Early Childhood CouncilJune 12, 2024

Item 4- Any Baby Can & Ready Families Collaborative presentation — original pdf

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Ready Families Collaborative and local home visiting programs Rebecca Elizondo, Chief Program Officer Maddie Glover, Director of Data, Reporting, and Evaluation Presentation by June 12, 2024 WHO WE ARE Any Baby Can is a Central Texas nonprofit that works with families to overcome obstacles and achieve well-being. With programs that meet clients where they are – at home, work or school – Any Baby Can helps build stability, develop skills and navigate systems so children and families reach their full potential. Any Baby Can serves as the fiscal and contract holder for the Ready Families Collaborative since 2015. Vision A community that empowers parents, prioritizes healthy families, and invests in child development. Mission Any Baby Can partners with families to build stability, develop skills, and unlock each child’s full potential. WHAT IS THE READY FAMILIES COLLABORTIVE (RFC)?  RFC consists of 8 organizations that provide early childhood and support services to families living within Travis County.  The services provided by the RFC focus on the development of children ages 0 to 5 and family units that support them.  Families are offered a range of evidence or research- based services that will help their children be successful in their development, education, and life.  Services include home visitation, Two-Generation models, Play to Learn groups and parenting classes, child care, child development services, and case management. Home Visitation Child Development Two Generation models Play to Learn and Parent Education classes HOW WE STARTED  The RFC was formed through the work of the Family Support Network, School Readiness Action Plan (SRAP) facilitated by United Way of Greater Austin.  The RFC’s purpose and goals were aligned with the Ready Families strategies of the School Readiness Action Plan (now known as the Success by 6 Strategic Plan).  Today, the RFC’s goals and work fall primarily within the Healthy Beginnings and Supported Families pillars of the Success by 6 Strategic plan  Healthy Beginnings: Community ensures the healthy births of all children and continue to provide the physical healthcare, developmental and mental health supports, and community resources they need to thrive throughout their childhood  Supported Families: Families have access to and use the resources that provide them with the knowledge, skills, confidence, and social support to positively nurture the health, safety, and development of their children, and develop greater financial stability. Any Baby Can Austin PBS AVANCE of Austin Communities in Schools Jeremiah Program Literacy Coalition of Central Texas SAFE Alliance YMCA of Austin OUR PARTNERS Play to Learn and Parenting Groups • Any Baby Can • Nurturing Families and Nurturing Fathers (16-week groups) • Serves parents with children 0-18, primarily involved in child welfare system • Parent Café’s peer to peer support groups • Austin PBS • Play to Learn Model (10-week groups) • Serves Parents with children 0-3 • Digital literacy focus • SAFE Alliance • Strong Start, Incredible years, Triple P, Child support services • Parents with children 0-5 Two Generation Programs • AVANCE of Austin • Parent-Child Education Program (ECE), Triple P, Adult Education ESL Serves parents with children ages 0-4 (9-month program) • • Communities in Schools – • ASPIRE – Adult ESL classes, Incredible Years, Parents As Teachers Serves Parents with children ages 0-5 (9-month program) • • Jeremiah Program • High Scope Curriculum, Life Skills, Parent Leadership, Childcare, Parent Education Serves mothers with children under age 5 • • Literacy Coalition of Central Texas • Parents and Little Scholars(PALS) model (14-week series) Early Literacy and school readiness instruction, Adult ESL • classes, PALS curricula. Affordable Child Care Programs • Jeremiah Program • High quality learning at their onsite child development center in East Austin. • Capacity for up to 60 children. • Jeremiah Program Child Development Center teaches a mixed-age curriculum that facilities peer learning and communal growth for children 6 weeks to 5 years old. • YMCA of Austin Early Education child care for children 6 weeks to 4 years old. • • YMCA Early Learning programs follow guidelines and curriculum for Texas Rising Star, Texas School Ready and FrogStreet. • Locations include Austin Achieve Public Schools, Blackshear Elementary, KIPP Ridge, Blazier Elementary, and much more. Home Visiting Programs • Any Baby Can • Nurse-Family Partnership (Birth to 2 years old) • Parents as Teachers (Birth to age 5) • Early Childhood Intervention (Birth to age 3) • CARE (Children with Special Healthcare needs – Birth to age 20) • AVANCE of Austin • Parent-Child Education Program (ECE), Once a month home visit • Communities in Schools – • ASPIRE –Parents As Teachers (once a month home visit) Let’s Talk Data! Fiscal Year (FY)19-23 Data on Eligible Families Served • Eligible families (have children under 6 years old, Travis County, <200% under the FPL) • Key data collected by Ready Families Collaborative agencies o Outputs: families served • Number of service units • Active/enrollment and dismissal dates o Outcomes: Improvement on Pre/Post assessments • Improved life skills for parents • Improvement on child’s treatment plan goals o Client demographics • Date of birth/age • Race/ethnicity • Household Income to Federal Poverty Level (FPL) • Residence (City, County, Zip Code) • On a quarterly basis, partners receive dashboards for quality monitoring • We aim to keep missing data rates <5% Growth and Need • Over the past 5 years, Ready Families Collaborative has served 14,280 people from 10,113 families • Despite budget cuts and flat funding the RFC has continued to meet the needs of our families • With the population (through relocation & birth rate) and cost of living increasing, the needs is projected to continue to increase with it On average, the RFC has exceeded City's goal by 18% 4479 4051 4110 4337 3994 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Actual City Goal: 3564 At Any Baby Can alone, referrals are up 75% from FY19-23 4821 5097 4369 2911 2656 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Race/ethnicity of eligible clients served by the RFC FY19-23 Asian 2.40% Unknown 1.37% Other 0.19% Two or more races 3.81% American Indian or Alaskan Native 0.18% Black/African- American 7.45% White (non- hispanic/latino) 10.33% Hispanic/Latino 74.28%  In all years of the RFC, most children served were Hispanic or Latino  52% come from Spanish speaking households  27 languages were represented in clients served by RFC  As of FY21 there have been no missing demographic information for eligible RFC clients Ready Families Collaborative FPL • All eligible RFC clients make under 200% of the FPL • Over half of clients served live in poverty, 100% of eligible clients do not make a livable wage for Travis county 83% of people served by RFC lived 200% below the FPL 5% 12% 32% 51% 75% 14% 11% RFC FY19-23 Travis County 2022 0% to < 100% 100 to <200% 200% or greater Unknown Where are our clients coming from? Ready Families Collaborative: Agencies included in FY 19-23 Data • Low rates of client duplication – although some intentional referral between partners • Ex: AVANCE Austin identifies children for referral to Early Childhood Intervention at Any Baby Can 99.5% of RFC clients are not duplicated across RFC agencies FY19-FY23 Agency Any Baby Can AVANCE Literacy Coalition # of overlapping clients FY19-23 74 54 8 Jeremiah CIS KLRU YMCA Campfire Any Baby Can Jeremiah AVANCE CIS Literacy Coalition YMCA KLRU Campfire 7 3 2 2 0 94.49% 98.26% 98.89% 99.02% 99.53% 99.71% 99.72% 100.00% 1 agency 2 agencies 5.51% 1.74% 1.11% 0.98% 0.47% 0.29% 0.28% Assessment and improvement rates for eligible families (children & parents)  Children (or their parents) are pre- and post-assessed for improvement • Type of assessment varies depending on services received. Assessment rates are viewed by household  The majority of children/parents assessed improve from pre- to post- test From FY19-23 an average of 80% of children/parents improve in lifeskill/treatment plan goals 86.2% 81.6% 77.5% 74.6% 77.8% FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Collaborative Successes over the years • Developed a continuum of service model - linkage between the different programs offered by collaborative partners. • Referral/outreach coordination process through the work of United Way of Greater Austin’s Referral and Resource tool (Connect ATX) • Shared data management and process improvement to reduce duplication of services using Any Baby Can’s Apricot data system. • Improved the quality of services through shared professional development and networking. • Shared resources especially during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic (i.e., diapers, formula, mental health resources, meal distribution, outreach support). What’s New…  Affordable childcare  2 RFC partners shifted their programming under the grant from parent – child education groups to expanding childcare.  Increase collaborative focus on affordable childcare support through advocacy and resource support for low-income families.  Shared resources  Infant Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECHMH)  Outreach and resource coordination  United impact  Data accuracy  Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix (Parent-Child Relations: safety, parenting)  Due to cleaner data collection systems, we are now just reporting on 100% eligible RFC clients and their outcomes to show the most accurate story What Our Clients Say • “Sending out nurses to prepare parents for childbirth and parenthood. Showing how to adapt to each month with baby giving advice, tips and tricks. I feel like I can ask anything like my nurse is a part of our village to be able to go to for help.” • “We needed help when our 2yo regressed in his language, and began to show signs of Autism. ABC provided speech and basic skills therapy, and helped us get aligned with AISD’s evaluation process and start special education preschool when he turned 3yo. The entire team is genuinely interested in the care of the child and the family as a whole!” • “AVANCE was one of the best decisions I could make. My son developed many skills in no time, as well as me….AVANCE always supports you and informs you about what's going on in our community, inviting you to develop your talents, and above to be prepared to solve difficult situations.” • “[Any Baby Can has been a] big support to families/single parents whom have no support and having a hard time with their kids and trying to break cycles to move forward for a better and healthier future.” • El servicio de apoyo para mi hija, Gracias a Any baby Can no me Yesento sola y se que Yes llegara a neceYestar algo ellos me apoyarían a buscar poYesbles soluciones, manejo mucho mejor mi estrés pues me Yesento Strongly apoyada Yesempre están pendientes de mi