetation is allowed within the PUD boundary for the following purposes: (1) Laying back existing slopes to less than 5:1; (2) Stabilize sloped area; and (3) To fulfill reclamation standards in accordance with Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines and Exhibit J- Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas,. Current development permits allow for clearing vegetation. Clearing of existing vegetation may be necessary to reshape the land to prepare for the next use and create a more usable space for public use. Therefore, we ask that certain conditions not require director’s approval. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 10 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table CODE SECTION 25-8-341 – Cut Requirements PROPOSED PUD REGULATION Remove: Waive section in its entirety, including cut/fill greater than 8 feet. 25-8-342 – Fill Requirements Remove: Waive section in its entirety, including cut/fill greater than 8 feet. 25-8-641 – Removal Prohibited Modify: (B) A permit to remove a heritage tree may be issued only if a variance is approved under Section 25- 8-642 (Administrative Variance) as amended in this PUD or 25-8-643 (Land Use Commission Variance). 25-8-642 – Administrative Variance Addition: (A)(4) if required for construction of Harold Green Road, only after making the findings required in 25-8-642. Areas of potential impact are shown in Exhibit C-Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table. Transplanting a heritage tree is not considered removal if the criteria in ECM Section 3.5.4.E are met. Please refer to Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines and Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas for reclamation and tree planting standards. JUSTIFICATION Current site development permits do not limit cut/fill to 4’. All previously mined areas will need to be prepared for the future use of a Major Town Center as described in Imagine Austin. We are proposing to do extensive grading work to further activate the floodplain while also creating levels of regional retention facilities to better serve the City and County and correct some of the drainage and flooding issues created by the construction of SH130. Not all areas within the PUD boundary contain existing mining permits. Current site development permits do not limit cut/fill to 4’. All previously mined areas will need to be prepared for the future use of a Major Town Center as described in Imagine Austin. we are proposing to do extensive grading work to further activate the floodplain while also creating levels of regional retention facilities to better serve the City and County and correct some of the drainage and flooding issues created by the construction of SH130. Not all areas within the PUD boundary contain existing mining permits. With Atlas 14, the proposed Right-of-Way of Harold Green Road is now in the floodplain. The land will need to be altered in order to take the Right-of-Way out of the new floodplain. This roadway project is a part of the 2017 County Bond, specifically to provide a secondary emergency service and neighborhood access from SH 130 to Austin Colony Subdivision. With Atlas 14, the proposed Right-of-Way of Harold Green Road is now in the floodplain. The land will need to be altered in order to take the Right-of-Way out of the new floodplain. This roadway project is a part of the 2017 County Bond, specifically to provide a secondary emergency service and neighborhood access from SH 130 to Austin Colony Subdivision. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 11 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Austin Green PUD Code Modification Table CODE SECTION Division 3 – Heritage Trees PROPOSED PUD REGULATION Modify: If heritage trees are found in the ultimate alignment for Harold Green, these trees will be exempt from the tree protection ordinance. ECM 1.5.3 (B) Open Space ECM 1.5.3 (C) Boat Docks, Piers, Wharfs, and Marinas Site Development 25-5-21 – Phased Site Plan 25-5-81 – Site Plan Expiration Modify: Open space includes the following uses: • Public or Private Park. Park facilities include retention basins, floodplain enhancements, non- motorized watercraft launches in the ponds, picnic areas, bathrooms, shade pavilions, bird viewing blinds, trails, trail and pedestrian amenities, fishing areas, docks and decks, interpretive signs, seating, mowed meadow, informal lawn space and other applicable items determined at the time of site plan uses like picnic facilities, benches, community gardens, and other recreational amenities and appurtenances. However, parking lots are not an allowed use within the Critical Water Quality Zone. Requirements and guidance for sustainable urban agriculture and community gardens are discussed further below. Modify: Boat docks, piers, wharfs, and marinas, as well as necessary access and appurtenances, are permitted along Lake Travis, Lake Austin, and Lake Travis. These uses are not permitted along the Colorado River downstream of Longhorn Dam except as described in Exhibit F-Proposed Parkland and Open Space Plan Master Plan. Approval by the Watershed Protection Department of chemicals used to treat the building materials that will be submerged in water is required before a permit may be issued or a site plan released. Modify: (B) The director may approve development phasing if the date proposed for beginning construction on the final phase is not more than three years seven years after the approval date for the site plan. Planning Commission approval is required for development phasing if the date proposed for beginning construction of a phase is more than three years seven years after the approval date of the site plan. Modify: (B) Except as provided in Subsections (C), (D), and (E) of this section, a site plan expires three years seven years after the date of its approval. JUSTIFICATION We are requesting that the Harold Green Road extension (which is a County funded project and goes through the property) be exempt from the tree protection ordinance, including the heritage tree ordinance. With Atlas 14, the Right of Way is now in the floodplain. The land will need to be altered in order to take the Right of Way out of the new floodplain as much as possible. This roadway project is a part of the 2017 County Bond, specifically to provide a secondary emergency service and neighborhood access from SH 130 to Austin Colony Subdivision. Austin Green is a river-oriented community where people can connect with the nature around them. A variety of ecological enhancements, retention, recreational and educational facilities are planned for areas near the Colorado River and Elm Creek. Austin Green is a river-oriented community where people can connect with the nature around them. The floating dock is proposed on a small tributary to the main channel that has already been impacted by the current industrial use on the site. This provides water access in the same location as described in the adopted Austin-Bastrop Colorado River Corridor Plan. Site plans may include plans for preparing the land for its next use. Therefore, additional time may be necessary given the unconventional nature of the project. Site plans may include plans for preparing the land for its next use. Therefore, added time may be necessary given the unconventional nature of the project. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 12 of 13 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Elm Creek OS OS RES 0 600' 1200' GRAPHIC SCALE 600' For a complete description of proposed plan, please reference the following exhibits: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Exhibit A - Description of Property Exhibit B - Zoning Map (provided by COA) Exhibit C - Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table Exhibit D - Proposed Zoning Use Summary Table Exhibit E - Proposed Site Development Regulations Exhibit F - Proposed Parkland & Open Space Master Plan Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts Exhibit H - Typical Road Sections Exhibit I - Proposed Reclamation Guidelines Exhibit J - Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas Exhibit M - Existing CWQZ Exhibit N - Proposed CWQZ Exhibit R - Carbon Impact Statement Form Exhibit U - Proposed Phasing Map Exhibit V- Code Comparison Chart Exhibit W - CEF and Buffers Exhibit X - Example Housing Products Density Summary Table LANDUSE DISTRICT APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PROPOSED MAXIMUM DENSITY PER DISTRICT Mixed-Use 1 (MU1) 237.44 Acres Mixed-Use 2 (MU 2) 310.24 Acres Mixed-Residential (MR) 870.35 Acres Open Space (OS) 708.22 Acres Up to: 6,000 dwelling units; and 1,200,000 SF Commercial/Civic Up to: 3,000 dwelling units; and 1,200,000 SF Commerical/Civic Up to: 6,000 dwelling units; and 200,000 SF Commercial/Civic Up to: 0 dwelling units; and 100,000 SF Commercial/Civic 12,800 Units 2,250,000 SF 65% of total PUD Boundary (2,126.26 acres) equals 1,382.06 acres. One percent of the total impervious cover allowed (13.82 acres) shall be reserved for use within the Open Space Land Use District or other Parkland. Total Maximum Residential Units Allowed Total Maximum Commerical Squuare Feet (SF) Allowed Total Maximum Impervious Cover r e o R i v d a r C o l o IND OS7 (113.40 Acres) IND MU2 (109.95 Acres) SH-130 / SH-45 MR (339.71 Acres) MR (339.71 Acres) To be connected by the approved and funded Travis County CIP project. OS FM 973 IND Platt Lane Harold Green Road IND 1B MU2 (18.09 Acres) 1A MU2 (98.09 Acres) Potential Roundabout MU1 (237.43 Acres) OS MU2 (69.54 Acres) RES Garden Valley COM OS COM Glen Grove COM RES FM 973 Prado OS Hornsby Glen RES MU2 (9.68 Acres COM RES Valley Del Rio MU1 (237.43 Acres) 2 Potential Roundabout OS3 (173.09 Acres) OS COM Proposed CWQZ Proposed Waste Water Treatment Plant Location 1 5 4 - H S / 0 3 1 - H S 3 MR (271.73 Acres) 2 MR Hazardous Pipe Easement (247.80 Acres) W W W W OS2 (47.22 Acres) CIV OS1 (63.41 Acres) OS Proposed 100-Year Floodplain Proposed 25-Year Floodplain Exhibit C - Austin Green Land Use Map and Density Table AUSTIN GREEN PUD EXHIBIT C: PROPOSED LAND USE MAP & DENSITY TABLE SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 FM 969 MU2 (4.87 Acres) MR (10.29 Acres) OS6 (222.01 Acres) OS E l m C r e e k OS MR (339.71 Acres) Proposed Waste Water Treatment Plant Location 2 OS Austin Colony RES OS OS5 (71.78 Acres) OS OS4 (17.31 Acres) OS Proposed Land Use Districts Mixed-Use 1 (MU1) (237.44 ac. / 11.2%) Mixed-Use 2 (MU2) (310.24 ac. / 14.6%) Mixed-Residential (MR) (870.35 ac. / 40.9%) Open Space (OS) (708.22 ac. / 33.3%) 4-Lane Minor Arterial* 2-Lane Minor Arterial* # Refers to Street Section Number in Exhibit H Potential Location for Public Art** Potential Trail Connections Total PUD Boundary Land Area = 2126.251 1Total acreage in PUD Zoning Boundary is 3.98 acres greater than surveyed boundary to account for the addition of including the existing Harold Green ROW, east of SH-130. *Road and trail alignments are preliminary and subject to change **This map represents the potential locations for significant art pieces. A minimum of two (2) significant art piece locations shall be dedicated within the Austin Green PUD. The exact location and sizes of these pieces shall be determined after the future land improvement strategy for development areas has been completed. Existing Surrounding Land Uses 500' Buffer from property line Commercial (COM) Residential (RES) Undeveloped/Open Space (OS) Civic (CIV) Industrial (IND) PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit C-Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table General Notes: 1. 