Downtown Austin Community Court Advisory BoardMay 17, 2024

Item #3 DACC Services and Overview — original pdf

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Downtown Austin Community Court Advisory Board DACC Service and Data Overview Board Packet – May 17, 2024 Community Services  Community Services Program (CS) – Participants fulfill community service hour requirements through public space cleaning, beautification projects, graffiti abatement, and working at DACC’s Edgar Fincher III Program Garden, which donates all food and eggs to local providers who feed the homeless community. o Number of Community Services Requests Completed  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 627 o Acreage of Work Completed  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 18.9  Violet KeepSafe Storage Program (VKS) – Free storage located downtown with secure bins to store vital documents, family memories, clothing, bedding, and more. Operates 7:00am- 11:00am and 1:00pm-7:00pm, seven days a week. Program employs people with lived experience to improve service experience and create workforce opportunities. o Number of Active VKS Participants  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 492 o Number of Interactions with VKS Participants  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 14,330 Court Services  Restorative justice and problem-solving court – Fine-only court with emphasis on alternative resolutions, and provides an immediate connection to onsite case managers, basic needs, and social service resources. DACC resolves Class C criminal offenses in catchment area, and Proposition B and State camping ban cases citywide. o Number of Cases Filed  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 1,395 o Number of Cases Docketed  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 3,026  Clinical Diversion Program (CDP) – Dedicated case managers serve people engaging in Court Services to improve connection to case management and social services, while also improving appearance and case completion rates. o Number of CDP Clients:  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 147 o Number of Cases Resolved through Participation in CDP:  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 246  DACC Mobile Court Pilot – This Pilot, initiated by Council Resolution 20230816-016, is intended to connect people in the community with solutions for resolving cases while providing immediate connection to services and resource navigation through case managers onsite. o Warrants Cleared during Mobile Court:  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 60 o Cases Docketed during Mobile Court:  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 84 Homeless Services  Walk-in Case Management – Provides assistance obtaining identification documents and signing up for public benefits, access to basic needs, and linkages to mental health, physical health, and substance misuse services. o Number of Walk-in Case Management Interactions  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 9,696 o Average Daily Walk-in Case Management Interactions  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 70.8  Intensive Case Management – Person-centered, housing-focused services with low caseloads and wrap around supports. DACC’s Intensive Case Management and Walk-in Case Management programs both serve as a diversion from criminal justice involvement by meeting people’s needs before situations escalate to involve law enforcement. o Number of Clients Connected to Housing  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 32  *Includes 4 people housed through ESG RRH Program Support Services - Responsible for special projects and support for all DACC units, administration for the department, internal and external communications, community engagement, support for the DACC Advisory Board and the Austin Homelessness Advisory Council, and social service contracting.  DACC-funded social service contracts –Long- and short-term housing solutions, SOAR application assistance and representative payee services, and substance misuse, mental health, and peer support services for clients served directly by DACC. Also includes contracts that serve the Austin Community such as the Expanded Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (EMCOT) and funding six Integral Care mental health and peer support staff that serve on the Homeless Outreach Street Team (HOST). o Number of Social Service Contract Payments Processed  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 68 o Amount of Social Service Contract Payments Processed  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): $2,880,968  Austin Homelessness Advisory Council (AHAC) – Approximately 15 people with lived experience meet biweekly to provide input on policies, programs, and practices impacting people experiencing homelessness. DACC provides facilitative and administrative support to ensure AHAC can continue to serve as a vital and ongoing resource for City departments and the community. o Hours of Input Gathered from Austin Homelessness Advisory Council Members  FY 2024 (Oct. 2023 - Apr. 2024): 311 COMMUNITY COURT NEWS A newsletter brought to you by DACC’s Communications Team Top stories in this newsletter 4.24.2024 Mobile Court Updates Partner Spotlight