Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

DACC ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES (19, July 2024) DOWNTOWN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COURT ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES JULY 19, 2024 The DOWNTOWN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COURT ADVISORY BOARD convened in a REGULAR CALLED meeting on 19, JULY 2024, at 505 BARTON SPRINGS RD in Austin, Texas. CALL TO ORDER Chair Lea Downey Gallatin called the DOWNTOWN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COURT ADVISORY BOARD Meeting to order at 8:25 a.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Lea Downey Gallatin, Katy Jo Muncie and Roy Woody Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Vice-Chair Robin Sontheimer, Kate Garza and Faye Mills PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the DOWNTOWN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COURT ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING on MAY 17, 2024. The minutes from the meeting of May 17, 2024, were approved on Board Member Roy Woody motion, Board Member Robin Sontheimer second on an (6-0) vote. DISCUSSION ITEMS FY24 Annual Internal Review (Downey Gallatin/Sontheimer) – Lea Downey Gallatin, DACC Advisory Board Chair Downey Gallatin, DACC Advisory Board Chair Discussed with the board and no revisions needed. Presentation on DACC data visualization project to collect feedback from DACC Advisory Board Members on preferred visualization characteristics and components. (Downey 1. 2. 1 DACC ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES (19, July 2024) Gallatin/Sontheimer) – Fernanda Veloz Salas, Intern, Downtown Austin Community Court (DACC) Following the presentation, comments were given: o Substitute techniques for mailing addresses or issuing warrants o Rather than jail, if APD notices a warrant status, divert to DACC instead. o Can HOST check their status? HOST can provide resources and follow up with their clients. 3. 4. Update on Fiscal Year 2024-2025 City of Austin Budget engagement opportunities. (Downey Gallatin/Sontheimer) – Lea Downey Gallatin, DACC Advisory Board Chair Breakdown presentation given by Albert Castro, Financial Manager III. Status of DACC operations (Downey Gallatin/Sontheimer) – Robert Kingham, Court Administrator, Downtown Austin Community Court (DACC) Update including performance measures and services given for Community Services, Court Services, Homeless Services and Support Services. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:32am. The minutes were approved at the September 20, 2024, meeting on Board Member Kate Garza’s motion, Board Member Katy Jo Muncie second on a (7-0) vote 2