Regular Meeting of the Environmental Commission February 19, 2025 at 6:00 PM Permitting And Development Center, Events Center, Room 1405 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive Austin, Texas 78752 Some members of the Environmental Commission will be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Elizabeth Funk, Watershed Protection Department, at (512) 568-2244,, no later than noon the day before the meeting. The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Haris Qureshi Mariana Krueger Melinda Schiera Hanna Cofer, Vice Chair Colin Nickells Jennifer Bristol, Secretary David Sullivan Richard Brimer Perry Bedford, Chair CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL AGENDA The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on February 5, 2025 1 1. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Presentation, discussion, and action regarding a recommendation to Austin City Council on the creation, continuation, termination, and status of a concession including issuance of a Request for Proposal for a concession in Town Lake Metropolitan Park for inclusion in the joint report between the Parks and Recreation Board and the Environmental Commission that is provided to City Council annually – Karen Charles, Contract Management Specialist, and Denisha Cox, Contract Management Supervisor, Parks and Recreation Department. Discussion and recommendation on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Austin Light Rail – Commissioners Sullivan and Qureshi Presentation and discussion on Austin’s wildfire risk and Austin Fire Department’s mitigation efforts – David Bock, Wildfire Mitigation Specialist Sr, Austin Fire Department DISCUSSION ITEMS FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with …
1. 2. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, February 5, 2025 The Environmental Commission convened in a Regular meeting on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Chair Bedford called the Environmental Commission Meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Perry Bedford, Jennifer Bristol, Justin Fleury, Mariana Krueger, Haris Qureshi, Melinda Schiera, David Sullivan Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Colin Nickells and Richard Brimer Commissioners Absent: Hanna Cofer PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Bobby Levinski, SOS, Mopac South Project concerns APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on December 4, 2024 The minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on December 4, 2024, were approved on Commissioner Sullivan’s motion, Commissioner Qureshi’s second 7-0 vote. Commissioner Nickels abstained. Commissioner Krueger was off the dais. Commissioner Coffer was absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS Presentation and discussion on Austin Light Rail Update – Austin Transit Partnership staff. Item conducted as posted. No action taken. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ACTION ITEMS Name: Westcreek Mixed Use, SP-2023-0276C Applicant: Quiddity, Justin Cadieux, PE Location: 5725 W US 290 Highway EB, Austin, TX, 78749 1 4. Council District: District 8 Staff: Mike McDougal, Environmental Policy Program Manager, Development Services Department; 512-974-6380, Applicant request: Redevelopment Exception in the Barton Springs Zone [LDC 25-8- 26] Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Redevelopment Exception for this project. Speakers: Mike McDougal David Hartman Leigh Ziegler Rita Berry Bobby Levinski Roy Wayley Craig Nazor Justin Cadieux Liz Johnston A motion to close the public hearing passed on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Schiera’s second, on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Cofer was absent. A motion to recommend the Westcreek Mixed Use Redevelopment Exception with conditions passed on Commissioner Bristol’s motion, Commissioner Bedford’s second, on a 9–0 vote. Commissioner Cofer was absent. Chair Bedford called for a recess at 9:02. Chair Bedford reconvened the meeting at 9:10. Name: Taylor Slough Dredge Maintenance, SP-2024-0019D Applicant: Janis J. Smith, P.E., Janis Smith Consulting Location: 3704 ½ Meadowbank Dr, Austin, TX, 78703 Council District: District 10 Staff: Miranda Reinhard, Environmental Scientist Senior, Watershed Protection Department 512-978-1537, Applicant request: Request to vary from LDC 25-8-261(C)(9)(a) to allow more than 25 cubic yards of dredging in Lake Austin. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends this variance with conditions Speakers: Miranda Reinhard Janis J. Smith David Goodman 2 DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 5. A motion to close the public hearing passed on Commissioner Bedford’s …
Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Concession Locations ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 Concession Contracts ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Contract Terms Solicitations and New Contracts Rowing Dock ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Zilker Café ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Contract Extensions Rowing Dock ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Austin Rowing Club at Waller Creek Boathouse ................................................................................................................ 6 EpicSUP/The Trail Conservancy .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Rowing Dock ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Zilker Park Boat Rentals...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Zilker Eagle ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Parkland Operation and Management Agreement .......................................................................................................... 10 Concession Sales, Payments, and Expenditures ................................................................................................................. 12 Expiring Contracts Other Contract Changes Revenue Share Payments Capital Improvements Public Benefit Butler Pitch and Putt ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 Rowing Dock ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Austin Rowing Club .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Butler Pitch and Putt ........................................................................................................................................................ 17 EpicSUP............................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Expedition School ............................................................................................................................................................. 17 Lone Star Riverboat .......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Rowing Dock ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Texas Rowing Center ........................................................................................................................................................ 18 Zilker Park Boat Rentals.................................................................................................................................................... 18 Zilker Eagle ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19 i 4 4 6 8 9 13 15 16 Concessions Outside of Town Lake Park ............................................................................................................................ 20 Parks and Recreation Board Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 21 Environmental Commission Recommendations ................................................................................................................. 21 Short-Term Permits Concessions at Golf Courses Toxic Algae and Extreme Heat Transportation Shuttles Public Benefit Watercraft Census New Concessions Carrying Capacity Zilker Eagle Update Appendix 1. Temporary Concessions and Commercial Use Report FY24 ............................................................................ 26 Temporary Concession Permits and Commercial Use Revenue for Temporary Concessions and Commercial Use Summary of Revenue for Temporary Concessions Temporary Concession Permits – Six Month and Single Day Targeted Concessions Commercial Use – Fitness Instructors and Instructor-Led Classes Performing Artists – Balloon Artist and Face Painting Appendix 2. Austin Lake Water Protection Plan and Marine Waste Information ............................................................... 29 20 20 22 22 22 22 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 ii Executive Summary The mission of the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) is to inspire Austin to learn, play, protect and connect by creating diverse programs and experiences in sustainable natural spaces and public places. In carrying out its mission, PARD has established nine permanent concessions in Town Lake Park that provide recreation services. These services include rentals of canoes, kayaks, and stand-up paddleboards (SUPs); rowing instruction and memberships; food and beverage sales; short-course golf; excursion boats; and a mini train. The concessions were established pursuant to City of Austin Code Section 8-1-71, which authorizes the director of the Parks and Recreation Department to allow a person to operate a food or beverage, rental, or service concession in Town Lake Park. Additionally, Section 8-1-73 requires …
