Regular Meeting of the Environmental Commission February 5, 2025 at 6:00 PM Permitting And Development Center, Events Center, Room 1405 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive Austin, Texas 78752 Some members of the Environmental Commission will be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Elizabeth Funk, Watershed Protection Department, at (512) 568-2244,, no later than noon the day before the meeting. The following information is required: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Haris Qureshi Mariana Krueger Melinda Schiera Hanna Cofer, Vice Chair Colin Nickells Jennifer Bristol, Secretary David Sullivan Richard Brimer Perry Bedford, Chair CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL AGENDA The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on December 4, 2024 1 1. DISCUSSION ITEMS Presentation and discussion on Austin Light Rail Update – Austin Transit Partnership staff. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ACTION ITEMS Name: Westcreek Mixed Use, SP-2023-0276C Applicant: Quiddity, Justin Cadieux, PE Location: 5725 W US 290 Highway EB, Austin, TX, 78749 Council District: District 8 Staff: Mike McDougal, Environmental Policy Program Manager, Development Services Department; 512-974-6380, Applicant request: Redevelopment Exception in the Barton Springs Zone [LDC 25-8- 26] Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Redevelopment Exception for this project. Name: Taylor Slough Dredge Maintenance, SP-2024-0019D Applicant: Janis J. Smith, P.E., Janis Smith Consulting Location: 3704 ½ Meadowbank Dr, Austin, TX, 78703 Council District: District 10 Staff: Miranda Reinhard, Environmental Scientist Senior, Watershed Protection Department 512-978-1537, Applicant request: Request to vary from LDC 25-8-261(C)(9)(a) to allow more than 25 cubic yards of dredging in Lake Austin. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends this variance with conditions DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Presentation, discussion, and action regarding a recommendation to Austin City …
1. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, December 4, 2024 The Environmental Commission convened in a Regular meeting on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Chair Bedford called the Environmental Commission Meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Perry Bedford, Jennifer Bristol, Hanna Cofer, Mariana Krueger, Haris Qureshi, Melinda Schiera, David Sullivan, Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Commissioners Absent: Colin Nickells and Richard Brimer PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on November 6, 2024 The minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on November 6, 2024 were approved on Commissioner Bristol’s motion, Commissioner Cofer’s second on a 7-0 vote. Commissioners Nickells and Brimer were absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ACTION ITEMS Name: Dredge of Channel Rd. Lagoon, SP-2023-0367D Applicant: Stephen Hawkins, Aqua Permits Location: 4824 Laguna Ln, Austin, TX, 78746 Council District: District 8 Staff: Miranda Reinhard, Environmental Scientist Senior, Watershed Protection Department; 512-978-1537, Applicant request: Request to vary from LDC 25-8-261(C)(9)(a) to allow more than 25 cubic yards of dredging in Lake Austin. Staff Recommendation: Recommended with conditions Speakers: Miranda Reinhard, WPD 1 3. 4. 5. Jon Fichter, Aqua Permits Liz Johnston, Interim Environmental Officer A motion to close the public hearing passed on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Krueger’s second, on a 7-0 vote. Commissioners Nickells and Brimer were absent. A motion to recommend the Dredge of Channel Rd. Lagoon variance request with conditions passed on Commissioner Bristol’s motion, Commissioner Bedford’s second, on a 7–0 vote. Commissioners Nickells and Brimer were absent. Name: Loyola Flats, SP-2024-0147C.SH Applicant: Allison Lehman, Kimley-Horn Location: 6700 Decker Lane, Austin, TX, 78724 Council District: District 1 Staff: Miranda Reinhard, Environmental Scientist Senior, Watershed Protection Department; 512-978-1537, Applicant request: Request to vary from LDC 25-8-261(G) to allow floodplain modification in the Critical Water Quality Zone (CWQZ) Staff Recommendation: Recommended with conditions Speakers: Miranda Reinhard, WPD Dwayne Shoppa, Kimey-Horn A motion to close the public hearing passed on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Krueger’s second, on a 7-0 vote. Commissioners Nickells and Brimer were absent. A motion to recommend the Loyola Flats variance request with conditions passed on Commissioner Bristol’s motion, Commissioner Bedford’s second, on a 7–0 vote. Commissioners Nickells and Brimer were absent. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Discussion and recommendation on strategies to improve the tree canopy in Austin – Environmental Commissioners Richard Brimer and Melinda …