DACC’s Numbers AHAC Welcomes New Members AHAC Welcomes New Members! After conducting a recruitment process for new AHAC Members, which was co-created and co-conducted with AHAC Members, we have officially welcomed four new AHAC members: Denver G., Michael J., and Susie B. and Tracey M. We appreciate our long- serving AHAC Members for their help presenting at information sessions and participating in interview panels, and are grateful for the enthusiasm our new members already brought their first meeting on April 22nd. AHAC will continue to be vital to informing our practices at DACC, and a critical resource for other City departments and community organizations as they seek lived expertise to inform individuals experiencing homelessness. development of policies, programs, and practices to AHAC during impacting funding recommendations. Board Mobile Court Updates Following the conclusion of the Mobile Court Pilot period, DACC provided the following updates and presentations. March 22, 2024 – Presentation to the DACC Advisory Board. At this meeting, the DACC Advisory Board also passed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Recommendations, which included considerations for Mobile Court resources among other and Commission recommendations are shared with the City Council; the budget is anticipated to be voted on in mid-August. As this process progresses, DACC leadership will keep you all apprised of updates. March 27, 2024 – Memorandum update to Mayor and Council which included the third party report produced by Sultan Justice Consulting April 1, 2024 – Presentation to the Public Safety Commission, including a DACC overview and Mobile Court update. Comments from Commissioners were primarily positive, with one Commissioner reaffirming the benefit of Mobile Court based on first hand experience seeing someone they serve have a positive outcome with our Mobile Court services. Following this presentation, KXAN featured a story about Mobile Court including an interview with Chris Anderson. We’re grateful for the positive coverage around this program, which has proven to be a vital resource for the community. DACC Mobile Court services are continuing on an approximately twice-a-month basis, with ongoing efforts to engage with stakeholders, evolve service approach, and develop training for partners for how to connect members of the community with DACC to resolve outstanding cases and warrants. in Active Social Service Solicitations We currently have two active open solicitations for Permanent Supportive Housing and Representative Payee and Soar Application Assistance Services. These solicitations are for current (not expanded) line with the City’s Purchasing Policies to conduct services, competitive solicitations for services. We anticipate these solicitations concluding late summer, when we’ll take recommended contracts to City Council for consideration. Solicitations are time intensive processes, and we’d like to recognize Edna Staniszewski for taking the lead on developing these solicitations, with support from Chris Anderson and Bailey Gray. Edna is the single point of contact for this process; should you receive any questions from partners or community members, please direct them to her. Partner Spotlight—Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services (ATCEMS) ACTEMS provides 9-1-1 emergency medical response to the citizens of Austin and Travis County serving a population of over 2.2M citizens in a service region of over 1,039 square miles. While most of the assistance they give to the community is medical in nature, the smallest part of what they do involves truly time-critical life- threatening emergencies. Yet everything they do is about service: service to their patients, patients’ families and loved ones; service to our community; and service to the people who make up Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services. DACC and ACTEMS have a longstanding partnership, both in direct work together as well as shared values and purpose for the people we serve. Below are some highlights of our partnerships and some of their many valuable programs: Homeless Outreach Street Team (HOST) – ATCEMS and DACC, along with the Austin Police Department (APD) and Integral Care, make up HOST. This multidisciplinary team works in the community to proactively build trust and relationships with people who may have historically not engaged in services, then identify their needs and connect them with appropriate services and resources. Staff across the team are in constant communication to collaborate and effectively meet the diverse needs of the people they serve. Community Health Paramedic Program (CHP) was developed in 2006 to develop new ways to serve individuals who call 9-1-1 for non-emergent problems or conditions that could be better served by other services, leading to the development of many partnerships with various agencies in the community, and streamlining communication and collaboration to provide patients with the right care, at the right time, from the right provider. The CHP Mission is to improve the health equity and healthcare options for underserved and vulnerable populations in Travis County through innovative utilization of the unique skills and talents of Community Health Paramedics in order to help