Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

DACC ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES (20, SEPTEMBER 2024) DOWNTOWN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COURT ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2024 The DOWNTOWN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COURT ADVISORY BOARD convened in a REGULAR CALLED meeting on 20, SEPTEMBER 2024, at 505 BARTON SPRINGS RD in Austin, Texas. CALL TO ORDER Chair Lea Downey Gallatin called the DOWNTOWN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COURT ADVISORY BOARD Meeting to order at 8:12 a.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Lea Downey Gallatin, Mikaela Frissell, Kate Garza, and Katy Jo Muncie Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Vice-Chair Robin Sontheimer, Dr. Anu Kapadia, Nicole Golden and Roy Woody PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the DOWNTOWN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COURT ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING on JULY 19, 2024. The minutes from the meeting of July 19, 2024, were approved on Board Member Kate Garza’s motion, Board Member Katy Jo Muncie second on an (7-0) vote. Board Member Roy Woody joined dais at 8:20am Prior to item #2 and #3, items #4 and #5 were addressed. 1 DACC ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES (20, SEPTEMBER 2024) DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. DACC Mobile Court Update and discussion on services provided and outcomes achieved - Robert Kingham, Court Administrator, DACC and Sarah Rodriguez, Business Process Specialist, DACC Budget update was provided, along with timeline and planning phase for the full implementation of Mobile Court and increase of site locations and frequency. Feedback gathered from Board on potential strategic partners for Mobile Court and other general input. 3. Status of DACC operational areas including performance measures and services delivered through Community Services, Court Services, Homeless Services and Support Services. (Downey Gallatin/Golden) – Robert Kingham, Court Administrator, DACC Summary provided for each service area within DACC. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 4. Adopt meeting schedule for 2025 (Downey Gallatin/Sontheimer) – Robert Kingham, Court Administrator, DACC alternate date in 2025. on an (8-0) vote. Following some discussion, the board concluded that March 28th would serve as the Board Member Kate Garza’s motion to approve, Board Member Mikaela Frissell second 5. Elect a DACC Advisory Board Vice-Chair (Downey Gallatin/Sontheimer) Board Member Kate Garza’s motion to elect Dr. Anu Kapadia as Vice-Chair, Board Chair Lea Downey Gallatin second on an (8-0) vote. Board Member Kate Garza left dais at 8:45am. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:29am. The minutes were approved at the November 15, 2024, meeting on Board Member Mikaela Frissell motion, Board Chair Member Lea Downey Gallatin second on a (6-0) vote 2