Provide Feedback and Stay Involved Meeting Dates and Locations JAN 16 JAN 25 Lively Middle School Montopolis Rec Center 201 E Mary St. 1200 Montopolis Dr. JAN 22 Baker Center 3908 Avenue B JAN 28 UT Quadrangle Room 2308 Whitis Ave. Proposed Light Rail Timeline A public review and comment period for the DEIS will be conducted from January 10 through March 11, 2025. Comments received during this period will be addressed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement. View the online public meeting information. Austin Light Rail PROGRESS UPDATE January 2025 Bridge Over Lady Bird Lake View from inside the train, crossing Lady Bird Lake. Artist conceptual visualization Austin Light Rail Phase 1 is underway. This momentous transportation investment will offer an all-new transit experience, running reliably every 5 to 10 minutes to connect people to major job centers, education hubs, and iconic Austin destinations. Key progress highlights Continuing the design Recommendations to: • Add a new downtown station near Wooldridge Square. • Extend the bridge over Lady Bird Lake and elevate the Waterfront Station. • Refine station locations on East Riverside. • Advance a Greenway concept along East Riverside, featuring a continuous bike/pedestrian corridor and creating tree canopy and shade. Hitting major milestones in the federal funding process Including: Release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The DEIS is a critical step towards federal grant funding. Developing the contracting and delivery approach Including: Onboarding the Delivery Partner. Artist conceptual visualization Artist conceptual visualization East Riverside A new shaded walk and bike path along the line on East Riverside, designed to improve walkability. Benefits of Light Rail New Options to Get Places Easy, Reliable & Frequent Reduced Travel Times The line will integrate with cars, Light rail will have its own dedicated The line will allow riders to zip buses, trains and other modes — railway, intuitive directions, and run through the heart of Austin without giving people more choices when every 5-10 minutes — making it having to sit in traffic — significantly navigating between the core and the highly dependable and easy to use. reducing travel times to key larger metro area. Nature-forward Design An Engine for Jobs destinations. Keeps Austin Livable Shade trees, Texas plants, and new Light rail will create 10,000 jobs The line will help keep our city walk and bike paths will be integrated as a key part of city mobility accessible for …
Austin Light Rail Progress Update FEBRUARY 5, 2025 Austin Light Rail Benefits of Light RailBenefits of Light Rail Light Rail in Other Cities Paris, France Seattle, Washington Phoenix, Arizona Minneapolis, Minnesota Austin Light Rail Austin Light Rail Phase 1 Light rail is an expandable electric train system designed for metropolitan areas, serving as an integral part of the transit network by connecting people to essential destinations where they live, work and play. Facts 15 STATIONS connecting points north, south and east of downtown Austin 9.8 MILES of light rail transit ~28,000 DAILY TRIPS on an average weekday Access to: 136K current jobs 200K+ future jobs Artist conceptual visualization Aerial view near Pleasant Valley station, showing a new shaded walk and bike path and how the line extends from the city center to East Riverside. EAST RIVERSIDE A new shaded walk and bike path along the line on East Riverside, designed to improve walkability. Artist conceptual visualization Artist conceptual visualization LIGHT RAIL ON EAST RIVERSIDE Aerial view near Pleasant Valley station, showing a new shaded walk and bike path and how the line extends from the city center to East Riverside. Artist conceptual visualization THE DRAG The station at UT on a typical game day with a redesigned and pedestrian-centric Guadalupe Street. Artist conceptual visualization OLTORF AT H-E-B The station at Congress and Oltorf near H-E-B, showing a new public plaza with shade trees and native plants. Artist conceptual visualization Austin Light Rail Proposed Light Rail Timeline Environmental Analysis Topics Environmental Analysis Topics Physical and Natural Environment Human Environment Air Quality Emissions, pollutants, greenhouse gases. Soils and Geologic Resources Geologic conditions, risk for erosion, and seismic hazards. Water Resources Surface waters, water quality, stormwater, safe drinking water, groundwater, and floodplains. Energy