Downtown Austin Community Court Advisory BoardNov. 18, 2022

Item 4 - GSA Advisory Board Options and Data Presentation — original pdf

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D OW N TOW N AU S T I N C O M M U N I T Y C O U R T GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE AREA AND ADJUDICATED CASES ANALYSIS November 18, 2022 PROJECT SUMMARY DACC is conducting an analysis of its current and potential geographic service area (GSA) and adjudicated citations. Geographic service area: The neighborhoods for which DACC adjudicates citations. Currently: downtown, UT’s west campus, and east Austin Adjudicated cases: The charge codes, or offenses, that are heard at DACC. Currently Class C misdemeanors (includes Prop B and state camping ban violations) The purpose of this analysis is to understand the efficacy of DACC’s current GSA and adjudicated citations, and to determine whether expansion or alterations might better serve the community and DACC stakeholders. RESEARCH QUESTIONS  How effective is DACC’s current set-up of geographic service area and adjudicated cases?  Are there changes that should be considered, or potential reimagined operations structures that DACC management should explore? STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PROCESS OPTION SET  Option #1: DACC to Maintain Adjudication of Prop B/Statewide Camping Ban Violations Citywide; Expand Adjudication of Current Charge Codes (all other Class C misdemeanors) Citywide  Option #1.5: DACC to Maintain Adjudication of Prop B/Statewide Camping Ban Violations Citywide; Expand Adjudication of Current Charge Codes (other Class C misdemeanors) to Other Parts of Austin on a Needs-Based Timeline  Option #2: DACC to Maintain Current Charge Codes in Existing Geographic Service Area and Citywide Prop B/State Camping Ban Violations, Expand to Include Any Charge Codes for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Citywide  Option #3: DACC to Drop Current Charge Codes, Adjudicate Only Citywide Prop B/State Camping Ban Violations, and Any Charge Codes for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Citywide CASE VOLUME DATA  Option #1: DACC to Maintain Adjudication of Prop B/Statewide Camping Ban Violations Citywide; Expand Adjudication of Current Charge Codes (all other Class C misdemeanors) Citywide - Average (max) # of cases currently adjudicated at AMC that would come to DACC: 4,715  Option #1.5: DACC to Maintain Adjudication of Prop B/Statewide Camping Ban Violations Citywide; Expand Adjudication of Current Charge Codes (other Class C misdemeanors) to Other Parts of Austin on a Needs-Based Timeline - Average (max) # of Top 10 cases that would come to DACC instead of AMC: 3,915  Option #2: DACC to Maintain Current Charge Codes in Existing Geographic Service Area and Citywide Prop B/State Camping Ban Violations, Expand to Include Any Charge Codes for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Citywide - Average (max) # of additional cases for people experiencing homelessness that would come to DACC in Option #2: 2,987  Option #3: DACC to Drop Current Charge Codes, Adjudicate Only Citywide Prop B/State Camping Ban Violations, and Any Charge Codes for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Citywide Average (max) number of additional cases from 2017-2019 that would come to DACC from AMC: 1,855 OPTION #1.5: A CLOSER LOOK  Option #1.5: DA DACC to Maintain Adjudication of Prop B/Statewide Camping Ban Violations Citywide; Expand Adjudication of Current Charge Codes (other Class C misdemeanors) to Other Parts of Austin on a Needs-Based Timeline - Average (max) # of Top 10 cases that would come to DACC instead of AMC: 3,915          Top 10 DACC Case Types Public Intoxication Disorderly Conduct Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Sit/Lie violations Consuming Alcohol in a Public Place Pedestrian in the Roadway Human Waste Littering Simple Assault by Contact   Misdemeanor Theft C - Less than $100 QUESTIONS FOR ADVISORY BOARD  Are there questions staff can answer about the information presented?  Is there more data needed to guide decision- making?  Is there guidance on the viability for any of the presented options? NEXT STEPS