backup for agenda item #1 — original pdf

PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20231024-31 Date: October 24, 2023 Subject: Request Council initiate amendments to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan and elements or portion thereof including the Climate Equity Plan and Austin Strategic Mobility Plan in reference to Telework policies. Motioned By: Commissioner Connolly Seconded By: Commissioner Woods Request Council initiate amendments to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan and elements or portion thereof including the Climate Equity Plan and Austin Strategic Mobility Plan in reference to Telework policies. Please see attached memorandum and proposed amendments. For: Vice-Chair Hempel, Commissioners Anderson, Azhar, Barrera-Ramirez, Connolly, Cox, Haynes, Howard, Maxwell, Mushtaler, Phillips and Woods Recommendation: . Vote: 12-0 Absent: Chair Shaw Attest: Andrew D. Rivera Land Use Commission Liaison 1 of 1 Am. Plan Section & Goal Pg # Proposed Amendment 1 Climate Equity Transportation and Land Use, Goal #1: "By 2030, 80% of new non-residential development is located centers and corridors." following bullets: Ensure all city policies for reduced parking, remote-work, and telecommuting align with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, and establishes the City of Austin as a leader for workplace and environmental policies to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips. City of Austin should develop remote work policies through a 56-59 colaborative, all-employee process to develop clear goals and measured outcomes as a means of reducing parking demand at city facilities. In developing the city policies, Austin should build on the successful Travis County telework policy. Recommended Change to Proposed Amendment - Ensure all city polices for reduced parking, remote-work, and telecommuting align with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, and establishes Austin as a leader for workplace and environmental policeis to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips. - City of Austin should develop remote work polices through a colaborative, all-employee process to develop clear goals and measured outcomes as a means of reducing parking demand at city facilities. In developing the city policies, Austin should build on the successful Travis County telework policy. Add: Strategy 7: Promote remote and flexible work policies Actively promote remote work, telework, and flexible commute policies so as to maintain and encourage further reductions in single occupancy vehicle trips. commuting that impact City of Austin employees are in full alignment with the goal of reducing single occupancy vehicle trips in the region, and that any future changes to city policies contribute towards reaching the 50% mode-shift goal by 2030 and stakeholders who engage with the City to adopt remote work policies or flexible commute policies that support the 50% mode-shift goal consider adopting remote work and telework policies 2 Climate Equity 61-63 Transportation and Land Use, Goal #3: "By 2030, 50% of trips in Austin are made using public transit, biking, walking, carpooling, or avoided altogether by working from home" 3 ASMP Transportation Demand Management Programming "Indicators and Targets" 56-57 4 ASMP Action Table, Transportation Demand Ma 284 Beneath the Target/Indicator: "Increase the share of Austin residents who work at home instead of commuting to work. Achieve 15% of Austin residents who work at home by 2039 (7.9% of residents worked at home between 2013 and 2017)" Add Indicator: of commuting to work. Ensure that, whenever appropriate, all new City telework and remote work policies contribute towards the goal of acheiving 15% Austin residents working from home by 2039 Action Item #53 "Government employer TDM strategies" Text change: "Seek partnerships with various federal, state, and local government agencies and universities that are major employers within Austin to encourage employees to telework or to take public transportation and other modes to work and disincentivize employees to drive alone to work. Prioritize the alignment of City of Austin workplace policies, including telework policies, to acheive these goals." Demand Indicators and Targets Increase the understanding of transportation options (aside from a personal vehicle) and satisfaction of users to get around Austin (rideshare, bus/train, bike, walk, etc.), reported by socioeconomic demographic measures Increase the share of City of Austin employees commuting by walking, bicycling, sharing rides, or taking transit Reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) Achieve a 20% reduction in VMT by 2039 (32.351 million vehicle miles of travel (19.26 per capita) were estimated in 2019) Increase the share of Austin residents who work at home instead of commuting to work Achieve 15% of Austin residents who work at home by 2039 (7.9% of residents worked at home between 2013 and 2017) Increase the share of at home instead of commuting to work Austin who work Increase the share of Austin residents who carpool to work Achieve 11% of Austin residents who carpool to work by 2039 (10.8% of residents carpooled to work between 2013 and 2017) Increase the share of work trips that are taken during off-peak hours (51.6% of work trips leave home between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.) Increase the number of people reached by transportation demand management programming City of Austin 57 Austin Strategic Mobility Plan Transportation Demand Management Programming Action Item Description 53 Government employer TDM strategies Seek partnerships with various federal, state, and local government agencies and universities that are major employers within Austin to encourage employees to telework or to take public transportation and other modes to work and disincentivize employees to drive alone to work. 54 Regional TDM collaboration Collaborate with CAMPO’s regional TDM plan efforts to implement prioritized TDM strategies regionwide. 