individuals proactively and preventatively manage their healthcare needs. Within CHP, there are many areas of specialty, a few of which include the Persons Experiencing Homelessness (PEH) Support Program; Mental Health Crisis Response; the Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Support Program; and Buprenorphine Bridge Program (BBP). More information about CHP can be found here. The Collaborative Care Communication Center (C4) program allows for a Physician’s Assistant (PA) to be sent instead of an ambulance to serve people in the community, preventing unnecessary emergency room visits, by treating trauma, customizing at home care, or connecting with other community interventions, ultimately streamlining responses and ensuring medics remain available for the highest priority calls. Pop-Up Resource Clinics (PURCs) are organized by ATCEMS CHP with support from Central Health, and partner with service agencies from the City, County and federal government, clinical providers, as well as non-profit organizations to bring a wide offering of on-site services. Services provided to attendees typically include connection to PCP with on-site provider evaluation, prescription services, identification and document procurement, HIV, Hep-C and other testing, care for substance use disorders, assistance with legal needs, housing needs assessment and assistance, medical funding enrollment and more. DACC has been a longstanding partner in PURCs, providing help with identification documents, Coordinated Assessments, sign up for mail service, and service navigation. The Pink PURC in October was the very first DACC Mobile Court location, and we continue to hold Mobile Court events monthly at PURCs. CARES Team – Includes EMS, Austin Police Department Crisis Intervention Team, and Integral Care EMCOT, and is aimed at making a true difference for the people served. CARES works with people who may have a mental health crisis with some legal involvement and other medical issues, and works with them to come up with a person- centered treatment plan. This program is foundational and connects people to primary care, transportation resources, basic needs, housing assessments, and other services as needed with the belief that making connections across all services needed helps improve medical, mental health, and social equity. Amber Price is well known and trusted by our staff, members of our community experiencing homelessness, and so many others. Amber was one of our first and most enthusiastic partners when we were looking for service locations for DACC’s Mobile Court. In reaching out to her to gather info for this partner spotlight, she wanted to share this sentiment: “The partnership between ACTEMS and DACC has been one of the most powerful I’ve experienced, and I see DACC as an example of what the gold standard can look like for the types of services they provide. I deeply appreciate our collaboration and shared approach to how we serve the community.” DACC shares the same appreciation and admiration for Amber and all ACTEMS does to serve our community! Staff Updates DACC’s Numbers Texas Erica Pillar joined DACC as a Clinical Case Manager on March 25th. Erica is from Houston, and recently moved to Austin in February. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice from Lamar University. She earned her master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Sam Houston State University. Erica’s training and experience include clinical and educational settings, working with a wide range of behavioral and emotional disorders. She has significant experience counseling adolescent and young adult groups. Erica is passionate about assisting low socioeconomic populations who often struggle with co- occurring disorders. She enjoys helping clients find purpose and fulfillment by exploring their greatest motivations in life and increasing their knowledge and accessibility to community resources. She is thrilled to be part of the team and is ready to make a positive impact and support the mission of DACC. for Reminders Nominate a colleague for Employee of the Quarter - Please take a moment and recognize one of your colleagues the standout job they are doing by submitting your nomination for Employee of the Quarter. By recommendation from the Celebrations and Activities Committee, nominations for EOQ will now be open year-round, and your nomination will be included in the voting process of the quarter in which it was submitted. The link for the nomination form is available at: DACC Apparel - DACC apparel is available to all DACC employees. New employees have access to a $150 DACC apparel allowance upon hire and existing employees have access to a $75 DACC apparel allowance each subsequent year on the anniversary of their hire date. The apparel allowance is subject to change by the Court Administrator based on funding availability. To Order: The link to the website to identify items is: austinscreenprinting/start.jsp. Locate the item(s) you information to your want and then send the supervisor to place an order. There are no prices listed on the website but generally speaking, tops run about $35 ea. and jackets are about $75 ea. Opportunities for Input - The Suggest an activity and Activities Celebrations Committee is planning our monthly DACC team