4. 6. 7. 9. So long as uses are permitted in a zoning district, residential units and commercial/civic square footage may be transferred from one zoning district to another provided that the overall project maximum for residential units and commercial square footage are not exceeded. 2. All maximum allowable densities are subject to Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). 3. Maximum residential units and commercial square footage were submitted with Austin Green SER and Water District Application. The Austin Green PUD will comply with the Land Development Code and Transportation Criteria Manual (TCM) requirements, which include but are not limited to: right-of-way width, street design, driveway criteria, stopping sight distance, sidewalks, block length, accessibility requirements, parking, loading requirements, etc., unless otherwise clearly identified in the approved PUD Plan. 5. On boundary streets with a width less than specified in the Transportation Plan or TCM, dedication of additional right-of- way is required at the subdivision final plat stage. Survey ties across all existing streets bordering or traversing this development must be provided to verify existing right-of-way width and help determine if additional right-of-way is needed (or provide a copy of the street deeds). The Austin Green PUD shall meet the current City of Austin Land Development Code and Transportation Criteria Manual requirements for Dead-End Streets which include: street design criteria, right-of-way, emergency access criteria, etc. The Austin Green PUD shall meet the current City of Austin Land Development Code and Transportation Criteria Manual requirements as it pertains to blocks. Block lengths greater than 2,000 feet require Land Use Commission approval. 8. Driveway access to a county road will require the approval from Travis County. Driveway access to a State-maintained roadway will require the approval from TxDOT. The land provided for Fire, EMS, library, and schools shall be graded and compacted to developable levels before the agency takes ownership, however the land must be adjacent to phases that are being developed. Fire/EMS and school sites will be reclaimed to the standards identified in Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines and Exhibit U-Proposed Phasing Map by the time the sites are available for the agency to develop. That timing of reclamation will occur as infrastructure and utilities to the sites are available. Reclamation plans will be based on discussions with Fire/EMS and schools to ensure that the correct level of grading, compaction and plantings are agreed upon prior to reclamation activities if possible. SUBMITTAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 Page 1 of 1 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table The Land Use Commission must approve all Conditional Uses. MU1 MU2 MR NOTES LAND USE RESIDENTIAL Bed & Breakfast (Group 1) Bed & Breakfast (Group 2) Condominium Residential Conservation Single Family Residential Duplex Residential Group Residential Multifamily Residential Retirement Housing (Small Site) Retirement Housing (Large Site) Short -Term Rental Single-Family Attached Residential Multi-Unit House (3 to 8 Plex) Townhouse Residential Single-Family Detached Residential Yard House Small Lot Single-Family Residential Paseo Court Two-Family Residential COMMERCIAL Administrative and Business Offices Agricultural Sales and Services Alternative Financial Services Art Gallery Art Workshop Automotive Rentals Automotive Repair Services Automotive Sales Automotive Washing (of any type) Bail Bond Services Building Maintenance Services Business or Trade School Business Support Services Campground Carriage Stable Cocktail Lounge Commercial Blood Plasma Center Commercial Off-Street Parking Communications Services Construction Sales and Services Consumer Convenience Services Consumer Repair Services P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P - P P P P* - - - P - P P - - P* - P P - P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P* P P P P P P P - P* - P P P P P P P P P P - P P P P P P P P P P P P P - - P P - - - - - - - - P - C - - - - P P As defined in the technical codes and associated local amendments. *An automotive rental use may keep not more than 20 vehicles on site. Maximum cumulative site area is 22,000 square feet in each Land Use Area. * A single occupant may not exceed 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. * A single occupant may not exceed 10,000 square feet unless greater square footage is approved through a conditional use permit. Off street parking in the OS district must be associated with commercial services allowed in OS; parking for the purposes of access to open space (if applicable); and for maintenance. P (Permitted) C (Conditional Use Permitted) - (Not Permitted) Mixed Use (MU) 1 & 2 Mixed Residential (MR) Parkland and Open Space (OS) Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 Page 1 of 5 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table The Land Use Commission must approve all Conditional Uses. LAND USE Convenience Storage MU1 MU2 MR NOTES C* C* P * An accessory use to multi-family, mixed-use and condominiums. Standalone convenience storage is not permitted. Drop-Off Recycling Collection Facility Electronic Prototype Assembly Electronic Testing Equipment Repair Services Equipment Sales Exterminating Services Financial Services Food Preparation Food Sales Funeral Services General Retail Sales (Convenience) General Retail Sales (General) Hotel-Motel Indoor Entertainment Indoor Sports and Recreation Kennels Laundry Services Liquor Sales Live/Work Unit Marina Medical Offices (> 5000 sq. ft. gross floor area) Medical Offices (< 5000 sq. ft. gross floor area) Monument Retail Sales Off-Site Accessory Parking Outdoor Entertainment Outdoor Sports and Recreation Pawn Shop Services Pedicab Storage and Dispatch Personal Improvement Services Personal Services Pet Services Plant Nursery - - - - - - P P P - P P P P P P* P* P P P P P - P P P - P P P P P C P - P P - P P P P P P P P P P P P P - P P P P - P P P P P P P P* - P - - - - - - P - P - P - - - - - - - P - - C P - - P P C - *A kennel use must be conducted entirely within an enclosed structure. *A single occupant may not exceed 2,000 square feet. As defined in the International Building Code (IBC) and local amendments to the IBC. Allows for all applicable public or private sports facilities and accessory uses, including buildings and structures necessary for the sports facility to function. P (Permitted) C (Conditional Use Permitted) - (Not Permitted) Mixed Use (MU) 1 & 2 Mixed Residential (MR) Parkland and Open Space (OS) SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 Page 2 of 5 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table The Land Use Commission must approve all Conditional Uses. LAND USE Printing and Publishing MU1 MU2 MR NOTES P* P** P* *A single occupant may not exceed 5,000 square feet of gross floor area or produce external noise, vibration, smoke, odor, heat, glare, fumes, electrical interference or waste runoff. Outdoor storage of materials and wholesale distribution of goods is prohibited. The use is limited to printing equipment typically used in a business office. **A single occupant may not exceed 2,500 square feet of gross floor area or produce external noise, vibration, smoke, odor, heat, glare, fumes, electrical interference or waste runoff. Outdoor storage of materials and wholesale distribution of goods is prohibited. The use is limited to printing equipment typically used in an office. * May not have the capability of fueling more than eight vehicles at one time. Professional Office Recreational Equipment Maintenance & Storage Recreational Equipment Sales Research Assembly Services Research Services Research Testing Services Research Warehousing Services Restaurant (General) Restaurant (Limited) Scrap and Salvage Service Station Software Development Special Use Historic Stables Theater Vehicle Storage Veterinary Services INDUSTRIAL USES Basic Industry P - P - - - - P P - P* P - - P - - P P P P P P P P P - P P - - P - P P P P P P - - - - - - P P - P* P - - - - - - - - - P* P* P* * All current city and county permits that allow for ready-mix or other mining related activities shall continue to govern development in a specific area until new Site Development Permits are issued for development of residential and/or commercial projects in that same specific area. No future Site Development Permits in a specific area shall alter or override continued ready-mix and other activities occurring in other areas. *A single occupant may not exceed 5,000 square feet of gross floor area or produce external noise, vibration, smoke, odor, heat, glare, fumes, electrical interference or waste runoff. Outdoor storage of materials and wholesale distribution of goods is prohibited. **A single occupant may not exceed 2,500 square feet of gross floor area or produce external noise, vibration, smoke, odor, heat, glare, fumes, electrical inference or waste runoff. Outdoor storage of materials and wholesale distribution of goods is prohibited. Custom Manufacturing P* P P** General Warehousing and Distribution Light Manufacturing Limited Warehousing and Distribution Recycling Center - - - - P (Permitted) C (Conditional Use Permitted) - (Not Permitted) Mixed Use (MU) 1 & 2 Mixed Residential (MR) Parkland and Open Space (OS) SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 Page 3 of 5 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table The Land Use Commission must approve all Conditional Uses. LAND USE Resource Extraction MU1 MU2 MR NOTES P* P* P* *All current city and county permits that allow for resource extraction or other mining related activities shall continue to govern development in a specific area until new Site Development Permits are issued for development of residential and/or commercial projects in that same specific area. Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines indicates natural features that will be protected from future resource extraction efforts. No future Site Development Permits in a specific area shall alter or override continued resource extraction and other activities occurring in other areas. Once a new Site Development Permit is issued, resource extraction must not occur any closer to residential or civic uses than 200’. A 200-foot wide buffer zone shall be established and maintained between a property developed with Residential Uses and Resource Extraction (reclamation is exempted from this 200’ buffer requirement and may proceed as prescribed in Exhibit I-Proposed Reclamation Guidelines and Exhibit J-Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Spaces Areas). The 200-foot buffer zone shall be measured from the property line of property developed with Residential Uses to a resource extraction site. If a portion of the property developed with Residential Uses is in a flood plain, the buffer zone shall be measured from the boundary of the flood plain within that residential lot, or, from the property line for property developed with Residential Uses, whichever is furthest from the resource extraction site. Improvements permitted within the buffer zone are limited to reclamation and restoration, streets, access easements, driveways, parking facilities, solid fences, pedestrian trails, hike and bike pathways, recreational facilities, detention and water quality re- irrigation facilities, underground utility improvements, overhead electric or communication lines, or those improvements that may be otherwise required by the City of Austin. This will include all applicable facilities. Applicable to all passive, active, and adventure-based recreation. Applicable to all passive, active, and adventure-based recreation. AGRICULTURAL USES Animal Production Community Garden Crop Production Horticulture Indoor Crop Production Support Housing Urban Farm CIVIC USES Administrative Services Aviation Facilities Camp Cemetery Club or Lodge College and University Facilities Communication Service Facilities Community Events Community Recreation (Private) Community Recreation (Public) Congregate Living Convalescent Services Convention Center - P - P P - P P - - P P P P P P P P P P - P P P P C P P - - P P P P P P P P P P - P P P P P P P - - P - P P P P P P P - P (Permitted) C (Conditional Use Permitted) - (Not Permitted) Mixed Use (MU) 1 & 2 Mixed Residential (MR) Parkland and Open Space (OS) SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 Page 4 of 5 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table The Land Use Commission must approve all Conditional Uses. MU1 MU2 MR NOTES LAND USE Counseling Services Cultural Services Day Care Services (Commercial) Day Care Services (General) Day Care Services (Limited) Detention Facilities Employee Recreation Family Home Group Home, Class I (General) Group Home, Class I (Limited) Group Home, Class II Guidance Services Hospital Services (General) Hospital Services (Limited) Local Utility Services Maintenance and Service Facilities Military Installations Major Public Facilities Major Utility Facilities Park and Recreation Services (General) Park and Recreation Services (Special) Postal Facilities Private Primary Educational Facilities Private Secondary Educational Facilities Public Primary Educational Facilities Public Secondary Educational Facilities Railroad Facilities Religious Assembly Residential Treatment Safety Services Telecommunication Tower Transitional Housing Transportation Terminal All other Civic Uses P P P P P - P P P P P P P P P - C* P* P* P P P P P P P - P C P P* C C C P P P P P - P P P P P P P P P P C* P* P* P P P P P P P - P C P P C C C P* P* P P P P P - - P P P P - - - P - - P P P P P P P - P C P - C - C *Only if serving parks, open space service or maintenance function. *Allowable for office and research and development, and medical facilities. Prohibits live/blank/laser ordnance ranges, military combat/infantry training, ordnance storage, combat/heavy/infantry equipment storage, heavy equipment training, airborne operations training, or warehousing facilities. *Location of facility to be coordinated between the Owner/Developer and City. *Location of facility (i.e. substation, transmission towers/poles, electrical switching stations, energy storage, distribution lines/structures) to be coordinated between the Owner/Developer and City. This land use also includes minor electrical facilities (i.e. utility poles for overhead distribution, temporary meter poles, meters, public and private lighting, ground mounted transformers, switchgears, pull boxes, or similar appurtenances typically associated with electrical distribution and service connections). Applicable to all passive, active, and adventure-based recreation. Applicable to all passive, active, and adventure-based recreation. *A telecommunications tower must be located on top of a building (or other structural components), be an architectural element of the building or decorative in some nature. P (Permitted) C (Conditional Use Permitted) - (Not Permitted) Mixed Use (MU) 1 & 2 Mixed Residential (MR) Parkland and Open Space (OS) SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 Page 5 of 5 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit E: Site Development Regulations MIXED USE 1 (MU1) LAND USE DISTRICT Minimum Lot Size Minimum Lot Width Maximum Height 4 Minimum Front Yard Setback Minimum Side Yard Garage Setback (for Side-Loaded Products Only) Minimum Street Side Yard Setback Minimum Interior Side Yard Setback Minimum Rear Yard Setback 7 Maximum Building Coverage Maximum Impervious Cover 8 FAR General Notes: 16 FT. 40 FT. 5 FT. 20 FT. 5 FT. 5 FT. 85% 95% N/A (Yard House, Small Lot RESIDENTIAL DETACHED Single-Family Residential) 1,500 SF. 2,000 SF on corner lot 30 FT. on corner lot RESIDENTIAL DETACHED 1 (Paseo Court) 1,800 SF. 50 FT. and up to 4 RESIDENTIAL ATTACHED (Single-Family Attached Residential, Townhouse Residential 2) 1,000 SF. 1,500 SF. on corner lot 16 FT. 21 FT. on corner lot 50 FT. and up to 4 RESIDENTIAL ATTACHED (Multi-Unit House) MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL ALL OTHER RESIDENTIAL LAND USES 5,000 SF. 12,500 SF. 30 FT. stories 5 FT. N/A 5 FT. 5 FT. 85% 95% N/A stories 5 FT. 20 FT. 5 FT. 0 FT. 5 FT. 80% 95% N/A 40 FT. 60 FT. 5 FT. 20 FT. 5 FT. 0 FT. 0 FT. 70% 95% N/A 80 FT. 180 FT. 5 FT. 20 FT. 0 FT. 0 FT. 0 FT. 90% 95% N/A 3 FT.-6 IN. 5 5 FT. (garage) 6 3 FT.-6 IN. Refer to existing City of Austin Land Development Code unless otherwise stated in Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table. COMMERCIAL 3 CIVIC INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURAL 2,500 SF 25 FT. 180 FT. 0 FT. N/A 0 FT. 0 FT. 0 FT. 90% 100% N/A 2,500 SF 25 FT. 120 FT. 0 FT. N/A 0 FT. 0 FT. 0 FT. 90% 100% N/A Austin Green PUD has increased setbacks between resource extraction and residential and civic uses to 200 feet. For all other site development regulations refer to existing City of Austin Land Development Code unless otherwise stated in Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table. Refer to existing City of Austin Land Development Code unless otherwise stated in Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table. Uncovered steps, porch, deck or stoop may project into a yard setback a maximum of 5 feet provided that adequate utility access and easements are maintained. Given, 5-foot setbacks, steps need to be within the property lines. Electrical easements shall be required for all developments. Their location and size onsite will be determined at the subdivision plat/site plan submittal and may require more space than minimum building setback. • Mixed-use multifamily buildings with ground floor commercial use shall follow commercial site development regulations. Subchapter E: Commercial Design Standards will apply. • • • Where development occurs adjacent to hazardous pipeline, additional setbacks may apply. • Subject to compatibility standards external to site only. If adjacent to or across the street from Mixed Residential or Open Space as shown on Exhibit C: Land Use Map and Density Table, the first 100 feet of the site has a maximum height of 120 feet. 1 In each paseo, garages always face the paseo court; however, all front doors may either face the paseo court or adjacent street, alley, park or open space but must do so consistently within the same paseo. 2 Townhouses are as defined in the technical codes and associated local amendments. 3 Commercial site development standards apply to custom manufacturing. Subchapter E: Commercial Design Standards will apply. 4 In 4-story floorplans for Paseos, Single-Family Attached Residential, or Townhouses, the fourth story must dedicate a minimum of 60% of its square footage to a rooftop terrace, porch or garden. 5 A minimum side yard of 3-foot and 6 inches is permitted (measured from face of building to property line), provided that the adjoining side yard setback is a minimum of 3-foot and 6 inches to create a face-of-building to face-of building space of at least 7 feet. 6 The minimum distance between garages on adjoining lots is 10 feet except that the garage interior side yard setback may be reduced to zero feet provided that applicable fire rating and building codes are met. The wall of a garage built adjacent to a zero-lot line or within three feet of a common side lot line must be solid and opaque and may not contain an opening. 7 Garages gaining access from the front of lot shall be side loaded. (i.e. garage door may not front on to or face the front street). 8 The maximum impervious cover for the project is 65% of the gross area of the PUD Boundary. One percent of total impervious cover shall be reserved for use within the Open Space Land Use District. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 1 of 3 Exhibit E: Site Development Regulations PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit E: Site Development Regulations MIXED USE 2 (MU2) LAND USE DISTRICT Minimum Lot Size Minimum Lot Width Maximum Height 4 Minimum Front Yard Setback Minimum Side Yard Garage Setback (for Side-Loaded Products Only) Minimum Street Side Yard Setback Minimum Interior Side Yard Setback Minimum Rear Yard Setback 7 Maximum Building Coverage Maximum Impervious Cover 8 FAR General Notes: RESIDENTIAL DETACHED 1 (Paseo Court) RESIDENTIAL ATTACHED (Multi-Unit House) MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL ALL OTHER RESIDENTIAL LAND USES COMMERCIAL 3 CIVIC INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURAL 2,000 SF on corner lot 1,800 SF. 5,000 SF. 12,500 SF. (Yard House, Small Lot RESIDENTIAL DETACHED Single-Family Residential) 1,500 SF. 30 FT. on corner lot 16 FT. 40 FT. 5 FT. 20 FT. 5 FT 5 FT. 85% 95% N/A RESIDENTIAL ATTACHED (Single-Family Attached Residential, Townhouse Residential 2) 1,000 SF. 1,500 SF. on corner lot 16 FT. 21 FT. on corner lot 50 FT. and up to 4 stories 5 FT. 20 FT. 5 FT 0 FT. 5 FT. 80% 95% N/A 50 FT. and up to 4 30 FT. stories 5 FT. N/A 5 FT. 5 FT. 85% 95% N/A 3 FT.-6 IN. 5 5 FT. (garage) 6 3 FT.-6 IN. 40 FT. 60 FT. 10 FT. 20 FT. 5 FT. 5 FT. 5 FT. 70% 95% N/A Refer to existing City of Austin Land Development Code unless otherwise stated in Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table. 