and Electromagnetic Fields Energy considerations and requirements. Hazardous Materials Presence of hazardous materials. Noise and Vibration Change in levels of noise or vibration. Wildlife and Habitat With particular attention to threatened and endangered species and local protection of heritage trees. Environmental Justice The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, income, national origin, or educational level, with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies. Safety and Security Safety and security measures for construction and operation of the new service. Land Use and Zoning Land use patterns and compatibility with local land use plans and policies. Property Acquisitions Property needs …
Topics Studied in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (or DEIS) provides a comprehensive analysis of Austin Light Rail in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and other applicable statutes. This handout contains summary information for key areas of interest that were identified during previous community input. Scan to access the full DEIS at Wildlife and Water Resources What are the potential impacts on water and local wildlife? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES y Current drainage patterns will y Less than 2% overall change to y Manage lighting to avoid or minimize be maintained and will bridge impervious coverage because impacts on bats and birds during or culvert over water features the Project is largely within construction and operations. to limit disturbance. existing right-of-way. y Ensure compliance with Clean Water y No threatened or endangered y Lighting during construction Act by continuing coordination with the species or habitat will be and operations could affect the Army Corps of Engineers. impacted by the Project. bat colony and the new light rail bridge across Lady Bird Lake is in the bat flight path. y Continuing bridge design will seek to reduce impacts to water quality, plants and animals. Air Quality How would the construction and operation of light rail affect air quality? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES ATP will require contractors to implement best management practices to minimize dust and emissions that might be caused by construction. During construction: y Increase in dust from construction activities. y Increase in emissions from machinery used during construction. y Temporary emissions from cars due to traffic conditions. Reduced Vehicle Miles Traveled Annually, over 20 million fewer vehicle miles will be traveled, as more people transition to the newly available transit options. No Air Emissions During Operation Light rail vehicles are electric. Austin Prioritizes Clean Air The Austin area complies with all federal air quality standards designed to protect public health. 1 Trees What will happen to trees along the light rail? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES y A tree task force y Three-tiered strategy conducted an will be applied to inventory of trees trees within the limits to determine of construction, which y Removed trees y Continuing objective is to avoid tree removals or impacts Three Tiered Strategy for Trees: the potential for includes: preservation in the Project area. 245 Protected Trees 211 …
ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 15, 2025 NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: Westcreek Mixed Use SP-2023-0276C NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: Quiddity, Justin Cadieux, PE LOCATION: 5725 W US 290 Highway EB, Austin 78749 COUNCIL DISTRICT: Council District 8 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: WATERSHED: Mike McDougal Environmental Policy Program Manager Development Services Department 512-974-6380 mike.mcdougal@ Barton Creek Watershed Barton Springs Zone classification Drinking Water Protection Zone REQUEST: Redevelopment Exception in the Barton Springs Zone [LDC 25-8-26] Staff recommends the Redevelopment Exception for this project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: STAFF CONDITION: Not applicable. Development Services Department Staff Recommendations Project Name: Request: Westcreek Mixed Use Ordinance Standard: Watershed Protection Ordinance (current code) The request is for an affirmative recommendation for this project to develop using the Redevelopment Exception in the Barton Springs Zone [LDC 25-8-26] Per LDC 25-8-26(F)(1), this project requires approval from City Council because the redevelopment includes more than 25 dwelling units. The project proposes 305 units. § 25-8-26 REDEVELOPMENT EXCEPTION IN THE BARTON SPRINGS ZONE. (A) This section applies to property located in the Barton Springs Zone that has existing