20200115-008a: Lantana PCA backup — original pdf

ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA COMMISSION MEETING DATE: NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: January 15, 2020 Lantana PCA NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: Michael Whellan Armbrust & Brown, PLLC LOCATION: 7415 Southwest Parkway COUNCIL DISTRICT: 8 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF Atha Phillips, Environmental Officer’s Office (512)974-2132, atha.phillips@austintexas.gov WATERSHED: REQUEST: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS: Williamson Creek Watershed, Barton Springs Zone, Drinking Water Protection Zone Consider a project consent agreement (PCA) to allow for the construction of a mixed-use development with a residential component. Staff recommended with conditions. 1. Applicant shall provide additional acreage of 3.098 acres to meet the Hill Country Roadway requirement of 40% undisturbed natural area per 25-2-1025. Lantana Project Consent Agreement (PCA) Briefing to the Environmental Commission Atha Phillips Environmental Officer’s Office January 15, 2020 What is a PCA? • PCA = Project Consent Agreement • PCAs are part of the 245 process detailed in 25-1-544 • PCAs are considered when the extent of a project’s vested rights are unclear and for incentivizing projects with clearly established vested rights to achieve greater compliance with current regulations • The 245 process lives within the Development Services Department • DSD has determined that this project is a candidate for a PCA Site Location Austin ETJ Austin City Limits Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone Hwy 290 West Site Location Barton Creek Watershed Williamson Creek Watershed Watershed Boundary Site Location Site Data: • Williamson Creek Watershed • Barton Springs Zone • Drinking Water Protection Zone • Contributing Zone • Full-Purpose • Existing approved site plan (SP-2014-0262C(XT2)) • Existing project has vested rights under 245 • Existing site plan wants to change zoning from Office to Mixed Use • Mixed Use would allow for residential or multi-family Staff Recommendation Recommended with the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall provide additional acreage of 3.098 acres to meet the Hill Country Roadway requirement of 40% undisturbed natural area per 25-2-1025. Questions? Contact Information: Atha Phillips Environmental Officer’s Office (512) 974-2132 Atha.Phillips@austintexas.gov