55 Statewide TDM Policies Support state-level legislative actions such as highway congestion management through TDM, statewide telework policies, TDM as a construction project requirement, etc. 56 Congestion pricing Implement congestion pricing in regional centers as a method of managing demand at peak travel times. 57 Barriers to multimodal transportation Work with partners to develop and promote discounted passes for carshare, bike-share, scooter-share, and public transit for low-income community members. Expand access to the internet and technology to enable equity in use of telecommuting, access to shared mobility services and ride hailing, etc. 58 Targeted TDM education and programming Develop targeted educational materials marketed to Austin’s historically underrepresented and underserved communities. Target programs and tailored one-on-one education on transportation options to these communities. 59 City employee commuter program Continue to implement and strengthen the City of Austin's employee commute program. Provide incentives to employees to reduce their drive-alone trips. Provide multimodal options for mid-day trips to reduce the desire to bring a vehicle to work. 60 Parking policies for City employees Phase out the practice of providing free parking spaces to City of Austin employees working in transit-rich locations. Develop and implement a permanent parking cash-out program for City buildings in areas with managed parking. Strengthen City of Austin policy to support teleworking and provide employees with the opportunity to use shared worksites close to where employees live (remote workstations known as hoteling). Provide employees with the technology to work remotely. Where flexible schedules are allowed, encourage employees to consider compressed work weeks and work schedules that avoid the morning and evening peak congested times. Select City of Austin facilities and proactively develop City land assets in transit-rich locations with the goals of supporting multimodal commute options, consolidated City functions, and improved access for community members. Seek regional recognition of registered private mass transit vanpool/shuttle operators to access regional tolled and managed lanes for free. Pursue regional integrated multimodal transportation and payment platform, including a cell phone app and integrated payment method, with options for those without smartphones and the unbanked. Create family-friendly multimodal mobility hubs, including park-and-rides, adjacent to transit stops to offer a variety of first- and last-mile mobility options and a complete trip experience. Incorporate community-knowledge sharing, maintenance programming, and integrate civic space where strategic. Action Item Description 61 City telework, flexible schedule, and hoteling policy 62 City facility colocation Shared Mobility 63 Shared mobility services using managed and tolled lanes 64 Integrated transportation and payment platform 65 Mobility hubs 284 2024 ASMP Amendments COMPREHENSIVE PLAN JOINT COMMITTEE JANUARY 10, 2024 AUSTIN TRANSPORTATION DE PARTMENT o Purpose o Timeline o Q & A o Amendments Proposed Presentation Agenda 2 Purpose | Why are we updating the ASMP? • Council Resolution 20231109-029 initiated “amendments to the Climate Equity Plan and to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive plan and elements or portions thereof, including the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, as recommended by the Planning Commission on October 24, 2023” AND • directed the City Manager to “draft the amendments based on the proposed recommendations and submit the draft amendments for review to any applicable boards or commissions as needed, including the Joint Sustainability Committee and Planning Commission, with draft amendments to be returned for Council consideration no later than February 15, 2024” As the ASMP is the transportation element of Imagine Austin, we wanted to brief CPJC on this process. 3 Timeline 2023 2024 October 24 Planning Commission recommendation for Amendments November 9 Council Resolution for Telework Amendments November 30 ASMP Amendment #2 approving Walk, Bike, Roll Amendments December Internal coordination with partner departments January 10 CPJC January 23 Planning Commission January 30 Public Hearing Notice February 15 Return to City Council for Public Hearing and Amendments consideration October November December January February *Amendments to the Climate Equity Plan are managed by the Office of Sustainability as a separate Council item, anticipated on the February 15, 2024 Council meeting agenda. *Council Public Hearing will be advertised in the American Statesman 16 days prior to the hearing date and sent out to the Community Registry 4 ASMP Amendment #3: Telework Planning Commission proposed the following updates (in red) to text within the ASMP policy document. 5 ASMP Redline Pages 6 Next Steps | Remaining Schedule Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee : January 10 Planning Commission : January 23 Joint Sustainability Committee (Climate Equity Plan) : Jan 24 City Council Public Hearing : February 15 (pending Council action) City Council Consideration : February 15 (pending Council action) 7 Thank You! QUESTIONS? PLEASE EMAIL US AT ASMP@AUSTIN TEXAS.GOV 8