activities and other events. Please feel free to send any ideas you have Kingham. Robert to group activities for Submit topics for staff email updates and/or annual report • Staff email updates – We want staff across all DACC Units to know about the good and significant work happening across our department. If you have significant program changes or any small or big success stories, please send them to Laura Williamson to be included in these email updates • Annual Report – We’re looking to expand and redesign how we report about our work annually. There’s flexibility on both format and content. Laura Williamson is working on meeting with all the units to share more about these efforts; please send any formatting or subject ideas you have directly to her. This report is something we can share with all stakeholders to educate about and celebrate DACC’s work. section This is intended to show a small snapshot of the great work being our across done department. We’ll continue to update the information shared here as DACC’s data practices are enhanced through the Data Maximization Project. All the numbers below are fiscal year to date. Community Services: • Community Services Requests Completed: 627 • Acreage of Work Completed: 18.90 • Active Violet KeepSafe Storage (VKS) Participants: 492 Interactions with VKS Participants: 14,330 • Court Services: • Cases Filed: 1,395 • Cases Docketed: 3,026 • Clinical Diversion Program (CDP) Clients: 147 • Cases resolved through participation in CDP: 246 • Court case checks during Mobile Court: 474 • Cases docketed during Mobile Court: 84 • Warrants cleared during Mobile Court: 60 Homeless Services: • Walk-In Case Management Interactions: 9,696 • Average Daily Walk-in Case Management Interactions: 70.8 • Clients Connected to Housing: 32 Support Services: • Social Service Contract Payments Processed: 68 • Social Service Contract Payments Processed: $2,880,968 • Hours of Input Gathered from Austin Homelessness Advisory Council Members: 311 Upcoming Events May DACC Midday Mixer • What: Monthly staff gathering, please plan to attend in person. • When: Tuesday, May 21st, 1:30p-2:30p • Where: DACC Training Room 2024 City Holidays: • • Memorial Day - Monday, May 27 Juneteenth - Wednesday, June 19 • Independence Day - Thursday July 4 Labor Day - Monday, September 2 • • Veterans Day - Monday, November 11 • Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 28 • Thanksgiving Friday - Friday, November 29 • Christmas Eve - Tuesday, December 24 • Christmas Day - Wednesday, December 25 Empowering people to thrive by providing impartial justice and compassionate community-based services COMMUNITY COURT NEWS A newsletter brought to you by DACC’s Communications Team Top stories in this newsletter 3.28.2024 DACC Joins Best Single Source Plus Community Service Program helps with It’s My Park Day Partner Spotlight DACC’s Numbers Community Service Program Helps With It’s My Park Day It's My Park Day is Austin Parks Foundation's biannual, community-led day of service. Volunteers work to improve parks and green spaces around Austin and build community through projects like litter cleanup, tree mulching, invasive species management and more. All projects are led by community members to encourage neighbors to come out, lend a hand and connect with fellow park lovers from all walks of life. DACC’s Community Service Crew Leaders have been involved with this effort for many years by mobilizing Community Service crews to pick up and dispose of any trash, tree limbs, brush and any other bulky items the volunteers remove from the parks. This year, DACC was given a list of 9 sites at various parks that had piles of accumulated brush and trash following volunteer clean up efforts. In two days, DACC’s crews removed several tons of trash and debris utilizing DACC’s trucks, trailers, and 7 community service participants led by two DACC Crew Leaders, Samuel Hernandez and Andy Schuessler. Thank you, Samuel and Andy for helping out with such an important community event! . DACC Joins Best Single Source Plus DACC applied for, and has been invited to join Best Single Source Plus (BSS Plus), which is a collaboration of 12 local nonprofit partner agencies dedicated to serving the most vulnerable residents of Austin/Travis County, housing families and individuals who are experiencing homelessness, and preventing homelessness for residents at risk of losing their housing BSS Plus provides comprehensive case management and direct financial assistance to eligible individuals and families in the Austin/Travis County area. The program’s primary purpose is to establish housing stability and to both prevent and end homelessness. Participating in this collaboration will help DACC connect more clients to community resources for Rapid Rehousing. More details about next steps are forthcoming, but we are planning on providing housing resources to 30 individuals through BSS Plus. Welcome New DACC Equity Team Members! DACC’s Equity Team meets monthly with DACC’s Leadership Team to implement recommendations included in DACC’s Equity Assessment process, and to provide guidance on equity issues for the department as a whole. We welcomed Bailey Gray, Eliot Pozehl, and Sarah Rodriguez in March – we’re grateful for our expanded team and continued dedication from our long-serving