commercial development if: (1) no unpermitted development occurred on the site after January 1, 1992, and (2) the property owner files a site plan application and an election for the property to be governed by this section. COMPLIES COMPLIES (B) For property governed by this section, this section supersedes Article 13 (Save Our Springs Initiative), to the extent of conflict. (C) In this section: (1) STANDARD POND means water quality controls that comply with Section 25-8-213 (Water Quality Control Standards) or are approved under Section 25-8-151 (Innovative Management Practices); and (2) SOS POND means water quality controls that comply with all requirements of Section 25-8-213 (Water Quality Control Standards) and the pollutant removal requirements of Section 25-8-514(A) (Pollution Prevention Required). (D) The requirements of this subchapter do not apply to the subdivision of property if at the time of redevelopment under this section subdivision and site plan applications are filed concurrently. (E) The requirements of this subchapter do not apply to the redevelopment of property if the redevelopment meets all of the following conditions: (1) The redevelopment may not increase the existing amount of impervious cover on the site. Not applicable COMPLIES Not applicable COMPLIES COMPLIES COMPLIES must have: (2) The redevelopment may not increase non-compliance, if any, with Article 7, Division 1 (Critical Water Quality Zone …
Redevelopment Exception in the Barton Springs Zone Westcreek Mixed Use 5725 W US 290 Highway EB, Austin 78749 SP-2023-0276C Mike McDougal Environmental Policy Program Manager Development Services Department 1 AGENDA The Site The Code The Project 2 The Site 3 VICINITY MAP N PROJECT LOCATION 4 WATERSHED CLASSIFICATION MAP N PROJECT LOCATION 5 EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE MAP RECHARGE ZONE N PROJECT LOCATION 6 AERIAL IMAGE 7 Property Data • Barton Creek Watershed • Barton Springs Zone Classification • Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone • Drinking Water Protection Zone • Full Purpose Jurisdiction • Council District 8 • Originally developed as a commercial use • All uplands (no CWQZ; no WQTZ) 8 The Code 9 What is the Redevelopment Exception (RE)? Section 25-8-26 of the Land Development Code (Redevelopment Exception in the Barton Springs Zone) allows for redevelopment of existing commercial properties in the Barton Springs Zone. Section 25-8-26 supersedes Article 13 (Save Our Springs Initiative), to the extent of conflict. There are many requirements associated with the redevelopment exception. However, in brief summary the redevelopment exception resets the watershed impervious cover limit equal to the amount of impervious cover currently on site. 10 What is the Redevelopment Exception (RE)? (continued) So the redevelopment exception allows the developer to remove existing impervious cover and build back up to the same amount of impervious cover. To be clear, there are other requirements including regulations that provide environmental benefit. 11 What are the requirements of the RE? LDC 25-8-26(E) lays out nine requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. May not increase impervious cover. May not increase non-compliance Critical Water Quality Zone, Water Quality Transition Zone, or Critical Environmental Feature requirements. Must comply with Environmental Resource Inventory, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, and fiscal requirements. The water quality controls on the redevelopment site must provide a level of water quality treatment that is equal to or greater than that which was previously provided. Item no. 6 provides additional WQ requirements. Must obtain a Barton Springs Zone Operating Permit for ponds. 12 What are the requirements of the RE? (continued) 6. A site with more than 40 percent net site area impervious cover, must have: (a) sedimentation/filtration ponds for the entire site; or (b) SOS ponds and sedimentation/filtration ponds for the entire site. 7. A site with 40 percent or less net site area impervious cover, must have SOS ponds for the entire site. 8. Must …
ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA February 5, 2025 Taylor Slough Dredge Maintenance, SP-2024-0019D Janis J. Smith, P.E., Janis Smith Consulting COMMISSION MEETING DATE: NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: LOCATION: 3704 ½ Meadowbank Dr, Austin, TX, 78703 COUNCIL DISTRICT: District 10 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: WATERSHED: Miranda Reinhard, Environmental Scientist Senior, Watershed Protection Department 512-978-1537, Lake Austin Watershed Water Supply Suburban Classification Drinking Water Protection Zone REQUEST: Request to vary from LDC 25-8-261(C)(9)(a) to allow more than 25 cubic yards of dredging in Lake Austin. Page 2 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends this variance, having determined the findings of fact to have been met. STAFF CONDITIONS: Staff recommends the following conditions: 1. Provide required wetland mitigation plantings (1,236 plantings comprised of 9 different species of FAC, FACW, and OBL species) along the shoreline. 2. Provide bulkhead mitigation plantings (29 plantings comprised of 3 different species of FACW and OBL species) along the shoreline. 3. Restore all areas disturbed in the Critical Water Quality Zone (CWQZ) per Standard Specification 609S. 4. Limit dredging outside of the 50% Critical Root Zones (CRZ) of trees along the shoreline and install tree boards fencing. 5. Provide measures to minimize/avoid sediment discharge including: 1) stabilized construction entrance and access road from the Meadowbank Drive entrance to the barge access location and, 2) mulch sock around the entire limits of construction (LOC) of the staging, storage and dewatering areas, and 3) two rock berms downstream of the staging, storage, and dewatering areas, and 4) stabilized dewatering area for dredge bags, and 5) floating turbidity curtain downstream of the dewatering operation, and 6) floating turbidity curtain surrounding active dredge area. 6. Conduct dredging via hydraulic methods including bagging of material. Watershed Protection Department Staff Recommendations Concerning Required Findings Taylor Slough Dredge Maintenance, SP-2024-0019D Project Name: Ordinance Standard: Current Code Variance Request: Request to vary from LDC 25-8-261(C)(9)(a) to allow more than 25 cubic yards of dredging in Lake Austin. A. Land Use Commission variance determinations from Chapter 25-8-41 of the City Code: 1. The requirement will deprive the applicant of a privilege available to owners of other similarly situated property with approximately contemporaneous development subject to similar code requirements; b. The project proposes to Taylor Slough, which is part of Lake Austin, to provide navigation Yes access for the homeowners due to years of sediment build-up in the waterway and a bulkhead …
Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Concession Locations ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 Concession Contracts ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Contract Terms Solicitations and New Contracts Rowing Dock ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Zilker Café ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Contract Extensions Rowing Dock ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Austin Rowing Club at Waller Creek Boathouse ................................................................................................................ 6 EpicSUP/The Trail Conservancy .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Rowing Dock ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Zilker Park Boat Rentals...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Zilker Eagle ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Parkland Operation and Management Agreement .......................................................................................................... 10 Concession Sales, Payments, and Expenditures ................................................................................................................. 12 Expiring Contracts Other Contract Changes Revenue Share Payments Capital Improvements Public Benefit Butler Pitch and Putt ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 Rowing Dock ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Austin Rowing Club .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Butler Pitch and Putt ........................................................................................................................................................ 17 EpicSUP............................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Expedition School ............................................................................................................................................................. 17 Lone Star Riverboat .......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Rowing Dock ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Texas Rowing Center ........................................................................................................................................................ 18 Zilker Park Boat Rentals.................................................................................................................................................... 