City of Austin Early Childhood Investments FY2025 — original pdf

Program Name Description Agency FY24 Amount FY25 Amount Notes Austin Public Health Early Childhood Investments Table EDD Childcare Contracts - EDD General Fund Mainspring Magic Quality Investment Project This program expands the training and professional development opportunities offered to teachers to enable them to build skills and expertise in areas aligned with the three pillars of Mainspring's successful model - Innovative Learning, Health & Wellness, and the Whole Family Approach. Childcare for Black Mothers RISE will provide free or low-cost, short-term, culturally congruent, high-quality drop-in childcare, for Black mothers who are a part of the Black Mama’s Village in Central Texas for children 6 weeks through age 5. Drop- in care is a back-up childcare option for parents when they need temporary, short-term care. Rise Child Development Center Quality Childcare Collaborative (QC3) (includes Continuity of Childcare System Services) Programming to increase childcare quality, including Director Mentoring, CLASS Training, and the Jeannette Watson Wage Supplement Program; Temporary “bridge” funding for children in subsidized childcare who would otherwise be terminated or not enrolled due to federal funding rules. Workforce Solutions Capital Area Workforce Board Mainspring Schools $34,000 $71,400 This contract was first funded for 6 months in FY24 under a new award from the APH Early Childhood RFP. FY25 Includes a one-time 5% COLA of $3,400. $68,064 $142,933 This contract was first funded for 6 months in FY24 under a new award from the APH Early Childhood RFP. FY25 Includes a one-time 5% COLA of $6,806. $1,118,210 $1,174,121 FY25 Includes a one-time 5% COLA of $55,911 KinderCare at Bergstrom Tech Early Childhood Consulting Childcare Leadership Academy Rent and operating expenses (OpEx) for childcare program on City-leased property at Bergstrom Technology Center KinderCare $307,214 $304,188 Childcare consulting services $75,000 $75,000 Ginsberg Kershner & Associates Training for facility directors, assistant directors, and staff interested in leadership roles to develop leadership pipeline for childcare sector and improve center quality and stability. Raising Austin dba Together 4 Children $351,270 $351,270 EDD Workforce Development dollars Austin Public Health Early Childhood Investments Table Premium Pay Wage Stipends Wage stipends for qualified childcare staff, up to $2500/year to improve staff retention and care quality. $519,924 $480,076 Workforce Solutions Capital Area Workforce Board Total FY23 funding of $1M from EDD Workforce Development dollars; rolled into WFS ARPA contract. Amounts listed are balances utilized each fiscal year $2,473,682 $2,598,988 Program Name Description Agency FY24 Amount FY25 Amount Notes EDD Program Delivery Services - EDD General and Grant Funds Implementation of a comprehensive support network and resource hub for home-based childcare providers Implementation of a support network and resource hub for home-based childcare providers. The network aims for equitable access to information and resources focused on: Childcare Quality, Business & Sustainability, Comprehensive Services, and Provider Well-Being. The City's match will cover a portion of the costs of a new financial relief grant program for qualifying home-based childcare providers (Business & Sustainability). Economic Development Grant Program Funding to waive fees for qualifying high quality childcare programs to: (1) obtain a conditional use permit to open a childcare facility; (2) construct an expansion of an existing high quality childcare facility; and (3) obtain an annual inspection by the Austin Fire Department for a high quality childcare facility. EDD $150,000 City matching funds of $75K plus $75K in anticipated grant funds from Home Grown EDD $250,000 Total $250,000 $150,000 Program Name Description Agency FY24 Amount FY25 Amount Notes Personnel Costs - COA General Fund and ARPA Austin Public Health Early Childhood Investments Table Early Childhood Staff APH $207,342 $339,898 Planning and coordination on the community’s Success by Six Coalition Strategic Action Plan. APH - includes developing strategies to increase the availability and quality of Pre-K, Head Start, and Early Head Start seats. Staff also promote public health through outreach, education, and engagement efforts focused on the childcare workforce. Planning and coordination on the community’s Success by Six Coalition Strategic Action Plan. EDD - includes developing strategies to increase the availability of, and number of children enrolled in, affordable high-quality early care and education, efforts to support the childcare workforce and childcare contract management Childcare Staff EDD $311,904 $322,228 Program Name Description Agency FY24 Amount FY25 Amount Notes APH Social Services Contracts - APH General Fund Total $519,246 $662,126 Ready Families Collaborative+ A comprehensive pipeline of services for children ages 0- 5 and their families, which allow for early and progressive intervention in support of healthy child development Any Baby Can $1,805,938 $1,710,551 FY24 funding includes 6 months of funding ($991,390) from a prior solicitation plus 6 months of funding ($814,548) from APH's FY24 Early Childhood RFP. FY25 amount includes new RFP award amount of $1,629,096 plus one-time 5% COLA of $81,455. Infant & Early Childhood Services The purpose of ACGC’s IEC program is to promote school readiness and improve the social and emotional health of at-risk, lower-income children while reducing the rate of suspensions and expulsions of children ages zero to five years. Austin Child Guidance Center $69,280 $145,488 FY25 amount includes new RFP award of $138,560 plus one-time 5% COLA of $6,928. Two EC staff were in place at APH in FY24 (program coordinator and program supervisor). An additional program coordinator joined the team in FY25. EDD has 1 Program Manager for childcare and 1 temporary employee for ARPA contract management. FY24 total is ARPA funding for temp at APH. FY25 total includes both FTEs at EDD (General Fund position and remaining ARPA balance for temp). Austin Public Health Early Childhood Investments Table Quality Care for Children Overcoming Homelessness Quality Care for Children Overcoming Homelessness will provide extremely low-income single mothers and their children