members! Staff are always welcome to proposed topics for the Equity Team to discuss, please reach out to Laura Williamson with any suggestions or questions about DACC’s equity efforts. Partner Spotlight—Communities for Recovery is fortunate to benefit from the many partnerships and DACC community collaborations that enhance how we’re able to show up for the people we serve every day. We’re going to start highlighting a partnership in each edition of Community Court News to help our staff learn about these valuable relationships and services, and highlight the amazing work our partners do to serve DACC clients and the community. We’re kicking this off with a long-standing and highly valued partner, Communities for Recovery (CforR), which supports long-term recovery for people with substance use and co-occurring mental health issues by partnering with other organizations in the community to provide peer-supported recovery services, with a vision to build a strong and healthy recovery community. CforR connects peers in recovery to help DACC’s Intensive Case Management clients and also has a Peer Recovery Coach, Michelle Duvall, who is dedicated to working onsite at DACC during business hours. Enhancing DACC’s Walk-in Case Management: Michelle Duvall, a certified Recovery Support Peer Specialist, has been providing Peer Support in the DACC lobby since August of 2022. As a person in long-term recovery from co- occurring substance use and mental health, Michelle draws on her lived experience to support DACC clients and others in the community who are facing similar challenges. In her role as a Peer Support Specialist, Michelle serves as a resource broker, advocate, motivator and cheerleader, problem solver, ally and confidante, role model and mentor, and truth-teller. Michelle is passionate about supporting those she serves. Friday Get Togethers: Each Friday in the DACC training room, Michelle facilitates a special group, activity, or event from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. Light snacks, bottled water, and coffee are provided. Participants have enjoyed holiday- themed arts and crafts projects, recovery-themed projects, board games, and profound discussions about life and recovery. Michelle is planning a picnic in the park for a Friday Get Together in April or May. Making a Difference: There are so many ways that Michelle provides support. Some of the things she helps with most often include checking mail, providing bus passes, offering coffee, answering questions, and providing emotional support. She also assists folks with resumes and job searches, provides tech support (helping people to learn how to use their phone or computer), and creates a safe space where a person can feel heard and seen. Michelle truly makes a difference in the lives of the individuals she supports. COVID-19 Response: CforR helped ensure that the work of the Austin Homelessness Advisory Council could continue uninterrupted throughout COVID by facilitating a space for the scheduled meetings, collecting and distributing surveys, providing incentives, and building relationships with our AHAC Members. CforR also had certified peer specialists onsite at the ProLodges and Bridge Shelter properties. The peer specialists served as resource brokers, advocates, role models, and mentors. Recent City Council action: On March 7, 2024, the City Council approved Item No. 20240307-005, which authorized us to continue our existing services with CforR for an additional 18 months. This is a standard process for funded social service contracts, as funding requires Council approval. CforR has been a vital partner for DACC and an invaluable service provider for the people we serve and our broader community, stepping up to help problem solve and co-create solutions as community needs arise. Their services are especially effective, as they’re provided by dedicated people with lived experience who want to help others. We’re grateful for everything CforR does for our clients and our community, and look forward to our continued partnership. Opportunities for Input Suggest an activity - The Celebrations and Activities Committee is planning our monthly DACC team activities and other events. Please feel free to send any ideas you have for group activities to Robert Kingham. Submit topics for staff email updates and/or annual report • Staff email updates – We want staff across all DACC Units to know about the good and significant work happening across our department. If you have significant program changes or any small or big success stories, please send them to Laura Williamson to be included in these email updates • Annual Report – We’re looking to expand and redesign how we report about our work annually. There’s flexibility on both format and content. Laura Williamson is working on meeting with all the units to share more about these efforts; please send any formatting or subject ideas you have directly to her. This report is something we can share with all stakeholders to educate about and celebrate DACC’s work. Reminders Nominate a colleague for Employee of the Quarter - Please take a moment and recognize one of your colleagues for the standout job they are doing by submitting your nomination for Employee of the Quarter. By recommendation from the Celebrations and