18 Zilker Eagle ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19 i 4 4 6 8 9 13 15 16 Concessions Outside of Town Lake Park ............................................................................................................................ 20 Parks and Recreation Board Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 21 Environmental Commission Recommendations ................................................................................................................. 21 Short-Term Permits Concessions at Golf Courses Toxic Algae and Extreme Heat Transportation Shuttles Public Benefit Watercraft Census New Concessions Carrying Capacity Zilker Eagle Update Appendix 1. Temporary Concessions and Commercial Use Report FY24 ............................................................................ 26 Temporary Concession Permits and Commercial Use Revenue for Temporary Concessions and Commercial Use Summary of Revenue for Temporary Concessions Temporary Concession Permits – Six Month and Single Day Targeted Concessions Commercial Use – Fitness Instructors and Instructor-Led Classes Performing Artists – Balloon Artist and Face Painting Appendix 2. Austin Lake Water Protection Plan and Marine Waste Information ............................................................... 29 20 20 22 22 22 22 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 ii Executive Summary The mission of the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) is to inspire Austin to learn, play, protect and connect by creating diverse programs and experiences in sustainable natural spaces and public places. In carrying out its mission, PARD has established nine permanent concessions in Town Lake Park that provide recreation services. These services include rentals of canoes, kayaks, and stand-up paddleboards (SUPs); rowing instruction and memberships; food and beverage sales; short-course golf; excursion boats; and a mini train. The concessions were established pursuant to City of Austin Code Section 8-1-71, which authorizes the director of the Parks and Recreation Department to allow a person to operate a food or beverage, rental, or service concession in Town Lake Park. Additionally, Section 8-1-73 requires …
2024 ANNUAL CONCESSION REPORT Presented by Karen Charles and Denisha Cox Environmental Commission Meeting January 15, 2025 AUSTIN CITY CODE Austin City Code § 8-1-73 requires that on or before January 31st of each year, the director shall deliver a report to the Parks and Recreation Board and the Environmental Commission on the concessions granted under this division. The annual report, prepared under this section, shall include: • The name of each concession operating in Town Lake • An income and expenditure statement for each • The total number of watercrafts rented in Town Lake Metropolitan Park; concession; Metropolitan Park; and by a concession. • A statement describing any problems caused or created 2 Concessions Austin Rowing Club at Waller Creek Boathouse Butler Pitch and Putt EpicSUP Expedition School Lone Star Riverboat Cruises Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Zilker Café (temporarily closed) Zilker Eagle Railroad Zilker Park Boat Rentals 3 3 Contract Terms 4 FY24 Gross Sales, Expenditures, and Payments to the City s n o i l l i M $3.5 $3.0 $2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 Butler Pitch and Putt (Pecan Grove Golf Partners) Gross Sales Reported Expenditures Payments $3,167,723 $1,087,331 $255,218 *EpicSUP $346,788 $213,122 $42,302 Expedition School $28,877 $12,986 $2,712 Lone Star Riverboats $1,111,905 $1,098,532 $93,662 Rowing Dock Texas Rowing Center Austin Rowing Club at Waller Creek Boathouse *Zilker Eagle Zilker Park Boat Rentals $1,696,571 $1,226,323 $175,953 $2,453,441 $2,102,044 $359,170 $3,387,564 $3,064,653 $237,925 $315,563 $268,229 $- $976,444 $645,066 $90,285 5 Total Gross Sales $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 Annual Gross Sales Since 2020 $- FY20 Total Gross Sales $6,722,615 FY21 $12,380,735 FY22 $15,994,081 FY23 $13,554,936 FY24 $13,484,877 6 6 Capital Improvements Butler Pitch and Putt – $93,894 • New well water pump • Seasonal tree maintenance • Sod/Turfgrass installation • Updates to the putting green drainage system • Metal roof installation over outdoor trellis structures Rowing Dock – $6,676 • Ground Improvements • Redo granite pathways • Repairs and restaining picnic tables and beams around the parking • Tree trimming • Sanding, staining and replacing boards on the boxes around the lot trash containers 7 Concessions Outside of Lady Bird Lake Permit Type Term Permits Issued Cost / Permit Revenue Commercial Use – Food or Other Specific Park Use Commercial Use – Fitness Trainers Commercial Use – Performing Artists Golf Concessions (4 golf courses) TOTAL REVENUE COLLECTED Six month Single day Six …
