LRCSP Presentation for CPJC_4 11 2019.pdf — original pdf

Click to edit Master subtitle styleComprehensive Plan Joint CommitteeLong-Range CIP Strategic PlanPlanning and ZoningApril 11, 2019THE LRCSP CONNECTS IMAGINE AUSTINTO THE CIP2•Imagine Austin•Coordination •Data-driven Investments•Charter Requirement•Needs Assessment•TransparencyLRCSP FITS WITHIN A COMPLEX POLICY FRAMEWORK3Vision/PolicyImplementationImagine Austin ComprehensivePlanStrategic Housing BlueprintAustinStrategic Mobility PlanLong Range CIPStrategic PlanLand Development Code Regulations5 Year Capital Impovement ProgramPrivate DevelopmentPublic Infrastructure Small Area Plans/ FLUMFlood Mitigation Task Force ReportStrategic Direction 2023LRCSP ROLES4THE LRCSP ALLOWS PC TO MEET CHARTER REQUIREMENTS5AUSTIN CITY CHARTER, ARTICLE X§4. THE PLANNING COMMISSION —POWERS AND DUTIESThe planning commission shall:(1)Review and make recommendations to the council regarding the adoption and implementation of a comprehensive plan (as defined by Section 5 of this article) or element or portion thereof prepared under authorization of the city council and under the direction of the city manager and responsible city planning staff;(4) Submit annually to the city manager, not less than ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the budget year, a list of recommended capital improvements, which in the opinion of the commission are necessary or desirable to implement the adopted comprehensive planor element or portion thereof during the forthcoming five-year period;KEY DRIVERS FOR CAPITAL INVESTMENTS•Urgent Needs (safety, legal, service imperative)•Capital Renewal (condition-based) •Service Demands (people-based)•Policy Priorities (Council-approved priorities)•Planning Priorities (Imagine Austin and small area plans, regional plans)6THE CIPPLANNING CYCLE7Needs & Project IdentificationLong-Range CIP Strategic PlanningProject PrioritizationFunding Identification5-Year CIP PlanningAnnual of Approval of Operating and Capital BudgetImplement Projects & ProgramsFLAVORS OF MONEY8Public Improvement Bonds(GO)9.4%Current Revenue30.4%Non-Voter Approved Debt6.8%Commerical Paper19.2%Grants0.1%Revenue Bonds34.1%2018-2019 CIP Revenue by SourceFY 2018-19 CAPITAL SPENDING BY INFRASTRUCTURE CATEGORY (IN MILLIONS):$1.0 BILLION9$347.4$191.2$97.0$72.8$71.4$54.7$47.1$43.9$43.2$10.9$10.8$4.6$2.2$0.1$0$50$100$150$200$250$300$350*$250.1M of FY19 Mobility Infrastructure planned spending is for Aviation projects 10PRIORITIZING NEEDS DURING BOND DEVELOPMENTRolling Needs Assessment$5-10 Billion (Unfunded Needs)2018 Bond Needs Assessment$3 Billion2018 Bond $925 M•Comprehensive Infrastructure Assessment•Strategic Investment Analysis•Rolling Needs cipstrategicplanTHE LRCSP INCLUDES THREE COMPONENTS11LRCSPPROCESS12FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021May-JunJul-SepOct-DecJan-MarApr-JunJul-SepOct-DecJan-MarApr-JunJul-SepOct-DecJan-MarApr-JunJul-SepOct-DecJan-MarApr-JunJul-SepTask 4: Rolling Needs Assessment Lead: BudgetTask 4: Rolling Needs Assessment Lead: BudgetLead: PAZLead: PAZ5-Year Plan CIP SubmittalBudget Adoption5-Year Plan CIP SubmittalBudget Adoption5-Year Plan CIP SubmittalBudget Adoption5-Year Plan CIP SubmittalBudget Adoption2018 Bond ElectionPossible Bond ElectionTask 5.2: Department Review of LRCSPTask 5.3: PC Review and Transmittal of LRCSPTask 1: Coordination Activities FYs 2020-2021 LRCSPFYs 2022-2023 LRCSPTask 2: Strategic Investment Analysis Lead: PAZTask 3: Comprehensive Infrastructure Assessment Lead: PWDTask 5.1: LRCSP Draft ProductionTask 1: Coordination Activities Task 2: Strategic Investment Analysis Lead: PAZTask 3: Comprehensive Infrastructure Assessment