2024 ANNUAL CONCESSION REPORT Presented by Karen Charles and Denisha Cox Environmental Commission Meeting January 15, 2025 AUSTIN CITY CODE Austin City Code § 8-1-73 requires that on or before January 31st of each year, the director shall deliver a report to the Parks and Recreation Board and the Environmental Commission on the concessions granted under this division. The annual report, prepared under this section, shall include: • The name of each concession operating in Town Lake • An income and expenditure statement for each • The total number of watercrafts rented in Town Lake Metropolitan Park; concession; Metropolitan Park; and by a concession. • A statement describing any problems caused or created 2 Concessions Austin Rowing Club at Waller Creek Boathouse Butler Pitch and Putt EpicSUP Expedition School Lone Star Riverboat Cruises Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Zilker Café (temporarily closed) Zilker Eagle Railroad Zilker Park Boat Rentals 3 3 Contract Terms 4 FY24 Gross Sales, Expenditures, and Payments to the City s n o i l l i M $3.5 $3.0 $2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 Butler Pitch and Putt (Pecan Grove Golf Partners) Gross Sales Reported Expenditures Payments $3,167,723 $1,087,331 $255,218 *EpicSUP $346,788 $213,122 $42,302 Expedition School $28,877 $12,986 $2,712 Lone Star Riverboats $1,111,905 $1,098,532 $93,662 Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Austin Rowing Club at Waller Creek Boathouse *Zilker Eagle Zilker Park Boat Rentals $1,696,571 $1,226,323 $175,953 $2,453,441 $2,102,044 $359,170 $3,387,564 $3,064,653 $237,925 $315,563 $268,229 $- $976,444 $645,066 $90,285 5 Total Gross Sales $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 Annual Gross Sales Since 2020 $- FY20 Total Gross Sales $6,722,615 FY21 $12,380,735 FY22 $15,994,081 FY23 $13,554,936 FY24 $13,484,877 6 6 Capital Improvements Butler Pitch and Putt – $93,894 • New well water pump • Seasonal tree maintenance • Sod/Turfgrass installation • Updates to the putting green drainage system • Metal roof installation over outdoor trellis structures Rowing Dock – $6,676 • Ground Improvements • Redo granite pathways • Repairs and restaining picnic tables and beams around the parking • Tree trimming • Sanding, staining and replacing boards on the boxes around the lot trash containers 7 Concessions Outside of Lady Bird Lake Permit Type Term Permits Issued Cost / Permit Revenue Commercial Use – Food or Other Specific Park Use Commercial Use – Fitness Trainers Commercial Use – Performing Artists Golf Concessions (4 golf courses) TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED Six month Single day Six …
2024 ANNUAL CONCESSION REPORT Presented by Karen Charles and Denisha Cox Environmental Commission Meeting January 15, 2025 AUSTIN CITY CODE Austin City Code § 8-1-73 requires that on or before January 31st of each year, the director shall deliver a report to the Parks and Recreation Board and the Environmental Commission on the concessions granted under this division. The annual report, prepared under this section, shall include: • The name of each concession operating in Town Lake • An income and expenditure statement for each • The total number of watercrafts rented in Town Lake Metropolitan Park; concession; Metropolitan Park; and by a concession. • A statement describing any problems caused or created 2 Concessions Austin Rowing Club at Waller Creek Boathouse Butler Pitch and Putt EpicSUP Expedition School Lone Star Riverboat Cruises Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Zilker Café (temporarily closed) Zilker Eagle Railroad Zilker Park Boat Rentals 3 3 Contract Terms 4 FY24 Gross Sales, Expenditures, and Payments to the City s n o i l l i M $3.5 $3.0 $2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 Butler Pitch and Putt (Pecan Grove Golf Partners) Gross Sales Reported Expenditures Payments $3,167,723 $1,087,331 $255,218 *EpicSUP $346,788 $213,122 $42,302 Expedition School $28,877 $12,986 $2,712 Lone Star Riverboats $1,111,905 $1,098,532 $93,662 Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Austin Rowing Club at Waller Creek Boathouse *Zilker Eagle Zilker Park Boat Rentals $1,696,571 $1,226,323 $175,953 $2,453,441 $2,102,044 $359,170 $3,387,564 $3,064,653 $237,925 $315,563 $268,229 $- $976,444 $645,066 $90,285 5 Total Gross Sales $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 Annual Gross Sales Since 2020 $- FY20 Total Gross Sales $6,722,615 FY21 $12,380,735 FY22 $15,994,081 FY23 $13,554,936 FY24 $13,484,877 6 6 Capital Improvements Butler Pitch and Putt – $93,894 • New well water pump • Seasonal tree maintenance • Sod/Turfgrass installation • Updates to the putting green drainage system • Metal roof installation over outdoor trellis structures Rowing Dock – $6,676 • Ground Improvements • Redo granite pathways • Repairs and restaining picnic tables and beams around the parking • Tree trimming • Sanding, staining and replacing boards on the boxes around the lot trash containers 7 Concessions Outside of Lady Bird Lake Permit Type Term Permits Issued Cost / Permit Revenue Commercial Use – Food or Other Specific Park Use Commercial Use – Fitness Trainers Commercial Use – Performing Artists Golf Concessions (4 golf courses) TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED Six month Single day Six …