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20250205-003 Second by: Perry Bedford Date: February 5, 2025 Subject: Westcreek Mixed Use, SP-2023-0276C Motion by: Jennifer Bristol WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting a Redevelopment Exception in the Barton Springs Zone [LDC 25-8-26]; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes this project requires approval from City Council because the redevelopment includes more than 25 dwelling units. The project proposes 305 units; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the site is located in the property is located within Barton Creek Watershed, Barton Springs Zone classification, Drinking Water Protection Zone; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes staff recommends this Staff recommends the Redevelopment Exception for this project. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the Redevelopment Exception with the following recommendations: 1. Upgrade the biofiltration ponds to a system that is SOS-compliant. 2. Consider EV charging stations and solar panels. 3. Mitigate run-off to adjacent neighborhoods with green infrastructure, including tiny forest concepts that utilize dense vegetation that also increases biodiversity and reduces heat islands. 4. Consider partnering with AISD to utilize the campuses as parkland with some of the parkland dedication fee going to the school to improve the property as a park setting. 5. Work with the school to offer signage or education materials on the aquifer and watershed. 6. Include pollinator gardens throughout the property. 7. Reduce impervious cover to 40% from 45.29% Vote: 9-0 For: Perry Bedford, Jennifer Bristol, Richard Brimer, Justin Fleury, Mariana Krueger, Collin Nickels, Haris Qureshi, Melinda Schiera, David Sullivan Against: None Abstain: None Absent: Hanna Cofer Recuse: None Attest: 1 of 2 Perry Bedford, Environmental Commission Chair 2 of 2
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20250205-003 Second by: Perry Bedford Date: February 5, 2025 Subject: Westcreek Mixed Use, SP-2023-0276C Motion by: Jennifer Bristol WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting a Redevelopment Exception in the Barton Springs Zone [LDC 25-8-26]; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes this project requires approval from City Council because the redevelopment includes more than 25 dwelling units. The project proposes 305 units; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the site is located in the property is located within Barton Creek Watershed, Barton Springs Zone classification, Drinking Water Protection Zone; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes staff recommends this Staff recommends the Redevelopment Exception for this project. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the Redevelopment Exception with the following recommendations: 1. Upgrade the biofiltration ponds to a system that is SOS-compliant. 2. Consider EV charging stations and solar panels. 3. Mitigate run-off to adjacent neighborhoods with green infrastructure, including tiny forest concepts that utilize dense vegetation that also increases biodiversity and reduces heat islands. 4. Consider partnering with AISD to utilize the campuses as parkland with some of the parkland dedication fee going to the school to improve the property as a park setting. 5. Work with the school to offer signage or education materials on the aquifer and watershed. 6. Include pollinator gardens throughout the property. 7. Reduce impervious cover to 40% from 45.29% Vote: 9-0 For: Perry Bedford, Jennifer Bristol, Richard Brimer, Justin Fleury, Mariana Krueger, Collin Nickels, Haris Qureshi, Melinda Schiera, David Sullivan Against: None Abstain: None Absent: Hanna Cofer Recuse: None Attest: 1 of 2 Perry Bedford, Environmental Commission Chair 2 of 2
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20250205-004 Date: February 5, 2025 Subject: Taylor Slough Dredge Maintenance, SP-2024-0019D Location: 3704 1⁄2 Meadowbank Dr, Austin, TX, 78703 Motion by: Jennifer Bristol Seconded by: Melinda Schiera WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting to vary from Request to vary from LDC 25-8-261(C)(9)(a) to allow more than 25 cubic yards of dredging in Lake Austin; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the site is located in Lake Austin Watershed Water Supply Rural Classification, Desired Development Zone; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes that staff recommends the variance with the following conditions: 1. Provide required wetland mitigation plantings (1,236 plantings comprised of 9 different species of FAC, FACW, and OBL species) along the shoreline. 