Early Childhood Council - Feb. 12, 2025

Early Childhood Council Regular Meeting of the Early Childhood Council - Hybrid meeting; Attend in person or by phone

Agenda original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING of the EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL FEBRUARY 12, 2025, 9:00 A.M. CITY HALL, BOARD AND COMMISSION ROOM #1101 301 WEST SECOND STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS Some members of the Early Childhood Council may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Caitlin Oliver, Program Coordinator, Austin Public Health, at 512-972-6205 or Caitlin.Oliver@austintexas.gov. CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS/COMMISSIONERS: Cathy McHorse, Chair Eliza Gordon Cynthia McCollum Brianna Menard Hilda Rivas Ellana Selig Choquette Hamilton, Vice Chair Tom Hedrick Andrea McIllwain Alice Navarro Casie Schennum AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first five speakers to register prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Early Childhood Council Regular Meeting on January 15, 2025 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Approve a recommendation regarding early childhood investments in the fiscal year 2026 City of Austin budget Approve a recommendation regarding family, friend, and neighbor child care supports Approve a recommendation regarding family stabilization grants and the City of Austin Equity Office 5. Approve a recommendation regarding the budget process for boards & commissions DISCUSSION ITEMS Updates from the Early Childhood Council Quality-of-Life (QoL) Study Workgroup regarding collaboration with the other commissions conducting a QoL study and a potential budget recommendation related to funding the studies Updates from the January Joint Inclusion Committee (JIC) meeting regarding plans for “Get to Know Your Commission” community events and a potential new board & commission STAFF BRIEFINGS Briefing from Cindy Gamez, Economic Development Department (EDD), regarding the child care center at the Dove Springs Public Health Facility Briefing from Caitlin Oliver, Austin Public Health (APH), regarding updates from related local early childhood groups such as Austin Chapter of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children, Austin ISD, Travis County, and Child Care Regulation FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal …

Scraped at: Feb. 7, 2025, 1:30 p.m.

Item 2: Draft Budget Recommendation Regarding Early Childhood Investments original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Early Childhood Council 20250212-002: Budget Recommendation Regarding Current Early Childhood Investments WHEREAS, in the City of Austin, 32% of children under age 6 live in households with low income; and WHEREAS, 94% of the children in households with low income under age 6 are children of color; and WHEREAS, decades of research prove that disadvantages begin the moment children come into the world because children born into poverty and children of color are disproportionately born early, at low weight, or with chronic illnesses, and are less likely than their peers to be ready for, or successful at school; and WHEREAS, current City investments in early childhood programs align with the goals and strategies of the Austin/Travis County Success By 6 Strategic Plan – a robust, data-driven community strategic plan designed to coordinate efforts, improve child and family outcomes as well as build more efficient and coordinated systems for equitable access; and WHEREAS, many of the federal, state, and local economic recovery funds invested in early childhood systems and programs have expired or are expiring in 2025; and WHEREAS, Child Care Scholarship programs through Workforce Solutions Capital Area are at capacity, no new funding is available at this time, and as of December 2024, the estimated amount of time a family applying for a scholarship at that time will likely remain on a waitlist before they could expect to be outreached for enrollment is 24 months; and WHEREAS, the City of Austin’s recently announced Infrastructure Academy is intended to expand the region’s skilled trade sector and access to childcare is an obstacle for the existing workforce, including the skilled trades; and WHEREAS, the Early Childhood Council has had input from the community’s Success By 6 Coalition (SX6) and GO! Austin/¡VAMOS! Austin (GAVA), all calling for significantly increased local government investment in the Childcare sector. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Early Childhood Council recommends that the City of Austin maintain all current investments in early childhood programs and infrastructure, including but not limited to: ● Sustaining investments: Maintain FY25 budget levels for FY26 (subject to other recommendations below) for the projects, programs, and agencies listed below: Agency Program Name FY25 Amount Mainspring Schools Rise Child Development Center Workforce Solutions Capital Area Workforce Board KinderCare Ginsberg Kershner & Associates Raising Austin dba Together 4 Children Any Baby Can Austin Child Guidance Center VinCare Services of Austin Todos Juntos Local …

Scraped at: Feb. 11, 2025, 7 p.m.

