20200115-7a: 614 S. 1st Street PUD Development Assessment (CD-2019-0006) Presentation — original pdf

Briefing on Proposed 614 S. 1st Street PUD Presented by Kate Clark, Zoning and Planning Department Atha Phillips, Environmental Officer January 15, 2020 PROJECT INFORMATION CURRENT AND PROPOSED ZONING NEXT STEPS Planning and Zoning Staff Briefing January 15, 2020 2 Project Information Address: 614 South 1st Street Size: 8.185 acres District: 9 Located in East Bouldin Creek Watershed Currently Developed: Timbercreek Apartments Imagine Austin Growth Concept Map: Along Activity Corridor Abuts South Central Waterfront District January 15, 2020 3 Key Components of Proposed PUD Up to 550 dwelling units; Modified compatibility setback on westside; Maximum of building height of 120’. Proposed 3-star Austin Energy Green Building Rating; Removing existing impervious cover from CWQZ, EHZ and FL; Clustered development near South 1st Street. Parking located entirely underground; Provide public creek access for bike/pedestrian connectivity; Considering options for pedestrian safety across S. 1st Street. Will meet or exceed all Tier One and several Tier Two Requirements. January 15, 2020 4 Current and Proposed Zoning Existing Zoning: Multifamily – Medium Density – Neighborhood Plan (MF-3-NP) Proposed Zoning: Planned Unit Development – Neighborhood Plan (PUD-NP) Current Site Regulations Max. Impervious Cover Max. Building Coverage Max. Building Height Min. Front Setback Min. Street Side Setback Min. Interior Side Setback Min. Rear Setback 65% 55% 40’ 25’ 15’ 5’ 10’ Proposed Site Regulations Max. Impervious Cover Max. Building Coverage Max. Building Height Min. Front Setback Min. Street Side Setback Min. Interior Side Setback Min. Rear Setback 50% 55% 120’ 2 : 1 0’ 15’ 5’ 10’ Max. Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) 0.75 : 1 Max. Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) January 15, 2020 5 Development Assessment PUD Zoning Application Commission and Council Process PUD Zoning Process Next Steps We are here in the process. We do not need a recommendation at this point. Scheduled for a Council Briefing on January 23, 2020. January 15, 2020 6