80 FT. 60 FT. 5 FT. 20 FT. 0 FT. 10 FT. 5 FT. 90% 95% N/A 2,500 SF 25 FT. 120 FT. 0 FT. N/A 0 FT. 5 FT. 0 FT. 90% 100% N/A 2,500 SF 25 FT. 60 FT. 0 FT. N/A 0 FT. 5 FT. 0 FT. 90% 100% N/A Austin Green PUD has increased setbacks between resource extraction and residential and civic uses to 200 feet. For all other site development regulations refer to existing City of Austin Land Development Code unless otherwise stated in Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table. Refer to existing City of Austin Land Development Code unless otherwise stated in Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table. Uncovered steps, porch, deck or stoop may project into a yard setback a maximum of 5 feet provided that adequate utility access and easements are maintained. Given, 5-foot setbacks, steps need to be within the property lines. Electrical easements shall be required for all developments. Their location and size onsite will be determined at the subdivision plat/site plan submittal and may require more space than minimum building setback. • Mixed-use multifamily buildings with ground floor commercial use shall follow commercial site development regulations. Subchapter E: Commercial Design Standards will apply. • • • Where development occurs adjacent to hazardous pipeline, additional setbacks may apply. • Subject to compatibility standards external to site only. If adjacent to or across the street from Mixed Residential or Open Space as shown on Exhibit C: Land Use Map and Density Table, the first 100 feet of the site has a maximum height of 120 feet. 1 In each paseo, garages always face the paseo court; however, all front doors may either face the paseo court or adjacent street, alley, park or open space but must do so consistently within the same paseo. 2 Townhouses are as defined in the technical codes and associated local amendments. 3 Commercial site development standards apply to custom manufacturing. Subchapter E: Commercial Design Standards will apply. 4 In 4-story floorplans for Paseos, Single-Family Attached Residential, or Townhouses, the fourth story must dedicate a minimum of 60% of its square footage to a rooftop terrace, porch or garden. 5 A minimum side yard of 3-foot and 6 inches is permitted (measured from face of building to property line), provided that the adjoining side yard setback is a minimum of 3-foot and 6 inches to create a face-of-building to face-of building space of at least 7 feet. 6 The minimum distance between garages on adjoining lots is 10 feet except that the garage interior side yard setback may be reduced to zero feet provided that applicable fire rating and building codes are met. The wall of a garage built adjacent to a zero-lot line or within three feet of a common side lot line must be solid and opaque and may not contain an opening. 7 Garages gaining access from the front of lot shall be side loaded. (i.e. garage door may not front on to or face the front street). 8 The maximum impervious cover for the project is 65% of the gross area of the PUD Boundary. One percent of total impervious cover shall be reserved for use within the Open Space Land Use District. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 2 of 3 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit E: Site Development Regulations MIXED RESIDENTIAL (MR) LAND USE DISTRICT Minimum Lot Size Minimum Lot Width Maximum Height 4 Minimum Front Yard Setback Minimum Front Garage Setback (for Front-Loaded Products Only) Minimum Street Side Yard Setback Minimum Interior Side Yard Setback Minimum Rear Yard Setback 7 Maximum Building Coverage Maximum Impervious Cover 8 FAR General Notes: 16 FT. 40 FT. 5 FT. 20 FT. 5 FT 5 FT. 85% 95% N/A 3 FT.-6 IN. 5 5 FT. (garage) 6 (Yard House, Small Lot RESIDENTIAL DETACHED Single-Family Residential) 1,500 SF. RESIDENTIAL DETACHED 1 (Paseo Court) 2,000 SF on corner lot 1,800 SF. RESIDENTIAL ATTACHED (Single-Family Attached Residential, Townhouse Residential 2) 1,000 SF. 1,500 SF. on corner lot 30 FT. on corner lot 25 FT. on corner lot RESIDENTIAL ATTACHED (Multi-Unit House) MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL ALL OTHER RESIDENTIAL LAND USES COMMERCIAL 3 CIVIC INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURAL 6,000 SF. 12,500 SF. 2,500 SF 2,500 SF 30 FT. 50 FT. 5 FT. N/A 5 FT. 5 FT. 5 FT. 85% 95% N/A 16 FT. 45 FT. 5 FT. 20 FT. 5 FT 0 FT.3 5 FT. 80% 95% N/A 50 FT. 60 FT. 5 FT. 20 FT. 5 FT. 5 FT. 5 FT. 70% 95% N/A 80 FT. 60 FT. 5 FT. 20 FT. 5 FT. 10 FT. 10 FT. 90% 95% N/A 5 FT. (garages) Refer to existing City of Austin Land Development Code unless otherwise stated in Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table. 25 FT. 60 FT. 5 FT. N/A 10 FT. 5 FT. 5 FT. 90% 100% N/A Austin Green PUD has increased setbacks between resource extraction and residential and civic uses to 200 feet. For all other site development regulations refer to existing City of Austin Land Development Code unless otherwise stated in Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table. 25 FT. 60 FT. 5 FT. N/A 10 FT. 5 FT. 5 FT. 90% 100% N/A Refer to existing City of Austin Land Development Code unless otherwise stated in Exhibit D: Zoning Use Summary Table. Uncovered steps, porch, deck or stoop may project into a yard setback a maximum of 5 feet provided that adequate utility access and easements are maintained. Given, 5-foot setbacks, steps need to be within the property lines. Electrical easements shall be required for all developments. Their location and size onsite will be determined at the subdivision plat/site plan submittal and may require more space than minimum building setback. • Mixed-use multifamily buildings with ground floor commercial use shall follow commercial site development regulations. Subchapter E: Commercial Design Standards will apply. • • • Where development occurs adjacent to hazardous pipeline, additional setbacks may apply. • Subject to compatibility standards external to site only. If adjacent to or across the street from Mixed Residential or Open Space as shown on Exhibit C: Land Use Map and Density Table, the first 100 feet of the site has a maximum height of 120 feet. 1 In each paseo, garages always face the paseo court; however, all front doors may either face the paseo court or adjacent street, alley, park or open space but must do so consistently within the same paseo. 2 Townhouses are as defined in the technical codes and associated local amendments. 3 Commercial site development standards apply to custom manufacturing. Subchapter E: Commercial Design Standards will apply. 4 In 4-story floorplans for Paseos, Single-Family Attached Residential, or Townhouses, the fourth story must dedicate a minimum of 60% of its square footage to a rooftop terrace, porch or garden. 5 A minimum side yard of 3-foot and 6 inches is permitted (measured from face of building to property line), provided that the adjoining side yard setback is a minimum of 3-foot and 6 inches to create a face-of-building to face-of building space of at least 7 feet. 6 The minimum distance between garages on adjoining lots is 10 feet except that the garage interior side yard setback may be reduced to zero feet provided that applicable fire rating and building codes are met. The wall of a garage built adjacent to a zero-lot line or within three feet of a common side lot line must be solid and opaque and may not contain an opening. 7 Garages gaining access from the front of lot shall be side loaded. (i.e. garage door may not front on to or face the front street). 8 The maximum impervious cover for the project is 65% of the gross area of the PUD Boundary. One percent of total impervious cover shall be reserved for use within the Open Space Land Use District. SUBMITTAL DATE: November 27, 2019 Page 3 of 3 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN For a complete description of proposed plan, please reference the following exhibits: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Exhibit A - Description of Property Exhibit B - Zoning Map (provided by COA) Exhibit C - Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table Exhibit D - Proposed Zoning Use Summary Table Exhibit E - Proposed Site Development Regulations Exhibit F - Proposed Parkland & Open Space Master Plan Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts Exhibit H - Typical Road Sections Exhibit I - Proposed Reclamation Guidelines Exhibit J - Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas Exhibit M - Existing CWQZ Exhibit N - Proposed CWQZ Exhibit R - Carbon Impact Statement Form Exhibit U - Proposed Phasing Map Exhibit V- Code Comparison Chart Exhibit W - CEF and Buffers Exhibit X - Example Housing Products PUBLIC PARK AND OPEN SPACE (OS-7) Elm Creek SH-130 / SH-45 C o l o r a d o R i v e r FM 973 Platt Lane Harold Green Road FM 973 5 4 - H S / 0 3 1 - H S PUBLIC PARK AND OPEN SPACE (OS-4) S K R A P R E H T O PUBLIC PARK AND OPEN SPACE (OS-2) Proposed 100-Year Floodplain Proposed 25-Year Floodplain PUBLIC PARK AND OPEN SPACE (OS-3) 100' Offset of High Water Mark Conceptual location of Elementary School Urban Trail constructed to standards in urban trail master plan as amended Conceptual location of Elementary and Middle School PUBLIC PARK AND OPEN SPACE (OS-1) Existing Travis County Put-In AUSTIN GREEN PUD EXHIBIT F: PROPOSED PARKLAND AND OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN SUBMITTAL DATE: JANUARY 6, 2020 Exhibit F: Proposed Parkland and Open Space Master Plan and Open Space Amenity Matrix PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN 0 600' 1200' GRAPHIC SCALE 600' FM 969 PUBLIC PARK AND OPEN SPACE (OS-6) E l m C r e e k PUBLIC PARK AND OPEN SPACE (OS-5) Floating dock on tributary, bank stabilization, wetland mitigation, lawn Legend 0.5 ac. to 3 Acre Parks, see Exhibit F2 for amenities. 3 to 5 Acre Parks, see Exhibit F2 for amenities. 5-10 Acre Parks, see Exhibit F2 for amenities. 