Item 3: Draft Budget Recommendation Regarding FFN Supports original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Early Childhood Council 20250212-003: Budget Recommendation Regarding Family, Friend, and Neighbor Childcare WHEREAS, in the City of Austin, 32% of children under age 6 live in households with low income; and WHEREAS, 94% of the children in households with low income under age 6 are children of color; and WHEREAS, decades of research prove that disadvantages begin the moment children come into the world because children born into poverty and children of color are disproportionately born early, at low weight, or with chronic illnesses, and are less likely than their peers to be ready for, or successful at school; and WHEREAS, many of the federal, state, and local economic recovery funds invested in early childhood systems and programs have expired or are expiring in 2025; and WHEREAS, Child Care Scholarship programs through Workforce Solutions Capital Area are at capacity, no new funding is available at this time, and as of December 2024, the estimated amount of time a family applying for a scholarship at that time will likely remain on a waitlist before they could expect to be outreached for enrollment is 24 months; and WHEREAS, FFN (Family, Friend, and Neighbor) care typically involves grandparents, aunts, close friends, or trusted neighbors who provide home-based childcare for three or fewer unrelated children; and WHEREAS, Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) care is often chosen for its flexibility, affordability, culturally and linguistically relevant early education, and the personal connection it provides—allowing parents to entrust their child’s learning and care to someone they already know and trust within their community; and WHEREAS, there are legal issues to be resolved regarding direct financial support to the broad spectrum of FFN service providers; and WHEREAS, the Early Childhood Council has had input from the community’s Success By 6 Coalition (SX6) and GO! Austin/¡VAMOS! Austin (GAVA), all calling for significantly increased local government investment in the Childcare sector; and WHEREAS, GAVA has requested $350,000 for programs to help develop a pipeline of FFN service providers and $200,000 to provide a mobile lending library for home-based family childcare providers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Early Childhood Council recommends the City of Austin direct Austin Public Health and the Economic Development Department to work with GAVA and other Date of Approval: Record of the vote: community input sources during FY26, or sooner if resources allow, to develop an integrated plan for Family, Friends, and Neighbor …

Scraped at: Feb. 11, 2025, 7 p.m.

Item 4: Draft Budget Recommendation Regarding Family Stabilization Grants original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Early Childhood Council 20250212-004: Budget Recommendation Regarding Family Stabilization and Equity Office WHEREAS, in the City of Austin, 32% of children under age 6 live in households with low income; and WHEREAS, 94% of the children in households with low income under age 6 are children of color; and WHEREAS, decades of research prove that disadvantages begin the moment children come into the world because children born into poverty and children of color are disproportionately born early, at low weight, or with chronic illnesses, and are less likely than their peers to be ready for, or successful at school; and WHEREAS, UpTogether has had proven social and economic outcomes from their recent City of Austin work; and WHEREAS, most families supported by the UpTogether project are families with young children; and WHEREAS, the Equity Office has managed and supported ongoing investment with UpTogether. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Early Childhood Council recommends that the City of Austin make the $1.3 million investment in the Family Stabilization Grants permanent and create a clear path to expanding the investment to $3 million annually. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Early Childhood Council encourages the Austin City Council to sustain investment in the Office of Equity and Inclusion, Equity Division as a vital City of Austin function. Date of Approval: Record of the vote: Attest: _____________________________________________

Scraped at: Feb. 11, 2025, 7 p.m.

Item 5: Draft Budget Recommendation Regarding the Budget Process original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Early Childhood Council 20250212-005: Budget Process Recommendation WHEREAS, the current budget process timeline calls for all Boards and Commissions to finalize their budget recommendations by March 31 of each year; and WHEREAS, the Joint Inclusion Committee (JIC) is one such Commission charged with giving voice to and integrating recommendations from 11 Commissions represented on it that touch underrepresented groups; and WHEREAS, many of the Boards and Commissions have ongoing discussions of budget priorities during December, January, and February of each year; and WHEREAS, those discussions are essential elements in gathering community input and allowing City Staff to complete staff work; and WHEREAS, it is problematic to request that the JIC be required to gather and integrate eleven different boards and commissions at the same the eleven commissions are consolidating their input. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Early Childhood Council recommends the deadline for the JIC to submit their budget recommendations be extended to April 30 of each budget year. Date of Approval: Record of the vote: Attest: _____________________________________________

Scraped at: Feb. 11, 2025, 7 p.m.