Activities Committee, nominations for EOQ will now be open year-round, and your nomination will be included in the voting process of the quarter in which it was submitted. The link for the nomination form is available at: https:// Annual Staff Training Budget and Resources – Every DACC employee has access to up to $400 annually for professional development which may include online and in person classes, professional association memberships, certifications, liability insurance, conferences, and license renewals. • For planning purposes, staff must have used or designated how and when funding will be used by the end of the second quarter (March 2024). Funds can be spent through the end of the fourth quarter (September 2024) as long as it was designated by the end of the second quarter. • Funding can be used broadly to develop any skills that will help employees in their work, such as OSHA trainings, computer skills training, etc. Please ask your supervisor if you need help with ideas or want more information. Upcoming Events February DACC Midday Mixer What: Monthly staff gathering, please plan to attend in person. When: Tuesday, April 16th, 1:30p-2:30p Where: DACC Training Room 2024 City Holidays: • • Memorial Day - Monday, May 27 Juneteenth - Wednesday, June 19 • Independence Day - Thursday July 4 Labor Day - Monday, September 2 • • Veterans Day - Monday, November 11 • Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 28 • Thanksgiving Friday - Friday, November 29 • Christmas Eve - Tuesday, December 24 • Christmas Day - Wednesday, December 25 Staff Updates Kate Ballew is leaving DACC to move closer to family in Virginia. Her last day in the office will be May 21, 2024. Kate has accepted a position in Arlington County Virginia as the Jail Diversion Clinician. She will be developing diversion plans for individuals with serious mental illness during their pretrial period. Kate started with DACC, June of 2019, as the Rapid Rehousing Clinical Case Manager. In April of 2020, she was promoted to the Rapid Rehousing-CV Supervisor position. During her time at DACC, she created an audit program, a client housing orientation and was instrumental in DACC receiving Best Single Source rapid rehousing funding. We will miss her professionalism, creativity, intelligence, and kindness. At a later date, information will be shared about her farewell Happy Hour in May. Best wishes to Kate on her next venture, and thank you for your immeasurable contributions during your time at DACC! Biannca Recoder joined DACC as a Clinical Case Manager on March 11th. Biannca is originally from San Antonio and earned her Bachelor of Social Work degree from Baylor University and her Master of Social Work degree from Salisbury University. She has worked in a variety of settings including child welfare, family advocacy, and most recently special education at a middle school. Biannca is excited to be a part of a team of experienced mental health professionals who are dedicated to helping people experiencing homelessness. She believes that every person is worthy of dignity and respect and operates under a person-centered and problem-solving approach. Jon Thompson joined DACC as a Clinical Case Manager on February 26th. Originally from Moline, Illinois, he relocated to Austin from Chicago in 2020. He earned his master’s degree in social work from Texas State University and obtained his LMSW (Licensed Master Social Worker) licensure last year. Previously, he worked at Foundation Communities, providing supportive services to individuals exiting homelessness. There, Jon initiated an employment program called Career Development Services, offering holistic job search assistance to residents at 8 different FC properties facing employment barriers. He has extensive experience working with vulnerable populations, including children. Jon is passionate about helping people in an empathic and trauma-informed manner, ensuring they feel seen and heard. He aims to reduce the stigma around seeking mental health services in marginalized communities. Jon looks forward to contributing to DACC's mission and serving individuals experiencing homelessness in the Austin area. DACC’s Numbers This section is intended to show a small snapshot of the great work being done across our department. We’ll continue to update the information shared here as DACC’s data practices are enhanced through the Data Maximization Project. All the numbers below are fiscal year to date. Community Services: • Community Services Requests Completed: 547 • Acreage of Work Completed: 16.40 • Active Violet KeepSafe Storage (VKS) Participants: 458 Interactions with VKS Participants: 12,480 • Court Services: • Cases Filed: 1,109 • Cases Docketed: 2,521 • Clinical Diversion Program (CDP) Clients: 124 • Cases resolved through participation in CDP: 196 • Court case checks during Mobile Court: 435 • Cases docketed during Mobile Court: 80 • Warrants cleared during Mobile Court: 56 Homeless Services: • Walk-In Case Management Interactions: 8,317 • Average Daily Walk-in Case Management Interactions: 70.6 • Clients Connected to Housing: 26 Support Services: • Social Service Contract Payments Processed: 49 • Social Service Contract Payments Processed: $2,280,702 • Hours of Input Gathered from Austin Homelessness Advisory Council Members: 265