10+ Acre Parks, see Exhibit F2 for amenities. Potential Park Areas with Water Put-in Location Potential Trail and Connectivity* Potential Bike Route* Elm Creek Regional Retention Water Bodies Open Space (may include some parkland) Park & Open Space Transition Area (combination of both public parkland and private residential,commercial or industrial development) Proposed Critical Water Quality Zone (CWQZ) 1/4-Mile Distance from Open Space or Potential Park Area 1/2-Mile Distance from Open Space or Potential Park Area Acres within PUD Zoning District Tier 1 Requirement Open Space (acres) Tier 2 Requirement Open Space (acres) Open Space Provided (acres within OS zoning district and existing easements) Exhibit F: Parkland and Open Space Master Plan Open Space Calculations Land Use District Mixed-Use 1 (MU1) & Mixed-Use 2 (M2) Mixed-Residential (MR) Open Space (OS) Total Acres 547.68 870.35 708.22 2,126.25 109.54 87.04 - 196.58 Open Space to Be Dedicated as Parkland Summary** Open Space Gross Acreage OS1 OS2 OS3 OS4 OS5 OS6 OS7 Total 63.41 47.22 173.09 17.31 71.78 222.01 113.40 708.22 0.14 14.44 2.48 0.00 15.30 12.43 44.86 3.75 1.45 1.22 1.39 4.65 3.04 26.72 134.61 13.13 39.28 58.43 10.99 16.39 330.43 120.49 95.74 - 216.13 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 1.15 2.20 13.97 39.56 708.22 761.75 7.94 20.33 0.00 31.11 142.34 85.79 302.50 0.19 8.45 2.26 0.48 0.00 0.46 0.00 11.84 Un- Encumbered 0.07 100-Year Floodplain* 0.89 25-Year Floodplain* 47.27 CEF Buffer* CWQZ* Ponds* (Waterbody) 14.99 *Acreage amounts within CEF buffers, water quality/detention ponds and proposed CWQZ within the Open Space Zoning Districts have been adjusted to account for overlapping areas. For example, if an area is located within a CEF buffer, water quality/detention pond and/or proposed CWQZ, that area is only counted once in this table. **Acreage within this table (not including Gross Acreage) may fluctuate +/- 20% with administrative approval by PARD and the MUD. Additional Parkland Dedication Requirements • • • The Other Parks shown on the Master Plan must amount to 150 acres, credited and amenitized in accordance with the parkland dedication ordinance, as amended. All Open Space areas and Other Parks are to be dedicated to the City of Austin and maintained by the MUD or other entity as approved by PARD. All Open Space areas and Other Parks must be developed in accordance with the Open Space Character Descriptions and Other Parks Amenity Matrix. General Notes: • • • • • Other Parks may include areas such as: greenways, parks and open space dedicated to City of Austin outside of (but perhaps adjacent to) OS 1-7. The “Other Parks” will be identified at the time of subdivision processing, site plan or preliminary plat. Parks and Open Spaces may utilize COA purple pipe reclaimed water system landscape irrigation. A park or OS shall have adequate right-of-way frontage. At minimum, 25% of a park side shall have right-of-way frontage where appropriate and unrestricted. Restricted park sides include major highways, Colorado River, Elm Creek, existing easements at the time of PUD. A park or OS shall have adequate access points compliant with TDLR’s Texas Accessibility Standards. At minimum, a compliant access point shall be provided every 1,000 feet along a park side where appropriate and unrestricted. Restricted park sides include major highways, Colorado River, Elm Creek, existing easements at the time of PUD. SUBMITTAL DATE: JANUARY 6, 2020 Page 1 of 3 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit F: Parkland and Open Space Master Plan • • • For open space, parks or other spaces that are contributing to parkland dedication and parkland development requirements, the Austin Green MUD will develop a mutually agreed upon operations and maintenance plan with buy-in from the Environmental Officer, Park Director, and the MUD board. The plan must be adopted prior to the reclamation of the first open space, park or other space that is contributing to parkland dedication and parkland development For OS 6 and 7, at least four of the following park program elements are required: Canoe and kayak launches, trails, picnic areas and shade pavilions, dock, interpretive signage, and other program elements proposed by the developer and deemed appropriate by the park director. A minimum water elevation for fishing and kayaking must be maintained. All lots are within a 1500’ radius of “Other Parks” or Open Space. SUBMITTAL DATE: JANUARY 6, 2020 Page 2 of 3 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit F: Parkland and Open Space Master Plan Open Space Character Descriptions The following landscape intent descriptions, including park amenities, may be constructed within the CWQZ, CEF, CEF Buffer, and floodplain as shown in Exhibit N-Proposed CWQZ. Provisions described are required for OS areas to be counted as parkland. Open Space (OS) Area Open Space Area 1 Landscape Intent • Create a Bottomland Hardwood, Wetland and Transitional Savanna ecology reflective of the Colorado River • Reactivate the floodplain through grading techniques. • Create interpretive opportunities regarding the ecology of the site. • Protect existing CEF springs and CEF fringe along Colorado River edge where applicable. • Provide park amenities including nonmotorized watercraft launches in the ponds, scenic overlook(s), picnic tables, shade pavilions, bird blinds, trails and/or trail amenities, etc. Open Space Area 2 • Create a Bottomland Hardwood, Wetland and Transitional Savanna ecology reflective of the Colorado River corridor. corridor. Open Space Area 3 Open Space Area 4 Open Space Area 6 Open Space Area 7 Open Space Area 5 corridor. • Reactivate the floodplain through grading techniques. • Create interpretive opportunities regarding the ecology of the site. • Protect existing CEF springs and CEF fringe along Colorado River edge where applicable. • Provide river access for nonmotorized watercrafts and fishing. • Provide park amenities including a boat ramp and dock (upon approval), nonmotorized watercraft launches, picnic tables, shade pavilions, bird blinds, scenic overlook(s), trails and/or trail amenities, etc. • Protect existing CEF area and CEF fringe along the Colorado River where applicable. • Protect existing mature stand of trees. • Protect the island in the Colorado River. • Gently lay back slopes for stabilization purposes as applicable minimizing impacts to existing CEFs, stand of trees, and island. • Provide park amenities including picnic tables, shade pavilions, bird blinds, trails and/or trail amenities, etc. • Create a Bottomland Hardwood and Transitional Savanna ecology reflective of the Colorado River corridor. • Create a destination park environment with mowed meadows and lawn that connect to the Colorado River. • Create interpretive opportunities regarding the ecology of the site. • Protect existing CEF fringe along Colorado River edge where applicable. • Provide river access for boats and fishing. • Up to 2 acres of mowed lawn space. • Provide park amenities including a boat ramp and dock (upon approval), nonmotorized watercraft launches, picnic tables, shade pavilions, bird blinds, scenic overlook(s), trails and/or trail amenities, etc. • Create a Bottomland Hardwood, Wetland and Transitional Savanna ecology reflective of the Colorado River • Reactivate the floodplain through grading techniques. • Provide for erosion control opportunities. • Create interpretive opportunities regarding the ecology of the site. • Protect existing CEF springs and CEF fringe along Colorado River edge where applicable. • Provide park amenities including nonmotorized watercraft launches in the ponds, picnic tables, shade pavilions, bird blinds, trails and/or trail amenities, etc. • Create a Blackland Prairie, Wetland and Transitional Savanna ecology reflective of the Elm Creek corridor. • Provide regional retention opportunities to help offset impacts of Atlas 14. • Create interpretive opportunities regarding the ecology of the site • At least four of the following park program elements are required: Canoe and kayak launches, trails, picnic areas and shade pavilions, dock, interpretive signage, and other program elements proposed by the development and deemed appropriate by the park director. A minimum water elevation for fishing and kayaking must be maintained. • Create a Blackland Prairie, Wetland and Transitional Savanna ecology reflective of the Elm Creek corridor. • Provide regional retention opportunities to help offset impacts of Atlas 14. • Create interpretive opportunities regarding the ecology of the site. • At least four of the following park program elements are required: Canoe and kayak launches, trails, picnic areas and shade pavilions, dock, interpretive signage, and other program elements proposed by the development and deemed appropriate by the park director. A minimum water elevation for fishing and kayaking must be maintained. SUBMITTAL DATE: JANUARY 6, 2020 Page 3 of 3 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit F-Other Parks Amenity Matrix .5 to 3 Acre Parks 3 to 5 Acre Parks 5+ Acre Parks (Minimum 3 of the items listed below) · Open lawn · Playground · Dog run · Social game area (bocce, washers, lawn bowling) · Seating · Sport courts (volleyball, basketball, etc) · Pedestrian amenities (drinking fountain, bike racks, etc) · Interactive water features · Picnic areas · Bathrooms · Shade sails, structures, or pavilions · Fishing · Trails and pathways · Interpretive signage · Other items acceptable to PARD (Minimum 5 of the items listed below) · Open lawn · Playground · Dog run · Social game area (bocce, washers, lawn bowling) · Seating · Sport courts (volleyball, basketball, etc) · Sport fields (baseball, soccer, etc) · Pedestrian amenities (drinking fountain, bike racks, etc) · Interactive water features · Picnic areas · Parking · Bathrooms · Shade sails, structures, or pavilions · Fishing · Trails and pathways · Adventure sport (challenge courses, nature based interaction, etc) · Skateparks and Skate courses · Interpretive signage · Other items acceptable to PARD (Minimum 7 of the items listed below) · Open lawn · Playground · Dog run · Social game area (bocce, washers, lawn bowling) · Seating · Sport courts (volleyball, basketball, etc) · Sport fields (baseball, soccer, etc) · Pedestrian amenities (drinking fountain, bike racks, etc.) · Interactive water features · Picnic areas · Shade sails, structures, or pavilions · Parking · Bathrooms · Fishing · Trails and pathways · Adventure sport (challenge courses, nature based interaction, etc) · BMX/Mountain biking areas · Skateparks and Skate courses · Interpretive signage · Kayaking and canoeing (non motorized boating) · Other items acceptable to PARD * * For Parks that are 3-10 acres, at least one sport court or sport field shall be requried. For parks that are 10 acres or larger, at least two sport courts or sports fields (or any combination there of) shall be required. Landscaping can include improvements such as tree planting, community gardens, sensory gardens,etc. Submittal Date: January 6, 2020 PUD Case #: C814-2018-0154 NOTE: CONCEPTUAL ONLY. SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT TIME OF DEVELOPMENT. ALL PEDESTRIAN ACCESS POINTS TO PARKLAND WILL BE ADA ACCESSIBLE. Proposed Water Quality Pond Area Proposed 100 Year Floodplain Per Water District Application Potential Pedestrian Kayak/Canoe Launch Primary Pedestrian Connection To Neighborhood Shared use path/urban trail within Street Section 2, on Exhibit H Potential Trail Head Potential Picnic Area Proposed Water Quality Pond Area Potential Interpretive Area n a i r t s e d e P y r a m i r P o T n o i t c e n n o C d o o h r o b h g i e N Potential Trail Head Secondary Pedestrian Connection W O R 0 3 1 H S Legend Property Line Secondary Trail Primary Trail Proposed Drainage and CWQZ Network Proposed 100 Year Floodplain Boundary CEF Springs at Colorado River Potential Site Feature Potential Trail Head Water Put In/Access Point Proposed Conceptual Bottomland Hardwood Area Proposed Conceptual Area Transitional Savanna Area Proposed Conceptual Wetland Mosaic Area Existing and Improved Pits Other Parks (Public or Private) 3 7 9 M F Secondary Pedestrian Connection Fishing Access Point Potential Trail Head OS-1 PROPOSED For a complete description of proposed plan, please reference the following exhibits: · · · · · · · · · Exhibit A - Description of Property Exhibit B - Zoning Map (provided by COA) Exhibit C - Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table Exhibit