Lead: PWDFYs 2017-2018 LRCSP Task 5.1: LRCSP Draft ProductionTask 5.2: Department Review of LRCSPTask 5.3: PC Review and Transmittal of LRCSPPC Updates LRCSP RecommendationsPC Reviews LRCSPand Transmits to CMO PC Updates LRCSP Recommendations PC Reviews LRCSPand Transmits to CMO THE LRCSP INCLUDES THREE COMPONENTS13COMPREHENSIVE INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT14OVERVIEW OF CONDITION BY INFRASTRUCTURE TYPE15CONDITION ASSESSMENT: WATER, WASTEWATER, RECLAIMED WATER1667%8%17%35%100%90%17%58%6%21%61%56%11%32%18%29%6%26%22%33%10%44%8%44%6%5%6%21%7%16%21%0%20%40%60%80%100%Water PipesWater ReservoirsWater Pump StationsWater Treatment FacilitiesReuse PipesReuse FacilitiesWastewater Lift StationsWastewater PipesWastewater Treatment FacilitiesAustin WaterExcellentGoodFairPoorFailingCONDITION ASSESSMENT: STORMWATER17CONDITION ASSESSMENT: MOBILITY18*SidewalkpercentagesarebasedonanextrapolationofasamplesizeSTRATEGIC INVESTMENT ANALYSIS19STRATEGIC AREAS MAP20•Purpose: Identify geographic areas where investments can have the most impact•Heat map layers city initiatives•Darker areas = larger number of initiatives•Previous initiatives identified and vetted through an extensive process•2020 SIA Map:•Data update and audit•Categorize Layers by Strategic OutcomesSTRATEGIC AREAS INITIATIVES21EconomicOpportunityandAffordabilityImagineAustinCentersandCorridorsSmallAreaPlanRecommendations(Refinedin2019)EconomicDevelopmentInitiatives(Refinedin2019)Cityownedpropertyidentifiedforredevelopment(Newin2019)EmergingProjects(Newin2019)AreasatRiskofGentrification(Newin2019)MobilityUrbanTrailsMasterPlanPublicTransit(Refinedin2019)SidewalkMasterPlanBicycleMasterPlanAustinStrategicMobilityPlanRoadways(Newin2019)CorridorMobilityProgram(Newin2019)HealthandEnvironmentColoradoRiverCorridorPlan(TravisCounty)PARDLongRangePlan(Refinedin2019)WatershedProtectionMasterPlan(Refinedin2019)CommunityHealthAssessment(Refinedin2019)UrbanForestPlanHealthyFoodPriorityAreas(Newin2019)PARDParksMasterPlansPARDAquaticsMasterPlan(Newin2019)CultureandLifelongLearningCulturalDistrictsEntertainmentDistrictsSafetyWatershedProtectionMasterPlan(Refinedin2019)VisionZero(Refinedin2019)WildfireProtectionPlan(Newin2019)GovernmentthatWorksForAllPopulationGrowthBy2040(Refinedin2019)EnvironmentalJusticeAreas(Newin2019)CityOwnedParcels(Refinedin2019)DRAFT STRATEGIC AREAS MAP (OVERALL)22232020 DRAFT SIA2018 SIAROLLING NEEDS ASSESSMENT24ROLLING NEEDS ASSESSMENT HIGHLIGHTS25Area Master Plans•Small Area Plan ImplementationElectric•Future Downtown Substation•District Cooling PlantFacilities•Joint Use Fire/EMS Stations•Public Health Neighborhood Centers in Colony Park/Dove Springs/North Central•Resource Libraries•Police substations and HQ replacement•Renewal Housing•Community Land TrustMobility•Corridor Mobility Program•Regional Partnership Projects•High Capacity Transit related improvements•Bike/Ped•Renewal•Great StreetsPark Amenities•Waller Creek•ADA/SafetyStormwater•Flood Risk Reduction (Creeks and Localized)•Open Space Acquisition•Water Quality/StormwaterTreatment•Green Infrastructure•Low water crossing/storm drain improvements•Floodplain Mapping and Data2627CONCLUSIONS AND PRIORITIES28CONCLUSIONS29Capital Renewal:•Conclusion #1: While much of the City’s infrastructure is in fair or better condition, regular funding is needed to maintain acceptable levels of service. In addition, some asset categories have higher amounts of infrastructure that are in poor or worse condition that will require substantial capital investment over the long-term.CONCLUSIONS30Service Demands:•Conclusion #2: Significant, incremental redevelopment is occurring in areas of Austin with older