who have experienced homelessness access to direct care, parenting education, and wraparound support services. VinCare Services of Austin Early Childhood Education Program The initiative, Mi Familia & Me, integrates with our ECE Program to provide parenting classes to build a parent's capacity to support healthy brain development, peer-to- peer support, access to critical resources, and nurturing parent/child bonds. $45,600 $95,760 FY25 amount includes new RFP award of $91,200 plus one-time 5% COLA of $4,560. Todos Juntos $303,725 $637,823 FY25 amount includes new RFP award of $607,450 plus one-time 5% COLA of $30,373. FY24 includes one-time increase of $42,666; FY25 amount reflects ongoing amount of $128,000 plus a one-time 5% COLA of $6,400. Pre-K Classroom Start-Up Funds Start-up costs for area school districts to purchase furniture and materials needed to open additional Pre-K 3 classrooms Local area school districts $170,666 $134,400 Passages Salvation Army $160,000 $160,000 The goal of the Passages Childcare Voucher Program is to provide short-term ‘gap funding’ for families experiencing homelessness to allow them ready access to quality childcare of their choosing until alternative mainstream care arrangements can be made for their children Austin Public Health Early Childhood Investments Table TOTAL $2,555,209 $2,884,022 Program Name Description Agency FY24 Amount FY25 Amount Notes APH Program Delivery Services - APH General and Grant Funds Services for African American women with low income during pregnancy and throughout the first year postpartum, including health education, resource navigation assistance, one-on- one home visits, birth education, and labor and delivery support Austin Public Health $557,145 $568,285 APH considers this one-time funding since it comes from 1115 Waiver/DSRIP. The planning period provides an opportunity to explore options and make decisions about the best way to proceed with creating a network for home-based childcare. Austin Public Health $25,000 FY24 reflects planning period funding which was housed at APH. FY25 funding for the implementation phase of this work will be housed at EDD in FY25. Family Connects Universal home visiting services Austin Public Health $1,525,009 $1,246,935 Grant funded from multiple funding sources TOTAL $2,107,154 $1,815,220 Maternal Infant Outreach Program (DSRIP) Planning of a comprehensive support network and resource hub for home-based childcare providers APH Public Service Childcare Contracts - Federal HUD-CDBG funds Program Name Teen Parent Childcare Early Head Start Description Childcare services for children of teen parents with low income Early Head Start childcare for children of families with low income Agency Austin ISD Child, Inc. FY24 Amount FY25 Amount Notes $206,942 $343,478 $278,294 $414,830 TOTAL $485,236 $758,308 Federal Match Childcare Development Fund (CCDF) Program Name Description Agency FY24 Amount FY25 Amount Notes Austin Public Health Early Childhood Investments Table Childcare Local Match Contribution Agreement Federal Match funding that Workforce Solutions Capital Area is able to draw down by demonstrating local investments in childcare from community partners, including some COA investments. WFS uses funds drawn down for direct childcare seats and childcare quality improvement initiatives. Match rate is $2 per $1 City certified Workforce Solutions Capital Area Workforce Board $3,324,760 $3,324,760 FY25 amount is projected to remain the same as FY24. Agreement pending. TOTAL $3,324,760 $3,324,760 Local Fiscal Recovery Funds/American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Investments Program Name Description Agency FY25 Balance Notes 36 mos Amount (FY22-FY24) Full-day, Dual Language Pre-K 4 Full-Day Pre-K 3 Supplements and expands access to early education to children 4 years old who do not meet requirements for state funded Pre-K Expansion of Pre-K for 3 year-olds from half-day to full- day on some campuses Continuity of Childcare Services expansion Temporary “bridge” funding for children in subsidized childcare who would otherwise be terminated or not enrolled due to federal funding rules Del Valle ISD $638,000 $0 Contract ended 9/30/24 Austin ISD $822,075 $304,550 Contract extended thru 12/31/26 Assist families on childcare subsidy waitlist with securing childcare $3,264,881 $398,411 Workforce Solutions Capital Area Workforce Board Family and Community Engagement Staff Childcare Essential Worker Premium Pay Premium pay wage supplements for childcare teachers and staff Ready Families Collaborative Premium pay wage supplements for family support staff; outreach specialist personnel Any Baby Can $177,083 $0 Contract ended 9/30/24 Contract extended thru 12/31/25 Austin Public Health Early Childhood Investments Table T.E.A.C.H. Incentives and tuition supports for childcare teachers who are furthering their education in the field of early childhood education Texas Assoc. for the Education of Young Children $157,000 $56,237 Contract extended thru 12/31/26 PreK Partnerships Hub Family/Childcare Home Network Expansion Non-Traditional Hours Childcare Pilot The recipient will operate an “Administrative Hub” that centralizes the administrative duties of qualified community-based pre-k classrooms Recipient will implement a training curriculum, support licensing needs and other development for home-based childcare programs Recipient will conduct a local analysis and design a pilot program to address the supply of regulated childcare provided during “non-traditional” hours such as overnight, weekends and outside of traditional business hours Shared Services Alliance Planning & Implementation Recipient will design and implement a pilot program to create a “Shared Services Alliance” which enables childcare providers to share administrative costs related to operating a childcare program. Wage supplements and tuition support Expand wage supplements and tuition support to recruit and retain qualified early childhood educators in Pre-K partnerships Improve Quality of School-Age Childcare Use a Quality Assessment Instrument to assess 36 sites and make site improvement plans Family Connects Universal home visiting services United Way for Greater Austin $3,513,000 $643,259 Contract extended thru 6/30/25 Austin Public Health TOTAL Grand Total All Funding Sources $2,000,000 $967,139 $10,572,039 $21,768,080 $2,369,596 $14,563,020