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City of Austin Early Childhood Council 2021 Context for Goal Setting ECC 2021 Foundations Document ECC Members shall be knowledgeable about and focused on our purpose: Purpose (ECC Bylaws) The Early Childhood Council shall, as stated in City Code § 2‐1‐123 (B): (l) Make recommendations to the city council for the creation, development, and implementation of programs that promote optimal development for young children; (2) Develop, for recommendation to city council, programs and activities that contribute to the continued development of a system of high‐quality early care and education and afterschool programs for Austin's children; (3) Explore and develop, for recommendation to city council, cooperative arrangements with area governments in the metropolitan region to support a system of quality early care and education; (4) Encourage volunteerism and philanthropic efforts in order to generate broad‐based community involvement and support for quality early care and education and promote the well‐being of families of young children; and (5) Develop, for recommendation to city council, strategies encouraging individuals and agencies to continually improve the quality of their services for young children; and (6) Support innovative approaches to quality early care and education and leadership development in fields relating to the optimal development of young children. ECC Council will articulate how actions /recommendations align with City of Austin Strategic Direction 2023 (SD23) City of Austin Strategic Outcomes: Economic Opportunity and Affordability: Having economic opportunities and resources that enable us to thrive in our community. Mobility: Getting us where we want to go, when we want to get there, safely and cost‐effectively. Safety: Being safe in our home, at work, and in our community. Health and Environment: Enjoying a sustainable environment and a healthy life, physically and Culture and Lifelong Learning: Being enriched by Austin's unique civic, cultural, ethnic, and learning mentally. opportunities. Government That Works for All: Believing that city government works effectively and collaboratively for all of us ‐ that it is equitable, ethical and innovative. City of Austin Early Childhood Council 2021 Context for Goal Setting ECC will articulate how actions/recommendations align with Community Strategic Plans Success By 6 Strategic Plan Pillars and Goals: Healthy Beginnings ‐ All children receive early and regular developmental screenings and immunizations, and are linked to accessible, coordinated, integrated, and responsive basic needs, physical, dental, and mental health services, including services for children with developmental delays. Supported Families ‐ Families have access to and use the resources that provide them with the knowledge, skills, confidence, and social supports to positively nurture the health, safety, and development of their children, and develop greater financial stability. Quality Care and Education ‐ Children and families are informed and able to access high quality early learning environments that demonstrate positive developmental outcomes for all children (including children with unique developmental and cultural needs) through competent, responsive, and caring relationships Safe & Stimulating Communities ‐ Public and private sectors in Austin/Travis County work together to ensure that the community has the resources and infrastructure to deliver services to children and their families, and to provide a safe and healthy environment in which to raise children 2Gen Strategic Plan: Programs and systems that support families with low income are coordinated and aligned, creating an ecosystem of support to meet the needs of both generations. Families achieve educational success through high‐quality education for children aged 0‐12 and adult education and job training leading to the potential of employment with a family‐sustaining wage. Families have the knowledge and relationships needed to access resources and services that help them meet their goals. Families are mentally and physically healthy. Families attain financial security through robust financial education and increased economic assets. Other internal or external goals: (examples) Increase communication between Council Offices and ECC Increase public awareness of ECC