infrastructure systems, which presents challenges for seamless infrastructure system integration. Rapid growth and changing development patterns have produced significant impacts in several parts of the city, and infrastructure solutions are needed to remediate those impacts. •Conclusion #3: Significant population growth is anticipated on the edges of Austin, particularly in the eastern portions of the city, primarily through new greenfield development. This anticipated growth will require a long-term infrastructure planning effort across all infrastructure types to ensure the combination of planned CIP investment and private development regulations for infrastructure are adequate to respond to increased service demands in these areas. CONCLUSIONS31Planning and Policy Priorities•Conclusion #4: Maintaining and improving affordabilityand mobilityhave been identified as two critical near term policy goals for the city. Recent direction from the Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint, Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, and the Contract With Voters established by City Council for the 2016 Mobility Bond support the notion of investing in transit-supportive mobility infrastructure and affordable housing in tandem with land use changes along Imagine Austincorridors. •Conclusion #5: Opportunities exist to develop additional strategic projects that leverage basic capital improvements to achieve City policy and planning outcomes; this will require additional planning in areas without current small area plans and project development efforts where plans are in place. •Conclusion #6: As the city has grown and evolved over time, different areas of the cityhave certain development characteristics, projected growth patterns, and levels of past CIP planning and project development that warrant different types of capital investment strategies. CONCLUSIONS32Funding and Partnerships•Conclusion #7: Need for innovative approaches to funding, regulation, planning, and partnerships to further realize the potential opportunities of strategic capital investment as well as minimize cost impact of addressing basic drivers of capital improvement needs.PRIORITIES33Economic Opportunity and Affordability1Strategic Housing Blueprint2Leveragingprivateinvestments3Equity4IA Centers and Corridors and value capture tools5Investing in tandem with annexationMobility6Transit and Austin Strategic Mobility Plan7Vision ZeroSafety8Addressing hazards and threats from flooding, wildfire, terror attacksPRIORITIES34Health and Environment9Access to healthyand affordable foods and healthcare10Parks, open space, recreation, and urban trails11Green infrastructure12Emphasizingconservation and environmental goalsCulture and Lifelong Learning13Strengthen portfolio of programs and build trust14Use publically owned assets for creative spaceGovernment that Works for All15Financial policies16Transparency17Capital renewal18Areas of initiative overlapNEXT STEPS35NEXT STEPS36•April-May: CIP Working Group reviews draft LRCSP and develops transmittal memo •Late May/Early June: Special Meeting of CPJC to Recommend Transmittal•June: •ZAP and PC Briefings•PC action to transmit LRCSP to CMO by June 30THANK YOU!LRCSP Coordination/Strategic Investment AnalysisStevie Greathouse, Program ManagerIVPlanning and Zoning DepartmentStevie.Greathouse@austintexas.govDerica Peters, Senior PlannerPlanning and Zoning DepartmentDerica.Peters@austintexas.govRolling Needs Assessment/Funding AnalysisTina Van Wie, Corporate Budget Manager Budget OfficeTina.VanWie@austintexas.govComprehensive Infrastructure AssessmentAnnie Van Zant, Capital Program Manager Public Works