CULTIVATING CLARITY: DECODING WILDFIRE NARRATIVES AND DEBUNKING MYTHS Austin’s Wildfire Risk How do we compare? Reconstruction Value: $40.6B Source: CoreLogic Wildfire Risk Report 2024 Why is Austin at Risk? • Austin is home to a unique combination of Wildland Intermix and Ember production probability • Intermixed layout and Structure-Structure spread makes Containment logistically challenging • Ongoing increase of Drought and Temp conditions • The “Big One” not likely to be large flame front, but many simultaneous community fires How will it happen? Embers Travel Up to 1.5 Miles How will it happen? Drought – Makes Soil and Live Fuel Moisture go down Wind – Is what primarily drives wildfire spread High temps – Increase ignition potential Overwhelmed resources before resources Overwhelm the Fire • 54 Pumping apparatus (Fire trucks in Austin) • Takes 4 to quickly overwhelm 1 house fire • Now imagine several small wildfires • Transition to triage Myth Austin Wildfires are not common Travis County Wildfire Occurrence In the fire-adapted ecosystems of the South, the issue is not whether an area will burn, but when it will burn and at what intensity. (Andreu and Hermansen-Baez 2006) Pinnacle Fire Burn Scar Steiner Ranch Fire 125 Acres 35 Homes Lost Pinnacle Fire 100 acres 10 homes lost 12 homes damaged Parmer Lane Fire, 2023 37 acres The Parmer Lane Fire impacted two different housing developments, an apartment complex and a neighborhood built with Wildland Urban Interface building codes that specifically address structural ignitability. Myth Trees are out to get me! Ashe Juniper Wildfire Myths Junipers are hazardous Junipers are invasive Junipers are water hogs western forests Junipers are more fire prone than other native species Forests dominated by Juniper should be thinned like “Cedar is a gasoline soaked rag on a stick that will burn all our homes” “Fuel management means logging style clear cutting and burning that will dry out the soil and kill our forests and habitat” “Junipers forests are fire resistive so why are we worried?” Steiner Ranch Myth The wolf can’t blow my house down, it’s made of brick What to do? National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy What are we doing? Community Awareness and Preparedness • Firewise Communities • Warn Central Texas & Ready Set Go • Urban Planning/Zoning • Coalition between COA & Travis Co. Community Wildfire Protection Plan CWPP Structure Hardening • SIZE - Structure Ignition Zone …
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20250219-002 Date: February 19, 2025 Subject: 2024 Annual Report on City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department Managed Concessions on Lady Bird (Town) Lake Motion by: Jennifer Bristol Second by: Mariana Krueger WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission has received a staff briefing of the 2024 Annual Report on City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) Managed Concessions on Lady Bird (Town) Lake; and WHEREAS, The Annual Concession Report is created as the result of an Austin City Code provision. That ordinance states: § 8-1-73 - DEPARTMENT REPORT AND BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS. (A) On or before January 31st of each year, the director shall deliver a report to the board and the Environmental Commission on the concessions granted under this division. (B) A report prepared under this section shall include: (1) the name of each concession operating in Town Lake Metropolitan Park; (2) an income and expenditure statement for each concession; (3) the total number of watercrafts rented in Town Lake Metropolitan Park; and (4) a statement describing any problems that are caused or created by a concession. (C) The board and the Environmental Commission may make a recommendation related to: (1) continuing an existing concession; (2) terminating an existing continuation; and (3) issuing a request for proposal for an expiring or new concession under this division. WHEREAS, City staff presented the Environmental Commission with the report in February 2025 in two separate meetings; and WHEREAS, The Environmental Commission requests Council initiate a code update to reflect the following: A.) Concessions report to the Environmental Commission shall include concessions from parks other than Lady Bird Lake, B.) Only be presented an environmental impact assessment of those concessions; and WHEREAS, The Environmental Commission requests City Council initiate the establishment of a citizen advisory commission to assist with the oversite of the concession in all CoA parks and public lands. The new Commission or committee shall include a member of the Environmental Commission, Parks Board, and other related commissions and boards; and 1 of 2 THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission approves the 2024 concessions report acknowledging that staff meet the current code. We will consider the 2025 report next year, so long as it reflects the requests above and reflects the mission of this commission. Additional Recommendations: 1. Address the erosion around Lady Bird Lake and report on the revenue used from the concessions to repair the erosion. 2. Delay the implementation …