D - Proposed Zoning Use Summary Table Exhibit E - Proposed Site Development Regulations Exhibit F - Proposed Parkland & Open Space Master Plan Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts Exhibit H - Typical Road Sections Exhibit I - Proposed Reclamation Guidelines · · · · · · · · Exhibit J - Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas Exhibit M - Existing CWQZ Exhibit N - Proposed CWQZ Exhibit R - Carbon Impact Statement Form Exhibit U - Proposed Phasing Map Exhibit V- Code Comparison Chart Exhibit W - CEF and Buffers Exhibit X - Example Housing Products 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE NORTH Existing Travis County Water Put In/Access Activated Floodplain Opportunity At 5 Year Storm Event Secondary Trail C O L O R A D O R I V E R Activated Floodplain Opportunity At 5 Year Storm Event AUSTIN GREEN PUD Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts (OS-1) Submittal Date: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 Exhibit G: Example Parkland Open Space Concepts PUD Case #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Legend Property Line Primary Trail Proposed 100 Year Floodplain Boundary Existing Spring at Colorado River Potential Trail Head Water Put In/Access Point Proposed Conceptual Bottomland Hardwood Area Proposed Conceptual Area Transitional Savanna Area Proposed Conceptual Wetland Area Existing and Improved Pits Other Parks (Public or Private) Park with informal lawn/mowed meadow areas Shared Use Path/Urban Trail within Street Section 2, in Exhibit H OS-5 Primary Pedestrian Connection To Neighborhood Park Plaza Activated Floodplain Opportunity At 5 Year Storm Event PROPOSED For a complete description of proposed plan, please reference the following exhibits: · · · · · · · · · Exhibit A - Description of Property Exhibit B - Zoning Map (provided by COA) Exhibit C - Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table Exhibit D - Proposed Zoning Use Summary Table Exhibit E - Proposed Site Development Regulations Exhibit F - Proposed Parkland & Open Space Master Plan Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts Exhibit H - Typical Road Sections Exhibit I - Proposed Reclamation Guidelines · · · · · · · · Exhibit J - Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas Exhibit M - Existing CWQZ Exhibit N - Proposed CWQZ Exhibit R - Carbon Impact Statement Form Exhibit U - Proposed Phasing Map Exhibit V- Code Comparison Chart Exhibit W - CEF and Buffers Exhibit X - Example Housing Products NOTE: CONCEPTUAL ONLY. SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT TIME OF DEVELOPMENT. ALL PEDESTRIAN ACCESS POINTS TO PARKLAND WILL BE ADA ACCESSIBLE. Floating Dock (Using Tributary) Potential Trail Head R E V I R O D A R O L O C OS-4 OS-3 Proposed 100 Year Floodplain Per Water District Application Protected Stand of Trees, (Refer To Exhibit T) Existing Wetland Fringe (Protected As Applicable ) AUSTIN GREEN PUD Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts (OS-4) Submittal Date: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE NORTH PUD Case #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Legend Property Line Secondary Trail Primary Trail Proposed 100 Year Floodplain Boundary Proposed Drainage and CWQZ Network Potential Site Feature Potential Trail Head Water Put In/Access Point Proposed Conceptual Blackland Prairie & Transitional Savanna Area Proposed Conceptual Wetland Mosaic Area Existing and Improved Pits PROPOSED NOTE: CONCEPTUAL ONLY. SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT TIME OF DEVELOPMENT. ALL PEDESTRIAN ACCESS POINTS TO PARKLAND WILL BE ADA ACCESSIBLE. Primary Trail Potential Picnic Area Elm Creek Primary Path (If Applicable) Potential Fishing Area Potential Wildlife Viewing Area Primary Trail Potential Interpretive Sign SH130 Wetland Potential Picnic Area Potential Trail Head and Pedestrian Kayak/Canoe Launch AUSTIN GREEN PUD Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts (OS-6) Submittal Date: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 Proposed 100 Year Floodplain Per Water District Application Secondary Trail Potential Fishing Area or Pedestrian Canoe/Kayak Launch 9 6 9 M F d n W e tl a For a complete description of proposed plan, please reference the following exhibits: · · · · · · · · · Exhibit A - Description of Property Exhibit B - Zoning Map (provided by COA) Exhibit C - Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table Exhibit D - Proposed Zoning Use Summary Table Exhibit E - Proposed Site Development Regulations Exhibit F - Proposed Parkland & Open Space Master Plan Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts Exhibit H - Typical Road Sections Exhibit I - Proposed Reclamation Guidelines · · · · · · · · Exhibit J - Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas Exhibit M - Existing CWQZ Exhibit N - Proposed CWQZ Exhibit R - Carbon Impact Statement Form Exhibit U - Proposed Phasing Map Exhibit V- Code Comparison Chart Exhibit W - CEF and Buffers Exhibit X - Example Housing Products 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE NORTH PUD Case #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN PROPOSED NOTE: CONCEPTUAL ONLY. SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT TIME OF DEVELOPMENT. ALL PEDESTRIAN ACCESS POINTS TO PARKLAND WILL BE ADA ACCESSIBLE. Primary Pedestrian Connection To Neighborhood Potential Trail Head Secondary Trail Fishing Access Point Bathroom/Shade Structure & Picnic Area FM 973 For a complete description of proposed plan, please reference the following exhibits: · · · · · · Exhibit A - Description of Property Exhibit B - Zoning Map (provided by COA) Exhibit C - Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table Exhibit D - Proposed Zoning Use Summary Table Exhibit E - Proposed Site Development Regulations Exhibit F - Proposed Parkland & Open Space Master Plan · · · · · · · · · · · Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts Exhibit H - Typical Road Sections Exhibit I - Proposed Reclamation Guidelines Exhibit J - Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas Exhibit M - Existing CWQZ Exhibit N - Proposed CWQZ Exhibit R - Carbon Impact Statement Form Exhibit U - Proposed Phasing Map Exhibit V- Code Comparison Chart Exhibit W - CEF and Buffers Exhibit X - Example Housing Products Fishing Access Point Legend Property Line Secondary Trail Primary Trail Proposed 100 Year Floodplain Boundary Potential Site Feature Potential Trail Head Water Put In/Access Point Proposed Conceptual Blackland Prairie & Transitional Savanna Area Proposed Conceptual Wetland Mosaic Area Existing and Improved Pits d n W e tl a Pedestrian Kayak/Canoe Launch Interpretive Sign/Scenic View Point Proposed 100 Year Floodplain Per Water District Application Primary Trail AUSTIN GREEN PUD Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts (OS-7) Submittal Date: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 0 75 150 300 GRAPHIC SCALE NORTH PUD Case #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections Submittal Date: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 Key Roadway Type RO W # of Lanes Sidewalk Paving Width Median Width (FOC-FOC) (FOC-FOC) Parking Bike Lanes Street Trees Street Classification for Pavement Design Only Min. Curb Basis (distance btw FOC and ROW) 24' 24' 24' 12' 21' 16' 26' 18' 26' 11' 13' Yes Yes Yes (shared used path) Yes (shared used path) Yes (shared used path) Yes Yes (shared used path) Yes (shared used path) Yes Yes Yes Yes 114' 4, divided 114' 4, divided 100' 2, divided 46' 80' 70' 90' 90' 90' 58' 54' 20' 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4-Lane Minor Arterial with Bicycle Lanes - Type I 4-Lane Minor Arterial with Bicycle Lanes - Type II 2-Lane Minor Arterial with Shared Use Path 2-Lane Minor Arterial Under SH 130 Only 2-Lane Neighborhood Collector with Shared Use Path 2-Lane Neighborhood Collector Double Allee Green Street Bioswale Green Street Urban Green Street 1A 1B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Local Street with Parallel None Local Street with Flex Yield Parking Parking Alley None None 22' (with turn lane) 22' (with turn lane) 19' (with turn lane) 22' 22' 14' 22' 38' 38' 38' 19' 38' 36' 28' 20' none (20' fire lane access provided) 2 Sides None 16' 2 Sides None None 2 Sides None 2 Sides 2 Sides 2 Sides 2 Sides 2 Sides None Yes (grade separated) Yes (grade separated) Yes (shared used path) Yes (shared used path) 3" Caliper Trees 30' O.C. 3" Caliper Trees 30' O.C. 3" Caliper Trees 30' O.C. Minor Arterial Minor Arterial Minor Arterial N/A Minor Arterial Yes (shared used path) 3" Caliper Trees 30' O.C. 3" Caliper Trees 30' O.C. 3" Caliper Trees 30' O.C. 3" Caliper Trees 30' O.C. 3" Caliper Trees 30' O.C. 3" Caliper Trees 30' O.C. 3" Caliper Trees 30' O.C. 3" Caliper Trees 30' O.C. N/A Yes (shared used path) Yes (shared used path) Yes (grade separated) None None None Neighborhood Collector Neighborhood Collector Neighborhood Collector/Local Neighborhood Collector/Local Neighborhood Collector/Local N/A Local Local Alley - - - - - - - - - Urban Pedestrian "Street" 66' None None None None Page 1 of 14 Notes: · All street intersections shall be allowed to have bulbouts so as long minimum turning radii and sight visibility requirements are met. Exhibit H: Typical Road Sections PUD Case #: C814-2018-0154 Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 15' SIDEWALK / AMENITY AREA 6' BIKE LANE 3' R E F F U B 11' 11' TRAVEL LANES 22' MEDIAN & TURN LANE 11' 11' TRAVEL LANES 6' BIKE LANE 3' R E F F U B 15' SIDEWALK / AMENITY AREA 114' ROW 1A 4-LANE MINOR ARTERIAL WITH BICYCLE LANES - TYPE I INSPIRED BY LEVEL 3 - URBAN 116' STREET SECTION IN CITY OF AUSTIN DRAFT STREET GUIDE Notes: plat. · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Median could include bioswale conveyance and water quality treatment. · Street trees are approximately 30' O.C. and must have 400 CF of soil per tree and a minimum of 3' of soil depth. · A 14' clearance shall be maintained for tree limbs adjacent to travel lanes. · Mountable curbs may be required depending on development, to be determined at the time of site plan or preliminary · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. Page 2 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 5' WALK 10' SOFTSCAPE AREA 6' BIKE LANE 3' R E F F U B 11' 11' TRAVEL LANES 22' MEDIAN & TURN LANE 11' 11' TRAVEL LANES 6' BIKE LANE 3' R E F F U B 5' SOFTSCAPE WALK 10' AREA 114' ROW 1B 4-LANE MINOR ARTERIAL WITH BICYCLE LANES - TYPE II INSPIRED BY LEVEL 3 - URBAN 116' STREET SECTION IN CITY OF AUSTIN DRAFT STREET GUIDE Notes: plat. · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Median could include bioswale conveyance and water quality treatment. · Street trees are approximately 30' O.C. and must have 400 CF of soil per tree and a minimum of 3' of soil depth. · A 14' clearance shall be maintained for tree limbs adjacent to travel lanes. · Mountable curbs may be required depending on development, to be determined at the time of site plan or preliminary · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. Page 