2. Provide bulkhead mitigation plantings (29 plantings comprised of 3 different species of FACW and OBL species) along the shoreline. 3. Restore all areas disturbed in the Critical Water Quality Zone (CWQZ) per Standard Specification 4. Limit dredging outside of the 50% Critical Root Zones (CRZ) of trees along the shoreline and 609S. install tree boards fencing. 5. Provide measures to minimize/avoid sediment discharge including: 1) stabilized construction entrance and access road from the Meadowbank Drive entrance to the barge access location and, 2) mulch sock around the entire limits of construction (LOC) of the staging, storage and dewatering areas, and 3) two rock berms downstream of the staging, storage, and dewatering areas, and 4) stabilized dewatering area for dredge bags, and 5) floating turbidity curtain downstream of the dewatering operation, and 6) floating turbidity curtain surrounding active dredge area. 6. Conduct dredging via hydraulic methods including bagging of material. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the variance request with the following conditions: 1. Supply information about best practices in maintaining the plants and avoiding using chemicals that cause algae blooms. Each of the property owners will receive a packet that includes the Go Green manual. 2. Recommend finding a way to reuse the sediment after it is dried and evaluated for toxins. VOTE 7-0 1 For: Perry Bedford, Jennifer Bristol, Justin Fleury, Mariana Krueger, Haris Qureshi, Melinda Schiera, David Sullivan Against: None Recuse: None Abstain: Richard Brimer Absent: Hanna Cofer, Colin Nickells Approved By: Perry Bedford, Environmental Commission Chair 2
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, February 5, 2025 The Environmental Commission convened in a Regular meeting on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Chair Bedford called the Environmental Commission Meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Perry Bedford, Jennifer Bristol, Justin Fleury, Mariana Krueger, Haris Qureshi, Melinda Schiera, David Sullivan Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Colin Nickells and Richard Brimer Commissioners Absent: Hanna Cofer PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Bobby Levinski, SOS, Mopac South Project concerns APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on December 4, 2024 The minutes of the Environmental Commission Regular Meeting on December 4, 2024, were approved on Commissioner Sullivan’s motion, Commissioner Qureshi’s second 7-0 vote. Commissioner Nickels abstained. Commissioner Krueger was off the dais. Commissioner Coffer was absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS Presentation and discussion on Austin Light Rail Update – Austin Transit Partnership staff. Item conducted as posted. No action taken. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ACTION ITEMS Name: Westcreek Mixed Use, SP-2023-0276C Applicant: Quiddity, Justin Cadieux, PE Location: 5725 W US 290 Highway EB, Austin, TX, 78749 1 1. 2. 3. Council District: District 8 Staff: Mike McDougal, Environmental Policy Program Manager, Development Services Department; 512-974-6380, Applicant request: Redevelopment Exception in the Barton Springs Zone [LDC 25-8- 26] Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Redevelopment Exception for this project. Speakers: Mike McDougal David Hartman Leigh Ziegler Rita Berry Bobby Levinski Roy Wayley Craig Nazor Justin Cadieux Liz Johnston A motion to close the public hearing passed on Commissioner Bedford’s motion, Commissioner Schiera’s second, on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Cofer was absent. A motion to recommend the Westcreek Mixed Use Redevelopment Exception with conditions passed on Commissioner Bristol’s motion, Commissioner Bedford’s second, on a 9–0 vote. Commissioner Cofer was absent. Chair Bedford called for a recess at 9:02. Chair Bedford reconvened the meeting at 9:10. Name: Taylor Slough Dredge Maintenance, SP-2024-0019D Applicant: Janis J. Smith, P.E., Janis Smith Consulting Location: 3704 ½ Meadowbank Dr, Austin, TX, 78703 Council District: District 10 Staff: Miranda Reinhard, Environmental Scientist Senior, Watershed Protection Department 512-978-1537, Applicant request: Request to vary from LDC 25-8-261(C)(9)(a) to allow more than 25 cubic yards of dredging in Lake Austin. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends this variance with conditions Speakers: Miranda Reinhard Janis J. Smith David Goodman 2 4. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 5. A motion to close the public hearing passed on Commissioner Bedford’s …