3 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 P P 12' 12' SHARED USE PATH PLANTING 11' 14' 11' TRAVEL LANE MEDIAN & TURN LANE TRAVEL LANE 12' 12' PLANTING SHARED USE PATH 8' PARALLEL PARKING & BULB OUT 100' ROW 8' PARALLEL PARKING & BULB OUT 2 2-LANE MINOR ARTERIAL WITH SHARED USE PATH Notes: · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Median could include bioswale conveyance and water quality treatment. · Street trees are approximately 30' O.C. and must have 400 CF of soil per tree and a minimum of 3' of soil depth. · Maximum block length for blocks facing onto this street section shall not exceed 1000 feet. · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. · When the street right of way abuts park and open space, a shared use path is not required so as long as the park and open space provides a trail 10' or larger in width, within 150' of the right of way. Page 4 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 20' APPROX. CLEARANCE 12' 11' 11' 12' SHARED USE PATH TRAVEL LANES SHARED USE PATH 46' ROW 85' APPROX. DISTANCE BETWEEN ABUTMENT AND BENT 2-LANE MINOR ARTERIAL UNDER SH 130 ONLY 3 Notes: · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. · When the street right of way abuts park and open space, a shared use path is not required so as long as the park and open space provides a trail 10' or larger in width, within 150' of the right of way. Page 5 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 P P 12' 9' SHARED USE PATH PLANTING 8' PARALLEL PARKING & BULB OUT 11' 11' TRAVEL LANES 80' ROW 8' PARALLEL PARKING & BULB OUT 9' 12' PLANTING SHARED USE PATH 2-LANE NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR WITH SHARED USE PATH 4 Notes: · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Street trees are approximately 30' O.C. and must have 400 CF of soil per tree and a minimum of 3' of soil depth. · Turning radius shall be sufficient at intersections applying City of Austin criteria. · Emergency access zones may be required at the time of site plan or preliminary plat. · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. · When the street right of way abuts park and open space, a shared use path is not required so as long as the park and open space provides a trail 10' or larger in width, within 150' of the right of way. Page 6 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 P P 6' WALK 10' PLANTING 8' PARALLEL PARKING & BULB OUT 11' 11' TRAVEL LANES 70' ROW 5 2-LANE NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR 10' PLANTING 6' WALK 8' PARALLEL PARKING & BULB OUT Notes: · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Street trees are approximately 30' O.C. and must have 400 CF of soil per tree and a minimum of 3' of soil depth. · Turning radius shall be sufficient at intersections applying City of Austin criteria. · Emergency access zones may be required at the time of site plan or preliminary plat. · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. · When the street right of way abuts park or open space, a sidewalk on that abutting side is not required so as long as the park or open space provides an ADA compliant trail 5' or wider, within 50' of the street right of way line. Page 7 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 P P 10' SHARED USE PATH 16' STAGGERED TREES 8' PARALLEL PARKING & BULB OUT 11' 11' TRAVEL LANES 90' ROW 8' PARALLEL PARKING & BULB OUT 16' STAGGERED TREES 10' SHARED USE PATH DOUBLE ALLEE GREEN STREET 6 Notes: · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Street trees are approximately 30' O.C. and must have 400 CF of soil per tree and a minimum of 3' of soil depth. · Emergency access zones may be required at the time of site plan or preliminary plat. · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. Page 8 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 P P 10' PATH 8' 8' PARALLEL PARKING 11' TRAVEL LANE SHARED USE PLANTING 11' TRAVEL LANE 8' PARALLEL PARKING 8' 10' PATH PLANTING SHARED USE 16' BIOSWALE AND WATER QUALITY 90' ROW 7 BIOSWALE GREEN STREET Notes: · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Street trees are approximately 30' O.C. and must have 400 CF of soil per tree and a minimum of 3' of soil depth. · Maximum block length for blocks facing onto this street section shall not exceed 1000'. · Dedicated left turn land and median break where applicable. · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. Page 9 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 STAGGERED TREES ON EACH SIDE STAGGERED TREES ON EACH SIDE P P 13' PEDESTRIAN WAY 6' BIKE 10' 3' 8' 11' 11' 8' 3' PARALLEL PARKING & BULB OUT TRAVEL LANES 90' ROW PARALLEL PARKING & BULB OUT 6' BIKE 10' 13' PEDESTRIAN WAY 8 URBAN GREEN STREET Notes: · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Street trees are approximately 30' O.C. and must have 400 CF of soil per tree and a minimum of 3' of soil depth. · Maximum block length for blocks facing onto this street section shall not exceed 1000'. · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. Page 10 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 FIRE LANE ACCESS 20' 26' PEDESTRIAN WAY 66' ROW 20' FURNISHING ZONE 20' FURNISHING ZONE URBAN PEDESTRIAN "STREET" 9 Notes: · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Street trees are approximately 30' O.C. and must have 400 CF of soil per tree and a minimum of 3' of soil depth. · Fire lane access points will be delineated at the time of site plan or preliminary plat. · No permanent fixtures shall be permitted within the fire lane. · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. Page 11 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 P P 5' 6' 7' 11' 11' 7' 6' 5' WALK PLANTING PARALLEL PARKING TRAVEL LANES 58' ROW PARALLEL PARKING PLANTING WALK 10 LOCAL STREET WITH PARALLEL PARKING INSPIRED BY LEVEL 1 - 60' STREET SECTION IN CITY OF AUSTIN DRAFT STREET GUIDE Notes: · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Street trees are approximately 30' O.C. and must have 400 CF of soil per tree and a minimum of 3' of soil depth. · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. · When the street right of way abuts park or open space, a sidewalk on that abutting side is not required so as long as the park or open space provides an ADA compliant trail 5' or wider, within 50' of the street right of way line. Page 12 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 5' 8' 8' 5' WALK PLANTING TRAVEL LANES & FLEX YIELD PARKING PLANTING WALK 28' 54' ROW 11 LOCAL STREET WITH FLEX YIELD PARKING INSPIRED BY LEVEL 1 - 50' STREET SECTION IN CITY OF AUSTIN DRAFT STREET GUIDE Notes: · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · Street trees are approximately 30' O.C. and must have 400 CF of soil per tree and a minimum of 3' of soil depth. · If applicable, driveway, passing or emergency access zones will be delineated at the time of site plan or preliminary plat. · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. · When the street right of way abuts park or open space, a sidewalk on that abutting side is not required so as long as the park or open space provides an ADA compliant trail 5' or wider, within 50' of the street right of way line. Page 13 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN Exhibit H: Proposed Typical Road Sections SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 30' CLEAR SPACE 20' ROW 0'-5' 20' PAVEMENT (TWO WAY) 10' PAVEMENT (ONE WAY) 0'-5' MIN. BUILDING SETBACK DEPENDING ON LAND USE (SEE EXHIBIT E) 20' ROW MIN. BUILDING SETBACK DEPENDING ON LAND USE (SEE EXHIBIT E) 12 ALLEY Notes: · Road sections are preliminary and subject to change. · If 20' of pavement in alley is provided, fire operational space is not required for adjacent road paralleling the alley. · Utility placements will generally be following the criteria below, unless site conditions or constraints require a different response: - Storm sewer will be placed near the center of the street. - Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement on one side. - Waste Water will be placed approximately 4' from FOC in the pavement opposite of Water. - Dry utilities will be located behind the street curb or in alleys as applicable. Page 14 of 14 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN For a complete description of proposed plan, please reference the following exhibits: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Exhibit A - Description of Property Exhibit B - Zoning Map (provided by COA) Exhibit C - Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table Exhibit D - Proposed Zoning Use Summary Table Exhibit E - Proposed Site Development Regulations Exhibit F - Proposed Parkland & Open Space Master Plan Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts Exhibit H - Typical Road Sections Exhibit I - Proposed Reclamation Guidelines Exhibit J - Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas Exhibit M - Existing CWQZ Exhibit N - Proposed CWQZ Exhibit R - Carbon Impact Statement Form Exhibit U - Proposed Phasing Map Exhibit V- Code Comparison Chart Exhibit W - CEF and Buffers Exhibit X - Example Housing Products 7 FM 973 Platt Lane Harold Green Road 4 4 7 5 4 - H S / 0 3 1 - H S r e o R i v d a r C o l o FM 973 4 Elm Creek 0 600' 1200' GRAPHIC SCALE 600' FM 969 4 SH-130 / SH-45 4 4 E l m C r e e k 4 4 4 5 4 1 2 3 6 Legend Existing mined land with poor to fairly-poor vegetative conditions Existing CEF Areas Preserved CEF Areas Preserved Tree Stands Inconsistent and low to mid quality tree stands primarily growing on overburdened areas. Former ranch land Elm Creek Regional Retention Water Bodies Blackland Prairie (Open Space) Bottomland Hardwood (Open Space) Urban Development (1418.03 Acres) Existing CEF Springs Proposed 100-Year Floodplain Proposed 25-Year Floodplain Site delineation of CEF wetlands onsite does not include assumption or designation as jurisdictional under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, which is governed by separate requirements. This is a mining site, with several development permits that allow for mining operations. At the time of submittal of this PUD, potential wetland vegetation occurs in some locations onsite. The Austin Green ERI provides details about areas onsite that contained potential wetland vegetation at the time of investigation in 2018-2019. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Collection of eight trees ( 2 red oak, 4 live oak, 1 burr oak, 1 pecan) around existing structures* ± 65.5 acres mature stand of trees* ± 10.6 acres established CEFs* Existing mining area with 3:1 or greater slopes Concrete batch plant ± 24.4 acres island in Colorado River* 7 Tree Wind Row Exhibit I: Proposed Reclamation Guidelines *Proposed to be protected upon approval of PUD and before reclamation. AUSTIN GREEN PUD EXHIBIT I: PROPOSED RECLAMATION GUIDELINES SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN For a complete description of proposed plan, please reference the following exhibits: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Exhibit A - Description of Property Exhibit B - Zoning Map (provided by COA) Exhibit C - Proposed Land Use Map and Density Table Exhibit D - Proposed Zoning Use Summary Table Exhibit E - Proposed Site Development Regulations Exhibit F - Proposed Parkland & Open Space Master Plan Exhibit G - Example Parkland Open Space Concepts Exhibit H - Typical Road Sections Exhibit I - Proposed Reclamation Guidelines Exhibit J - Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas Exhibit M - Existing CWQZ Exhibit N - Proposed CWQZ Exhibit R - Carbon Impact Statement Form Exhibit U - Proposed Phasing Map Exhibit V- Code Comparison Chart Exhibit W - CEF and Buffers Exhibit X - Example Housing Products A: Reclamation Guidelines For Open Space B: Reclamation Guidelines For "Urban Development" Notes: · · · All sample areas represent a 1-acre square. Existing trees saved during reclamation process that are listed on approved PUD plant list shall count toward tree coverage requirements of the given character below. All non-seed mix plantings will include minimum species diversity standards based on increasing number of different species for each order of magnitude increase for a planting area (i.e 4spp,/1,000 sq ft., 5spp./10,000 sq ft., 6spp. /100,000 sq ft., etc.) Tree Protection and Mitigation Example BLACKLAND PRAIRIE TRANSITIONAL SAVANNA · Goal: Establish transitional savanna ecology. The desired outcome is 15-20% full growth tree canopy coverage of the area in 20 years and herbaceous understory reflective of Blackland Prairie in 12-18 months of seed application. · Goal: Establish Blackland Prairie ecology. The desired outcome is to have a herbaceous understory reflective of Blackland Prairie established within 12-18 months of seed application. · Source: seed · Application: 50/50 mix of Riparian Recover mix and Blackland Prairie mix of net acre of Blackland Prairie area. Refer to Exhibit J-Austin Green PUD Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas for proposed plant species and application rate of seed mixes. · Time of Year Application: October 1st - December 15th or March 15th - May 15th. Fall preferred. · Acceptance: At two years from implementation: -80% groundcover/vegetative coverage Notes: Broadcast Riparian Recover mix closer to lower, wet conditions. Blackland Prairie mix shall be broadcasted in mesic dryer conditions. In certain areas, wetlands are required. Refer to Exhibit J-Proposed Reclamation Plant List in Open Space Areas for proposed wetland species list. · Source and size: - Blackland Prairie: seed - Tree stock: tree whip to 1" caliper, bare root, B and B, and container grown. · Seed Application: 50/50 mix of Riparian Recover mix and Blackland Prairie mix. Refer to J-Proposed Reclamation Plant List in Open Space Areas for proposed plant species and application rate of seed mixes. · Trees Installation: 18 trees per acre net area of Transitional Savanna area. · Time of Year Seed Application: October 1st - December 15th or March 15th - May 15th. Fall preferred. Avoid summer installation. · Time of Year Tree Installation: October 1st - May 15th. Avoid summer installation. · Acceptance: At two years from implementation: -80% Groundcover/vegetative coverage -65% Survival rate of planted trees -Total quantity of establishment may include trees planted and natural tree starts Notes: Broadcast Riparian Recover mix closer to lower, wet conditions. Blackland Prairie mix shall be broadcasted in mesic dryer conditions. In certain areas, wetlands are required. Refer to Exhibit J-Proposed Reclamation Plant List for proposed wetland species list. Tree planting acceptance will be confirmed within 24 months after initial implementation. · Goal: Establish Bottomland Hardwood ecology. The desired outcome is 80-90% full growth tree canopy coverage of the area in 20 years and a herbaceous understory in 12-18 months of seed application. Source and size: - Herbaceous understory: seed - Tree stock: tree whip to 1" caliper, bare root, B and B, and container grown. Seed Application: 50/50 mix of Riparian Recover mix and Blackland Prairie mix. Refer to Exhibit J-Proposed Reclamation Plant List for proposed plant species and application rate of seed mixes. Understory shrubs and trees are included in seeded list as applicable. · Trees Installation: 81 trees and 64 understory shrubs/trees per net acre (established within two years of installation) of Bottomland Hardwood area. · Time of Year Seed Application: October 1st - December 15th or March 15th - May 15th. Fall preferred. Avoid summer installation. · Time of Year Tree Installation: October 1st - May 15th. Avoid summer installation. · Acceptance: At two years from implementation: - 80% Groundcover/vegetative coverage - 65% Survival rate of planted trees - Total quantity of establishment may include trees planted and natural tree starts · Notes: Broadcast Riparian Recover mix closer to lower, wet conditions. Blackland Prairie mix shall be broadcasted in mesic dryer conditions. In certain areas, wetlands are required. Refer to Exhibit J4-Austin Green PUD Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas for proposed wetland species list. Tree planting acceptance will be confirmed within 24 months after initial implementation. Credit will be given for existing trees or shrubs that are retained. Temporary irrigation will be provided to help establish new planting. BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD WETLANDS The Austin Green PUD will include enhancement and creation of wetland areas within the various landscapes proposed above. Within the inundated areas of wetland benches, herbaceous planting will include individual plants from Exhibit J and will be planted at 680 plants/acre. The inundated wetland benches will not include woody plantings. The wetland herbaceous plantings will be monitored to a success criteria for years 1 and 2. During year 1, wetland vegetation will include a minimum of 50% aerial cover of the wetland bench (not open water). During year 2, wetland vegetation will include a minimum of 50% aerial cover of the wetland bench (not open water). Wetland plantings densities from professional experience on USACE-approved wetland banks in North Carolina and survival percentages adapted from “Performance Standards and Monitoring Protocols for Nontidal Wetland Mitigation Banks in Maryland” (USACE 2015). Landscape Character Requirements by Open Space Area Open Space (OS) Area Minimum Bottomland Hardwood Minimum Blackland Prairie OS Area 1 (±63 Acres) - See Exhibit F1 for example OS Area 2 (±47 Acres) OS Area 3 (±173 Acres) OS Area 5 (±71 Acres) OS Area 4 (±17 Acres) - See Exhibit F1 for example OS Area 6 (±222 Acres) - See Exhibit F1 for example OS Area 7 (±113 Acres) - See Exhibit F1 for example 50% Of Net Area 50% Of Net Area 50% Of Net Area 50% Of Net Area 0% Of Net Area 0% Of Net Area 0% Of Net Area 0% Of Net Area 0% Of Net Area 0% Of Net Area 0% Of Net Area 50% Of Net Area 50% Of Net Area 50% Of Net Area General Notes: - The MUD will maintain Open Space 1-5 in accordance with a mutually agreed upon operations and maintenance plan with buy-in from the Environmental Officer and the MUD board and Open Space 6 and 7 in accordance with a mutually agreed upon operations and maintenance plan with buy-in from the Environmental Officer, Park Director and the MUD board. The plan must be adopted prior to the reclamation of the first open space area - Existing preserved vegetation shall counted towards reclamation totals. - Percentage = Net Site Area (after trails, site amenities, water surface and other built landscape types etc. are removed) Pre-PUD Approval A B C After-PUD Approval D t i m r e P y r a n m i i l e r P r o t i m r e P t l n e m p o e v e D e t i S f o a e r A Refer to legend Rec lama t ion Buffer F Xref C:\Users\Kate Clark\Lion Heart Places\LH - Projects\012-001_Austin Green Tract\D-CAD\03. X-refs\8.5x11_tb.dwg H E Reclamation Buffer o t r e f e R d n e g e l F G G H Note: Site conditions vary. Example for diagramatic purposes only. TREES A. No mitigation required per existing permits B. No mitigation required per existing permits C. No mitigation required per existing permits D. No mitigation required per existing permits E. No mitigation required per existing permits F. If removed tree mitigation per City of Austin Code G. If removed tree mitigation per City of Austin Code H. If removed tree mitigation per City of Austin Code MINED LAND Areas that are or have been used for mining purposes, such as resource extraction, transportation for the purposes of mining, stockpiling of materials or equipment, maintenance or other allowed uses by the mining permits. · Requirements: See Austin Green PUD/City of Austin Standards as applicable if converting directly to development. RECLAMATION BUFFER Area between mined and unmined land of 100 feet, or distance required to achieve 5:1 slope average. · Requirements: See Austin Green PUD/City of Austin Standards as applicable if converting directly to development. UNMINED LAND Land area that has not been mined or reclaimed DEVELOPED AREAS · Goal: In areas that are in the development areas (MU-1, MU-2 and MR), create programmable and flexible parkland and streetscapes, plazas and public spaces. · In areas that are in development areas but serve ecological services (i.e. stormwater management or CWQZ areas), establish blackland prairie and savanna ecologies. The desired outcome is 15-20% full growth tree canopy coverage of the area in 20 years and a herbaceous understory in 12-18 months of seed or plant application based on ecological system. · Source and size (see below): -Condition 1: Parkland, Streetscapes, Plazas, Public space, etc in accordance with City of Austin code requirements and Grow Green Guide. -All streets to have 3" Caliper Trees, at 30' on center average, per exhibit H -Condition 2: Ecological Service Areas (ie. Stormwater Mgt, CWQZ, CEF Buffers, etc.) -Herbaceous Understory: seed and plant stock, based ecological system(transitional savanna, blackland prarie or wetland). -Seed Application and Plant Stock: 50/50 mix of Riparian Recover mix, Blackland Prairie mix, and Wetland mix. Refer to Exhibit J4-Austin Green PUD Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas for proposed plant species and application rate of seed mixes. -Time of Year Seed Application: October 1st - December 15th or March 15th - May 15th. Fall preferred. Avoid summer installation. -Tree Installation: Refer to Transitional Savanna -Time of Year Tree Installation: September 15th - May 15th. Avoid summer installation. Notes: Broadcast Riparian Recover mix closer to lower, wet conditions. Blackland Prairie mix shall be broadcasted in mesic dryer conditions. In some areas, wetlands are required. Refer to Exhibit J4-Austin Green PUD Proposed Plant List for Reclamation in Open Space Areas for proposed wetland species list. Trees in condition 1 shall be planted at anytime throughout the year. AUSTIN GREEN PUD EXHIBIT I: PROPOSED RECLAMATION GUIDELINES SUBMITTAL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2019 PUD CASE #: C814-2018-0154-AUSTIN GREEN